Sleeping Mankind Must Awaken: Mawlana Shaykh Mohammad Nazim Al-Haqqani An-Naqshbandi, Sohbat March 10, 2003

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Mankind Must Awaken

Mawlana Shaykh Mohammad Nazim Al-Haqqani An-Naqshbandi, Sohbat March 10, 2003.

Assalamu alaikum. By the Name of Allah, Almighty, All Merciful most Beneficent, most
Munificent. It is an association, we are sitting here, we are trying to follow Allah Almighty's good
servants' ways, as much as possible. Really we are not followers, but wa tashshabahu bil kirami
falahun (and imitation of great ones is salvation). Even we are imitators we are not real followers.
Imitating, asking to go after those good servants' ways. But, we have so weak legs and so weak
mind people. So weak moving people. Himmah, effort. Himmet. Himmetu r-rijal taghlabu l-jibal
(A man's efforts may conquer mountains).
Himmet, that is a grant from Allah Almighty to His chosen servants. It is so valuable, so precious
gift from Allah Almighty granted. Do you think that a sultan giving his representation with his
divinely authority to a person, from market calling that one and giving this for you. Can't. Can't
give. May give but that person he never going to be able to carry that. Another example, do you
think that a sultan even to his princes, calling youngest one, may be 5 years old, and ordering to
his sa'is, who training horses, what's his name? (Horse trainer). Horse trainer, I don't know. That
looking after royal horses.
Do you think that such a majestic king calling his servant who is training his royal horses... Before
they are using horses, so many kinds of horses as in our times imitated leaders, imitated rulers
they have a lot of cars. Every time a new model coming on, they have been granted one from
that people whom they have factories of autos, cars. Therefore I was hearing through my
travelling that some rulers they have perhaps hundred cars through their special car station.
Any time, if he is asking to go around he is ordering "that car, bring today for me", to show his
magnificence. To show "I am that one. Every day I may take a new car for myself, I am that
one". As he never dressing same clothes, every day perhaps, clothes that he is wearing morning,
he is not dressing nighttime. A hundred years ago or a two hundred years ago, the kings they
were using horses, and that horses so beautiful and powerful and valuable. Expensive ones. Do
you think that he is asking from his servant to bring one of his horses, and saying "bring that one
for my small prince".
May say, but that 5 years old prince can't ride on it. Can't be able to ride on it and to send it as
he likes. Because horses never going to be happy to ride on them a weak person as a women or as
a unable to ride even young or an old person. They never like it. They like to be to ride on them
such a person that he can be able to command to make it under his control with his power, with
his haybat, majesty or greatness. Horse, that is their tabi'at, characteristic.

They are horses, not like donkeys. No. On donkey may ride a person like me, 90 years old. Or
women, or even a small child may ride. Donkey, it is not so proud but through animals most
proud one horses. They have been created according to traditional knowledge from the wind of
paradise, given to them. Yes. Therefore up to today kings, from old times kings, they are using
always through their palaces such a good horses. Particularly Her Majesty, Queen in UK
keeping. And many lords they are keeping because Allah Almighty praising horses.
And whole prophets they were riding on it including our Prophet, the Seal of Prophets, peace be
upon him. And so many Prophets holy hadith, praising horses. That victory through the
foreheads of horses. That majesty king can't give such a horse to his prince, youngest prince as 5
years old, no. Now we are speaking and asking divinely blessings for awakening mankind. To be
awakened, because they are sleeping now. Through their dreams living, dreaming something
that they are not going to reach through their dreams, and forever. Satanic teachings making
people to sleep and to dream.
Therefore shaytan through centuries he was working to make people how they can sleep. And
sleeping going to be naturally it is a grant from Allah Almighty to make our physical being rest.
But shaytan, he was never happy to make people to sleep as a grant from Allah Almighty for
resting. He was asking to find way to make people to sleep more and more and more because
sleeping people they are going to be under the control of shaytan.
Audhu Billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim, we are asking protection from satanic ways not to fall in
it and through centuries, through thousand years shaytan's main target to make people to fall and
sleep. And he was trying to find so many ways. He was trying how I can be able to make them
not to be with themselves but to be under someone's control. "I never like", shaytan claiming that
he never likes to be man able to control himself. And he was trying to make people to lose their
control on themselves. Heedless. To be heedless that is a kind of sleeping.
First of all he was trying to make people heedless and to be heedless means... Who is heedless
one? They are whom that they are not knowing about themselves. Therefore now 21st century,
whole world full with schools, high schools, universities, academies but they never teaching
youngsters, they never teaching new generation about their identity. Who are you? No answer.
Only for this question they may teach people, 40 years it is not enough. But main purpose for
thousands and thousands of universities and hundred thousand, hundred thousands books and
lessons only to make youngsters to lose themselves, to be heedless from their real identity.
No one can answer if I am asking "who are you?" Most important question they are never
knowing anything about that identity. They say "I am from mankind". "I am a man" or "I am a
woman". "I am a Turkish". "I am a member of Greek Society". "I am a member from UK". "I
am a citizen from US". I am nationality, Deutsch, German". "I am Egyptian". "I am Japan". "I
am a Mandarin/Chinese people". "I am from Africa". That is their answer. Their identity this is.

