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PHYS 1401-08: College Physics I

LECURE: 4:40 PM 7:10 PM M (LHSB 1.314)

Camas Key
Office: 206 Cavalry
Phone: 406-600-8790
Office Hrs: T Th 1:00pm-2:30pm, and when you can find me.
Essential College Physics Volume 1, By Andrew Rex and
Richard Wolfson
Calculator with trigonometric functions
Chapters 1-11 in Wolfson.
It is very important that you read the textbook. Just like any
other class,
you must read the book to understand the essence of
what you are studying.
On exams, I will emphasize the material
covered in class but will inevitably draw upon ideas and examples
presented within the textbook.
A laboratory session is a co-requisite for this course. Your lab
grade will count 25% toward the overall course grade. In the lab, you
will have the
chance to experimentally verify the physical theories
learned in lecture and practiced in homework and exams.
Homework assignments will be given with each class and will
consist of 3-5
problems per lecture. Successfully answering the
homework ensures that
you understand the physics. Homework
will be worth 15% of your final
There will be a total of 3 exams during the course, each worth
20% of your
final grade. The exams will be given during one of

the class periods and last

for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
exam will NOT be cumulative.

The final

Your final grade will be averaged from the: lab, homework and
three exam
I will curve exam grades as necessary
depending upon the difficulty
of the exam. The grading scheme
is standard:
A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 59-0
Although I will not take attendance during lecture, it is to your
advantage to
engage in every class and lab. After all, that is what
you are paying for. In addition, material presented in lecture and lab
will be emphasized on tests.
Make-up exams, and late homework will NOT be accepted. If you
have a time
conflict please contact me in advance and we can
work things out.
Students with disabilities, including learning disabilities that wish
to request academic adjustments must notify Disability Services so
the appropriate accommodations can be made. In accordance with
federal law, a student requesting academic adjustments must provide
documentation of his/her
disability to the Disability Services
As mentioned earlier, we will cover Chapters 1-11 in the text.
The pace is
fast, so you will have to work hard to not fall behind.
In order to do well in
this class, it is necessary to actively participate
in lecture, lab and
homework. Please feel free to ask questions to
your fellow classmates or me.
If you have a question, chances are
someone else has the same question too so ask them.

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