What's New Scia Engineer 2013: Project Documentation - Engineering Report Seismic Analysis of Buildings

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Whats New

Scia Engineer 2013

New features in Scia Engineer, like Engineering Report, Open Checks, Scia Design Forms as well as many other functionality extensions bring structural
engineers new opportunities to make their everyday work still more effective and productive and offer them new possibilities to extend the scope of their involvement into the construction process.
Scia Engineer represents since its early years the comprehensive solution of the analysis and design of structures made of (almost) any material. The calculation capabilities cover most of the situations a structural engineer needs to handle. Scia Engineer 2013 extends this feature even more and integrates new methods
for seismic design. Also the coverage of design codes implemented in the system has been extended to reflect both the evolution of standards themselves
and the demands of the market.
The new features, improvements and enhancements in Scia Engineer 2013 spread across the whole system. The main focus of the development for Scia Engineer
2013 has been laid to the following four spheres:

Project documentation - Engineering Report

Reporting is an indispensable part of structural design and analysis. The reports that you create must be easy to consult by colleagues, third parties, technical control bureaus and of course, by yourself. Drafting report documents is
usually time-consuming, and requires your full attention if all details are to be
represented correctly and comprehensively. Sometimes after completing a tentative version of the analysis documentation, changes in the structural model
are still needed. Changing outdated results and drawings can require considerable amount of time and effort.

Seismic analysis of buildings

As a general 3D structural analysis software, Scia Engineer is able to provide

a detailed analysis of most civil engineering structures. However, the particular
field of seismic design of buildings requires specific tools in order to improve
the efficiency of that process.
The overall seismic behaviour of a building can very often be analyzed accurately by considering each floor as a mass linked to adjacent floors by walls
and columns. Therefore the concept of storeys is widely used in this context.

General enhancements

Open Design Checks architecture Scia

Design Forms

In Scia Engineer 2013 the open architecture of Scia Engineer is ready to welcome design formulae written by users and development partners. With the
new Scia Design Forms additional strength is given to structural engineers enabling them to perform their own static and dynamic calculations for all stages
of construction projects, from design to construction including maintenance.

A recurring chapter in any release of Scia Engineer are the many improvements
and extensions that are added into Scia Engineer 2013. The following list summarizes the most interesting ones.
Bridge combinations + checks
Brazilian concrete
National Annexes
Storey Results
Cross-Section Enhancements
Wizard for reinforcement schemes
Improvements in IFC export / import
Scia Metal Builder
+ additional improvements

Whats New in Scia Engineer 2013

Project design documentation - Engineering Report
Reporting is an indispensable part of structural design and analysis. The reports that you create must be
easy to consult by colleagues, third parties, technical control bureaus and of course, by yourself. Drafting
report documents is usually time-consuming, and requires your full attention if all details are to be represented correctly and comprehensively. Sometimes after completing a tentative version of the analysis
documentation, changes in the structural model are still needed. Changing outdated results and drawings
can require considerable amount of time and effort.
The new tool in Scia Engineer 2013 the - Engineering Report - contains everything that is needed to explain
project details, ranging from project definition data to static analysis results, design checks and overview
drawings. It is the entire project put on paper. There is no more need to keep track of separate documents: all
input and output data related to the project can be bundled into one global report by means of this new tool.
The user is in full control of all included information: on his/her demand, all tables and pictures are regenerated to reflect any recent changes in the model and to correspond to the latest status of the project.
The report can contain both data read directly from the project (including images) as well as additional and
external data such as nicely formatted texts, photos, third-party images, etc.
Once generated, the report can be printed or exported in different file formats, ranging from MS Word document or Excel spreadsheet, to the astonishing 3D *.pdf, which allows for the model to be viewed using the
zoom, pan and rotate options.
And what is even more, the new Engineering Report runs as a separate application which brings numerous
advantages. To name just a few: several reports can be opened at the same time, the user can work with
Engineering Report and Scia Engineer simultaneously, should it happen and one of these applications
stops responding, the other one is still fully functional, and much more.

