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Kris Audrey Gacias Haspela

10 images of politics

Board-room politics
Involves decision-making by business elites and
professionals, but with important public consequences.
Bureaucratic politics
Means rule making and adjudication by bureaucrats, with
inputs from clients and professionals, Dept. Secretaries, U.
secretaries, A. secretaries, regional directors, bureau
directors, are power and authority holders and as such can make
decisions favoring private businesses and favored political
interests. This is the reason why politicians and some
businessman jockey their men into positions in the bureaucracy.
Congress politics
Involves policy making by legislatures, constrained by
various constituencies. Laws affect private and public interests.
The process of legislation in formulating policies can delay the
passage of a bill or the proposed bill can be stopped at the
committee hearing level.
Chief executive politics (CEOs)
Refers to a process dominated by president governors mayors
and their advisers. Chief executives are given full power and
authority to lead, to govern and administer laws. They possess
and exercise discretionary powers that are beneficial to majority
but detrimental to some few. When they talk everybody listens.
Court-room politics
Refers to court orders and decisions of judges, justices,
and prosecutors in response to interest groups and aggrieved

individuals. When judicial decisions are sold or influenced based

not on merits and evidences, and then the court would have served
no purpose as balancer and equalizer of justice and settlement of
disputes between and among litigants.
Court decisions can put political opponents to jail, can delay
political and non-political appointments, can delay the execution
of legislative, executive and administrative decisions or even
stop the operation of businesses, and can decide to reverse or
delay decisions previously made. The issuance of TRO reveals how
political our court.

Multimedia politics
The galvanization of public opinion, usually through the
news papers, radio, television and other forms of mass media. All
of this mass media promote the political interests and choices of
those who own them, who pay them and who use them. Media can make
and unmake a president or a leader.
Religious politics
Is one where decisions are made by leaders and members of
religious groups and have political implications like El shaddai,
JIL, INC, CBCP, NCCP are some of the most prominent religious
groups which take political positions on public issues.
Military politics (games of the generals)
Involves the calculated decisions of the military and police
generals and their subordinates to affect preferences in the
political arena. The decisions and machinations of military
generals were the key factors that changed government and
government leaders.
Civil society politics (NGOs, POs)
is the high profile socio political engagement and proactive
lobbying of voluntary groups such as NGOs, POs, socio-civic
societies, cause-oriented groups, professional associations,

cooperatives, sectoral or social class groupings and foundations

that influence political issues.
X-men politics (gambling lords)
Includes factors and players that are less prominently
mentioned, less openly named, less publicly involved but actively
engaged in fixing and managing self-serving political decisions.
Examples are: drug lords, Gambling lords, vice lords, who
supports the career of politicians and bureaucrats who in return
provide protection to syndicated crimes.

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