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QCI Scheme for Approval of Inspection Bodies for

Infrastructure Projects
(w.e.f. 01 Jul 09)
0. Introduction

0.1 This document defines the criteria to be followed by the bodies performing
inspection of infrastructure projects and the guidance for application of the criteria. It
also describes the procedure that will be followed by the Inspection Bodies (IBs)
seeking approval by the Quality Council of India (QCI) as an inspection body performing
inspection of infrastructure projects pending formal accreditation as per ISO 17020 from
the National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB).

0.2 In case anyone needs more information, he may contact :

Anil Jauhri/M.Jena
Quality Council of India
2nd Floor, Institution of Engineers Building
2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
New Delhi - 110002
Tel: +91-11-2337-8056/57,9321,9260
Fax: +91-11-23379621

A. Criteria and Guidance for the inspection bodies for infrastructure projects

A. 1 Scope

A. 1.1 This document specifies general criteria for the competence of third party
inspection bodies performing inspection of different types of infrastructure projects. It
also provides guidance on application of the criteria.

Note 1: The term “shall” used throughout this document indicates those provisions
which are mandatory in nature. The term “should” is used to indicate guidance which,
although not mandatory, is provided as a means of meeting the requirements of the
approval criteria. In case the inspection bodies use an alternative means of meeting the
requirements, they would have to provide suitable and adequate justification.

Note 2: The inspection bodies shall be required to establish documents in the form of
manual, procedures, work instructions etc wherever the criteria has referred to a
documented procedure or system. In all other cases the inspection bodies shall be
required to demonstrate compliance to the requirements of the criteria. However, even
in these cases the Inspection bodies are encouraged to document their system.

A. 1.2 This criteria is intended for the use for assessment by the QCI for the purpose of
approval of Inspection bodies for performing inspection of Infrastructure Projects and
recommending them to govt agencies.

A. 2 Definitions
For the purpose of this criteria, the following definitions apply.

A. 2.1 Infrastructure projects

The definition shall be as decided by the Central Government from time to time – the
current definition is as given in the document at Annex 1.

A. 2.2 Inspection of Infrastructure projects

Examination of an infrastructure project design, construction processes, and finished

project activities for determination of their conformity with specific requirements (clients
as well as statutory and regulatory), on the basis of professional judgment and general

NOTE 1: Inspection of processes includes personnel, facilities, technology and


A. 2.2 Inspection body

A body or an organization, that performs inspection.

NOTE: A body can be an organization, or part of an organization.

A. 3 Administrative requirements

A. 3.1 The inspection body, or the organization of which it forms a part, shall be a legal
entity in India. An inspection body that is part of an organization involved in functions
other than inspection shall be identifiable within that organization.

A. 3.2 The inspection body shall have documented its terms and conditions which would
form the basis for its inspection activities. Contracts or work orders for inspection should
ensure that there is a clear and demonstrable understanding between the inspection
body and its clients, of the scope of the inspection work to be undertaken by the
inspection body.

A. 3.3 The inspection body shall have adequate provisions for liability insurance and the
extent of liability should be clearly defined in the contract between the inspection body
and the client. The inspection body shall have sufficient finances to cover the activities

A. 4 Independence, impartiality and integrity related requirements

A. 4.1 General - The personnel of the inspection body shall be free from any
commercial, financial and other pressures which might affect their judgement. The
inspection body should implement adequate measures to ensure that persons or
organizations external to the inspection body, cannot influence the results of inspections
carried out.
A. 4.2 Independence - The inspection body shall be providing only third party
inspection services and shall be independent of the parties involved. The inspection
body and its staff shall not engage in any activities that may conflict with their
independence of judgement and integrity in relation to their inspection activities. The
inspection body, and its staff responsible for carrying out the inspection shall not be
involved in designing of the infrastructure project or providing consultancy for its
construction, erection, installation and commissioning and maintenance or any other
activity which may pose risk to impartiality.

A. 5 Confidentiality

The inspection body shall ensure confidentiality of information obtained in the course of
its inspection activities. Proprietary rights shall be protected.

A. 6 Organization and management

A. 6.1 The inspection body shall have an organization that enables it to maintain the
capability to perform its technical functions satisfactorily. The structure of the
organization shall be defined and documented. The size, structure and composition of
an inspection body, taken together should be suitable for the competent performance of
the inspection of infrastructure projects.

