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The Truth of Cyclical Cosmic Existence

A Point to Think
By John Paily

I am tempted write this out of a conversation in the internet with few friends, especially
from the mind of one Sudharshan Shanbhogue. He said that River Ganga is still pure in its
Origin it is polluted when so many people float the dead body, dump their waste into it
This friend then went on to write about fear and control.
It gave me best analogy to my stand on God, Religions, my interpretation of spiritual scriptures
and cosmic existence. My stand is that cosmos is a being as the east taught the world. It is
governed by Huge and Absolute Heart and an Huge Absolute Mind that is Absolutely Pure. The
power of Love from this Heart Creates through Transformation and the Light or Knowledge
from this Supreme Mind gives birth and sustains the comic system and all that exist in it
eternally. The time factor pollutes the Knowledge and Light bringing death. All pollution can be
related to pollution of Knowledge and Light by Ego, self and material centered minds. Any mind
that is associated with a religion or any school of thoughts is already bound and limited by the
school and its thinking. It resists the evolution.
God is simply Life Force that works to sustain life. East visualized it as Kundalini Force that
emerges with meditation. For a circle, there can only be one center. This means cosmos has one
Soul, one Heart and one Mind. All other Heart and Mind are enclosed in it as trillions cells of the
body are formed from one cell. All life has singular state and duality [male and female]. In the
singular state, the masculine force hides in the darkness of the womb of feminine force. Here it
exist in creative and functions as transformative force, giving New Life. It works to conquer time

and death. Then in time, it emerges out of the Womb to initialize the Time and enter New Time
Cycle. The comic creation is both BIG BANG and EKPYROTIC SCENARIO.
The cosmic time needs to be understood as Light and Knowledge emerging form one Supreme
Soul and its act. Cosmic Creation act I believe began in Calvary. The Cosmic Kundalini is rising
with this act of God at Calvary. We are in the Event of Horizon, when Pure Light or Higher
Knowledge is bound break the darkness and emerge to initialize us into New Time Cycle.
This has nothing to do with religion, temples churches and mosques. It has do with our soul
[Heart], our thinking [Mind]. We the people with Ego, self, and totally material centered mind
actually pollute and hide knowledge and Light. This pollution actually begins with people in
spiritual realms. All religions are the product of Ego, Self and material centered mind that are
partially awakened.
No Gods or prophets manifested on earth as per my knowledge wrote any scriptures and
guideline to Humanity. They simply connected to the consciousness and spoke what needs to be
spoken at the point of time. Scriptures were written by true followers when they realized the
pollution entering into the teachings. Culture and practices that were developed by the followers.
Some are good and some are bad. Some were created to infuse fear and control.
I believe in God Force but as of today, I am anti-to all religions. This is because the dark
elements in all religions are flourishing. Dark elements works with ego, self and material
centered intent. I tend to condemn my own organized religion, because I see them preach Christ,
hardly few practice what they preach. I know religious institutions are powerful. Every religion
has powerful backup of masses whose mind is not illuminated and which exist as slaves. These
people are used a tools influence the power center, suppress anyone who thinks and raises the
voice against their corporate system and its domination. They have an unholy alliance with
power mongers and the rich. We know how Jewish Priests killed Jesus because He dared to
oppose them and educate people. Jewish priests used the masses to force the verdict of death to
Jesus much against the consciousness of the Judge Pilate. Today organized a religion called
Christianity has become a mockery for awakened people. They are not without any reason and
proof. The history speaks of it. They have created corporate religion that amasses wealth in the
name of Jesus. They have bound the free flowing Spirit of Christ into four walls of churches and
idolized it.
My stand is that religions are the basis of friction, war, terrorism, and self-destruction we witness
on earth. Evil mind works making these institutions as their dwelling place. As Above, As
Below is the reality of nature. What is happening in spiritual word reflects in the material world.
The spiritual world or religions have to take the responsibility for the disorder and destruction on
earth. We do not see anywhere on earth any species killing its own species and destroying its
own home. We claim we are conscious and intelligent species; actually, we live in illusion
created by ego and self.
My stand on religions is unique in that I respect all spiritual scriptures, more so millions of
people who keep faith in it. I respect all Temples, Churches and Mosques, because there is Light
and Life hidden in all spiritual scriptures. There is substance in the culture and practices people
fallow. Scriptures were written and preserved in Down Cycle, [When water flows form its

