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Andalecio, JD

The Legislative Branch

Article VI


House of Representatives

- 20% allocation- party-list
congressmen shall not exceed
20% of the total membership of
the HR

- 2% Threshold- only the parties
which garnered 2% of the total
valid votes are qualified to have a
seat in the HR.
- 3 seat limit- each qualified party
an only have 3 seats maximum


24 senators

80% of 250= 200

250 members1

20% of 250= 50

- Natural Born Citizen

- Natural born citizen

- Natural born citizen

- At least 35 years old on

the day of election

- At least 25 years of age

- At least 25 years (in youth sector

at least 25 but not more than 30)
of age


- Able to read and write

- Able to read and write
- A registered voter
- A resident of the
Philippines for not less

Unless otherwise prescribed by law

- A registered voter in the

district where he shall be
- Resident on the district for

- Able to read and write

- Resident on the district for not
less than one year.

Andalecio, JD
The Legislative Branch
Article VI
than 2 years

not less than one year.


6 years in office for not

more than 2 consecutive

3 years in office for 3

consecutive terms

Filling of Vacancy

Special election in a
manner prescribed by

Special election in a manner

prescribed by law


Php 204,000.00 per

annum (Artcile VIII Sec



- Cannot be arrested
while in session for an
offense punishable by
not more than 6 years

3 years in office for 3 consecutive


Shall automatically be filled by the

next representative from the list of
nominees in the order submitted
to the COMELEC by the party who
shall serve the unexpired term. If
the list is exhausted, the party
shall submit additional nominees.

Php 204,000.00 per annum

(Artcile VIII Sec 17)


- Cannot be arrested while in

session for an offense
punishable by not more than
6 years imprisonment

- Cannot be arrested while in

session for an offense punishable
by not more than 6 years

- Privilege Speech

- Privilege Speech

- Privilege Speech


- Cannot hold any other

office without forfeiting

- Cannot hold any other

office without forfeiting his

This does not mean immunity from being arrested. A congressman can still be arrested when there is no session or in recess

Andalecio, JD
The Legislative Branch
Article VI
his seat


- Cannot be appointed on
a seat where such salary

- Cannot be appointed on a
seat where such salary or

or benefits was
increased during his term

benefits was increased

during his term

- Cannot stand as a
counsel in court3

- Cannot stand as a counsel

in court

- Contract or franchise
with any government
owned or controlled
corporation during his

- Contract or franchise with

any government owned or
controlled corporation during

-Cannot be given loan,

guaranty or any form of
financial accommodation
for any business purpose
in which they have
controlling interest during
their tenure (Article
-Cannot intervene in any
matter before any office
of the government for his
-Cannot intervene in any
matter where he may be

Applicable with lawyer congressmen

-Cannot be given loan,

guaranty or any form of
financial accommodation for
any business purpose in
which they have controlling
interest during their tenure
(Article XI[16])
-Cannot intervene in any
matter before any office of
the government for his
-Cannot intervene in any
matter where he may be
called upon to act on
account of his office

Andalecio, JD
The Legislative Branch
Article VI
called upon to act on
account of his office

-Holding of other offices

forbidden during his term

- Holding of other offices

forbidden during his term

- Religious sect or an association

organized for religious purposes.

-Conflict of interest

-Conflict of interest

- Advocates violence


- Foreign party
- Receives support to foreign
- Violates or fails to follow rules on
- Declares untruthful statements in
its petition
- Ceased to exist for at least one
- Fails to participate in 2 preceding
elections or was not able to reach
2% votes for 2 preceding


-Senate President

-House Speaker

-Senate President
pro tempore

-Speaker pro

Andalecio, JD
The Legislative Branch
Article VI

-Majority floor leader

-Majority floor leader

-Minority floor leader

-Minority floor leader

-Committee chairmen4

-Committee chairmen

The constitution only provides the Senate President or Speaker of the House but the traditional setting constitutes the following office. It is a well
established fact recognized by the SC particularly in Santiago v Guingona

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