TQM of Banglalink

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Banglalink Digital Communications Limited is one of the leading

companies in the telecom industry of Bangladesh and holds the
second position in terms of market share. The company has a total
workforce of around 2300 employees out of which 1195 are
temporary workers with a male female ratio of 75% and 25%
respectively. Banglalink as an employer highly emphasizes an
employee-oriented workplace culture and values the well-being of
its employees. Besides, the company focuses on being complaint
with all the laws and policies as per Government and state
regulations. As per the Bangladesh Labor Law 2006, no temporary
employee can work for a permanent nature job on a continuous
So, to comply with the conditions of this legal enactment the
company took decisions to convert its temporary workforce as
permanent employees of the organization. Although the company
has been focusing on this issue for quite a long time, it could not
begin the process until 2013 due to budget constraint. From
November, 2013 the company started the process of converting its
entire temporary staff in various departments to permanent under a
project called the Batch Conversion Project. The Project was put
into action from November 2, 2013 and since then 5 Batches; each
batch consisting of about more 100 employees have been converted
to permanent employees. Over a total 500 employees have been
converted to permanent.

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Table Of Contents

Part 1


Part 2
2 | Page

Letter of Transmittal
Group profile
Executive Summary
About The Assignment
Origin of the report
Objective of the report
Scope of the Study
Report Preview
Source of Information
About Banglalink
History of Banglalink
Vision of Banglalink
Mission of the Banglalink
Objective of Banglalink
Efforts of Banglalink
Value of Banglalink
Core objective of Banglalink
Making a Difference
Level of Competition
Organizational Behavior system in BANGLALINK
Organizational Structure of Banglalink
Human resource and Administrators hierarchy of Banglalink
Banglalink Organizational culture
The Impact of Biometrics System on Banglalink
Employee Satisfaction and motivational factors
Reduction of frauds
Other terms related effective practices for Banglalink
Banglalink coverage
Departments of the Banglalink
Promotional Tools of Banglalink
Other Promotional Activities
Service offered by Banglalink
Latest package
Special Offer
Banglalink internet packages


Part 3


Current Promotion
Achievement in promotional activity
Use of TQM Tools



Number of Family



Adult person



Age of Customer






Income Level



Long Use of Banglalink



More offers from Company



Recommend others for Banglalink



Happy with Banglalink



Sample Quesnay information collective format



SWOT Analyses of Banglalink



Employee Overview


Use of TQM Tools







Ishikawa diagram



Pareto Chart


Recommendations and Conclutions

Part 4

3 | Page








Part 1: About the assignment



Banglalink is the private cellular operator in Bangladesh. Banglalink has a goal to receive an
economic return on its investments and to contribute to the economic development of
Bangladesh where telecommunications can play a critical role. Banglalink believes in service, a
service that leads to good business and good development. Telephone helps people work
together, raising their productivity. This gain in productivity is development, which in turn
enables them to afford a telephone service, generating a good business. Thus development and
business go together. The main goal of Banglalink is to deliver SIM kits to the subscriber at a
cheap rate and make competitive market. All the categories of subscribers, in our initial
offerings, had collected their SIM kits through banks. This is very satisfactory of SIM collection
rate. When the subscriber received their SIM kits, the innocent smile of them shows recessive
support to Banglalink. This is the great achievement of Banglalink. In service sector, FDI inflow
in Bangladesh is enormous. Telecom sector is become the core of interest in FDI in Bangladesh.
So it is expected in the long run, Banglalink has to face an immense competition. As well as we
are also forecasting the market culture might change if the profit margin reduce at current ratio.
In the long run Banglalink can able to face the market competition successfully if it can meet the
strategic marketing approaches in all levels of policy decisions and applications.

Origin of the report

The course instructor Total Quality Management lecturer Mrs. Nafiza Islam Mam authorized the
task of writing this report to a group of five members. The topic was selected by the group with
the consent of the instructor. The Date of Submission of this report is on September 14, 2015.
Group Assignment program is essential for every BBA student because it helps him or her to
acquaint with the real life situation. As company is one of the most important quality
management intermediaries; so we have selected Banglalink which is one of the most leading
company in the telecommunication area.


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This report is the requirement of Total Quality Management Course. The purpose of this report is
given an overall idea about the corporate strategy of Banglalink.

Objective of the report:

To fulfill academic requirement,
To gain practical knowledge of Companys Strategy practices,
To compare Banglalink Customer Care with other companies,
To identify and analyze the SWOT analysis of Banglalink,
To evaluate the growth and impact of HR practices in Banglalink,
To recommend ways or steps to solve problems regarding company strategy.

