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PTA Minutes 3 March 2010.

Present: Sharon Madden-Nadeau – Chair; Caryn Scott – Treasurer; Carol

Cook; Dawn Dunsford; Andrina Gibson; Tina Gibbons; Cathy Kurton;
Terry Madden-Nadeau

Apologies: Tracey White, Barbara Gordon and Nina Moore

Action Points update from Last Meeting

• Sharon sent an e-mail to all the teachers who have already submitted
funding requests, to let them know that their requests are still being
considered and to confirm that the after school science club has been
selected as the next funding project.

• Dates when raffle tickets can be sold have been confirmed and are
included under the agenda item below.

• Race night flyer issued and food orders for 34 have been confirmed.

• Nina designed and printed the race night tickets for the event.

• Sharon confirmed that 2 people will be required to man the betting

stand throughout race night.

• The PTA newsletter has been designed and issued via parent mail and
has also been posted on the new blog. Members asked for the minutes
to note that they thought the design of the newsletter was great.
Thanks go to Nina for all the effort she put into this.

Outstanding action points

➢ Dawn to send details of London Business in the community that helped

East Wickham primary school develop their school garden.
➢ Nina to find out if there is a trained accountant at the school who would
be prepared to undertake an audit of the PTA accounts.

Easter Race Night

➢ Carol to arrange for condiments on the night including bread and

butter, ketchup, salt and vinegar etc.
➢ Terry, Caryn, Cathy and Andrina volunteered to help out on the betting
stand during the evening. Sharon and Carol to arrive early to help set
up and sell raffle tickets on the door.
➢ Carol gave Andrina details of the hall layout required on the night to
pass on to Kurt and his team and to ensure that a PA system is
available on the night for use by the event hosts.
➢ Andrina to find out whether or not any teachers would be attending and
confirm numbers to Sharon by Friday 5 March.
➢ School event dates have been provided at which the PTA can sell
tickets these are:
○ 9 March GCSE drama event.
○ 12 March 6th form drama night (this clashes with the race night)
○ 23 June – Lower school presentation evening
○ 6 July – New intake parent evening. The July PTA meeting has
also been changed from Wednesday 7 to Tuesday the 6 July to
coincide with the raffle being drawn.
➢ PTA members to note diaries and to confirm whether or not they can
sell tickets on either 23 June or 6 July.
➢ Tickets will also be on sale during race night and at the Summer Fair if
this goes ahead.
➢ Total tickets sold to date are 172 we need to sell a further 328 tickets to
break even so there is still a long way to go. Anyone willing to sell
tickets to friends and family please contact Sharon at the PTA inbox.

Future Ideas for supporting the school

• PTA raffle with donated prizes at the Alice Concert. Sharon to speak to
Nina to see if this would be okay.

• Summer Fair. Year 8, 9 and 10 School councils all voted in favour of a

Summer Fair, with one child donating his Jack Petchy award to
supporting the event. PTA agreed to hold an event if the school council
are willing to work jointly with the PTA to help promote the event and
man the stalls on the day as there are not enough PTA members to do
this. Suggested date is 26 June. Sharon to check whether or not this
date is available with Kurt and to contact Alan Southgate to enlist the
help of the student council.

• To provide additional support on school trips. It is likely that this

will require PTA members to be CRB checked. Terry agreed to look
into the new CRB requirements however it was agreed that we would
need to get a steer from Diane on whether this is something the school
would want. Sharon to arrange a meeting with Dianne and Tina
Gibbons after Easter.

• To act as a consultative body / parent forum on the impacts of

proposed non curricular changes to school life on both parents and
students for example shortening of lunch breaks. Sharon to discuss
with Diane and find out where Diane feels the PTA can add value by
providing additional support to the school.

• To put an educational resource lists on to the PTA blog to help

parents wanting to support their children. – It was agreed that this was
the responsibility of the school and not the PTA. Sharon to speak to
Nina to see whether or not a comprehensive resource list is being
completed and can be published on the school site.
• To hold a pamper evening just before the October half term. This was
felt to be a good idea and will be the first PTA run event after the
school comes back in September. Tina mentioned that the body shop
supported health at work days and would find out whether or not they
would get involved. To be discussed further at the next meeting.

PTA webpage /Blog

Everyone at the meeting had received the link to the site and had been in to
have a look at it. This is still under development however everyone felt it was
a huge improvement on the old site. Nina to arrange for a link from the
existing PTA website to the new blog.

Summary of action Points arising during the meeting.

➢ PTA members to note diaries and to confirm whether or not they can
sell tickets on either 23 June or 6 July.
➢ Sharon to speak to Nina to see find out if it would be possible to hold
an on the night raffle during the performance of Alice to raise funds.
➢ Sharon to confirm with Kurt whether or not it would be possible to hold
the Summer Fair on 26 June 2010.
➢ Sharon to e-mail Alan Southgate to enlist the help of the student
council in running the Summer Fair.
➢ Sharon to set up a meeting with Diane Khanna and Tina Gibbons after
Easter to discuss the role of the PTA and get her views on how we can
help support the school.
➢ Sharon to speak to Nina to see whether or not a comprehensive
resource list can be posted on the school web site to help parents and
➢ Nina to arrange to put a link from the existing PTA website through to
the new blog.

Date of future meetings

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Wednesday 5 May 2010
Wednesday 9 June 2010
Tuesday 6 July to match the new intake parents evening.

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