Literature Component Is Already in The Syllabus: Point 2

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POINT 2 Literature component is already in the syllabus

English is already a compulsory subject for secondary schools in our country. Along
with that, a small literature component was added into the English Language curriculum
which was said to enable learners to engage in wider reading of good works for enjoyment
and for self-development. Therefore, in a way, literature is already compulsory in our
current curriculum, so why make it a compulsory separate subject?
Having a different subject just means more expenditure by the government. The
majority of teachers are not trained to teach literature. Retraining of these teachers will cost
billions of ringgit. Engaging the facilitators will cost a few millions more. On top of that the
logistics involved will be mind-boggling. All these will be unfair to the tax payers as you need
to also take into account their interests as they are also the stakeholders. When you fail to
think through your plans and implement policies at your whim and fancies only to scrap it
soon after it is launched, this is this is certainly gross mismanagement of public funds.
Based on a report from the World Bank, Malaysias expenditure on education is more than
double of that of other ASEAN countries, and yet from the recent PISA testing results,
Malaysia has lagged behind lower income countries such as Vietnam quite substantially.
Our countrys economy is already facing critical times if not yet a crisis and if Literature in
English is made a separate subject, you the Government would have to allocate more of our
nations resources and money into things like training qualified teachers for this subject.
In addition, Literature in English has been widely taught throughout the early 70s.
Even so, up till now, the standard of English in Malaysia did not increase, but is
deteriorating as we speak. A generation has passed and we live in a new era , but do we
see the increase in standard of English in people? The quality and caliber of English
standard in Malaysia is worsening. If this method did not work during those days, how do
you, the Government, think that it would work in todays modern society if literature is made
a separate compulsory subject? The English Language standard in our country has
remained the same if not gotten worse since the 70s. You the Government should be
thinking about ways to improve the current English Language curriculum, not making a new
compulsory subject that is already included in the syllabus.
POINT 3 Malaysian students can barely cope with the English Language
Our effort to deliver Mathematics and Science in English was a wake up call that
many of our students find it difficult to cope with English. We the Opposition believe that we
should not make Literature in English a compulsory subject for secondary schools.
I believe that the government is well aware of this fact. The introduction of graphic
novels in the English Language syllabus is an admission from the government that our
students are finding it hard to cope with the English Language. A graphic novel is a watered
down version of an actual novel. I am sure all of us are well aware that the actual novels are
hard to comprehend. The presence of graphic novels is an indication that our students are
grappling with their English. So how can we make Literature in English compulsory when
students do not even have the basic vocabulary needed for the English Language paper.
Imagine a student who has a minimal command of English trying to read Shakespeare. Will
he not throw the book down after 5 minutes? I am sure that the said student will find it
difficult even to understand even some of the simplest lines in Shakespeare. Even the
novels by authors Jane Austen and charlotte Bronte contain many words which are not
familiar to us now.(Stress again : for students who have an interest and a good command of

the English language, there is no reason to stop them from taking the subject. However we
must realise that such students are obviously in the minority)
Making Literature in English a compulsory subject will also create more stress for many
students. Literature in English is a subject which requires deep analysis and understanding.
It is a subject which delves deep into the abstract. The abstract is already hard enough for
most. With the mastery of language already a problem, this will definitely create and add
stress in our students. The resulting inability to cope with the subject will lead to other
psychological problems too such as self-confidence, and even lead to a lack of interest in
their other subjects.
Moreover, the existing curriculum already has enough academic subjects focused on
linguistic skills. Our school children take a minimum of two languages each, with some
doing three. Adding another language based subject takes up limited and precious time
which can be utilised for other subjects. It also burdens them with a subject which does not
provide them with any practical skills required today. The time can be set aside for more
useful subjects or skills like coding or computer literacy skills. Technological advancement is
changing our society at a pace not seen before. If one of the changes involves the decline
in the interest of Literature in English, then we should be practical and do away with the
subject. We the Opposition believe that our reasons are compelling enough to not make
Literature in English a compulsory subject in secondary schools. Therefore, I would like to
reiterate again that we the opposition do not agree with the motion today that is , making
Literature in English a Compulsory Subject for secondary schools.
let me state clearly again that we are not against the learning of literature ,but stating that it
does not have to be a separate compulsory subject. Students who can cope with the
English Program are always welcome to learn Literature and take up the subject. THANK

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