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Release Note

Release Date : Dec. 12, 2012

Product Ver. : Civil 2013 V2.1


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Civil 2013



Civil 2013 V 2.1 Release Note

1. Steel Member Design as per EN1993-2:2006

2. RC Beam Design as per EN1992-2:2005

3. Improvements on Moving Load Analysis as per EN1991-2:2003

4. Improvements on Moving Load Analysis as per Canadian Standard

5. Improvements on Forces/Stresses Calculation of Tapered Section

6. Option for Fixed Support in Point Spring Support

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Civil 2013


Civil 2013 V 2.1 Release Note

1. Steel Member Design as per EN1993-2:2005

Steel member design as per EN1993-2:2005 has been implemented for the following checks:
Classification of a cross section
Ultimate Limit State Check
Design Tension Resistance, Design Resistance for Uniform Compression
Design Resistance for Bending
Design Shear Resistance, Shear Buckling Resistance
Combined Effect of Bending and Shear, Bending and Axial Force, and Bending, Shear and Axial Force
Serviceability Limit State Check:
Vertical deflections, Horizontal deflections
Partial Safety Factor can be defined by the user directly. Default value of m0 and m1 is 1.0.
Applicable section types are L, C, H, T, Box, Pipe, Rectangle, Round, Double-L and Double-C types. Also tapered section is supported.
Design tab > Steel Design > Eurocode3-2:05

Steel Design Code

Steel Design Results

Graphic Report

Detail Report
Partial Safety Factor

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Civil 2013 V 2.1 Release Note

2. RC Beam Design as per EN1992-2:2005

In the previous version of midas Civil, only RC column design was available as per EN1992-2:2005. In the new version, RC beam design has been
added for the following checks:
Ultimate Limit State Check
Moment Resistance
Shear Resistance
Serviceability Limit State Check
Stress for Cross Section
Crack Width
Vertical deflections, Horizontal deflections
Eurocode Recommended, British and Italian National Annex are available. It can be selected in Concrete Design Code dialog box.
Partial Safety Factor can be defined by the user directly.
Applicable section types are Rectangle and T-section.
Design tab > RC Design > Eurocode2-2:05

RC Design Code

Graphic Report

RC Design Results

Detail Report
Partial Safety Factor

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Civil 2013 V 2.1 Release Note

3. Improvements on Moving Load Analysis as per EN1991-2:2003

Load Model1 and Footway loading can be applied simultaneously. Also the uniform load value for footway can be entered by the user directly.
User defined special vehicle for straddling is newly added. During the analysis, the wheel spacing will be applied as the value specified in Traffic Line/Surface Lanes
dialog box. By converting the load into static load in Moving Load Tracer, the exact wheel spacing entered in Wheel Spacing for Static Load option box can be
applied. Variable axle spacing can also be considered by entering the minimum and maximum spacing.
For Load Model3 1200/150/200, 1500/150/200, and 1800/150/200 vehicles, the user can choose the desired vehicle to be considered in analysis. In the
previous version, the program always considered two vehicles in order to find the more critical vehicle results. When two or three vehicles are checked on, the most
critical vehicle will be applied to obtain the moving load analysis results.
Load tab > Moving Load > Eurocode

Simultaneous loading of LM1 and Footway

User Defined Straddling Vehicle

Selection Option of Special Vehicle

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Civil 2013 V 2.1 Release Note

For the easier selection, the Load Model3 vehicles have been separated from the Vehicular Load Type.
In the previous version, when LM1&3 Multi(Straddling) load model was selected in Moving Load Case, the lanes defined as Straddling Lanes were always determined
as Lane Number 1 and 2. In the new version, regardless of the straddling lanes, the most critical lane is determined as Lane Number 1.
For Fatigue Load Model3 (Two Vehicle), spacing between two vehicles is changed from 40m to 31.6m as specified in EN1991-2.

Load tab > Moving Load > Eurocode

Civil 2013 (v1.1)

Civil 2013 (v2.1)

Improvement on Fatigue Load Model3 (Two Vehicle)

Lane Number 3

Straddling Lanes
Lane Number 2
Lane Number 1
Addition of Select Vehicle Combo-box

Reference Element

Improvement on Determining Lane Number

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Civil 2013 V 2.1 Release Note

In the automatic generation of load combinations as per Eurocode 0, when traffic load is a Leading Variable action, frequent values of traffic loads should be used
for Frequent Combination. In the previous version, the program could not classify the traffic loads as Characteristic Value and Frequent Value. In the new version,
the user can specify the frequent value of traffic loads in Assessment of Groups of Traffic Loads dialog box.

Results > Load Combinations

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Civil 2013 V 2.1 Release Note

4. Improvements on Moving Load Analysis as per Canadian Specification

For BCL-625 Truck and BCL-625 Lane vehicle loads, the
option Increment of Axle Spacing for Variable Length
has been newly added.

Load tab > Moving Load > Canada

Load tab > Moving Load > Vehicles
Analysis tab > Analysis Control > Moving Load

In the previous version, the incremental spacing of

variable length referred to the Influence Generating
Points option in Moving Load Analysis Control Data
dialog box. Since analysis time is highly affected by the
variable length, a separate option to control variable
spacing has been added.
Minimum value between the entered incremental
spacing value and the element length/2 will be
applied during the analysis.
When Moving Load Code is specified as Canada,
Analysis Method option (Exact, Pivot, and Quick) can be
selected in Moving Load Analysis Control Data. In the
previous version, Exact option was always applied.

Moving Load Analysis Control

Standard Vehicular Load as per Canadian Specification

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Civil 2013 V 2.1 Release Note

5. Improvements on Forces/Stresses Calculation of Tapered Section

When the section offset of tapered section is specified as top or bottom of the section, the member forces and stresses can be obtained along with the local axis
parallel to the offset line. This option is useful when the user wants to obtain the vertical forces parallel to the gravity direction in tapered section.
Analysis > Main Control Data

Offset Line


Neutral Axis

when the option is checked off

Offset Line


Main Control Data

Neutral Axis

when the option is checked on

6. Option for Fixed Support in Point Spring Support

Stiffness of the selected component is automatically entered as very large value (SDx, SDy, SDZ: 1e+13kN/m, SRx, SRy, SRz:
1e+16kN/m) so that it can behave like simple support. This option is useful when the user wants to consider the spring
stiffness only in a certain direction without defining spring stiffness at the same nodes additionally.

Point Spring Support

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