Scope of the Study:

We have got the scope of prepared these kinds of report for our course instructor Mrs. Nafiza
Islam Madam. There we have collected information from website from the Company and also
form the Dhaka Banglalink office.


We have followed the methods of report writing and collect various information for competition
this report properly. Both primary and secondary source were involved to develop this report.
There we have tried to use details and important information on this report.

Report Preview:

In this report at first we have given the company profile. Then we have discussed the
Strategically Process followed by Banglalink& the impact of the present.
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Source of Information:

Banglalink is the 2nd largest telecommunication company of Bangladesh. So data collection is

very difficult. We have visited the Dhaka Banglalink center and discuss with their General
Manager of Quality assurance Unit & other employees. They gave us lot of information about
this organization.
The secondary sources require:

Related books about report writing.

1.9 Limitation:
The limitation of the study is given below:

The first limitation is time. There was so short time for research this kind of report.
Banglalink is very much reputed company. So they are very much compact and concern
to reveal about their information.

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Part 2: About Banglalink



Banglalink digital communications limited (previously Orascom telecom Bangladesh limited) is

fully owned by telecom ventures ltd. (previously Orascom telecom ventures limited) of Malta,
which is a 100% owned subsidiary of global telecom holding (www.gtelecom.com). Following
business combination is in April 2011, between vimpelcom ltd. And wind telecom s.p.a,
vimpelcom owns 51.92% shares of global telecom holding. Vimpelcom (www.vimpelcom.com)
is one of the worlds largest integrated ltd. Telecommunications services operators providing
voice and data services through a range of traditional and broadband mobile and fixed
technologies in Russia, Italy, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Georgia,
Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Algeria, Pakistan, Burundi, Zimbabwe, central african republic, Canada and
Bangladesh. Vimpelcom is headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and listed as an ad on
the nasdaq global select market under the symbol vip.

History of Banglalink:

Since Banglalink launch in February 2005, its impact was felt immediately: overnight mobile
telephony became an affordable option for customers across a wide range of market segments.
Banglalink initial success was based on a simple mission: bringing mobile telephony to the
masses which was the cornerstone of its strategy. Banglalink changed the mobile phone status
from luxury to a necessity, brought mobile telephone to the general people of Bangladesh and
made a place in their hearts. The mobile phone has become the symbol for positive change in
Bangladesh. The brand slogan of start something new is in essence derived from Banglalink
promise of empowering people with affordable communication solutions so that they can take
new initiatives in life. The company believes that, it is through such new initiatives that positive
change will occur for the overall betterment of the nation.
Banglalink attained 1 million subscribers by December 2005 and 3 million subscribers in
October 2006. In less than two years which is by December 2007, banglalink overtook aktel to
become the second largest operator in Bangladesh with more than 7.1 million customers.
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Banglalink currently has 30.9 million subscribers as of December 2014, representing a market
share of 25.47%.
Banglalinks growth over the preceding years have been fueled with innovative products and
services targeting different market segments, aggressive improvement of network quality and
dedicated customer care, creating an extensive distribution network across the country, and
establishing a strong brand that emotionally connected customers with Banglalink.

Vision of Banglalink:

Banglalink understands peoples needs best and will create and deliver appropriate
communication services to improve peoples life and make it easier.

Mission of the Banglalink:

To deliver optimum value to
Attract and retain quality human resource.
Firm commitment to the society and the growth of national economy while ensuring good
Corporate Governance

Objective of Banglalink:

Its objective is to earn customer satisfaction through diversified telecommunication activities and
introduction of innovative ideas.

Efforts of Banglalink:
To achieve the goal through fully motivated, committed and dedicated work force.
Committed to the client,

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Respond to the customer needs with speed and accuracy,

Share their values and beliefs,
Grow as our customer grow,
Offer first rated solutions of client problems and issues,
Provide product and service at competitive pricing,
Create life long relationship based on mutual trust and respect,
Provide service with high degree of professionalism and use of most modern technology.

