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Holy Eucharist

Sunday service is at 10 a.m.

at 616 Stockell Drive,
Eureka, MO.
Visit our parish office at
The Chalice
126 S. Central in Old Town, St. Francis Episcopal Church
Eureka MO
Phone: 636-938-3733 March
Vicar 2010
The Rev. Sally S. Weaver
Phone No.s: Home 636-
Cell: 314-651-3836
The Pastor’s Corner
In this issue More members. More kids. More families. More
Activities/Items of
young adults. These are typical answers from St. Francis’
Information & Inter- members when asked the question, “What do we want
est, pg 5-8; most, what’s a priority for us in 2010?” We want our
Attendance compari- church to grow. We’re just not sure how to accomplish it.
son, pg 11;
BC for 2010, pg 2; We no longer live in a society that knows the stories of the Bible or the
Bible Study, pg 2; good news of Jesus Christ. Only 7% of Americans attend mainline denomina-
Birthdays, pg 8; tional churches. Over 25% of Americans under the age of 30, have no back-
Calendar, pg 9; ground in any organized religion. We cannot expect people to come through our
Community Happen-
ings, pg 12;
doors just because we open them widely.
Daylight Saving Time, Beginning April 11, we will undertake a 6-week journey together as a
pg 11;
Directory Available,
congregation, using a curriculum called “Unbinding Your Heart.” We will read,
pg 11; pray, and discuss this book during our Adult forum time, from 11:30 a.m. to
Financial Update, pg 12:15 p.m. on Sundays.
Goals 2010, pg 3; Will “Unbinding Your Heart” provide us sure-fire tricks for rapid church
Holy Week, pg 8; growth? No. What this process will do is focus us on sharing our faith.
Pastor’s Corner, pg 1; Churches grow because people who love God share their faith with other people.
People we Pray for, pg We who know that our lives are enriched beyond measure because of God’s love
Planning Calendar, pg
share that love with others. Our motivation is spreading the message of God’s
2-5; love, not adding to the rolls of our church. We are fed each week with Christ’s
Reaching the Vicar, pg body. Shouldn’t we be offering that food to the vast numbers around us who are
spiritually hungry?
Sally’s Calendar, pg 6;
St. Francis’ Prayer, pg How will we grow?
Thanks, pg 10; By deepening our relationship with God, by strengthening our faith through
Worship Schedule, pg prayer and worship
By feeling comfortable with describing for other people the difference that
being a Christian makes in our lives
By making sure that St. Francis’ maintains a focus on growing our members’
relationship with Christ and by sharing that faith with others
“Unbinding Your Heart” will help us begin our journey, doing these
things. It’s sure to be an exciting ride. I’m grateful that we’ll have each other as
traveling companions. I look forward to our shared adventure.
Page 2

2010 Bishop’s Committee & Delegates

Bishop’s Committee: Bar-
bara Sacco, Sr. Warden; Suz- Bob Hosutt Cassie Eckhardt
anne Jones, Jr. Warden;
Cassie Eckhardt, Bill Cody; Bill Cody Leroy Young
Leroy Young; Kathleen Lori Scissors Kathleen McDonald
McDonald; Lori Scissors;
Bob Hosutt; Steve Strat- Barbara Sacco, Sr. Warden Suzanne Jones, Jr. Warden
hearn, Clerk; Steve Strathearn, Clerk Nancy Bergmann, Treasurer
Nancy Bergman, Treasurer.
Convention Delegates: Michael Booker & Cassie Eckhardt
Annual Meeting
Friday morning Bible study at Michelle’s
An Annual Meeting is held
each year at the end of Janu- On Fridays from 10-11:30 a.m. we gather at Michelle’s
ary at which new Bishop’s Café to study the Bible readings for the upcoming Sunday. Mi-
Committee and Convention chelle’s is at 104 S. Central Ave., on the same side of the street as
Delegates are elected. the parish house toward the railroad tracks. Please join us for
lively conversation and good coffee.
St. Francis Episcopal Church
is a mission of the Episcopal
Diocese of Missouri.
If you need to reach the Vicar
Pastor Sally can be reached at the following numbers:
The Chalice is the newsletter Cell phone: 314-651-3836
of St. Francis’ Episcopal
Home: 636-938-7773
Church, Eureka, and is pub-
lished at least 10 times per St. Francis’: 636-938-3733
year. You can always call the church office (636-938-3733) and listen to the message.
Submissions for The Chal- These numbers are also listed on the worship service leaflet each Sunday.
ice are due on the 20th of
each month and may be sent
Pastor Sally wants to hear from you when you have an urgent pastoral need.
or e-mailed to the Parish Please call her home or cell number to reach her at any hour of the day or night
Office. when a pastoral emergency occurs.