A. 6.2 The inspection body shall define and document the responsibilities and reporting
structure of the organization dealing with infrastructure projects.

A. 6.3 The inspection body shall have a documented system for providing effective
supervision of the inspection activities carried out by individual surveyors/inspectors, by
persons familiar with the inspection methods and procedures, the objectives of the
inspection and the assessment of the examination results and it shall be able to
demonstrate the same. The extent, nature and level of supervision exercised should
take in to account the qualifications, experience, training and technical knowledge of the
inspection staff and the inspections being undertaken. Supervision of inspection
personnel may include, but not be limited to, on-site monitoring of performance (see A
8.7 for details); regular review of inspection reports to ensure that they are in
accordance with relevant legislation, inspection body’s procedures and as necessary,
contractual obligations agreed with the client; etc.

A. 6.4 Each position category affecting the quality of the inspection services shall be
described. These job descriptions shall include as appropriate the requirements for
education, training, technical knowledge and experience.

A. 7 Subcontracting

A. 7.1 The inspection body shall normally perform the inspections which it contracts to
undertake itself. Sub-contracting of inspections may be resorted to only when any of the
following conditions apply. However In all such cases the responsibility for the results of
inspection shall always remain with the inspection body.

a. Because of an unforeseen or abnormal overload, key inspection staff members

or key facilities or equipment are temporarily not available.
b. A small part of the contract from the client involves inspection, which is beyond
the capability or resources of the Inspection Body.

A 7.2 When an inspection body subcontracts any part of the inspection, it shall ensure
and be able to demonstrate that its subcontractor is competent to perform the service in
question and where applicable complies with the requirements stipulated in this criteria.
QCI approval of the subcontractor as an inspection body should be considered as a
direct measure of this demonstration.

A 7.3 The inspection body shall advise the client of its intention to subcontract any part
of the inspection and the subcontractor shall be acceptable to the client.

A 7.4 In cases, where laboratory testing forms a part of inspection and is subcontracted,
then the competence of the sub-contractor should be demonstrated either by the
laboratory being accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 for the relevant inspections/tests or by the
inspection body itself assessing the competence of the sub-contracted laboratory, by a
technically competent assessment team, to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025, as

A 7.5 The inspection body shall record and retain details of its investigation of the
competence and compliance of its subcontractors. The inspection body shall maintain a
register of all subcontracting.

A. 8 Personnel

A. 8.1 The inspection body shall have a sufficient number of personnel with the range of
expertise to carry out inspection of infrastructure projects comprising different technical
areas available locally. These may be permanent personnel or those who are employed
by or under long term contract to the inspection body. They may be employed either on
a full-time basis or on a part time basis. Where it is necessary to use personnel for
temporary situations, such personnel should be formally contracted for the period that
the inspection body uses them. The inspection body should ensure that such personnel
are effectively supervised and competent and that they work in accordance with the
inspection body’s internal systems. The same competence requirements shall apply to
the contracted personnel as inspection bodies own staff.

A. 8.2 The staff responsible for inspection of different technical areas within
infrastructure projects shall have appropriate qualifications, training, experience and a
satisfactory knowledge of the requirements of the inspections to be carried out. They
shall have the ability to make professional judgements as to the conformity with general
requirements using examination results and to report thereon. They shall also have
relevant knowledge of the technology used for the construction, erection, installation
and commissioning of the projects inspected the regulatory and legal requirements in
respect of the infrastructure projects and the intended use. In case the inspection body
is engaged in design approval activities, then the knowledge of design of infrastructure
projects is also essential. They shall understand the significance of deviations found
and their effect on the project quality.

A. 8.3 The Inspection body should be able to demonstrate that it has performed an
initial competence analysis (determination of competence requirements in response to
evaluated needs) for each technical area within the broad category of infrastructure
projects. The scopes given in Annex 2 or equivalent shall be the basis of defining the
technical areas but where necessary, more precise description of technical areas would
be required. Based on the competence analysis, the inspection body shall define and
document the qualifications, training, experience and special/professional qualification
criteria that would ensure the level of knowledge and competence arrived at through the
initial competence analysis. It shall have a formal system of qualifying its managers,
supervisors, and surveyors/inspectors for various inspection related jobs based on the
criteria defined.