Value of Banglalink:

Banglalink aims to understand peoples needs best and develop appropriate communication
services to improve peoples life and make it simple.
To ensure their vision is achieved, they have set their selves a few values, they want to be:

Customer focus
Integrity quality
Team work
Respect for the individual
Responsible Citizenship
Straight Forward

Core objective of Banglalink:

Banglalink believe in its uncompromising committed to fulfill its customer need and satisfaction
and to become their first choice in telecommunication. Taking cue from its pool of esteemed
clientele, Banglalink intend to pave the way for a new era in telecommunication that upholds and
epitomizes its vaunted marquees You First

10 | P a g e

Making a Difference:

When Banglalink entered the Bangladesh telecom industry in February 2005, the scenario
changed overnight with mobile telephony becoming an extremely useful and affordable
communication tool for people across all segments.
Within one year of operation, Banglalink became the fastest growing mobile operator of the
country with a growth rate of 257%. This milestone was achieved with innovative and attractive
products and services targeting the different market segments; aggressive improvement of
network quality and dedicated customer care; and effective communication that emotionally
connected customers with Banglalink.

10 Level of Competition:
The level of competition of the Banglalink is very high. We can divide the competitors in to two
Close Competitors are

Grameen Phone

11 Organizational Behavior system in BANGLALINK:

Motivational tools used within Banglalink

Employee involvement:
participate in representatively
A small group or highly performer workers group
Share departmental decision making problem.

11 | P a g e

Job scheduling
Alternative work arrangements,
Flex time
Job sharing

Payment and salaries

Piece rate pay plan
Profit sharing plan
Gain sharing

Flexible benefits

Flexible benefits have three plans:

Modula plans
Core-plus plans
Flexible spending

12 Organizational Structure of Banglalink:

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13 Human resource and Administrators hierarchy of Banglalink:

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14 Banglalink Organizational culture:

Including the organization values, visions, norms, working language, systems, symbols,
beliefs and habits, Banglalink keeps strong cultural influence between inside and outside the
organization as well as its competitors.
As Banglalink is a multinational mobile company, its organization values and visions are
more sophisticated and updated with the competitive multinational world.

15 The Impact of Biometrics System on Banglalink:

1 Definition of Biometrics
Involves the identification and verification of individuals by analyzing the human body
characteristics has been widely used in various aspect of life for different purposes.

Brief Overview

Provides many different solutions like; ID Card, Fingerprint Biometrics, Facial Biometrics,
Voice recognition, Hand Biometrics, Palm vein Biometrics, Iris Biometrics, Multiple
Biometrics etc.

Popular Types of Biometrics

ID card
Fingerprint Biometrics
Facial Biometrics
Voice Recognition
Hand Biometrics
Palm vein Biometrics
Iris Biometrics
Multiple Biometrics
Analyzing ID card Biometrics system through several factors
16 Employee Satisfaction and motivational factors:
About 56% employees strongly motivate with this system.

15 | P a g e

(1 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 3 = slightly agree, 4 = undecided,

5 = slightly disagree, 6 = disagree, 7 = strongly disagree)

17 Reduction of frauds:
The following graph shows how many employees are agreed with this concept on the basis of
ratings. It also shows the fraud tendency among the Banglalink employees are decreased as
system goes on. Biometrics System makes a significant change on the basis of employee and
employer relationship.

(1 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 3 = slightly agree, 4 = undecided,

5 = slightly disagree, 6 = disagree, 7 = strongly disagree)

18 Other terms related effective practices for Banglalink:

There are also other terms whose are effective for Banglalink.

16 | P a g e

Improving Employee attendance & performance
Further issues and Drivers to Biometrics
Brief Recommendation
Aids regulatory compliance
The ability to verify users can aid a companys efforts at regulatory compliance.

19 Banglalink coverage:
Banglalink are constantly investing and expanding infrastructure to ensure high quality service
for customers. Nationwide fiber optic network is a great example of this and speaks of relentless
commitment. It will continue to strive to provide an excellent network.

20 Departments of the Banglalink:


Human Resource


17 | P a g e

Customer Service

Billing and It

Operations: Network Planning

System Engineering: Procurement


Promotion- the promotional tools


10 Direct marketing
11 Personal Selling
12 Sales Promotion
13 Public Relations
14 Factors that determine the type of promotional tools used in Banglalink

18 | P a g e

21 Promotional Tools of Banglalink:

Advertisements in the national newspapers

It is the habit of our people to go through some kind of newspapers or magazines and
Banglalinks eye catching newspaper ads has attracted a lot of customers for the Company.

Advertisements through billboards:

Billboards are the cheapest and easiest way to catch the attention of the moving people of the
city. The billboards of Banglalink are hung beside the busiest of roads and streets of the city,
where people travel frequently such as Gulshan, Banani, Dhanmondi, uttara etc.

Advertisement through Electronics media:

Banglalink published their advertisement different channel as like- ntv, channel 1, Rtv, Bangla
vision, ATN Bangla, radio today etc.