Prayer for St. Francis’

We pray for the witness, renewal, and growth of our parish family.
Open the door of St. Francis’ Church, O God, wide enough to beckon
those of every age and situation. Smooth the threshold into an inviting
pathway for children and for straying feet; and fill all who enter here
with your Divine love and peace, and with our human love and fellow-
ship. Amen.

Page 3

St. Francis’ 2010 Goals

These are our 2010 goals, as developed by the Bishop’s Committee at the February 13 retreat.
You’ll be hearing about our progress against these goals quarterly, throughout the year.

What By when
Christian education for all ages year-round, in place April
Nursery up and running April
Congregation-wide participation in church growth program June
(“Unbinding Your Heart”)
Local Outreach project identified, planned, begun June
Communications committee formed and running June
Average Sunday attendance of 45 consistently Year-end

St. Francis’ Planning Calendar

• Eat ‘n’ Pray, 6-7:30 p.m. at Parish house – March 4, 11, 18
• Taize worship service, 7 p.m. at Parish house – March 25
• Palm Sunday – March 28
• Scarves for the homeless – knitting begins
• Schedule for Adult forums for 2010 is developed
• Adult forum to discuss a local outreach project
• Nursery worker is hired
• Youth Group involves our teens
• Website is redone using the new, easier-to-use software and content is updated
• Space is reserved for Eureka Days
• February 13’s BC retreat work and the 2010 goals presented at an Adult Forum
• Forum Dinners begin
• Maundy Thursday service, 7 p.m. at the Lodge – April 1
• Good Friday service, 7 p.m. at the Parish house – April 2
• Easter – April 4

The Chalice

Page 4

• Begin “Unbinding Your Heart” (6-week program) as the Adult Forum – April 11
• At Worship & Music Committee meeting, identify Eucharistic Visitors – April 5
• Christian Formation for kids is up and running
• Nursery service available
• Forum Dinner this month is “Feed the World from your Dining Room”
• Outreach has plan for 2010 which is published on Website
• Eucharistic Visitor training
• Finalize plans at Worship & Music Committee meeting for “Mass in the Grass” – May 3
• Train Eucharistic Visitors
• Pentecost – May 23
• Trinity hot lunch – May 30
• Communications Committee is functioning, has plan for 2010
• Local Outreach project is up and running
• Adopt-a-Highway plan
• Eureka Food Pantry drive
• Quarterly committee reports and review of 2010 goals at BC meeting
• “Mass in the Grass” in a Eureka park, followed by a congregational picnic
• School supplies drive
• Camp Phoenix – July 25-31
• Partner with Eureka UMC with Vacation Bible School – July 25-31
• Planning for Christian Formation (both adults & children) for program year
• School supplies distribution
• Trinity hot lunch – August 29
• Eureka Days – September 11-12
• Bishop Smith visits St. Francis’ with confirmation ceremony – September 12
• Stewardship program begins
• Youth Group resumes
• Quarterly committee reports and review of 2010 goals at BC meeting
Page 5

