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Assalamualikum and Good Morning , my name is Fazal Amin , a student of ASYear12.

Altho school re-opened about a week ago or so , this here , what Tahir all
said , is the official commencing of the Academic Year 2015-16. We all have new
goals to set , new expectations to meet , new varied targets to achieve and
retrieve , new things to learn in life. I would like to say something about evolving
in the situation/environment and criteria given , lets take a simple example , you
see when you put a potato/tomato in boloing hot steamy water , it gets squishy ,
softens , loses it way out , the cells burst up . but when you put an egg in the
same boiling water , it hardens , toughens , becomes rigid , what this says is that
its not about the circumstances that you dwell in , its more about what youre
made of , and what youre ready to take on , the challenges u can face and
conquer , what your inabilities and abilities are , where they co exist and where
they perform , the environment not being taken into consideration doesnt mean
you should not care about it , you see , every word you hear , every object you
see , and every word that comes out of your mouth , has some effect , some
progress , may it be 0.00009% , progress remains progress , it has some effect
on some neuron in your brain and effects the way you utilize your mind. So ,
being in a stable learning environment and having healthy conversations is very
much vital.
If you wait for the perfect moment , temperature and humidity level , to study at
your home or at school , these days they call it procrastination , if you keep
procrastinating and keep piling work upon work , nothings going to change ,
nothing will change , nothing will come into effect , nothing will produce impact
and result , if you dont change and If you dont get into effect .Have a mind that
is open to everything and attached to nothing. Observe more , crave knowledge ,
excel in the most fascinating way you can , I know the state that the student is in
, when things get steamy , and pressure goes sky high , and you just have to do
anything to get A*s and As , you see everyone wants it , but you have to work for
it , every one of us has a silver lining , its not impossible , getting straight A*s is
not an impossible thing to do , its just how much you want it and how much you
work for it , the lectures and following the word of the teacher is critical in that
process. The strongest force on this planet is human will , if you set it straight in
your mind and heart , nothing can stop you from achieving it , im not saying its
going to be easy , im saying its going to be worth it , you spend 40+ hours at this
campus every week , get a reward from it , your parents work and exhaust their
resources , just so you can have a better standard of life than they had , dont
waste all that , prove that your existence means something , respond back .
Getting A*s should not be your sole purpose in life , academics is not
everything , when you step out from your educational boundary , youll know
how everything equally mattered as studies , . Global betterment as a socializing
citizen and personal sole achievements in extracurricular and co-curricular
activities should also have some part in your life. Even if we fail to do so, I mean
no great person has become great but only through a great number of falls and
mistakes , which are merely lessons in life. I believe if a person has the will for it ,
the will to move and work forward , the sky is the limit.I would like to end this
speech with a poem by Robert frost ,

To stop without a farmhouse near

Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake
The only other sounds the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and

But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

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