Easy-to-use application, integrated in Scia
Separate processes ensure parallel handling
of Scia Engineer and the report itself
Possibility to have multiple documents active
at the same time
On-demand regeneration of report items for
up-to-date project data, results, pictures and
Clear indication of outdated pictures and tables by means of a red exclamation mark
Extensive list of report items is available; internal Scia Engineer data as well as special
items (e.g. external pictures)
Easy creation of header and footer with user
defined content and the company logo
Option to apply different styles for the layout
of tables and other parts of the Engineering
Integrated text editor for additional content:
formatting: bold, italic, font selection, bulleting and much more are included
The predictive text mode in the Insert items
List help you find the right item
Clipboard support for fast and easy inserting
of copied items into the report
Customizable keyboard shortcuts
Option to add pictures and tables into the selected report or an Inbox
Dynamic pictures are updated after changes
in the Scia Engineer model
ChapterMaker functionality ensures indenting of pictures and tables
Easy editing of tables: add or remove columns from the selected table
Results tables have the option to show the
status of the results values: coloured cells
depending on the value of the result
Insert detailed checks into the Engineering
Clear legend of used symbols for each table
Import of gallery (overview) drawings into the
Engineering report
The Engineering report manager gives an
overview of all created available reports and
shows a preview for each report that is available
Publish in several kinds of formats, ranging
from MS Excel/Word to 3D pdf
Professional, clean and modern look and feel

Whats New in Scia Engineer 2013

Open Design Checks architecture Scia Design Forms
In Scia Engineer 2013 the open architecture of Scia
Engineer is ready to welcome design formulae written by users and development partners. With the
new Scia Design Forms additional strength is given
to structural engineers enabling them to perform
their own static and dynamic calculations for all
stages of construction projects, from design to construction including maintenance.
Scia Design Forms is new software that enables users to write custom calculation procedures, save them,
and reuse them as either standalone tools or link them with Scia Engineer. Sample forms are available to
help the user set up their own design calculation (for reinforcement design in reinforced concrete, crack
width control, foundation design, masonry structures design, timber and steel design, etc.). The scripting
language is very easy and it enables engineers that are interested in the method to the have full computational power needed to perform advanced structural design.
Scia Engineer can link to the new software to perform external design checks.
Many users tend to use various applications in their daily work. Some use simple spreadsheets, others
spreadsheets with included macros, and others even develop their own in-house software using different
programming languages: VB, C++, C#, etc. The common denominator in all these situations is the requirement to input data like overall geometry, material and cross sections properties, load cases, combinations,
resultant internal forces, displacements, etc. Until now, it was necessary to find these data in Scia Engineer
and manually retype them in the custom-made application. Consequently, no results could have been
transferred back to Scia Engineer after the checks have been completed.
The openness of our new solution ensures a smooth data flow between Scia Engineer and application
for the external checks. If the 3D model is defined in usual way in Scia Engineer, the required data are
then sent to the external application and the desired user-defined calculation can be performed. The results
are then displayed again in Scia Engineer, exploiting all the presentation capabilities of the system.

Highlights - Scia Design Forms

Easy to use tool, dedicated for users or developers
+85 certified design templates included
Predefined engineering libraries
Possibility to market your own forms
WYSIWYG- output
Different levels (detailed / brief / ...) of representation
Both the interface and forms can be localised
to your local language
Design Forms community
Integration with Scia Engineer (Open
Checks) is possible

Highlights - Open Design Checks

They provide unilateral and bilateral data exchange with external software
Open Checks support Excel and Scia Design
Forms by default
Feature can be extended to any possible
external application which uses our toolbox
and protocol
Open Checks allow users to create their own
checks and remain in full control
Open check open the clients the way to new
types of calculation and new markets

