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Lesson 3 Solution Set Of Equations and Inequalities in One Variable on a Number Line.

I. Specific Objectives

At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:

1. show the difference between a statement of quality and a statement of inequality;

2. solve an equality / inequality in one variable by graphing on a number line, and

3. solve an equation / inequality by any of the three methods: guess and check, cover up or
work backward.

(Note: This lesson can be subdivided depending upon students readiness.)

II. Mathematical Concepts

• A mathematical sentence involving numbers or symbols representing numbers where the

verb "equals" or = is used is called an equation. On the other hand, a mathematical sentence where
the verb is one of these: <, <, >, > or ≠ is called an inequality.

• To graph an equation or an inequality, one must consider the solution set: integers or real

•There are the three different ways to solve equations / inequalities. These are: guess and check,
cover up or work backward.

III. Values Focus

"Equals justice for all men, " fairness

IV. Material

Algebra I (Functional Approach)

V. Teaching Strategies: Exposition and Practice

A. Drill

Evaluate, when x = 2; y = -1.

a. 7(x - y)2 + 3 c. (5x) - y2

b. 9x + 16y d. 6xy +3y - x

B. Review

1. Mathematical expressions associated with synmbols of operations and relations

2. Check up homework and discuss missed items.

C. Introduction / Motivation
Consider this sentence.

One number is eight greater than a second number. The sum of the
two numbers is 88.

Formulate a number sentence and then find the number.

D. Presentation

1. Observe these types of equations.

a. 4 + 5 ≠ 4 c. x + 5 0 10

b. 4 + 5 = 10 d. 4x + 5x = 9x

How do these equations differ? Identify each type.

observe these inequalities.

a. 3 + 2 ≠ 4 c. y + 5 > 6

b. x - 2 < 3

2. Graph the following. Observe the solutions differ.

a. x - 2 = 3

x = 5 (set of integers)

b. x + 4 = 1

x = -3 (set of integers)

c. x - 4 < 3

x < 7 (set of integers)

x < 7 (set of real numbers)

(Explain the use of an open dot and a close dot.)

3. Methods of solving equations o inequalities

Example: 3x -2 = 10

a. Guess and Check

b. Cover Up

c. Work Backwards

E. Exploration

1. Whhat is the difference between an equation and an inequality?

2. How does the graph of an equation differ from that of an inequality?

3. What are the methods of solving an equality or inequality?

4. Which do you think is more convenient for you?

F. Generalization

(Have the students state that concepts learned.)

G. Activity

Find the solution / solution set of each of the following and sketch the graph in the set of real

a. x + 5 = 20 d. 6 + 5 < 26

b. 5 + 3x > 2 e. 7x - 11 > 4

c. 2x +4 > 12

VI. Evaluation

Solve by the method easiest for you, then graph the solution.

1. x + 16 = 20 4. 10x =20

2. 8÷2 > 1 5. x - 14 = 44

3. x - 6 > 4

VII. Assignment 7 Extension

solve the following:

1. x + 18 = 50 3. 10 x + 16 > 24
2. x - 8 = 62 4. 4x - 20 = 44

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