• Fair trade coffee

• Pet blessing – October 2
• Trinity hot lunch – October 31
• All Saints’
• Stewardship ingathering
• Nominating committee formed
• Cathedral Lessons & Carols – ask for choir participation
• 2011 budget planning
• Adopt-a-family
• Scarves for the homeless collection – November 14
• Diocesan Convention – November 19-20
• Thanksgiving – November 25
• Advent
• Adopt-a-family
• Christmas
• Bishop’s Committee candidate slate presented to congregation
• 2011 budget adopted by Bishop’s Committee
• Reports for annual meeting submitted to office
• Eureka tree lighting and carol singing
• Quarterly committee reports and schedule for 2011 at BC meeting
• Send Christmas cards to former parishioners, reminding them that they’re still in our thoughts
January 2011
• Annual meeting
• Trinity hot lunch – January 30

Eat ‘n’ Pray

Join us on Thursdays in Lent – Mar 4, 11, and 18 – from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the parish house
(126 S. Central) for “Eat ‘n’ Pray.” We’ll spend the first part of each meeting eating our own brown
bag dinner. Then we’ll learn about and practice prayer. We’ll pay particular attention to praying
with Scripture. We’ll end each session with Evening Prayer.
Page 6

Sally’s Calendar
In last month’s Chalice some of the odd items (MOCA, Chi Alpha) on Sally’s calendar
were explained. Here are more explanation of the calendar, found on page 9 of this issue.
ERM – Every other month Sally participates in a committee of the Diocese, Episcopal Re-
covery Ministries (ERM). This committee focuses on helping Episcopal clergy identify and ad-
dress the effects of addiction. The committee strives to deepen understanding of addiction, and
provide resources for those suffering from addiction and substance abuse.
Spiritual advising – Sally both has a spiritual advisor and is a spiritual advisor. Each
month Sally meets with her spiritual advisor to discuss her prayer life and spiritual practices. Of-
ten Sally then undertakes a specific spiritual discipline for a season. Sally also provides this guid-
ance to a fellow spiritual pilgrim.
Fresh Start – This monthly, all-day meeting is a program offered by the Diocese to all
clergy who are in new positions. Whether clergy people have been ordained for decades or
months, any time they find themselves in a new church job they participate for 2 program years in
Fresh Start.
Name tags
Have you ever attended a gathering where everyone there seemed to know each other well
but you didn’t know anyone? Perhaps the people there were friendly and introduced themselves.
You were told everyone’s name…and remembered no one’s. That’s what it’s like for someone
new who walks into St. Francis’. And that’s why it’s so important that we wear our name tags
during the service and throughout our fellowship and Adult Forum time.
If you need a name tag, just please complete the form in the lobby or let Sally know.
Thank you for remembering to wear your name tag as an important sign of hospitality and wel-
Visitors entering a worship space want to sit where there’s an abundance of space around
them. They will probably choose an aisle seat, near the back. People who study church growth
know that newcomers are put off if they enter a worship space and it appears that there aren’t
plenty of open chairs.
That’s why you may notice that we’re putting out lots of extra chairs each Sunday. We
want visitors to have the sense that there’s more than enough room and welcome for them.
So – would you faithful St. Franciscans please consider sitting up front? (We realize that
this is a big request.) That would leave the seats in the back open for the new folks. Who knows,
you might actually like sitting closer to the choir and altar.
From Sally: Who to talk to?
I’ve been asked to whom members should talk, if they have issues with me as their Vicar.
I would hope that if I have annoyed, worried, or wounded you in any way you would feel com-
fortable talking to me. If there is an issue that you feel you cannot address with me, the appropri-
ate person to discuss it with is the Senior Warden, Barb Sacco.
Page 7

