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Phone Number
Email Address
Place / Date of Birth
Area Of Expertise

: Daeng Tata No.9. Makassar, South Sulawesi

: 08114 111167 082336 111167
: mr_4b4d1@yahoo.co.id
: Indonesia
: Makassar, October 31 1967
: Civil Works (Construction, Monitoring, Supervision), Procurement
Engineer / Document Specialist, Publik Services and Community

Local Public Service Specialist Kinerja (USAID) Project Jakarta, Indonesia
March Dec 2014
Contract by : Kemitraan Associate with RTI International, based in Barru District
The specific duties and activities of the Public Service Specialist are to be implemented under the direct supervision of
the Provincial Coordinator and overall supervision of the Deputy Chief of Party and reporting to Kemitraan. The duties
include :
1. Function as the coordinator of KINERJA activities implemented in the district where he/she is assigned.
2. Maintain good working relationships with the executive, legislative and all other stakeholders connected to the
local government. Support the establishment of a district working group for Kinerja.
3. Provide assistance in preparing the annual work plan based on the district priorities and needs relevant to the
4. Encourage the districts to improve the priority public service including the strategy for its sustainability supported
by the available resources and policy in the districts.
5. Coordinate the services of KINERJA with other USAID project field teams and other related projects working with
the local government where he/she is working.
6. Monitor the execution of the Memorandum of Understanding with the local government where he/she is
7. Monitor the implementation of services being provided to the local government by Implementing Partners.
8. Provide input for materials to be published as best/good practices or innovations and other related topics of
interest to the Provincial Coordinator.
9. Attend all coordination and planning meetings called by the PC.
10. Coordinate Kinerja Monitoring & Evaluation activities at the district level, including (a) the collection of data
information from Implementing Partners and local government, and (b) regular reporting of information on
project activities.
11. Prepare periodic progress reports and submission to the PC and Partnership as requested.
12. Carry out other related duties as assigned by the Provincial Coordinator.
Province Sanitation Development Advisor (ProSDA)
January 2012 Dec 2014
Province Sanitation Development Advisor (ProSDA) Urban Sanitation Development Program (USDP) for Percepatan
Pembangunan Sanitasi Permukiman (PPSP), South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi & West Sulawesi,
Contract by : Royal Haskoning DHV
1. Campaigns, Education, Advocacy : Bring in PIU- and USDP-based support for designing and implementing
campaign, education and advocacy activities; USDP to complete AE Toolkits.
2. Organizational Development, Budgeting and Operational Mechanisms : Establish (and maintain) relationship with
the Pokja Province, the Governor, Mayor/Bupati, Sekda, the PF, the SKPD.
3. Quality Assessmen and BPS/SSK Preparation : Actively support the Pokja Province with the establishment and
operationalization of the QA Tim Panel, including ToR ; Monthly review and assess possible needs from Pokja
Kab/Kota in completing BPS/SSK.
4. MPS Preparation : Organize a workshop for Pokja Prov.and Kab/Kota members including CF about mobilizing
(non)government financial resources
5. Implementation : Support the Provincial Pokja and SKPD on implementation preparations covering socialization
activities, land preparation, environmental impact assessments, FS, Master Plan, DED, etc.
6. Monev : With assistance from PMU and USDP Jkt based consultants, organize provincial workshop on the
Nawasis use, operations and reporting formats for Pokja Prov and Kab/Kota members.

City Facilitator MPSS (Memorandum Program Sektor Sanitasi)

