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University of Dhaka
On the first day of July 1921 the University of Dhaka opened its doors to students with Sir P.J. Hartog as the
first Vice-Chancellor of the University. The University was set up in a picturesque part of the city known as
Ramna on 600 acres of land.
The University started its activities with 3 Faculties,12 Departments, 60 teachers, 877 students and 3
dormitories (Halls of Residence) for the students. At present the University consists of 13 Faculties, 71
Departments, 10 Institutes, 17 dormitories, 3 hostels and more than 38 Research Centres. The number of
students and teachers has risen to about 33,112 and 1,805 respectively.
The main purpose of the University was to create new areas of knowledge and disseminate this knowledge to
the society through its students. Since its inception the University has a distinct character of having
distinguished scholars as faculties who have enriched the global pool of knowledge by making notable
contributions in the fields of teaching and research.
The high standard of education and research for the University was set by its first Vice-Chancellor, Sir P.J.
Hartog when in the 2nd Convocation address he said, "A man may be an excellent teacher of elementary
subjects without the power to add to knowledge. But in advanced work I maintain that no one can really teach
well unless he has the combination of imagination with critical power which leads to the original production (of
knowledge), and for that if for no other reason, a university to be a true university must see that its teachers
are men who are also capable of advancing knowledge."
At the beginning a distinctive feature of the University of Dhaka was its nonaffiliating, residential character like
that of the Oxford of England. However, since 1947 the University was given an affiliating mandate in place of
an exclusive residential-cum-teaching character.
A new phase began in the history of the University with the emergence of the People's Republic of
Bangladesh in 1971. This has been a phase of development, expansion and consolidation of earlier gains.
The University has assumed a central role in the academic pursuits of the region including this new nation.
The University of Dhaka has passed through tumultuous times at different periods of our national history and
played vital, at times pioneering, roles in all critical junctures in the making of this great nation. The University
played a central role in the Language Movement of 1952 that ultimately culminated in the recognition of
Bangla as the State Language. Scores of students, teachers and employees of the University of Dhaka laid
down their lives for the independence of the country. Just after the creation of Bangladesh, the government

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proclaimed the University of Dhaka Order 1973 whereby democratic norms and autonomy became integral
features of the institution.
While serving as the highest echelon of academic excellence, the University also functions as a central
premise for free thought and democratic practices that would lead the nation to its march towards progress.
The University of Dhaka is increasingly striving to combine the pursuit of knowledge and truth with the values
and needs of an evolving society. It is noteworthy that the Governor of Bengal and the Chancellor of the
University of Dacca, Loard Lytton in his speech at the first Convocation of the University on 22 February, 1923
said ....this University is Daccas greatest possession, and will do more than anything else to increase and















Presently the University enrolls more than 5,800 students, on merit basis, in the first year Honours Program in
different Departments of the Faculties and the Institutes. Besides conducting teaching courses in the 4- year
Bachelor and 1-year Masters Programmes, the University also trains up a large number of researchers in
different disciplines. More than 842 Ph.D. and 673 M.Phil. researchers have obtained their degrees from this
The University of Dhaka is dedicated to the advancement of learning, and is committed to promoting research
in all fields of knowledge. As there are plans for further expansion of facilities, plans for new avenues and
opportunities, the course curricula are updated and new research projects are undertaken every year. As the
pioneer and the largest seat of learning in the country, the University of Dhaka has taken the task to foster the
transformation processes of the individual students and the country as a whole through its educational and
research facilities keeping up with demands of the day. The University of Dhaka is at this moment one of the
leading institutions of higher education in Asia.

The University of Dhaka is well prepared to meet the challenges of the future days with its spirit of freedom,
justice and truth as a foundation concomitant to the objectives envisaged by the founding fathers.
The open-minded character of the University of Dhaka embodying the features of beauty and historical origins
can be seen as one enters the campus.

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2. Jahangirnagar University
Jahangirnagar University is a public university in Bangladesh. It is the one and only residential university in
the country.
The university was established in 1970 by the government of Pakistan by the Jahangirnagar Muslim
University Ordinance, 1970. During the first two years, it operated as a project. Its first Vice-Chancellor,
Professor Mafiz Uddin Ahmad (Ph.D in Chemistry, University of Illinois, Chicago) took up office on September
24, 1970. The first group of students, a total of 150, was enrolled in four departments: Economics, Geography,
Mathematics and Statistics. Its formal inauguration was delayed until January 12, 1971, when the university
was launched by Rear Admiral S. M. Ahsan, the Chancellor.
After the independence of Bangladesh, the university was renamed as Jahangirnagar University by the
Jahangirnagar University Act, 1973.
In 2010 the university had a total of 10,500 students, 672 teachers, 206 staffs and 1,200 other employees. Dr.
M Anwar Hossain is the (18th may, 2012) Vice-Chancellor of the university.