With love, Jesus confronted those around him. We are called to do the same thing. We are all
very human beings, so we will surely at times disappoint, hurt, and confuse one another. It’s
my hope that we can discuss our failings and be reconciled. Conflict is not bad, it’s necessary
and normal. Conflict that is dealt with well can result in deeper and more trusting relationships.
You’re invited to come forward following the announcements on the 1st Sunday of the
month to tell the congregation what you are thankful for. Our red box for thanksgiving offer-
ings is on the table in the aisle each week. You are always welcome to make donations in grati-
tude for God’s blessings.
Each 1st Sunday we make a point to tell one another how we have been blessed, so that
we may rejoice together.
During worship, immediately following communion, on the 4th Sunday of each month
we’re offering prayers of healing with anointing of oil. It’s a time for you to come forward so
that the priest and your fellow parishioners may lay their hands upon you to soothe your body,
heart, mind.
You are the one being anointed -- the prayers are being offered on your behalf. If you
want prayers for someone else, let us add that name to our prayer list; we will pray for that per-
son for at least 6 weeks. During the anointing we will not ask what the prayers are for; that’s
between you and God. We offer our prayers in support of your healing.
Youth Group for St. Francis’ teens
St. Francis’ teens have been invited to join the Eureka United Methodist Church (UMC)
youth group, known as MUCK. MUCK meets approximately once a month under the direction
of Tim Schulte. MUCK combines fun, worship, and service; the youth are planning a mission
trip this summer.
The next MUCK meeting is Sunday, March 7 from 6-8 p.m. at Eureka UMC, Central
Ave. and 3rd St.
Metro IV
All of the Episcopal congregations within the Diocese of Missouri are grouped into clus-
ters (convocations) called Metros. St. Francis’ is a part of Metro IV, which met on Jan 30 to
plan our meetings for 2010. Our Vicar Sally Weaver and our Diocesan Convention delegates,
Cassie Eckhardt and Michael Booker, are invited to Metro IV meetings.
In addition to St. Francis’, Metro IV includes St. Timothy’s – Creve Coeur, St. Peter’s –
Ladue, Church of the Good Shepherd – Town and Country, St. Luke’s – Manchester, St. Mar-
tin’s – Ellisville, Christ Church – Rolla, St. John & St. James – Sullivan, and Trinity – St.
Page 8

Taize – March 25
What is Taize? Cryptically, it’s a worship service centering around music that is chant-like, us-
ing simple phrases that are repeated over and over again. Taize worship uses repetition of music and
words as a means of deepening the participants’ spiritual experience.
We are offering a service of Taize at the parish house on Thursday, March 25 at 7 p.m. Come
enter into this simple, hypnotic practice of worship.

Holy Week services

Holy Week isn’t as far off as you think. Here are the services of worship being offered during
that week:
Palm Sunday March 28 10 a.m. Masonic Lodge
Maundy Thursday April 1 7 p.m. Masonic Lodge
Good Friday April 2 7 p.m. Parish House
Easter April 4 10 a.m. Masonic Lodge

What happened to our “values?”

In the past each Chalice listed values – welcome, worship, common life, spiritual growth, ser-
vice, creation – and a list of that month’s activities relating to those values. You may have noticed that
those have been missing since Sally became Vicar.
At the Feb 13 retreat, Sally presented to the Bishop’s Committee a framework for thinking about
our individual and corporate lives called the Christian Life Model. This model encompasses all of the
values previously reported on…and adds a few. So, while the “values checklist” won’t be appearing in
The Chalice as in the past, the values are still held in high esteem.
A description of the Christian Life Model and how the Bishop’s Committee used it will be the
topic of an Adult Forum (following Sunday worship) in March. And watch for more about the Christian
Life Model in the April Chalice.

Arlene Underwood 3/12

March Birthdays Cassie Eckhardt 3/14
Paddy Wrob 3/17
May God bless you on your birthday! Sean Smith 3/18

We would love to publish important dates for ALL members of the congregation
— your birth date, anniversaries, and others of importance to you. BUT — in order to
publish we need the facts! So that official parish records may be updated, you are
urged to pick up and complete the salmon-colored sheets that will be available in the
lobby at the Lodge on Sunday and return it to the Parish Office or just leave with the
Teller sheets for Maxine to pick up. Knowing who to serve and how best to serve our
members, requires data on who we are. Let’s help the Vicar, Bishop’s Committee and
Committee Chairpersons in planning appropriate programs and activities by letting them
Page 9
St. Francis Episcopal Church
126 S. Central Avenue
Eureka, MO 63025 March 2010
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 Office closed 4 5 6
6:30 p.m. 9:30-2 pm 11:30 am MOCA 7:30-9 am Chi 9 — 3 pm
11:30-1 pm Alpha Leadership Conf
Worship & Fresh Start
Eureka 6-7:30 pm 10 am Bible at St. Martin’s
Music Mtg —
Chamber of Lenten program Study, Michelle’s
Parish House
Commerce at Parish House Café