Transit Advertising:

19 | P a g e

One of the most popular ways of advertising today is transit advertising, which are the ads on
body of the big buses as majority of the people of the country uses them for traveling.

Personal Selling

Personal presentation by the firms sales forces for the purpose of making sales and building
customer relationship. Banglalink uses personal selling in different stages of marketing and

Sales promotion

Sales promotion includes a wide way of tools that can attract consumers attraction, strong
incentive of purchase, free gifts, discount and several types of occasional program.

Public Relation

Public relation is used to promote products, people, places, ideas, activities, organizations and
even nations. Public relation can also influence a product sales or brand awareness. Banglalink
arrange meeting always with the wholesalers and retailer for maintaining a good relationship
with them.

Social Commitment

Road show

Handbag Distribution

Scarf Distribution

Free sampling

Blood Donation program

Blanket distribution Program

22 Other Promotional Activities:

20 | P a g e

Banglalink continues to play an active role in the area of corporate social responsibility.
Banglalink has given Dhaka International Airport-the gateway of Bangladesh a

completely new look.

Provision of high quality passenger trolleys, phone booths, emergency charging station
and beautification of the premises is an exemplary initiative which no other multinational
has taken.

Banglalink also contributed to an important tiger conservation project in the Sundarbans,

and continues to support the Coxs bazaar beach cleaning program.

23 Service offered by Banglalink:

Banglalink ISO facilities



Value added services

Banglalink Push-Pull Service

information based services

Health link


Railway tickets available

DESCO Bill Service:

Music Station

21 | P a g e

data based services

call management services
mobile financial services

24 Latest packages:

Banglalink desh

Banglalink entered the market with a promise of making mobile telephony affordable for people.
Banglalink "desh" was launched in September 2006. Banglalink desh is the best prepaid package
for making calls to any network in any time.

Banglalink desh ek rate

Banglalink offers customers to enjoy a single rate of tk. 0.89/min to any number 24 hours a day.
This offer is specially targeted towards those customers who want flat call rate throughout the
22 | P a g e

Banglalink desh ek rate darun

Banglalink brings ek rate darun which has a highly competitive tariff option of tk. 1.09/min in
1st min and from 2nd min onwards tk. 0.69/min.

Banglalink desh rangdhanu

Banglalink has once again hit the market with another exciting offer rangdhonu! With this
package, Banglalink customers will be able to talk for half an hour by paying for only 5 minutes!

Banglalink desh 7fnf

Banglalink launches a new package with 7 fnf numbers to any operator. any prepaid customer
can migrate to the new desh package by typing reg and sending sms to 2000.

1 second pulse

Banglalink has introduced 1 second pulse for its customers. the new Banglalink desh 1 second
package provides customers 1 second pulse to any operator any time of day. This means
customers will now only pay as much as they talk and the charge is only 2 paisa/sec any time in
any local number.

Banglalink desh special fnf

Banglalink presents yet another attractive package, Banglalink desh special fnf. as the name
suggests, now you can talk to someone special at only 29 paisa/minute. the package also includes
two fnfs at only 59 paisa/minute. all prepaid customers can migrate to this package by typing reg
and sending sms to 7363.

Banglalink desh obiram

Banglalink has launched Banglalink desh obiram package for the customers who enjoy long
calls. it offers lower call rate for longer conversation. Customers can enjoy lowest call rate of 25
paisa/minute in long conversations
23 | P a g e

Banglalink inspire

Banglalink inspire brings special new features for postpaid subscribers with remarkably low
monthly line rent and call rates, along with the lots of fnf numbers and many other services and
25 Special Offer:

Priyojon program
Banglalink launches Priyojon program where customers can earn and redeem points to

enjoy wonderful gifts.

Priyojon boisakhi offer
Priyojon partnership program with Walton
Priyojon partnership program with Seagull

26 Banglalink internet packages:

Banglalink Confirms 3G Licenses. The launch of 3G services could also assist in closing the
"digital divide" which results in Bangladesh being poorly served by broadband internet services.
A recent ITU report on telecoms in the Asia-Pacific region found that the minimum advertised
broadband speed in countries such as Hong Kong and Japan is faster than the maximum
broadband speed available in Bangladesh.

p1: pay as you go

p2: unlimited internet
p3: night-time internet pack
p4: daily pack
p6: 1 gb
p7: mini pack

27 Current Promotion:
1 Get a free Smartphone with Banglalink inspire!

Introducing post-paid unlimited bundle

Instant bonus offer Banglalink 2012, 100% bonus talk time

Exciting reactivation offer

24 | P a g e

Exciting incentive for Banglalink customers

28 Achievement in promotional activity:

Banglalink award winning Advertisement

Banglalink introduce advertisement that is different in nature and manner. Their advertisement
was awarded for the touching of heart of the people of our country.

