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GWCTD and the Reluctant Fundamentalist Essay

2014 Q: Discovering connections through texts enhances our

understanding of how context influence values.
Exploring connections between texts can strengthen the audiences
understanding of how societal values and attitudes are shaped by context
because the composers own perspectives of their society are invariably
reflected in their texts. Kramers film Guess Whos Coming to Dinner
(1967) explores the difficulties faced by an interracial couple to overcome
the racial prejudices of 1960s San Francisco and to gain acceptance for
their relationship. Similarly, Mohsin Hamids novel The Reluctant
Fundamentalist (2007) reveals the marginalisation and racial
discrimination experienced by Pakistani protagonist Changez following the
9-11 attacks. Both composers explore the prejudices experienced by an
outsider in society and their responses to the conflict between the
traditional and progressive values and attitudes of their contexts.
To be accepted by society, an individual must overcome the prejudices
and negative stereotypes that influence they way they are viewed.
Kramers film challenges the hypocrisy of White Americans in his post Civil
Rights Movement society, who despite proclaiming support for black
equality, were reluctant to accommodate for African Americans when it
affected them personally. A close up shot of Mrs Draytons dismayed
expression as Joanna reveals that she is in love with John, an African
American immediately establishes Mrs Draytons prejudiced stance. This
can be likened to Mr Draytons reaction when he is confronted by situation
his scruffy tie and his ruffled attire reflecting his distressed state when

his liberal values are tested. However, a close up of Matts surprised

expression when he exclaims I can certainly understand why he didnt
have much to say about himself. Who the hell would believe him shows
the damaging 1960s perception of African Americans as lazy and
pleasure loving challenged by Johns impressive achievements revealed
through the phone. Dr Prentices eloquent speech, if by marrying me, she
damaged her relationship with either of you, the pain of it would be too
me, reinforces his respectful and considerate nature, thus further
undermining the Draytons initial assumptions of him. Christinas growing
approval of Dr Prentice, despite his pigmentation problem is
demonstrated by a close up of her smiling as she watches them laughing
and having a pleasant conversation. The fade-in of the recurring musical
soundtrack, The Glory of Love symbolises the triumph of love over
prejudice and adversity, thus demonstrating that the Draytons initially
prejudiced beliefs have changed. Kramer advocates the breaking of
damaging racial stereotypes that marginalise an individual from their

In contrast, Hamids The Reluctant Fundamentalist criticises how

individuals may be marginalised and alienated by discriminatory racial
prejudices arising from unsubstantiated stereotypes. The 9-11 attacks on
the US created fear and distrust of Middle Easterners such as Changez
and lead to discriminatory responses as Americans began to view them
under the suspicion of the terrorist stereotype. Evident in Changezs
initial reflections Princeton inspired in me the feeling that my life was a

film in which I was the star and everything was possible, he is enamoured
by the promise of wealth and power and of the opportunities America has
given him to progress up the social ladder. His successful integration into
American society is further established by sense of familiarity and
belonging conveyed by the positive connotations of home in I had a
peculiar feeling; I felt at home. However, the veneer of acceptance
that he feels is immediately shattered after the 9/11 attacks,
which stirred racist undercurrents and burgeoning terrorist
stereotypes that not unlike the ones faced by John in 1960s San
Francisco. Changezs incident with the jeepney driver in Manila I
glanced see the driver of the jeepney returning my gaze. There was
an undisguised hostility in his expression shows the changing attitudes
towards Middle Easterners immediately after the attacks which lead to his
unjustified discrimination and marginalisation. Whereas John is able to
overcome the damaging African American stereotypes, Changez is
increasingly confronted by them as they develop. Changezs further
humiliation at the airport where he was escorted by armed guards into a
room where I was made to strip down to my boxer shorts, shows his
continual social degrading and increasing alienation from society as the
fear and distrust of Muslims heightened after 9/11. By refusing to shave
his two week old beard, Changez rejects the social expectations of him,
and further distances himself from American society. Hence, Hamid shows
how experiencing prejudices can shape an individuals sense of belonging
and identity in that society.

Kramer offers insight into how individuals can become more open-minded
by adopting progressive, liberal values over traditional beliefs and
attitudes. GWCTD was set in San Francisco where the widespread
counterculture of the 1960s created an intergenerational divide due to
the ideological clash between the values and attitudes of the
conservative, white supremacist older generation and the more liberal,
open-mindedness youths. Tillie, the Draytons black maid is the
embodiment of the traditional American perspective held by the older
generation at the time. This outlook is established by her blunt
exclamation, I dont care to see a member of my race getting above
themself, which demonstrates her stern disapproval of Dr Prentice for
defying social expectations by pursuing a white woman despite his inferior
status in society. Even in the Black community there were entrenched
perceptions about themselves. Johns line You see yourself as a coloured
manI see myself as a man, along with the tender music highlights his
desire to maintain a dignified perception of himself as equals with a white
person. Further intergenerational conflict between Dr Prentice and his
father is shown through a cut from a high angle shot to a level shot, with
John rising from his submissive position in the chair. Indeed, the younger
generations were rising up and advocating for change, disillusioned with
the older generations outmoded ways of thinking. This is exemplified by
the angry gestures and facial expression captured by the medium shot as
John says You and your whole lousy generation believe the way it was for
you is the way its got to be. Clearly, readers can appreciate the
progression of liberal and accepting attitudes resulting from the uprise of

new, liberal ways of thinking over the traditional beliefs of 1960s

American society.

Mohsin Hamid criticises how overbearing American patriotism can lead to

an arrogance and narrow-mindedness that can marginalise individuals
that do not conform to their values. Hamid challenges the innate sense of
superiority many Americans had following the War on Terror, epitomised
by George Bushs unfortunate formulation: if you are not with us, you are
against us. These attitudes are established by Ericas fathers dismissive
and insensitive comment, Economys falling apart though, no?
Corruption, dictatorship reflecting how Americans impose their
capitalist values upon others, and make uninformed judgement based
upon their skewed perceptions. Changezs mistreatment when he is forced
to sit next to tattooed man in handcuffs during inspection when
returning from Manila, shows him irritated at the unjust discrimination he
faces and the metaphoric stripping of his status in America especially
considering his high social standing in Pakistan. As a result of refusing to
shave his beard, Changez was subject to verbal abuse from complete
strangers, further emphasizing the baseless abuse he faces merely by
not conforming to the American perceptions of how he should behave and
what he should look like. Americas thirst for unquestioned dominance is
further reinforced by Changezs bitter reflection you retreated into the
myths of your own difference, assumptions of your superiority, which
exposes the need for Americans to marginalise minority voices and
cultures in order to feel superior and dominant. Ultimately, the complete

transformation of Changez perceptions towards America is evident in the

metaphor, I was a modern day janissary, a servant of the American
empire at a time in which it was invading a country with a kinship to
mine, where he reflects on his mistreatment by American society and
finally cuts his ties with America, as he cannot accept being abused by a
society which resolves conflict through war rather than by understanding
the perspectives of others. In The Reluctant Fundamentalist, Mohsin
Hamid advocates the transcendence rather than establishment of cultural
boundaries in order to resolve conflict between different values and
Conclusion: BLAH

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