Whats New in Scia Engineer 2013

Seismic analysis of buildings
As a general 3D structural analysis software, Scia Engineer is able to provide a detailed analysis of most
civil engineering structures. However, the particular field of seismic design of buildings requires specific
tools in order to improve the efficiency of that process.
The overall seismic behaviour of a building can very often be analyzed accurately by considering each
floor as a mass linked to adjacent floors by walls and columns. Therefore the concept of storeys is widely
used in this context.
Several aspects of data input, as well as analytic model, result output and design functionality will be
directly linked to the storeys of a building. Storey results give a summarised view of results in each storey.
Displacements, accelerations, internal forces and resultant forces may be displayed per storey, either as
bulk values for each storey, or as detailed results for each wall and column. That feature may also be used
for fast determination of load path.
Once an explicit, detailed 3D model of the structure has already been defined and prepared for the purpose
of static analysis, it is common for the same model to be used for dynamic analysis and for seismic design
as well. A typical issue of using the full 3D model for obtaining the dynamic response is that seismic design
focuses on the overall behaviour of the structure while analysing the full mesh of the model often results
in ample information about local vibrations. More specifically in the case of modal analysis, the numerous
local vibration modes are irrelevant for the overall seismic structural response. Hence, it seems practical to
use a different, reduced mesh when performing dynamic analysis.
To enable this, an Improved Reduced System (IRS) method has been developed, which takes into account
not only the stiffness matrix of the system, but also the mass matrix, during the reduction process. This method has proven to give excellent results in dynamic analysis while calculation time is reduced tremendously.
Most of the seismic codes require that structures be checked for torsion due to mass eccentricity by including an additional eccentricity in the model (the so-called accidental eccentricity). In Scia Engineer, using
the IRS reduced model simplifies the introduction of accidental eccentricity, because reduced models use
only one rotation-node (R-node) per storey. Accidental eccentricity may be taken into account either as real
mass eccentricity or as additional torsional actions (simplified method according to design codes).
Scia Engineer makes it possible that masses which simulate the actual load effects on the structure are generated automatically based on static load cases. To ensure that no discrepancies occur in the introduced masses
in the case of updated load values, the mass and load values are linked and continuously checked and updated.

The seismic design functionality includes
tools for an effective modelling and analysis
of buildings under seismic actions according
to design code principles
Powerful IRS (Improved Reduced System)
method computes eigenmodes of the structure. Because of the significant reduction in
the number of degrees of freedom of a large
finite element mesh, the calculation time is
reduced notably.
Since this reduced model uses only one rotation-node per storey, a great and important
advantage of this technique is the possibility
of introducing accidental eccentricity easily
Output of summary results per storey such
as location of mass centre, overall mass,
displacements and accelerations per storey
Output of detailed results per storey level
such as total forces per storey and (resultant)
forces per wall/column
Storey results may be used for fast and comprehensive load path output
Automatic creation and update of the mass
based on the corresponding loads

Whats New in Scia Engineer 2013

General enhancements
A recurring chapter in any release of Scia Engineer are the many improvements and extensions that are added into Scia Engineer 2013. The following list summarizes the most interesting ones.

Bridge combinations + checks

Improvements for Bridge Combinations according to EN 1990

Bridge combinations in construction stage analysis: A new option has been added to the construction
stages setup, for the selection of the Structure type. The Structure type is used for all construction stages
and influences the automatic generation of (envelope) load combinations per stage.
Equation 6.10a modified: For ULS load combinations of type (STR/GEO) (Set B), the user can now also
choose for the equation 6.10a modified as described in EN 1990.

