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Humanism Magazine Guidelines

Stories, articles and essays should be relevant to the theme of the journal, health care practice or
WesternU. Humanism in the Health Sciences accepts the work of students, alumni, faculty and staff at
WesternU. Submissions will be edited by the Humanism editorial board consisting of WesternU students
and staff.

Be creative, have fun, and use this opportunity to exercise your creative writing skills. Feel
free to look at previous Humanism Magazine publications for inspiration (past issues of the
Humanism Magazine can be found online).
Word Limit: 1,000 words.
Submitting original photos/artwork that correlate with your essay is highly recommended.
Please provide a caption for photos/artwork as well as identification of the individuals in
your photo (full name, WesternU program with class year OR degree are recommended).
The essay should be attached via e-mail as a Microsoft Word document.
Include your FULL NAME, WESTERNU PROGRAM, CLASS YEAR and TITLE. Please include
this information in both the word document and also in the e-mail subject heading.


Photos must be of good quality and high resolution. iPhone or other camera phone pictures
will not be printed.
Photos must be relevant to the theme, Cultivating Identity.
If you submit more than one photo, selected photo(s) will be picked by the Magazine team.
Due to digital photos looking different on the computer screen versus printed onto a
magazine, some adjustments may have to be made to ensure that photo clarity and quality
will show up on the magazine well.
Include your FULL NAME, WESTERNU PROGRAM, CLASS YEAR, and TITLE of your photo(s)
on the attachment and the e-mail subject heading.


These include drawings, sketches, paintings, acrylics and more.

We have a scanner if you are unable to scan your artwork.
Include your FULL NAME, WESTERNU PROGRAM, CLASS YEAR and TITLE of your artwork
on the attachment and the e-mail subject heading.


Please make certain your submission is relevant to our theme Cultivating Identity.
Your poem should not exceed 25 lines in length.
There are no stringent guidelines as to what form of poetry will be accepted.
Please space your stanzas (should you choose to write in this style) according to how you
would like them printed.
Please include the proper punctuation necessary for the poem to be read accurately.
Include your FULL NAME, WESTERNU PROGRAM, and CLASS YEAR TITLE in both the word
document and also in the e-mail subject heading.

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