Alt R., Vignes J.-10th GAMM - IMACS International Symposium On Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics (2002)

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First announcement

SCAN 2002
10th GAMM - IMACS International Symposium on
Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and
Validated Numerics
Paris, France, September 2327, 2002

The conference continues the series of international SCAN symposia, which

have been initiated by the University of Karlsruhe. At the beginning, the symposia
have been held in this town, but with its increasing interest SCAN symposia have
been held in many towns in Europe: Basel (1989), Varna-Albena (1990), Oldenburg
(1991), Wien (1993), Wuppertal (1995), Lyon (1997), Budapest (1998), Karlsruhe
(2000), under the joint sponsorship of GAMM and IMACS. These conferences have
traditionally covered the numerical and algorithmic aspects of scientific computing,
with a strong emphasis on validation and verification of computed results as well as
on arithmetic, programming, and algorithmic tools for this purpose. The objectives
are to propagate current applications and research as well as to promote a greater
understanding and increased awareness of the subject matters. With the increasing
power of computers, many complex numerical simulations requiring a great lot of
computations are now performed. It appears more and more necessary to validate
results obtained with the finite arithmetic of computers. Many researches concern
the validation using a deterministic approach as computer and interval arithmetic,
specific verification methods, probabilistic approaches as discrete stochastic arithmetic, etc. Tools are now proposed to users, which are able to conclude that results
provided by computers are reliable, even if much work remains to be done in this
field. Other tools for validation and avoiding round-off errors are based on exact
representation and computer algebra systems. It seems that the future development
of the field will be seeked in the combination of various approaches and existing
tools. One of the missions of SCAN 2002 is to become a forum for the presentation


SCAN 2002

of the many existing validation tools and approaches in order to meet representative
populations of these various fields and uniform their concepts.
The scientific program will consist of invited general lectures and contributed
presentations. Exhibitions and demonstrations of computer hardware and software
will be welcome.
Information about the conference can be found at the URL address:
Questions can be sent to the e-mail address:
Registration and submission of abstracts will be possible soon.
Key dates
February 28, 2002
May 31, 2002
July 31, 2002

Final date for submissions

Acceptance notified
Registration deadline

Scientific committee
G. Alefeld, Karlsruhe (Germany), R. Alt, Paris (France), J.-M. Chesneaux, Paris
(France), G. F. Corliss, Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USA), T. Csendes, Szeged (Hungary), A. Frommer, Wuppertal (Germany), G. Heindl, Wuppertal (Germany),
J. Herzberger, Oldenburg (Germany), K.-U. Jahn, Leipzig (Germany), E. Kaucher,
Karlsruhe (Germany), R. B. Kearfott, Lafayette (Louisiana, USA), V. Kreinovich,
El Paso (Texas, USA), U. Kulisch, Karlsruhe (Germany), G. Mayer, Rostock (Germany), J.-M. Muller, Lyon (France), M. Plum, Karlsruhe (Germany), L. B. Rall,
Madison (Wisconsin, USA), J. Rohn, Praha (Czechia), S. M. Rump, Hamburg (Germany), H. Schwandt, Berlin (Germany), Z. Shen, Nanjing (China), J. Vignes, Paris
(France), W. V. Walter, Dresden (Germany), J. Wolff von Gudenberg, Wurzburg
(Germany), T. Yamamoto, Matsuyama (Japan).
Conference Chairmen
R. Alt, J. Vignes.
Local Organization
F. Jezequel, J.-L. Lamotte, M. Morcrette, Laboratoire dInformatique de Paris 6,
4, place Jussieu, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France.

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