Improvements for Bridge Design according to EN 1992-2

Extension for calculation of minimum cover of reinforcement: When a concrete surface is subjected
to abrasion caused by ice or solid transportation in running water, the cover should be increased by 10mm,
as recommended in EN 1992-2 art.
Global imperfection for columns: If the material of a member is defined as concrete according to EN
1992-2, then the global imperfection should be calculated in a different way than for a standard EN 19921-1 material.
Modification in check of redistributed bending moments: If a member is assigned concrete class acc.
to EN 1992-2, then the criterion for adequate rotation capacity for plastic analysis should be calculated in a
different way than for a standard concretes, mentioned in EN 1992-1-1.
Shear check modification in case of prestressing: Another improvement is taking into account the prestressing reinforcement in the calculation of l, which influences the shear check. In fact, this is a general
improvement required for both buildings and bridges.
Allowable concrete stress during execution: In case of a construction stage analysis, it is necessary to distinguish between 2 types of combinations: (i) execution combinations, generated from a construction stage and (ii) serviceability combinations, generated from a service stage. Scia Engineer 2013 meets the special
requirements during execution, as defined by EN 1992-2 art. 113.3.2(103).

Brazilian concrete

Scia Engineer 2013 presents design and check functionalities for reinforced concrete beam members
according to the Brazilian code (NBR). It is the first time that the Open Checks technology is used for
a new development, as the checks have been written in the new Scia Design Forms, which runs in the
background while the checks are performed. These checks are fully integrated in Scia Engineer: input and
output are dealt with entirely from within the Concrete service of Scia Engineer.
The available functionality is summarised in the following list:
Calculation of design values of internal forces for columns, taking geometrical imperfections and 2nd
order effects into account.
Design of 1D members, consisting of a predefined or arbitrarily shaped cross-section:
Design of longitudinal reinforcement (As,req) acc. to ULS.
Design of shear reinforcement (Asw,req) acc. to ULS.
Input of practical reinforcement in the form of longitudinal bars, stirrups and/or free reinforcement bars.
Import and export is possible via IFC format.
Checks of 1D members, based on the user-defined practical reinforcement layout:
Response check (= check of the limit values of concrete and steel stresses and strains), taking the
interaction of N+My+Mz into account.
Customized check, user-defined by means of a Scia Design Form.
Graphical and numerical display of all results, with level of detail chosen the by user.
Creation of a bill of reinforcement.
Generation of simple reinforcement schemes.
All output available for presentation in the new Engineering Report.

Storey Results

The function Storey Results allows for a unique representation of results for one dimensional (beams and columns) and two dimensional (wall, plates and shells)
entities, together in one window and preview. The only prerequisite is to define a storey and assign it a name.
After the calculation, storey results are located in the menu Results (item Storey Results). This functionality allows for data input, parameters in the analytical model
and result output to be linked directly to a particular storey of a building. Brief or detailed storey results may be displayed.
The concept of storey is widely used to determine the overall seismic behaviour of a building as it can be analyzed accurately by considering each floor as a mass
linked to neighbouring floors by walls and columns. After the dynamic modal analysis by means of the condensed model, storey results appear, either as bulk
values for each storey, or as detailed results for each wall and column. Displacements, accelerations, internal forces and resultant forces may be displayed per
storey both in a numerical as in a graphical way. Also masses and mass centre per storey are at the users disposal. This feature may also be used for fast and
comprehensive load descending output.

Whats New in Scia Engineer 2013

Cross-Section Enhancements

Re-arranging the properties: In previous versions, the properties were not in the most logical order possible, which made it difficult to derive one section property from another. In Scia Engineer 2013, we have
re-arranged and extended the section properties functionality.
Calculation of properties for response to bi-axial bending and axial force: We have implemented a new
method for the determination of cross-section properties in version 2013 which is valid for ALL crosssection types. We provided a clear description for each property using tooltips. Another new feature is the
calculation of the circumference (AL) and the Drying Surface (AD), which we can now calculate also for
general cross-sections. Also plastic moments for every type of cross-section shape are calculated and can
generate fibres even in openings in the cross-section.
Calculation of properties for response to torsion
The torsion related properties of arbitrary thick-walled cross-sections are obtained using 2D FEM analysis
in Scia Engineer. Thin-walled closed cross-sections with more than one opening, however, do present a
challenge. Thats why we have implemented a new 1D FEM analysis solution in Scia Engineer 2013 for
this type of cross-sections.
The new 1D Finite Element approach is only valid for this kind of thin-walled sections:
valid for any thin-walled OPEN section
valid for any thin-walled CLOSED section, even with multiple openings
valid for any thin-walled section that is a combination of both open and closed parts