source to reach the sea] so that Light and Life Force is preserved and can emerge in time to
cleanse the water. Cultures and practices of all religions are originally instituted with good
intent, but as religions grew as powerful organized institutions, it is infiltrated by evil minds and
is misinterpreted and misused. We are now in Up Cycle [cycle of fire, which purifies]. This
means we need cleansing of our Temples, Churches and Mosques. We need a review of
scriptures and reinvention of the culture and practices in simplicity such that all can understand
When Christianity was of the track, Prophet Mohammed came reminding of the Judgment to
come. This formed into yet another religion. Today the big brother is attributed to all major war
and younger one to all acts of terrorism. God the Life Giving Force is sidelined in the process.
After Prophet Mohammed, science and universities took over as the learning centers to decipher
the Truth of God leading us from darkness to Light.
At the source of birth, all of us are good and we have no religion, no name. We are tagged a
religion and name with our birth. Child is innocent and uncorrupted and it needs no laws. He is
connected to the consciousness and intelligence within. He is instinctive. He enjoys the Love and
protection of the Mother and Father. However, in time as his mind grows, it is put through do
and do nots by Mother and Father. They tend to transfer their experience of Life and Truth or
Knowledge. The First Truth they transfer to children principally comes from people in religious
institutions, which are considered as temples of Knowledge, Light and Life. Just imagine what
happens when peoples in temples are corrupted and have ego and self and material centered
intent. Modern science say subconscious mind is more powerful than conscious mind. Thus I
argue that root of evil emerges from spiritual or religious institutions. The war, terrorism,
disorder on earth we live in is a reflection, what is happening in spiritual realms. God and His
Cosmic existence is endangered by His own people.
One must recall that Lord Krishna in Mahabharata, finds the cause for War of Kurukshetra not
to evil kings, but to three blessed warriors, Bhishma, Drona, and Karna who sided the evil kings.
When Jesus manifested, to arrest time and death, the only people who He condemned are
clergies; the only people whom he whipped are the people who made Temples a market place.
Please introspect, have we not made all temples and churches a market place and a place for
struggle for power. History is repeating itself, even after Christ. However, the Good News is that
the spirit of Christ is rising to lead us to light and liberation from Darkness.
As for me, Christ meditated and connected to the consciousness, listened to the whispers of light
and intelligence within and its source. He showed how to seek God, Truth and attain life. My
stand is that true copy of Bible, Vedas, Bhagavad-Gita, Koran and so on exist within. It is when
we fail to fathom it the mirror images are kept so that we awaken. Modern knowledge of
Biology tells us that each cell has complete information of the whole and whole can generated
from this cell from a process de-differentiation and differentiation.
Time Cycle is a cycle of light and darkness. In other words, it is a Knowledge Cycle. It has a
phase that dips into darkness and a phase that emerges from darkness. Nothing can stop this
Time cycle. God the Supreme Force cannot stop the time; He resists time. In other words he
resist the pollution of knowledge by ego, self and material centered minds. He conquers time. In