A. 8.4 The inspection body shall establish a documented training system to ensure that
the training of its personnel, in the technical and administrative aspects of the work in
which they will be involved, is kept up-to-date. The training required shall depend upon
the ability, qualifications and experience of persons involved. The inspection body shall
establish the necessary stages of training for each of its personnel, which should
include, as appropriate, an initial induction period, a supervised working period with
experienced inspectors; and continuation training, throughout employment, to keep
pace with developing technology.

A. 8.5 Records of academic or other qualifications, training and experience of each

member of its personnel shall be maintained by the inspection body.

A. 8.6 The inspection body shall provide guidance for the conduct of its staff. This
guidance may be in the form of a code of conduct. It may include issues relating to work
ethics, impartiality, personal safety, relationship with customers, company rules and any
other issues needed to assure the proper conduct of inspection body staff.

A 8.7 Inspection body shall have a system for monitoring of performance of inspections,
which should include on-site witnessing of inspections, carried out by technically
competent personnel, who are sufficiently independent to carry out the witnessing of
inspections objectively. The inspection body’s programme for witnessing inspectors
should be designed so that a representative sample of inspectors is witnessed. Records
of observed inspections shall be kept.

A 8.8 Where the inspection body engages outside individuals to provide certain
additional expertise, these individuals shall be selected based on their specific
competence to form an independent assessment of the results of the specialized
activities. However the responsibility for the determination of conformity with the
requirements rests with the inspection body itself.

A. 9 Facilities and equipment

A. 9.1 In case any equipment or facilities are used on-site for carrying out any
inspection activities, then the inspection body shall ensure that it has available to it,
suitable and adequate facilities and equipment to permit all activities associated with the
inspection services to be carried out satisfactorily as per the required standards. The
inspection body shall ensure that all such equipment are properly maintained and
calibrated with traceability to national/international standards of measurement where
available or by any other equivalent means. The inspection body shall ensure that,
where appropriate, equipment is calibrated before being put into service and thereafter
according to an established programme.

A. 9.2 If the equipment and facilities are not owned by the inspection body and if their
results are likely to have bearing on the inspection results, then they shall also merit the
same treatment as the equipment owned by the inspection body.

A. 10 Inspection methods and procedures

A. 10.1 The inspection body shall use the methods and procedures for inspection which
are defined in the requirements, against which conformity is to be determined. These
could be specified in regulations, standards or specifications which may include
customer or in-house requirements. When the inspection methods and procedures are
not defined in regulations, standards or specifications the inspection body itself shall
define and document the methods and procedures for inspection.

A 10.2 In certain circumstances the inspection body’s customer may supply information
for the inspection body to take into consideration when performing its inspection. If the
inspection body uses such information supplied by any other party as part of the
inspection body’s determination of conformity, then it should be able to demonstrate the
measures taken to verify the integrity of such information.

A 10.3 The inspection body shall have and use adequate documented instructions on
inspection planning and on standard sampling and inspection techniques, where the
absence of such instructions could jeopardize the efficiency of the inspection process.
Where applicable, this requires sufficient knowledge of statistical techniques to ensure
statistically sound sampling procedures and the correct processing and interpretation of

A. 10.4 All instructions, standards or written procedures, worksheets, check lists and
reference data relevant to the work of the inspection body shall be maintained up-to-
date and be readily available to the staff.

A. 10.5 The inspection body shall have a documented procedure for review of
contract/work order. Each contract/work order for inspection of infrastructure projects
shall be reviewed by the inspection body to ensure the following as applicable:

a. the client’s requirements are adequately defined, documented and

b. the inspection body has the capability to meet the client’s requirements;
c. contract conditions are agreed;
d. special equipment needs, personnel training needs, statutory and regulatory
requirements, special safety requirements, documentation needs, etc, are
identified, as applicable and recorded.
e. An inspection plan is developed covering stages, standards, equipment etc.

For routine or repeat work requests, review may be limited to considerations of time and
human resources and an acceptable record in such cases would be a signed
acceptance of the contract by an appropriately authorized person.
A. 10.6 The inspection body shall ensure that the work being undertaken is controlled
by regular review and corrective action and the completed work is reviewed to confirm
that requirements have been met.

A. 10.7 Observations and/or data obtained in the course of inspections shall be

recorded in a timely manner to prevent loss of relevant information. Worksheets,
notebooks, etc, used to record observations during inspections shall be retained for
reference for a defined period.

