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Rainbow PUSH Coalition Automotive Project

-An initiative of the Citizenship Education Fund4335 West Fort *Suite 2120 *Detroit, MI 48209
Phone: 313-842-3883* Fax: 313-842-2625

Lisa M. Wilmore

John Graves

FOR RELEASE - July 30, 2015

Rainbow PUSH Automotive Project Shifts Summit Focus Into High Gear
Seeking Commitment, Access and Accountability for Ethnic Minorities
DETROIT, MI The Rainbow PUSH Automotive Project, an initiative of the Citizenship
Education Fund, will hold its 16th Annual Rainbow PUSH Global Automotive Summit Friday,
October 9, 2015, at the MGM Grand Detroit Meeting and Events Center, 1777 Third Street in
Detroit, Michigan. The theme this year is Shifting Into High Gear: Commitment, Access and
Accountability. Over 500 automotive executives, entrepreneurs, suppliers, dealers, consumers,
government and elected officials, automotive manufacturers, tech companies, advertising
agencies, media outlets and others will join together to discuss strengthening and creating
opportunities in the automotive industry for people of color.
The United States has one of the largest automotive markets in the world and is home to 13
auto manufacturers. The automotive industry is one of the world's most important economic
sectors by revenue. However, when it comes to diversity and inclusion, the auto industry has a
long way to go to achieve a diverse and inclusive work environment at all levels of the
organizational structure; from dealerships to the C-suite to suppliers to employees. The auto
manufacturers have maintained a one-sided relationship with minorities, viewing us as
consumers rather than business partners. It is time for the auto manufacturers to shift gears and
present benchmarked growth opportunities to all people of color, said Rev. Jesse L. Jackson,
Sr., president and founder, Rainbow PUSH Coalition. Minority companies need a short-term
plan for survival and long-term critical path to success with measurable goals, targets and
timetables. Many of our award-winning minority companies are at an economic crossroad that
is hinged on a plan for growth. There is not a talent deficit among minority companies; there is
an access and commitment deficit from auto manufacturers. It is time to shift the paradigm and
hold the auto industry accountable.
The Summit in its 16th year, focuses on inclusion for ethnic minorities in the areas of supplier
diversity, human resources, advertising and marketing, technology, professional services and
dealers. It is the only national conference that focuses on the automotive industry for ethnic
minorities. Automotive CEOs and vice presidents, as well as business owners and consumers,
have the opportunity to discuss business issues that are relevant to the ethnic majority.
People of color represent money, market, talent and location. Inclusion is the key to growth,
and when there is growth everybody wins, said Jackson.
National sponsors for the Summit are: Ford, General Motors and Toyota. For more information
about summit registration, hotel accommodations, or general information, visit
Rainbow PUSH Coalition Automotive Project
An initiative of the Citizenship Education Fund

About Rainbow PUSH Coalition
Rainbow PUSH Coalition is a multi-racial, multi-issue, progressive, international organization that was
formed in December 1996 by the Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. through merging of two organizations
he founded Operation PUSH People United to Serve Humanity (established 1971) and the Rainbow
Coalition (established 1984). With headquarters in Chicago and offices in Washington, D.C., Atlanta,
Detroit, Los Angeles, New York and Oakland, the organization works to make the American Dream a
reality for all citizens while advocating for peace and justice around the world. RPC is dedicated to
improving the lives of all people by serving as a voice for the voiceless. Its mission is to protect, defend
and gain civil rights by leveling the economic and educational playing fields while promoting peace and
justice around the world. For more information about the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, please visit Follow Rainbow PUSH Coalition on Twitter:@RPCoalition; for the Rainbow
PUSH Global Automotive Summit online, use the hash tag #RPCGAS2015 to join the conversation.

Rainbow PUSH Coalition Automotive Project

An initiative of the Citizenship Education Fund

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