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09PH01101 Concrete Technology.

09PH01209 Rehabilitation & Retrofitting of Structures.pdf
11PH00001 Research Methodology.pdf

Code: 09PH01101
Pre Ph.D/M.Phil Regular & Supplementary Examinations June 2015
(For 2013 and prior batches)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 100

Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks






Name the four important Bogues component present in the Portland cement.
Discuss the physical and chemical characteristics of the C-S-H, calcium hydroxide and
calcium surfoaluminates present in a well hydrated Portland cement.
What are the essential differences in composition and mode of action between the
surfactants used for air entrainment and those used for water reduction?
Define the terms Grading and Maximum aggregate size as used in concrete technology.
What considerations control the choice of maximum aggregate size of aggregate in a
concrete. Discuss the reasons why grading limits are specified.
What is the cause of bulking phenomenon and what role does it play in concrete
manufacturing practice?
Define the following phenomena, and give their significance and the factors affecting them:
Slumploss, segregation and bleeding.
Suggest at least two methods by which you can reduce Bleeding of a concrete mixture.
Explain how the water/cement ratio influences the strength of the cement paste matrix and
the transition zone in concrete.
What do you understand by the term curing of concrete? What is the significance of


Draw a typical stress-strain curve for concrete. Explain.

List the most important factors that affect drying shrinkage and creep in concrete.


Explain the concept of mix design.

Using road note no.4 method, design a concrete mix for a R.C. work which will be exposed
to the severe condition. The concrete is to be designed for a mean compressive strength of
35 MPa at the age of 28 days. A requirement of 25 mm cover is prescribed. Maximum size
of aggregate is 20 mm uncrushed aggregate will be used. Sieve analysis shows that 50%
passes through 600 sieve. The bulk specific gravity of aggregate is found to be 2.65.
Assume 75 mm slump.


Write short notes on:

Light weight concrete.
No fines concrete.


Write short notes on:

Ready mix concrete.
Self compacting concrete.


Code: 09PH01209

Pre Ph.D/M.Phil Regular & Supplementary Examinations June 2015

(For 2013 and prior batches)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 100

Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1 (a) Explain about the compressive strength and tensile strength of concrete.
(b) Explain the thermal properties of concrete.
2 (a) State and explain the reasons due to which structural cracks appear in walls of buildings.
(b) Explain the method of determination of extent of corrosion of reinforcement in RCC member.

Briefly explain about components of quality assurance and conceptual bases for quality assurance

Explain the importance of special concretes in the present scenario and also explain the
importance of expensive cement.

Write short notes on advantages and applications of using the following materials:
(a) Ferro cement.
(b) Fiber reinforced concrete.
(c) Slurry infiltrate fibrous concrete.

6 (a) Explain the methods of repair of reinforced bars.

(b) Explain the following: (i) Foamed concrete. (ii) Vacuum concrete.

Explain the following methods of retrofitting of masonry walls:

(a) Splint and bandage technique.
(b) Prestressing of masonry.
(c) FRP fabric.

Discuss the following:

(a) Guiniting.
(b) Cold weather concreting.
(c) Shortcreting.

Code: 11PH00001

Pre Ph.D/M.Phil Regular & Supplementary Examinations June 2015

(For 2013 and prior batches)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 100

Answer any FIVE questions

All questions carry equal marks
What points must be kept in mind while defining a research problem? Briefly mention the advantages
of considering these points while defining a research problem.


Write short notes on the following:

Endogenous variables and exogenous variables.
Scrutiny of secondary data.
Routine and non-routine decisions.
Elements of communication dimension.
Null hypothesis.


Distinguish between:
Parametric and Non-Parametric tests.
Analysis of variance and covariance.

4 (a)

A sports goods company wishes to test two types of tennis rackets in order to determine which one is
Propose and defend a precise definition of best.
Write the set of hypotheses that should be tested? Discuss.

Enumerate the different methods of collecting data. Which one is the most suitable for conducting
enquiry regarding family welfare programme in India? Explain its merits and demerits.

Distinguish between primary and secondary data. Explain any three methods of collecting primary
data using examples wherever possible.

What is Chi-square test? Explain its significance in statistical analysis.

Random sampling owes its importance to the fact that we can assess the results obtained from it in
terms of probabilities otherwise the reliability of the estimates remains a matter of individual opinion.
Elucidate this statement.

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