A. 10.8 All calculations and data transfers shall be subject to appropriate checks.
Checking points should be identified in advance. The extent of checking should also be
defined, e.g. checks for completeness, for technical consistency or typographical errors.
There should be documentary evidence that checks have been done.

A. 10.8 The inspection body shall have a system for carrying out inspection safely for
ensuring the safety of personnel and, where appropriate, protection of the surrounding

A. 11 Records

A. 11.1 The Inspection body shall maintain a record system to suit the requirements of
inspection of infrastructure projects and to comply with applicable regulations and in line
with the requirements of the client.

A. 11.2 The records of inspection kept by the inspection body shall include sufficient
information to permit satisfactory evaluation of the inspection. Inspection records should
be detailed and comprehensive and should include as a minimum, client instructions,
details of job review, details of the items/processes inspected, inspection conditions,
information provided by the client, identity of the person who performed the inspection,
equipment used if any and its equipment verification records, the inspection procedures
used, inspection observations, conformity decisions (with supporting justification),
aspects not inspected, with reasons given, e.g. lack of safe access. Additional
information requirements should be considered at the times of the inspection and
subsequent reporting.

A. 11.3 All records shall be safely stored for a specified period, held secure and in
confidence to the client, unless otherwise required by law.

A. 12 Inspection reports and inspection certificates

A. 12.1 The work carried out by the inspection body shall be covered by a uniquely
identified and retrievable inspection report and/or inspection certificate.

A. 12.2 The inspection report and/or inspection certificate shall include all the results of
examinations and the determination of conformity made from these results as well as all
information needed to understand and interpret them. All this information shall be
reported correctly, accurately, and clearly.

A. 12.3 Inspection reports and inspection certificates shall be signed or otherwise

approved by authorized staff members only.
A. 12.4 Corrections or additions to an inspection report or inspection certificate after
issue shall be recorded and justified in accordance with the relevant requirements of
this section.

A. 13 Complaints and appeals

A 13.1 The inspection body shall have documented procedures for dealing with
complaints received from clients or other parties about the inspection body's activities
and these shall be publicly available.

A. 13.2 The inspection body shall have documented procedures for the consideration
and resolution of appeals against the results of its inspections, where these are carried
out under legally delegated authority. These shall be made known to the client.

A. 13.3 A record shall be maintained of all complaints and appeals and of the actions
taken by the inspection body.

A. 13.4 Records shall also be maintained of any judicial proceeding or penalty (black
listing or putting on a holiday) imposed by the client subsequent to making a complaint.

A. 13 Time duration of Inspections

A. 13.1 The Inspection body shall have a documented system for estimation of time
duration for conduct of inspection of different type of activities comprising infrastructure
projects. It shall also have a system for periodic monitoring to ensure that the required
on-site time is spent by its inspectors while performing these inspection activities.

B. Procedure for approval of bodies performing inspection of infrastructure

projects by QCI

B. 1 Application for approval

B. 1.1 Inspection bodies interested in approval of the Quality Council of India (QCI) for
the purpose of inspection of infrastructure projects may apply to QCI along with
information in the format enclosed vide Annex 3. The applicant shall also enclose the
required information and documents as specified in the application form.

B 1.2 The filled application form for approval shall be duly signed by the authorized
representative/s of the organization seeking approval and forwarded to QCI along with
necessary enclosures.

B. 1.3 On receipt of the application form, it will be scrutinised by the secretariat at QCI
and those found complete in all respect will be processed further.

B. 2 Assessment

B. 2.1 Assessment planning and assessment team nominations

B. 2.1.1 Based on the information supplied regarding the location of the inspection
body, technical areas of operation, etc, an assessment team consisting of a team leader
and member(s)/technical expert(s) will be nominated by QCI for the purpose of
assessment at the inspection body’s head office and other locations, if required. Under
normal circumstances the assessment at head office will be for a total of two mandays.

B. 2.1.2 The names of the members of the audit team along with their CVs will be
communicated to the applicant body giving them adequate time to raise an objection
against the appointment of any of the team members, which will be dealt with by QCI on
merits. All assessors/experts nominated by QCI have signed undertakings regarding
confidentiality and conflict of interest.

