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➢ Gastroenteritis is one of the reasons which ➢ Glucose water or a commercial electrolyte

can cause vomiting in infants. solution such as Pedialyte may be given as

What is Vomiting is defined as the ➢ Also, feeding the baby with heavy and too fluid to help the infant maintain electrolyte
vomiting? forceful throwing up of the much food can make him vomit. Hence, balance.
stomach contents. To vomit, the abdominal and make sure that you feed the baby with ➢ Feed the infant starting from clear fluids or
chest wall muscles contract, forcing the contents light baby food. breast milk, then a soft diet, then a regular
of the stomach into the esophagus and then out ➢ If the baby is suffering from any other diet.
of the mouth. medical condition such as infection, then ➢ Allow the baby to take enough rest.
there are chances that the baby will suffer
VOMIT VERSUS SPIT UP from vomiting too.
There is a ➢ Eating food infected with bacteria and
difference between vomiting and spitting up, virus can also cause the baby to vomit.
although the terms are often used This may cause food poisoning which can
interchangeably. Spitting up requires no forceful make the baby also suffer from diarrhea
muscle contraction and often occurs with a burp along with vomiting. Read more on food
after feeding. allergies in infants and diarrhea in
Infants normally spit up small amounts (usually < ➢ If the food habits of the infant are changed
5 to 10 mL) during or soon after feedings, often all of a sudden, then also there are
when being burped; rapid chances that the infant might suffer from
feeding and swallowing of air vomiting
may be a cause, though spitting
up occurs even without these TREATMENT:
factors. It may be a sign of
overfeeding. Occasional Infant vomit should be treated as
vomiting may also be normal, soon as possible, as it might affect the The following is a list of signs and
but persistent vomiting, baby's health. One of the biggest concerns symptoms that are worrisome and require
especially if associated with with vomiting in children is the risk of immediate medical attention:
poor growth, much more dehydration, especially when it is
often signals a serious accompanied by fever. • Bile (green) or blood-tinged (red or brown)
condition. vomit
➢ Withhold food and fluid for a time – for the • Any episode of vomiting in a newborn, or
infant, a fasting period of approximately vomiting that continues for more than 24
hours in an infant or child
VOMITING 3hours is enough.
➢ Introduce fluid after the fasting period. • If an infant refuses to eat or drink anything
Some of the well known infant vomiting causes for more than a few hours
Feed the infant in slow manner: 1tbsp
include the following: every 15 minutes for 2 hours, then 1 oz • Moderate to severe dehydration (dry
every 2 hours for the next 12-18 hours. mouth, no tears when crying, not urinating
or having a wet diaper in six hours)
• Abdominal pain that is severe, whether or
not it comes in waves
• Fever greater than 102ºF (39ºC) once or
fever over 101ºF (38.4ºC) for more than
three days
• Behavior changes, including lethargy or
decreased responsiveness
When what
comes in…

Submitted to:
Mr. Stephen D. Zarate,RN

Submitted by:
Dhana Mae B. Gragasin

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