other words, he removes the pollution of mind in time to liberate humanity from the slavery to
darkness. Understanding this Time Cycle is thus is crucial. Ego, self and material slavery of
human mind is what pollutes the Source of Knowledge or Light. Deterioration of Knowledge
and Light begins when people in spiritual institutions become Ego, Self-centered and align with
material force. They then tend to bow to kings and the rich. They fail to stand with Truth or
Light. This allows for corruption, injustice and Untruth to flourish. Thus, I tend to locate
deterioration of knowledge and the onset of darkness from occupants of temples of Knowledge.
The root of all evils that we witness has direct and indirect relation to religious institutions
especially of Big brother.
Let us understand it from my friends analogy. The source is pure Heart, Pure Mind and Pure
Spirit. The Vedas very clearly speak that Universe is thought projection of Mind of God. It says
universe is a Living Being. The creation it says occurred through the self-sacrifice of God, such
that His Force [Living Force] can be unleashed to conquer time and perpetuate in time cycle
[Yajurveda VS: 30-31]. The heart and Mind that Creates and sustains is Absolute. Bible says
Jesus is God and HE made the self-sacrifice to give us New Life with free will.
God needs no Gold, no Silver, and no money. All it needs is the participation of our Heart and
Mind, which are created in His image to sustain the Kingdom in Truth and Justice. Vedas says
we are god beings. Bible says we are created in His image and we were given dominion over the
kingdom with one resistance, not to eat from the Tree at the center. Tree at the center, is the
singularity in black hole to which the forces of the material world becomes concentrated. We
humans who disconnect from our consciousness, become ego, self and material centered. We
work against life force and concentrate our force towards black hole. We work to create our
kingdoms not the kingdom of God. This means we had all the knowledge of Nature and God, but
we lost it when we became slave to material force. What corrupts and creates darkness is our
ego and self-centered mind. It originates from religious institutions. Vedas clearly tells us
that Universal Time Cycle is cycle of Truth and Justice
We must note that science came into existence in opposition to religions. These new temples of
knowledge [Universities] too became target of evil minds, as the search for answer to
fundamental question took back seat and the partial knowledge is used to exploit earth and
humanity. They have led the world from simplicity to complexity in their struggle to predict and
conquer nature than understand and live in harmony with her. They have no answer to the basic
question what property gives Gravity to matter? Why gravity is weak force? Why ratio of
acceleration two interacting bodies is always 3? Why gene is triplet code? Why only three basic
colors? Why double helical? Why DNA exist as pairs? Why mitosis and meiosis exist? Why
wave particle duality? the question goes on. See the Reference link
This becomes evident to any soul that can stand apart and observe nature and society we live in.
Earth our abode today is endangered by our reckless exploitation of her resources. We the
people, without ever trying to know the Principle and Design on which she works, are
stressing her to let loose her forces on us. We are witnessing the instability of earth in the form
increasing climate catastrophes and more so in the instability of the Society and the power
struggle among religious institutions and within sects of religious institutions. With all the
weapons of mass destruction in hand, the non-enlightened, ego and self-centered fanatic minds

that seek to occupy high position in religious and executive realms, can initiate mass destruction
of the world any time. The minds in these realms use fear, debt and slavery as the tactics of
Before my chance encounter with the Spirit or Life, I did visualize a destructive end to
Humanity. I visualized possible near total annihilation of humanity, much in line with what
Noble Laureate and the father of Gaia Hypothesis wrote in His Book Vanishing Face of Gaia
the Final Warning I changed my stand, once I encountered the Spirit of Life. I see hope for the
world in Truth and Light that is conceived through Gods self-sacrifice at Calvary. I visualize
that since then the Universal Consciousness and Intelligence is Unfolding. I see it as
Kundalini of Cosmic Being unfolding from within. Universe needs to be visualized as Living
being as the east taught. The best science applicable to it is non-linear science that deals with
Life, rest are details.
Non-Linear science says that a Spontaneous order emerges out of Great Disorder around a
Great Attractor state. This attractor state is the Kundalini of Cosmic Being unfolding in seven
steps. It is the secret of seven-day creation and seven scroll in Bible. One can move up or down,
closer and away from the Attractor State, when it is in Creation state in Black hole. In creation
state, it works like centrifuge that separates particles by weight. We are free to down load, or
take payload to take specific position. The payload will determine where we stand as the
centrifuge stops. The centrifuge stops when Creation Force emerges from Black hole. The
fallowing figure speaks when the creator force stops and when it again activates. This
summarizes the secret of spiritual scriptures. The rest are details.

The centrifuge we speak is powered by Life Force that acts against the gravity force of the
material world. This Centrifuge in reality is dual centrifuge [male and female], which becomes