B. 2.1.3 The dates of the office assessment shall be decided as per mutual
convenience of the assessment team and the applicant body. The inspection body is
informed of the assessment plan by the team leader which is and finalized based on the
agreement of the applicant organization. In case information collected during the office
assessment requires inclusion of other locations in the assessment programme, the
applicant would be informed and the assessment programme would be modified to
cover such locations. The branch offices/sub-contractors would be included in the
assessment programme depending on the nature of activities carried out by them and
the extent of control demonstrated by the applicant IB

B. 2.2 Assessment Process:

B. 2.2.1 Office assessment will begin with an opening meeting for explaining the
purpose and scope assessment and the methodology of the assessment. The actual
assessment process will cover verification of documentation system of the inspection
body to assess its adequacy in line with the assessment criteria as specified at A.
above. It will also involve verification of records of surveyor/inspector qualification for
different technical areas comprising infrastructure projects, inspection reports and
certificates and other relevant records and demonstration of surveyor/inspector
competence through means like interviews, etc. In short, it will be an assessment for
verifying generic and technical competence of the body for operating a sound inspection
system for inspection of infrastructure projects.

B. 2.2.2 During the assessment or on demand at any time, the applicant body is
required to provide unrestricted access to the documents that pertain to the inspection
process and the scope applied for.

B. 2.2.3 At the end of the office assessment process through a formal closing meeting,
all the gaps observed in inspection body’s system and competence requirements in line
with the assessment criteria and the assessment team’s recommendation to QCI, shall
be informed to the applicant organization.

B. 2.2.4 The team shall submit its assessment report to QCI, who would review it and
take a decision on approval. The approval or otherwise shall be duly communicated to
the applicant.

B. 2.2.5 If necessary, QCI may decide based on the report of office assessment or
otherwise, to undertake witness assessment of actual inspections by the applicant
inspection body.
B. 2.2.6 The approval shall be valid for a period of one year during which the inspection
body will be required to obtain formal accreditation as per ISO 17020 from NABCB. In
case it is decided to extend the period of validity, the Inspection body shall be liable to
an assessment prior to such an extension.

B. 3 Granting of Approval

B. 3.1 The approval is granted to an applicant after the following conditions have been
met by the applicant body

a. The applicant meets the criteria of approval and all gaps found against the
criteria of approval during assessment, have been closed within a reasonable
time, to the satisfaction of QCI.
b. There are no adverse reports/information on judicial proceedings/de-
recognition/holiday/blacklisting /complaints.
c. The clients of the applicant body are satisfied by the conduct of the applicant
body and its inspection system. QCI may request feedback from selected clients
of the inspection body /publicize receipt of application and seek a feedback from
d. The applicant body has paid all assessment related dues.

B. 3.2 In the event of any adverse issue arising from the reasons specified at points b.
and c., the applicant body will be given an opportunity to explain its position to QCI
before a decision is taken in respect of grant of approval.

B. 4 Maintaining of Approval

B. 4.1 The approval is maintained for one year under the following conditions :

a. The approved body continues to meet the criteria of approval.

b. At least one actual inspection is witnessed and is satisfactory.
c. There is no adverse report/information/complaint with the QCI about the
approved body regarding the implementation of inspection system as per the
d. The clients of the approved body are satisfied by the conduct of the applicant
body and its inspection system.
e. The approved inspection body has begun the process of getting accredited
against the requirements of ISO 17020.

B. 4.2 In the event of any adverse issue arising from the reasons specified at points b.
and c. above, the approved body will be given an opportunity to explain its position to
QCI, before a decision is taken in respect of maintaining of the approval.

B.4.3 QCI at its discretion may conduct a short notice assessment or witness actual
inspections during the period of approval
B. 5 Suspension/Withdrawal of approval

B. 5.1 QCI reserved the right to visit any approved inspection body during the period of
approval for any reason and to suspend or withdraw approval after giving due notice to
the inspection body.

B.6 Extension of Scope

B.6.1 The Inspection body may apply for extension of scope during the period of
validity. QCI will decide based on the request and other information submitted on the
need for onsite/witness assessment and/or offsite review which shall be charged.

B.6.2 The period of approval shall remain one year from the date of initial approval.

B.7 Fee

B.7.1 There shall be no application fee.

B.7.2 The assessments shall be charged at Rs. 20000/- per manday plus travel and
stay for the assessment team at actuals.

B.8 Appeal

The inspection body may make an appeal to the Secretary General, QCI in case it is
dissatisfied with any decision of QCI. The appeal shall be considered independent of
the personnel involved in the decision.

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