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All Indians (especially Delhiites)

The newly emerged Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is battling it out to make its mark in the elections in Delhi, but only
time will tell if the image of a clean governance is enough to destabilize the established Congress and the Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) in the upcoming assembly elections.

I am eagerly waiting for the result but at the same time I am a bit nervous too. What if they lose? Then I
wonder, They lose. Common!! Be realistic. If they will lose the election, they will lose nothing. That
Halwayi will again continue his own business. Kumar Vishwas will continue to perform. Arvind will go
back to NGO. And so on so forth.
Then who will lose? I guess its us. We will lose. We will lose a chance. A chance to change this whole
rotten system. A chance to fight against the corruption. Thats why I am nervous.
Whats our problem?
Biggest problem of All: We are Blind.
Prove it:
1. Our brains are so occupied by the idea of corruption that we cant imagine a world without
corruption. How can it be possible? Corruption Free State (European countries are just an
illusion. Ignore them.)!! Give it a break. He must be joking or lying. It cant be true.
o Even if he made his account public.
o Even if he closed accepting donation after reaching 20 Crores.
o Even if he left one seat vacant just because of an FIR
o Even if he followed everything line by line whatever he promised.
Check his accounts, his belongings, and his property. Everything is fine!! Shit yaar.
Why he is doing it? There must be some reason, some explanation, and some incentive.
Oh Yes! He must be hungry for power. He wants power. He is a dictator.
2. Water Scarcity in Delhi: But no one ever died due to lack of water. From where they are getting
it. Thank GOD!! These water tanker Mafias are the saviors. Really we are blind. Why everyone is
saying them Mafia. They are the real saviors.
Jokes apart, we are blind because we never wondered that from where they are getting that
3. Electricity Bills: In 2002 congress government of Delhi Privatized Electricity to reduce the Theft
of AAM AADMI. They said that this will reduce the Electricity Price. But the Price increased by 3
times. But now if a guy is saying that he will bring down the price, we find ourselves in a position
of disbelieve.

4. Sting Operation: Just before the election they released a curtailed video and they said that JAN
HIT MEIN JAARI (In favor of Public interest). But even after asking they didnt released the real
tape. We never wondered why? After the interference of Election Commission we found out
that The whole video was nonsense. But we blind people never wondered that Why they
want to defame AAP? Who gave them incentive to do it?
5. Communal: Who said that? Who? BJP said AAP is playing a communal card. Ha ha ha ha. No
comments Please.
6. Experience in Governance: This point is my favorite. Because its really really funny. After
reading the point Experience in Governance, the very first thing that knocks my mind is, you
must be taking about some well-developed countries. Let me guess, is it Germany? No. Oh then
US or some European Countries, I guess. No. Oh common!! India. India really!! Then experience
in what Corruption? Yes agreed!! Completely agreed with your point. They dont have that
experience. Because in India Governance is just another word for Corruption and visa-versa.
He implies Arvind Kejriwal
(Not Aam Aadmi Party. This Aap means YOU- One of You)

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