July 2011 Dec 2011
For Percepatan Pembangunan Sanitasi Permukiman (PPSP), Kota Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.
Contract by PT. Cilaki Studio Empatlima
1. Providing intensive support and guidance to the Pokja District in the preparation of MPS ,
2. Together with the PF conducting training workshops related to the preparation of MPS
3. Ensure that documents are periodically uploaded to the MPS system nawasis.info nawasis through the site .
4. Ensure that programs and activities are proposed in accordance with the criteria of readiness (readiness criteria) ,
logically constructed and the size / volume they are calculated based on the standard of sanitation coverage
5. Ensure that programs and activities , location and size / volume of the proposed Investment Plan in the table ,
based on the previously identified sanitation issues and the development objectives set
6. Ensure programs and activities in accordance with the rules of budgeting MPS and in accordance with the order
SIDLACOM ( Study, Investigation , Design , Land Acquisition , Construction , Operational & Maintenance ) .
7. Facilitate Pokja District in mapping potential sources of funding .
8. Facilitate Pokja District meeting that the Pokja District with sources of potential funding in the district in order to
socialize and marketing of programs and activities .
9. Facilitate Pokja District in preparing the description of Programs & Activities and Funding Proposal
Procurement Specialist,
June 2010 June 2011
For Urban Sector Development Reform Project (USDRP), IBRD Loan No. 4766-IND /PHRD Grant No. TF 053555-IND,
World Bank, Barru District, South Sulawesi
Contract by . PT. Kogas Driyap Konsultan Irmasia, Pty, Ltd
1. Institutional reform by developing a Procurement Anchor Unit (PAU);
2. Regulatory reform affecting procurement, including streamlining all existing local procurement regulations;
3. Improving information systems on procurement;
4. Improving controlling, auditing, feetback system at the district level;
5. Improving the procurement management capacity.
Supervisor Engineer (Enviroment Specialist)
Feb 2010 May 2010
For Neighborhood Upgrading and Shelter Sector Project (NUSSP), ADB Loan No. 2072/2073 (SF)-INO,
Contract by : PT. Widya Graha Asana
1. Responsible for monitored the watersupply and sanitation quality covering execution systems, quality of material
and other supporting management
2. Strengthening capacity of regional government in facilitating participative development Improving information
systems on procurement;
3. Provision and maintenance of socio economic infrastructure.
Procurement Engineer
Nov 2009 Jan 2010
For Rehabilitation of Drainage Systems of Banda Aceh Loan No. CID 3004 01 B Agency French Development (AFD),
Contrac by : Egis BCEOM International Consultants, French
1. Limited design review and bidding documents review
2. Assistance for procurement, tendering
3. Provide training on procurement procedures and monitoring
4. Minor modifications to the basic design
5. On-going records and reports
6. Information management
7. Monitoring social and Environmental aspect
8. Preparation of O&M manuals, training sessions and transfer of knowledge
Procurement Reform,
Sept 2008 August 2009
For Urban Sector Development Reform Project (USDRP) PHRD TF 053555.
Contract by : Individual Consultant PU Cipta Karya World Bank
1. Institutional reform by developing a Procurement Anchor Unit (PAU);
2. Regulatory reform affecting procurement, including streamlining all existing local procurement regulations;
3. Improving information systems on procurement;


Improving controlling, auditing, feetback system at the district level;

Improving the procurement management capacity.

Construction Specialist,
July 2007 August 2008
For Grant 0002-INO. Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project (ETESP) Package 31.
Contract by : HB. Consultants Ltd, Bangladesh
1. Monitoring and evaluation coordinator supervision construction Puskesmas NAD (8 Puskesmas)
2. Oversight the rehabilitation and construction of health centre health facilities in Aceh to a standard that complies
with all relevant Indonesian legislation
3. Design and undertake activities that have been thoroughly consulted with key stakeholder including users and
consumers so as to obviously reflect their inputs.
4. Ensuring that construction is completed on time and within budget to an approved quality standard and observes
environmental considerations.
5. Collaboration with the procurement specialist to ensure a match between the equipment and the facility.
Procurement Engineer
April June 2007
For Aceh & Nias Tsunami and Earthquake Reconstruction Program (ANTERP 02) Technical Assistance (INFTA 02) To
BRR. Sector Water Supply, Sanitation, Drainage and Road.
Contrak by : Sogreah Consultant . French
1. Standard prequalification and advertisement documents;
2. Prepare standard documentation for international and national procurement based on Nasional/World Bank
guidelines for procurement contracts and assist BRR to carry out the prequalifications and process.
3. Standard tender documents including specifications and contract conditions; Prepare standard documentation of
goods and services based on Nasional/World Bank guidelines and assist BRR to carry out the contract award
process including assist to BRR with negotiation of contracts.
4. Quality Control, management and consistency;
5. Program Management team will recommend quality parameters and appropriate standards for each parameter
within the system.
Field Monitors
Sept 06 April 2007
For Australia-Indonesia Basic Education Program (AIBEP) is delivered for AusAID for Construction Management
Services for the Block Grant of Junior Secondary Schools and One Roof Elementary-And Junior Secondary School
Construction by Community Participation Mechanism.
Contract by : Cardno Acil, Pty Consultant . Australia
1. Monitoring and evaluation of all CDCs (Construction Development Consultants) by auditing their activities at a
number of school both on a one off basis and on a continuous basis for the duration of the CDCs engagement, for
the purpose of :
2. Confirming the physical progress of the construction works and compliance with the design and specification of
the approved Technical Proposal.
3. Ensuring the CDCs meet their procedural and performance requirements set out in the MoNE handbook and
guidelines for the socialization, training, management and construction of Block Grant funded.
4. Ensuring the CDCs meet their contractual requirements for the amount of work to be completed priod to claims
for payment from the MCPM-AIBEP for their sevices have been meet.
5. Identifying and systemic weaknesses in the field implementation procedures of the CDCs and KP-USB and
Procurement Engineer
May August 2006
For Aceh & Nias Tsunami and Earthquake Reconstruction Program (ANTERP 01) Technical Assistance (INFTA 01) To
BRR. Sector Water Supply, Sanitation, Drainage and Road.
Contract by : Sogreah Consultant . French
1. Standard prequalification and advertisement documents;
2. Prepare standard documentation for international and national procurement based on Nasional/World Bank
guidelines for procurement contracts and assist BRR to carry out the prequalifications and process.