Banglalink Ad on Independence Day 2007

Targeting the corporate and SME segments, Banglalink has launched "Banglalink Enterprise"
with state of the art services including GPRS, corporate SMS broadcast, dedicated customer
relationship management, and customized packages. They offer many packages in different

25 | P a g e

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Part 3: Use of Tqm tools

Before going through TQM tools we researched about some critical information Survey
Instrument. To gather data, questionnaires were used. The questionnaire survey is the most
effective method for this study to collect the data for the current study. It takes less time to fill
up a questionnaire and the customers will not be unwilling in providing accurate data.

Number of Family:

4-5; 28% 5-6; 32%

3-4; 40%

From figure regarding family path we can see that we have an evident unequal distribution. From
path member of family 3-4, gathered 40% replies, from path 4-5, gathered 28% replies, from
path 5-6, there are 32% replies.

27 | P a g e

Adult person:

Figure regarding adult person of family path we can see that from path member 1 gathered 22%
replies, from path member 2 gathered 33% replies, from path member 3 and there are 45%

1; 22%
3; 44%
2; 33%

Age of Customer:

25-above; 16%

18-21; 20%

21-25; 64%

From figure regarding age 18-21, gathered 20% replies, from path 21-25, gathered 64% replies,
from path 25-above, there are 16% replies.


Business; 12%
Emplyee; 8%

Student; 80%

The figure provides us with the insight what is the occupation of our respondents, 12%
respondents are businessman, 80% respondents are students, 8% respondents are service to
government/private firms.

Income Level:

10-20,000; 4% 20-above; 4%

5-10,000; 92%

The figure depicts a clear picture that almost every respondent are students, so income level
always in same place like as 92% is 5-10,000 who are students, and other than 4% is 10-20,000
and 20-above.

Long Use of Banglalink:

6-12; 8%

1-5; 4%

3-6; 88%

The figure shows that almost, 4% respondents use Banglalink SIM 1-5 years, 8% respondents 612 months, 88% respondents are 3-6 months.

More offers from Company:

Yes; 100%

Figure shows that almost 100% of the respondents are aware of more offers from services while
0% is not.

Recommend others for Banglalink:

Yes; 40%
No; 60%

The figure shows that almost 40% of the respondents are aware of recommend others for
Banglalink services while 60% are not.

Happy with Banglalink:



Very Interest



Not Interest

The diagram shows that around 40% of the respondents are interest use of Banglalink while 8%
are very interest and the rest 52% are not interest to use of Banglalink.

10 Sample Quesnay information collective format:

11 SWOT Analyses of Banglalink:

12 Employee Overview (Employee portfolio, Management Team):

13 Use of TQM Tools:

8. Run Chart


Telecommunication flowchart of Banglalink is given below. Though it is a complex term, but we

try our best to make it simple.

Ishikawa diagram:

Pareto Chart:

Part 4: recommendation
4.1 Recommendation in Prioritization matrix:

4.2 Conclusion:

Banglalink is one of the largest foreign director investments in Bangladesh. The company, after
its inception in February 2005, has grown rapidly into the leading mobile phone service of the
They plan product price place promotion to satisfy their target market. They segment their
market and plan variety promotional tools to promote their product. This variety promotional
strategy helps them to survive in the market and holding top position in the market. Telesales is
becoming a modern technique of marketing. It is an effective medium of customer contact.
Telesales is effective for both the contact centre and the whole organization. From the analysis I
can conclude that consumers develop quite a positive attitude towards the telemarketing services
of Telesales Banglalink.

4.3 References:

Andres, PD & Vallelado, E 2014, Total quality management: The role of the board of
directors.{Accessed on 17 September 2015}

Journal of telecommunication, 32 (2008) 25702580, Department of Financial

Economics and Accounting, University of Valladolid, Avenida Valle Esgueva 6, 47011








(Accessed on 17 September 2015).

Basel, Switzerland. Total quality management:

The online version is available at

http://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs122.pdf. {Accessed on 17 September 2015}


Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, September 1997, Core Principles for Effective
Banking Supervision, section II. {Accessed on 17 September 2015}

Bank for International Settlement, Basel, Switzerland. The online version is available at
http://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs30a.pdf. {Accessed on 17 September 2015}

Internship report and annual report of Banglalink 2008 to 2015.

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