Wizard for reinforcement schemes

Scia Engineer 2013 includes a new wizard for the automatic generation of reinforcement schemes, for
beams and columns with practical reinforcement.
The option Scheme of reinforcement has been available for a long time in the View parameter settings
window. Its display per member has now been automated by means of a wizard. The user can choose
to generate pictures based on several parameters (e.g. scale), for all or a selection of the reinforced 1D
members in the project. The schemes present the position of all reinforcement bars (stirrups, longitudinal
bars, free bars) including some basic information like the number, diameter and length of bars, and the
chosen steel grade.

Main features of the wizard and its generated pictures:

Available in a Frame or General 3D environment in Scia Engineer.

For all or a selection of concrete 1D members with practical reinforcement.
Automatic generation of pictures:
Displaying the members and reinforcement based on the Structural (CAD) model.
Displaying simple reinforcement schemes presenting the position of reinforcement bars including basic
Editing and updating the pictures after any model changes, via the Picture gallery.
Plotting the pictures directly, via the Paperspace gallery.
Export to a wide range of file formats including *dwg/dxf, allowing for further editing in other (CAD)
Inserting the pictures into the new Engineering Report

Improvements in IFC export / import

Open BIM - and in addition IFC - is extremely important for Scia Engineer as we, and the other members of the Open BIM consortium, consider IFC to be the
preferred data exchange format for 3D models. This is why we actively revaluate our software and prove our commitment to BIM and operability by re-achieving
our certification for IFC 2x3. Scia Engineer still is the first and only CAE software which is IFC 2x3 Coordination View (2.0)-certified.
Derived profiles import: In version 2013 we are able to import profiles which are described by means of IfcDerivedProfileDef as General profiles.
Export of 2D reinforcement: In version 2012 we could already import and export 1D reinforcement. For version 2013 we extended the functionality and are now
able to export 2D reinforcement as well.
Import of 2D reinforcement: In addition to the export of 2D reinforcement, it is also possible to import 2D IFC reinforcement.
Export of tendons: Post tensioned internal tendons are exported as IfcTendon.
Import of tendons: Importing tendons, whether as internal or as free is supported as well. One thing to remember is that the strands are not kept (because this
info is not available in the IFC).
Improvements in the IFC-export dialog: To ensure optimal control over the information you are exporting to IFC, we have improved the dialog window to better
fit the users needs.
Export of BIM properties: In Scia Engineer we added a new functionality, called BIM properties. When the BIM Properties are activated, additional properties will
be available in the Properties dialogue for the handled members

Scia Metal Builder

The Metal Builder project is a revolutionary solution which allows you to create a CAE model in a fast an easy way, optimize it, and get a quote.
This solution is primarily intended for companies, which need a quick answer to their clients main concern: What is the optimized structure going to cost us?
A user-friendly web interface allows for all structural parameters to be defined easily and efficiently. Subsequently, a cloud server prepares the model and, if
desired, optimizes it according to the requirements for loads and strengths in a specified design code. After the optimization is finished, the user is automatically
Integrated quotation, based on company standards, is possible and is always a custom-made extension.

Whats New in Scia Engineer 2013

Additional improvements
Cloud storage

The Scia Engineer project can now be directly saved to a cloud storage location on the Scia Desk server
via function File > Publish to cloud.

Timber check

The check of timber members has been extended by tapered and curved beams.

Concrete checks

Calculation of xu,lim according to article 6.1(9) of NEN-EN 1992-1-1.

Concerning the tensile strength of concrete used for the calculation of cracking moment in SLS checks
(stresses, crack width and deflection), the use may select between the values fctm (Table 3.1) and fctm_fl
(Clause 3.1.8) (EN 1992-1-1).

Steel checks

Torsional (-flexural) buckling is now checked for doubly symmetrical I-sections.