Location and campus

The university stands on the west side of the Asian Highway, popularly known as the Dhaka-Aricha Road, and
is 32 kilometers from the capital. Spread over a land area of 697.56 acres (2.8 km), the campus lies between
the Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC) and the Savar Cantonment, on the north of
which is the National Monument.

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3. Attitude
Psychologists define attitudes as a learned tendency to evaluate things in a certain
way. This can include evaluations of people, issues, objects or events. Such evaluations
are often positive or negative, but they can also be uncertain at times. For example,
you might have mixed feelings about a particular person or issue.

Researchers also suggest that there are several different components that make up attitudes.
1. An Emotional Component: How the object, person, issue or event makes you
2. A Cognitive Component: Your thoughts and beliefs about the subject.
3. A Behavioral Component: How the attitude influences your behavior.
Attitudes can also be explicit and implicit. Explicit attitudes are those that we are
consciously aware of and that clearly influence our behaviors and beliefs. Implicit
attitudes are unconscious, but still have an effect on our beliefs and behaviors.

3.1 How Do Attitudes Form?

Attitudes form directly as a result of experience. They may emerge due to direct
personal experience, or they may result from observation. Social roles and social norms
can have a strong influence on attitudes. Social roles relate to how people are expected
to behave in a particular role or context. Social norms involve society's rules for what
behaviors are considered appropriate.
Attitudes can be learned in a variety of ways. Consider how advertisers use classical
conditioning to influence your attitude toward a particular product. In a television
commercial, you see young, beautiful people having fun in on a tropical beach while
enjoying a sport drink. This attractive and appealing imagery causes you to develop a
positive association with this particular beverage.
Operant conditioning can also be used to influence how attitudes develop. Imagine a
young man who has just started smoking. Whenever he lights up a cigarette, people
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complain, chastise him and ask him to leave their vicinity. This negative feedback from
those around him eventually causes him to develop an unfavorable opinion of smoking
and he decides to give up the habit.
Finally, people also learn attitudes by observing the people around them. When
someone you admire greatly espouses a particular attitude, you are more likely to
develop the same beliefs. For example, children spend a great deal of time observing
the attitudes of their parents and usually begin to demonstrate similar outlooks.

Difference between Attitudes of
Students in University of Dhaka and
Jahangirnagar University
4.1 Identifying differences through Questioner survey
To identify various differences in attitudes among the students of University of Dhaka
and Jahangirnagar University, we, the members of group New Tone prepared 10
sample yes or no questions and asked to 20 students of University of Dhaka and 20
students of Jahangirnagar University. From this survey we concluded the difference of
attitudes among the students of two universities. The questions, answers and analysis
are given in details below.

Question - 1
Do you feel secure about getting job?
DU students: yes-70% no-30%
JU students: yes-40% no-60%

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DU students have a good reputation in job sector. They get privilege in selection board.
So they have much chance to be selected. On the other hand JU students have less
priority in selection board than DU students but much than any other public they are not insecure but less secure than DU students.

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DU students feel much secure in getting a job. That means they are less tensed in this
regard. Whilst JU students feel less secure in getting a job. That means they are tensed
in this regard.

Do you satisfy on your resident facilities?
DU students: yes-20% no-80%
JU students : yes-80% no-20%
DU has 37800 students but has only 21 resident halls. As a result many student do not
get seat in hall and some has to share their rooms and seats. JU has 10500 students
but 12 resident halls. So students have no problem with their resident. But sometimes
few students are not happy with their hall services.
Few students stay in hall in Dhaka University. Whilst most of the students of Jahangir
Nagar university stay in hall.

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Do you satisfy with your transport services?
DU students: yes-85% no-15%
JU students: yes-40% no-60%
DU has bus services almost all roots of Dhaka. So students can easily move one place
to another. JU has bus service but is not sufficient enough. Because there are so many
roots where there are no bus service. Like Malibag, Jatrabari, Basabo etc.
Du students have sufficient bus service and they are satisfied. On the other hand JU
students have bus service but not sufficient. So they are not satisfied.

Do you take any kind of preparation for scholarship in foreign university?
DU students: yes-60% no-40%
JU students: yes-35% no-65%
DU students have concern about getting scholarship at foreign university. So they take
some early preparation. But JU students are not concern about scholarship in foreign
university. They dont take any kind of early preparation.
DU students have some broader outlook about foreign university scholarship. JU
students are less concerned.

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Do you think there is political stability in your university in present days?

DU students: yes-55% no-45%
JU students: yes-35% no-65%
Public university has some political problems. In the perspective of this and last year
DU was much stable than their past 5 or 7 years. In this sense DU was stable. But JU
was as usual unstable. actually It was totally unstable. Students have seen few
murders, strike of teacher, collation of student etc.
So in the perspective of present time DU is stable and students are tension free of
session jam. JU is politically instable and students are tensed of session jam.

