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Continuing health care

Healthcare has been an interest of mine for witch I have put a lot of effort into, searching
for answers for treating more effectively day to day illnesses. I have also been influenced by my
sister, who is a nurse. She has always answered my questions and has helped by guiding me
towards a healthcare related field, like a Nursing Career.
In addition to my academic courses I have also participated in national and international
Healthcare convention throughout my university years in countries like Turkey, Germany,
Netherlands, the Republic of Serbia and in our own country Romania. Congress themes were
varied from surgery, cardiology, dermatology, internal medicine to orthopedics and other fields. I
was a passive participant, but also an active participant because I presented the themes of:
cardiology, dermatology and nursing.
Furthermore I have taken geriatrics courses to supplement my knowledge in that field. In
the geriatrics course the emphasis was placed on care of the elderly and palliative care at home, I
learned how to look for the elderly in terms of needs, age-specific disease (paralysis,
incontinence, instability, cognitive impairment, depression etc.) and nursing care; I did practice
in a nursing home, and at the end of the course I presented two special cases that we faced there.
I have also been elected as the student body president to represent student interests in
faculty meetings and have dealt with organizational issues regarding our collaboration with
different hospitals.
To further my knowledge I have done volunteer work at Bucharest SABIF, ambulance
service, from 2011 to now. In the course of witch I have been taught many nursing procedures,
from establishing an IV line to performing CPR. I did the SABIF Basic Life Support course, then
I passed a theoretical and a practical examination and then I started volunteering, which
consisted of: going by ambulance to various cases, with doctors and nurses; I have been assisting
in resuscitation and urgent care of all types (accidents, suicide attempts, kidney crisis, abdominal,
thoracic trauma etc.); also, I was send alone in mild cases, such as surgery patients who had to be
taken to the hospital, elderly paralyzed with other problems, such as respiratory problems, high
blood pressure etc.
The practical and theoretical knowledge I have acquired has helped open my path to two
research studies. These studies have deepened my knowledge in the fields of nursing and
dermatology. My work in these studies consisted of gathering, compiling and entering detailed
data on the cases we were provided with. The nursing study has deepened my understanding of
how to plan the nursing care of a paciente, the procedures I have to undertake.

These examples indicate my profound interest in Healthcare and my commitment to

deepening my knowledge in this field, by continuously perfecting my understanding of that area
of expertise. I am looking forward to new experiences in the Healthcare system of other
countries that this project may provide. It will be an enriching experience that will further may
knowledge in Healthcare.

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