7 8 9 10 Office 11 12 13
8:30 a Choir closed 11:30 am Rolla 9 — 1 pm Care
Practice lectionary group 10 am Bible & Counseling
3:30-5 pm
1:30-3 pm Study, Michelle’s preventing
10 a.m. Holy Episcopal
Sermon 6-7:30 pm Café sexual
Eucharist-Lodge Recovery
Lectionary Lenten program misconduct
11:30 am Adult Ministries at Parish House

14 15 16 17 Office 18 19 20
8:30 a Choir Noon--1:30 pm closed 7:30-9 am Chi
Practice spiritual Director Alpha

10 a.m. Holy
11:30—1 pm
Spiritual 1:30-3 pm
St. Patrick’s 6-7:30 pm
Lenten program 10 am Bible
Eucharist-Lodge direction Sermon
Da y at Parish House Study, Michelle’s
11:30 am Adult
Forum Group

21 22 23 24 Office 25 26 27
8:30 a Choir closed 11:30 am Rolla
Practice Chalice 1:30-3 pm
lectionary group 10 am Bible
10 a.m. Holy
Deadlin e Lectionary 7 pm Taize Study, Michelle’s
Group service—Parish
11:30 am Adult house

28 Palm 29 30 31 Office
Sunday closed
10 a.m. Holy
Please call or e-mail ( the Parish
Healing; Lodge;
Office with items for the calendar before the last week in
Adult Forum each month to get on the following month’s calendar.
BC Meeting Shaded area indicates days Maxine is in office
Page 10

Worship Participant Schedule March 2010

Palm Sun-
Ministry 07-Mar 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar
SACRISTAN Rich Mayfield Jim Eckhardt Rich Mayfield
Paddy Wrob &
Ruth Dick & Carroll Kathleen McDon- Bob Smith & Mi- Kathleen McDon-
LECTORS Dick ald & Bob Smith chael Booker ald
Sarah Branch-
INTERCESSOR Sarah Branchfield Paddy Wrob Barb Sacco field
Kathleen McDon-
CHALICE Michael Booker Michael Booker ald Barb Sacco

Linda Doolittle & Brigitte Jung & Stevie Sewell & Jerry Smith &
ALTAR GUILD Stevie Sewell Jerry Smith Steve Strathearn Linda Doolittle

USHER Rich Mayfield Bob Smith Jim Eckhardt Michael Booker

Kathleen McDon-
ald & Rich May- Della & Bob Ho-
Rich Mayfield &
Carroll Dick & Bob Ed Kindley & Suz- Arlene Under- Ed Kindley & Jim
TELLERS Smith anne Jones wood Eckhardt

Outreach Appreciation
Following is an excerpt from a letter received from Cleta Null from the 2009 Adopt-A-Family Christmas Pro-
“On behalf of the entire community, I would like to sincerely thank you for your generous con-
tribution to our 2009 Adopt-A-Family Christmas Program….. You provided assistance to 652 families
— with a total of over 2000 children, 120 senior citizens and nursing home patients…. We gave out
approximately 60 bicycles to every child who asked for one…. Not a single person who requested assis-
tance was turned away.”
And she continues….
“What started out as an idea and a small endeavor to be of assistance to those in need has cer-
tainly grown into more that I could have ever imagined…… this has been, as always, a labor of love
for myself and the other committee members; Debbie Kelley and Doris Petsch. We would like to thank
all the volunteers who make our workload lighter and we are looking forward to working with you again
next year.”
Page 11

Financial Update — January 2010

2009 Comparison Budget 2010 to
(January) date

Total Income $11,580 $11,929 $ 8,850 $84,396

Total Expenses 9,088 10,780 9,752 101,821

Difference $ 2,492 $ 1,149 ($ 902) ($17,425)

Checking Account—Rockwood Bank $13,718

Balance in Edward Jones Money Market 21,673
Balance in Diocesan Investment pooled fund-general 3,750
Balance in Diocesan Investment pooled fund-Sp Growth 2,829
Received year to date for special growth fund 0

… A pledge payment in stock was received in January and deposited to the Money Market Account.
… Memorials for Terri Bumsted were received in January.