Do you ever to travel on teachers buses?
DU - student yes-1% no-100%
JU-student yes 10% no- 90%
Du students never ride on teacher bus. Moreover they do not have any need because
students have bus services in all rots, and they have enough bus. But JU students have
not bus services in all routs. There some routes where only teachers bus goes. In this
rots if there is enough seats and teachers allow students, very few students can go.
DU teachers students relation is not friendly in this regard. JU teachers students
relation is friendly and cooparatative
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Do you think you campus environment is enough healthy?

DU students-yes-45% no-55%
JU student-yes-84% no-1
DU is situated in the proper of Dhaka cite. As Dhaka city is getting polluted DU campus
is also getting so. Moreover DU is getting campus almost like a town. Because there is
always nice cars, rickshaw crowd etc. but JU is totally like a village there is no noise
crowd care truck. It is totally green. So its environment is healthy.
DU students studies in less healthy environment. Whilst JU students studies in a
healthy environment.

Do you feel proud to be a student of your university?
DU students - yes-95% no-5%
JU students - yes-70% no- 30%
In initial stage, if that question is asked to a DU student and JU student, most of the Du
students answer yes and JU students answer no. Because DU is the best university of
Bangladesh even they are in 551 positions out of 30000 universities of the world. So to
be a DU student a student feels proud. On the other hand JU is one of the fully
residential universities of Asia. So they also fell proud but less than DU students.
DU students are much proud and JU students are less proud

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Do you think you have a very close relation with your elder brothers?
DU students - yes-30% no-70%
JU students - yes-65% no-35%
As DU has less resident capacity most of the students stay outside the campus or
outside the hall. So they have less connection with their elders. Even sometimes they
know only few elder brothers of their department. JU students stay in hall so they have
closely connection with their elders. Even sometimes they are bound to know their
departments elder brother and sisters. So these things build a strong relationship with
their elders.
Du students have less close relation with their elders. But JU students have very close
and strong relation with their elders.

Question 10
Will you give rag to your juniors?
DU students - yes-20% no-80%
JU students - yes-90% no-10%
Jahangirnagar University has a bad reputation for its rag culture. All the students of this
university face the ragging. Whereas the students of DU do not face the ragging that
much. Very few students of DU face ragging. But this rag culture helps for better
communication among seniors and juniors in the future. That is why, for continuing this
better communication in senior and junior most of the JU students show their will to rag
their juniors.
JU students prefer the rag culture more, but the students of DU prefers it very little.
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Other Differences

When outsiders come to visit the campus as a guest, JU students takes care of
their guests better than DU students. This is because, Dhaka University is in the
middle of the Dhaka city. The roads of the campus is always busy and crowded.
The campus is always full of guests helping themselves. That is why the students
of JU dont come forward to help the guests that much. Whereas the
Jahangirnagar University is a little far away from the busy city. The roads are not
as much busy as DU here. So outsiders are few in number as well. That is why
when a outsider come, the students of JU takes care of them well. This clearly
shows a difference in the attitudes of the students of University of Dhaka and
Jahangirnagar University.

The University of Dhaka has a history. Many sculpture are all around the campus
based on that proud history. The students of that university see those sculpture
and hear and learn about those histpry regularly. This leaves an effect on their
attitudes. On the other hand JU students unfortunately do not have that proud
history to learn about. It does not have that much of sculpture around the
campus as well. So history does not affect their attitude, instead the natural
beauty and the resident facility leaves effect on their attitude.

Our country has found many rich and good politicians and many famous political
personalities from DU. They have done students politics in their student life and
now they are getting the opportunity to serve their country proudly. On the other
hand, only handful of student politicians from Jahangirnagar University have
been posted centrally. Therefore, the students of DU are more proud about their
political factors. On the other hand, JU students have less motivational factors
about politics in their attitude.

The students of Jahangirnagar University has more tendency of job turnover in

their professional life than the DU students. The reason behind that is, the
students of JU studies I resident facility. They stay within the campus area and
study, the communication with the outside world is very minimum. On the other
hand, the students of DU spends their student life in a extrovert manner. They
communicate with the outside world on a regular basis. That is why, in the
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corporate world, the students of JU dont find it comfortable to stay within a job
area. They have the tendency to change job frequently. On the other hand, DU
students stay dedicated in a job area and job turnover is very low.

Jahangirnagar University has the quota system in the admission test. There are
several quotas such as sport quota, cultural quota etc. because of this quota
system, Jahangirnagar University has more students who are more sport and
culture dedicated. And Jahangirnagar University is more enriched with culture
and sport activity than the University of Dhaka.

From the discussion above, we have learned many differences in attitudes of the
students of University of Dhaka and Jahangirnagar University. And it is very natural to
have some differences between two institutions. Despite having the differences, DU
and JU are the top two public universities of our country.
As we are the students of JU, we should try to overcome the flaws we found from the
discussion, and try to learn from the good attitudes that the DU students or anyone
else holds to enrich ourselves.

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