one for a short period and then splits back into duality. Such that gravity force of material world
is defeated. Recall how a single fertilized cell divides into two. In short, this Life force and its
field are intelligent and creative. It survives gravity. Universe is information evolving and
It is apparent that two basic opposing forces govern cosmic existence, unwinding force and
winding force. This manifests as fire and water and they are associated with wind and earth. Fire
is the moving power. It is the purifying agent. The water is the crucial element through which
life power is transmitted. The blood that carries oxygen and CO2 is 92% water.
The cycle of water is critical to life. Cycle of water is incomplete without fire- the purifying
agent. The vaporized state is of little use to life. The life blushes when vaporized water
condenses back into water. No wonder Bible writes that no one can enter Kingdom of God
unless he is born by Fire and Water.
There is a New Age Movement in Christianity. When it came, there was immense opposition to
it by organized church. However, when its popularity grew the organized religions incorporated
it. New Age movement is not restricted to one religion. All religions are awakening to the Divine
Force. Today People are flocking the retreat, Sat Sang, Prayer meetings, attending meditations
camps, Kundalini awakening programs. People are flocking to experience the shift. People are
experiencing Divine Force or the Cosmic Consciousness and Intelligence or Kundalini of Divine
Force by various measures.
The process we are witnessing is
the Event Horizon. Every soul is
stressed to evolve and take New
Life with Free Will. People flock
the retreat centers because of the
miracle and miracle cures taking
place. Today these centers are
blooming. Taking Gods name,
creating New Churches,
starting New Retreat Center,
has become a smart choice,
than response to intuitive
conscious call. Common people
flock these centers because of
their struggle of existence,
financial problems and problems
of health. They come here
seeking Miracle in various realm
of their life. Hardly few come
here to seek Truth. Back home
from retreat most exists in a state
of illusion and tend to return to
old ways of life. Many become

religious fanatics. Many who managed to shift closer and crossed a critical boundary of cosmic
Kundalini field by Grace gain some special powers. They tend to develop New Churches and
develop a fallowing. This is best explained by the Figure.

With Calvary, there is a flow upward from Black Hole with Free Will to all souls. There is Great
Attractor Force acting to lift souls into upper realms from black hole. Those souls that have risen
beyond second level, experience the transformation force in some degree. Possibly those who
rise beyond 3rd and 4th level experience temporary or permanent miracle cures. Those who have
risen beyond 4th and 5th level gain special power. There is pair of forces acting in Kundalini that
also leads down. This means souls can fall at any moment. Its power however weans under the
cosmic Kundalini and its Design [ I will speak about it the next article]. People who have risen
up beyond 4th level tend to fall down ward to second level towards black hole or they fall outside
to become the Water of Life. Those who have risen up to 5th level tend to form their own
schools; when the mind and its intent of the soul in this realm aligns with money and material
force they tend to fall to first level and beyond into black hole. Those who truly are aligned with
Life Force struggle to transform souls, heal them and help them walk the path of truth and justice
and be Water of Life. They wait for that great moment of opening of White Hole and Judgment.
The judgment spoken in Bible speaks this. The Cosmic Kundalini splits into right and left at the
opening. One can visualize this from Cell division where Bright radiating object emerges on one
side of cell wall, which divides the one fertilized egg cell into two and initiates the NEW TIME
One must note here that reality lies between 2nd and 6th chakra. The 1st and 7th are the chakra of
time that leads to death or life. The 2nd to 6th is the realm of earth and reality.

How religions Manifests

Let me point how religion manifests and why I oppose it, and where I accept it. To understand
this reality we need to separate ourselves and observe in
unbiased manner, our mind and its very quest to seek
Truth and God. We must analyze the cause for our quest
for God. Any mind that seeks God has intent. No soul
with body can go to a retreat center without a cause and
purpose or preconceived intent. Most people who go to
retreat center, go to seek something. All of them relates
to our struggle to exist in this body and in this world.
Any sensible mind that observes a retreat center will see
it is being flocked by people with various needs,
healing, money, power,------ actually hardly any one
goes there to seek Truth and God or uplift once soul.
When the miracle happens in a gathering, more are
attracted to it. Jesus got a great fallowing not because
people were seeking to uplift the souls and were seeking
God, but because they saw and experienced miracles.
The awakening of disciples of Christ happened when