If you are asking to cat, "Who are you?" It may say "I am cat". For what you are created? It may
say "To hunt mouse". It knows but if you are asking to man "For what are you created?" No
answer. Making people not to know about themselves. Such heedless, going to sleep. To make
them to sleep, not to look towards reality, towards their identity. Real identity, what is that? O
Sheikh we have identity cards. For Turkish citizen. Only this your identity? For what? You
created, if you're asking dog, for barking. Not parking, barking. "I have [been] created" saying.
Dog knowing for what created. If not knowing, never barking.
Ask cock "for what you have been created?" "To be heads of hens, all hens under my command".
Then, "I have been created to sing. Every time, every praying time, to make people to awake,
particularly nighttime. I am crowing, to make people to awake". To know that night time you are
passing, O heedless people, get up and stand up and be clean and come to your Lord's Divinely
Presence, for His worshipping. Every creature knowing about themself, their identity, except
man because shaytan making men not to know.
This, to be heedless just now through 21st century full control through the hands of shaytan. No
doubt. No doubt. Satanic teachings everywhere to make people heedless from their Creator. To
make people heedless for what they have been created. To make people not to know about their
identity. To make people not to think for their ends, to where going their life to be ended, that is.
This belongs our spirituality. Just veiled by shaytan making a... what is that? Camouflage,
Making this, camouflaging for our spirituality. Then shaytan to make his situation and to make
much more powerful his control on mankind through hundred years he is working and trying
and finding some things to make people to sleep.
Therefore now, youngsters they are sleeping more than enough, two times, three times. And for a
normal person young person 8 hours it is the limit of their sleeping. More than 8 hours
youngsters whom they are reaching maturity, it is dangerous and giving harming, harming our
physical being. More than 8 hours. But now youngsters at least 10 hours, 12 hours 15 hours, 20
hours. Some of them 24 hours sleeping because they are using something. We are coming to that
point, that it is important.
Shaytan just tried to take whole control on the children of Adam to make them to sleep. And
whole drugs it is only for that purpose. Whole drugs making peoples, youngsters' body to sleep.
To sleep. And that is the way that shaytan going to able to make his control over whole nations.
And it is biggest, biggest bala, cursing on people. I was in UN, in New York and I was passing
through one home to stairs there were some posters. It is, I remember that written on it "Save
youngsters from drugs".
One hundred fifty five or sixty states in UN. All of them their care or their worries that is to save
youngsters from drugs. Asking, saying "save". But those I am sorry to say that who can be able to
save they never giving permission even His Holy Name to be stated through any statement

spoken through their meetings. No one standing and saying "Glory to our Lord, I am beginning
to address to you O People". No one saying. And Muslim coming, perhaps 60 or 70 Muslim
states, no one coming to say to say Bismillahir... O People, I am addressing to you and I am
honoured to announce my Lord's Holy Name, I am calling you to peace". No.
If they are not speaking on behalf of the Lord of Heavens that means they are speaking on behalf
of shaytan. And this which advertising it is written on it, how, how it can? If they are making
youngsters not to know about their Creator, how you can stop it? And their willpower on zeropoint. And making youngsters to accept that when they are sleeping because their physical
pleasure so they are wasting, that they are finishing. So many young people they are finishing
because their youngsters' power just finished. Manpower finished.
Then saying shaytan, coming to them, "When you are using this I am opening to you another
world's doors. Come here, use this Now you may sleep and you are going to look some other
worlds that you never seen before it when you are entering in it no need for your physical being
to have such a power. You may be through your dreams living such a beautiful life you can't
imagine". That is the centre, the main point for cheating youngsters. When they are finishing
physical being to cheat them and to destroy their spiritual being also.
After destroying physical being and then they are going to use this drugs as tablets and it is going
to be not enough then they are going to use injection and sometimes it is going to be too much
and falling down and finishing. Dying. Everyday perhaps thousands and thousands, perhaps
millions they are dying from that injection, from that drugs. Biggest cursing on people now. And
they are thinking that wars bringing death, they carrying this sign. But they are not saying drugs
bringing death.
And everyday thousands of people they are dying. From that, no one saying this, only they are
writing "War brings death". That is dreamings that we are speaking on it now. People sleeping,
and that bringing to them such a cursing and sleeping people can't be granted even they may be
prince or princess. They can't carry this himmah, most precious grant from Allah to them, it is
forbidden. They can't carry, therefore himmetu r-rijal, we are saying whom they have been
granted they are chosen people. That if stepping by his feet may jump from from France, from
Atlantic ocean from one side and putting their feet on New York, that is such a grant. Heavenly
grant, what is that?
If it is too much for you I may say if he, they are stepping on Earth they may reach, they may put
their feet on moon. With that divinely grant they have been chosen people. Now, therefore, we
are asking from such a people himmet, to be grant us, very little, very little. Atomic power, their
atomic power going to be nothing. If we have [been] granted from that power, their weapons,
their atoms going to be as a toy for children.

May make like this, collecting and throwing away, one servant of Heavens whom they are living
on Earth. Therefore we are not fearing from their weapons. No. No. They can't do anything.
They can do themselves on themselves. But chosen people they are under divinely protection.
May Allah forgive me and grant to His chosen people through their honour to be sheltered His
divinely shelter. For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina
Muhammad, Fatiha.

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