St. Francis’ Worship Attendance The Chalice — Calendar — Worship

Service 2009 2010 Schedule for March
Christmas Eve 68 69 Don’t forget that the Chalice is available in living
Christmas 1 30 25 collar on the website Hard copies
of the Chalice, as well as an updated Directory and the Wor-
Christmas 2 38 38
ship Schedule for March are also available in the lobby area
Epiphany 1 38 44 each week. The Chalice is mailed to the Diocesan Office
Epiphany 2 45 39 and Archivist, as well as the Bishop,
Epiphany 3 50 39 and a few churches who like to see
other church’s newsletters. Note:
Epiphany 4 41 43
We receive some newsletters from
Epiphany 5 40 30 other churches as well, which area
Epiphany 6 30 N/A kept in the Church Office for a
Last Epiphany 52 29 while and available if anyone would
Ash Wednesday 31 10 like to look at them.

1 Lent 52 36

Day Light Saving Time

It’s that time again! Day Light Saving Time begins on March 14, 2010.
Page 12

People We Pray For

We’ve changed the system for the Prayers of the People. Please tell Pastor Sally, e-mail, or call the office (636-938-3733), to add a name to the prayer list.
We will keep a list and will pray for each person on the list for 6 Sundays in a row. After that time,
if you want us to continue to pray for the person, just let us know, and we’ll keep the person on the list for 6
additional Sundays. First names will be included in the Prayers of the People sheet for the Intercessor and full
names (if not requested otherwise) will be printed in the Announcements insert along with the Congregational
Rota and Birthdays & Anniversaries for that Sunday.
Information needed: We would like first and last name (unless you prefer first name only), and why
we’re praying. For example: for an illness, because the person has died, because they are being deployed to Iraq,
Please talk to Sally if you have any questions or concerns. This method should enable us to sustain our
prayers as a community, for the needs of those we care about. Those on our current list: Tom; John; Dan Me-
rideth; Edith; Stephen Bergmann, Karl Mikolka; Nick Sacco; Steve; Lily Louise Bethel; Robert Patterson; Renee
Boblette; Judy Cody.
In addition to the group of 12 or 13 members of the congregation on a rotating basis each week, we pray
also for various groups requested by the Diocese — congregations/people/ministers in our companion Diocese of
Lui; our local Missouri Diocese; and the worldwide Anglican communion.

Happenings in Our Community

⇒ March 7: The Eureka Masons host a Sunday breakfast from 7 to 11 a.m. at the Masonic Lodge. Adults $6.00,
Children $3.00 (ages 5 and under are free).
⇒ March 10: There will be a walk beginning at Kircher Park, to raise funds to work toward a cure for MS. Reg-
ister on the day of the walk is at Kircher Park, 11 a.m. with a walk start time of 12:00 noon. There will be two
route options: a one mile and a 2.5 mile walk. To pre-register or get more information go to
www.gatewayMSwalk,or or call 1-800-34-4867.
⇒ March 20: Midwest’s Largest Garage Sale and Swap Meet. The Eureka Chamber of Commerce hosts the
Third Annual event on Saturday, March 20, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Six Flags parking lot. Admission is $1.00
per vehicle which benefits the Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Fund. Call 938-6062 or website at for information.

The Diocese
⇒ March 7: Help for Haiti Benefit concert, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 2-5 p.m., $10 donation, snacks & Bev-
erages, raffles, music, to benefit Haiti through Episcopal Relief & Development.
⇒ March 13: Lenten Quiet Day with the Anglican Rosary, 8:30 to 3 p.m., Christ Church Cathedral; $20 includes
continental breakfast, lunch. Learn all about the Anglican Rosary, how to use it, how to make one, its relation-
ship and/or use with other forms of meditation. Call: 314-381-3240 or 314-374-3290 or e-mail to frank-

The Chalice

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