they were filled with Spirit of God that returned to transform the Kingdom God from within and
Give it New Life. Disciples got a great fallowing because they could heal and create miracles.
Jesus promised to return so that the world can be led to Kingdom of God. The process began in
50 days in the Pentecostal day and is still working.
Much of humanity exists oscillating between first and second realm near black hole. First realm
relates to material and second relates life. Few enter the higher level to oscillate between 2nd and
3rd, level. This level symbolizes power attained by exploiting material and living world. The
present world lives in this state. Still small number enter higher realm to oscillate between 3rd
and 4th realm. The executive faculties, [kings/politicians, the Judiciary, top officials managing
the executive machinery] are called to live and work from this realm. The levels above it are
called spiritual. Very few enter this realm. The souls in 4th and 5th levels are priests. The priests
are called works from this realm, resisting the king, judiciary, and executive levels from falling
to lower levels that leads to black hole. They are called to work to make people connect to the
consciousness and intelligence within and work to uphold, life, Truth and Justice. Most priests
exist in 4th and 5th state. Very very few enter beyond it to oscillate between 5th and 6th realm. In
short, it has pyramidal existence. Beyond sixth realm is humanly impossible state.
People existing between 5th and 6th realm are highly intuitive and gain special powers of healing,
transformation of souls, power to predict, visions. This power manifests from higher levels
when they are in meditation and in true prayers state. The portal closes when the meditations
stops. One must note that similar experience can manifest at lower end too but they lead us to
illusion and death. Much of the world we live in is in the grip of this force.
The God force is force that gives life. In other words, Life Force is God. It always works against
the material world towards life. The Tree at the Center and the forbidden fruit and path is the
center point to which material world and its field points. The cause of the fall of humanity, its,
material centeredness can be located in higher realm of spirituality. When they turn their focus
from heaven to earthly power and fall for material desires. This reality very deftly written in
Bible in the fall of an Angel that manifest into Serpent that coxes Eve and Adam to eat the
forbidden fruit. They create downward time. Biblical teacher have shifted the blame to Eve and
Adam to protect their schools. We also should note that Lord Krishna, finds cause for the Great
war of Kurukshetra in three great blessed warriors, Bhisma, Drona, and Karna than in evil king.
We must note here that energy and matter cannot be understood in isolation. Likewise soul
cannot be understood in isolation of its body. The heaven cannot understood in isolation of earth
and its beings. Birth cannot be understood in isolation of death.
All organized religions are formed by illuminated souls that step beyond 5th realm. Lord Jesus,
Lord Krishna, or any Prophets never wrote any scriptures, they spoke, acted and marched a path
showing Light. Illuminated followers wrote Scriptures, when the fallowing grew and saw the
deterioration of substance of the teaching by the entry of power mongers. Scriptures are written
subtly, such that the Truth is hidden, but time can unearth it. Since material body is reality for the
existence of the soul, the illuminated followers tend to compromise with lower levels leaving the
rest to Time and God.

The system stabilizes when the Truth or Cosmic Knowledge reveals. Our survival exists in this
revelation of Truth. This is Grace coming from One Supreme Heart and Mind. This Truth will be
beyond religions and has to emerge as a science. It is the Quantum Collapse and reality emerging
leading all of us from darkness to Light. Great Scientist Max Planck said All matter originates and
exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and
intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter The Mind of God, cannot be sought, it reveals

by Grace to a minds that is in freedom from all schools, accepts death and a mind and has no
preconceived intent.
Let me conclude bringing your attention to a famous thought experiment in quantum science
called Schrodingers cat in a box. Here a cat is visualized in a box. The cat has freedom to
move to the left and or right inside the box. A shooter shoots the box, the chance that the
shooter find the cat live when he opens the box is 50%. Now is the paradox. You shoot the box
a billion times then open the box, the probability remains the same. The reality collapses when
the box is opened and observed. The truth is that we are the cat as well as the shooter. From
time immemorial [Since we took the forbidden path and turned our face away from God and
light], we have been judging the opposite as enemy and pumping bullets at each other. None of
us has the courage and conviction to open the box to see life. Thus, God had to manifest to
heal, give life and open the box, and restore us into New Time Cycle. This is happening from the
moment of Calvary. No force can stop this from happening.
I wind up, saying that I respect all religions, and culture and practices. However, I state that it is
time we grow beyond religion. We are in Up Cycle that calls us to give up or ego, self and
excessive material centered life [ resistance] and fuse through the Center Power that is
uplifting us. We need to become conscious and intelligent and awaken Truth. We need to
awaken to the Reality of Nature and God to survive on earth. Earth and humanity is in critical
state. The whole biosphere is under threat, because of exponentially increasing heat, that is
threatening the Principle and Design on which nature and cosmos is functioning. The world
has witnessed the glimpses of power of earth and her forces can unleash to wipe the edifice of
the society we have built. The fallowing article and the links in it explore the Principle and
Design and the Reality of Nature.

Please read and viral such that nations and its leaders
4] 10 discoveries that scientist cannot

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