Scia Engineer and ECtools are now closer integrated. Once modelling and required calculations in Scia
Engineer are completed, it is possible to directly open ECtools application and send the current project to it
via menu item Plugin > ECtools > Open in ECtools.


The tree menu for results of dynamic calculation has been rearranged and it newly offers also the accelerations.
Default units for translational accelerations have been changed to m/sec2. New units have been introduced
for rotational accelerations with rad/sec2 being the default setting.

National Annexes
Scia Engineer is widely considered one of the best software solutions for design of civil engineering structures according to Eurocodes. The coverage of
National Annexes implemented in the system has been further extended in
SciaEngineer 2013.

New National Annexes in Scia Engineer 2013

NA Luxembourg
Implementation of the latest version for:
EN 1990
EN 1991-1-3, EN 1991-1-4
EN 1992-1-1, EN 1992-1-2, EN 1992-2
EN 1993-1-1, EN 1993-1-2, EN 1993-1-3, EN 1993-1-5, EN 1993-1-8
EN 1995-1-1
EN 1997-1
EN 1999-1-1
NA Slovenia
Implementation of the latest version for:
EN 1992-1-1.

Updated National Annexes in Scia Engineer 2013

NA Netherlands
Implementation of update to the latest version:
NEN-EN 1992-1-1+C2:2011/NB:2011
Structural classification table update for calculation of concrete cover - Tab.4.3N
Calculation of redistribution coefficient 5.5(4)
Calculation of maximum stress during tensioning
NEN-EN 1992-1-2+C1:2011/NB:2011
NEN-EN 1992-2+C1:2011/NB:2011
Basic imperfection for bridges 5.2(105)
Implementation of the official version to replace the provisional version:
NEN EN 1991-1-4/NA:2011
NA Belgium
Implementation of the official version to replace the provisional version:
NBN EN 1993-1-3 ANB:2011
NBN EN 1995-1-1 ANB:2012
NA Slovakia
Implementation of update to the latest version:
STN EN 1991-1-3/NA1:2012-03
NA Finland
Extension of the previously implemented NA for:
SFS EN 1990 NA
Replacement of equation 6.10a by 6.10a modified Combination of
actions (STR/GEO) (Set B)
NA Austria
Extension of the previously implemented NA for:
NORM B EN 1991-1-4/NA:2011-10
Choice of method for external pressure coefficients 3D wind load generation

Whats New in Scia Engineer 2013

Summary table - National annexes available in Scia Engineer 2013
















EC-EN 1991-1-3

EC-EN 1991-1-4

EC-EN 1992-1-1


EC-EN 1992-1-2


EC-EN 1992-2


Combinations (EC0)
EC-EN 1990
Loads (EC1)

Concrete (EC2)

EN 1168


Steel (EC3)
EC-EN 1993-1-1

EC-EN 1993-1-2

EC-EN 1993-1-3


EC-EN 1993-1-5



EC-EN 1993-1-8



Timber (EC5)
EC-EN 1995-1-1
Foundations (EC7)
EC-EN 1997-1
Aluminium (EC9)
EC-EN 1999-1-1

ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes used in the table above. Columns listed in the alphabetic order (of the codes).
pr = provisions of prEN implemented

Nemetschek Scia nv - Industrieweg 1007 - B-3540 Herk-de-Stad (Belgium) - Tel.: +32 13 55 17 75 - Fax: +32 13 55 41 75 - info@nemetschek-scia.com
Nemetschek Scia ME - Dubai Silicon Oasis HQ Building - P.O. Box 341041, Dubai (U.A.E.) - Tel.: +971 4 5015744 - Fax: +971 4 5015777 - uae@nemetschek-scia.com
Nemetschek Scia North America - 7150 Riverwood Drive - Columbia, MD (USA) - Tel.: +1 410-290-5114 - Fax: +1 410-290-8050 - usa@nemetschek-scia.com
For a complete list of all our international agencies and partners, please visit our website nemetschek-scia.com

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