Standard tender documents including specifications and contract conditions; Prepare standard documentation of
goods and services based on Nasional/World Bank guidelines and assist BRR to carry out the contract award
process including assist to BRR with negotiation of contracts.
Quality Control, management and consistency;
Program Management team will recommend quality parameters and appropriate standards for each parameter
within the system.

Document Specialist,
January - April 2006
For Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project (ETESP), Road and Bridge Component ADB Grant
TA No. 0002-INO.
Contract by : Dainichi Consultant Inc. Japan
Preparing project administration covering notice to tender, praqualification, bidding document, award of winner to
process execution and work finish.
Team Leader
July - Dec 2005
For Fasilitation of Self-Supporting Housing Society through Banking Fasilitation in Kolaka District, North Kolaka
District,and Bombana District, South-East Sulawesi Province
Contract by : MAEGA PHANREENA Consultant, PT
1. Management of housing community development which concerning policy analyst, organization system and
development of basic to medium infrastructure.
2. Executing the program of social bangking facilitation.
3. Mapping of housing condition and settlement of target location.
4. Coordinate to Local / District Government for networking and relationship.
5. Determination of target location banking program facilitation
Project Manager
Feb - June 2005
For Development and Rehabilitation Lusiana Hotel Sorowako South Sulawesi,
Contract by : Lusiana Group Indonesia (LGI)
Reponsibility to all processes execution of and physical of managemen, covering Quality / Quantity Work.
Quality Engineer
July - Nov 2004
For Rehabilitation Road and Bridge Unaaha, Particular A. Yani Road, Southeast Sulawesi
Contract by : Planologi Engineering Consultant. PT
Reponsibility to quality covering execution systems, quality of material and other supporting management.
Site Engineer
May 2003 - June 2004
For Construction Management, Junior Secondary Education Project (JSEP), Loan 4042-IND, South Sulawesi (
Contract by : Karya Utama Citramandiri Consultant. PT
1. Assisting JSEP committee in preparing technical proposal of JSEP, including adjustment of JSEP desain, general
and technical specification and Bill of Quantity (BOQ) based on school condition.
2. Assisting execution of training for Committee Development of JSEP, preparing training materials, and also
become training instructor concerning ( i) technical drawings, ( technical matter ii) which influence the quality of
the work ( iii) progress of work, ( administration iv) of[is project of, financial statement and bookkeeping ( v)
building maintenance
3. Assisting JSEP Committee on the job training service for : technical drawings, quality of work, proress of work,
project administration, financial report and building maintenance.
Technical Management Specialist
For Kindergarten Development Project ( PADU) IBRD Loan No.4378 - IND. South Sulawesi
Contract by : Indra Karya. PT
Evaluation and monitoring of work, execution Physical and Non Physical projects.

Feb - April 2003

Structure Engineer
January - Dec 2002
For Second Sulawesi Urban Development Project (Sulawesi II UDP) IBRD Loan No. 4105 IND, All Sulawesi ( South
Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, North Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi).
Contract by :GKW Consult (Germany) and PCO Consultant
Evaluation and monitoring execution of construction physical of water installation processing and supported buildings
ie : like operational office building, laboratory and guardhouse Soppeng Distric, Maros and Jeneponto (South
Sulawesi). Construction Terminal and infrastructure facilities like operational office, room and corridor await, religious
service place and facility park at Kolaka Region ( Southeast Sulawesi). Construction of IPLT support facilities like
guardhouse, office, operational and sewage treatment plant at Minahasa Region (North Sulawesit).
Water Supply & Sanitation Engineer
August - Dec 2001
For Second Sulawesi Urban Development Project (Sulawesi II UDP) IBRD Loan No. 4105 IND, North Sulawesi
Contract by : Moot Macdonald (USA) and PPIS Consultant
Supervise execution of construction physical of sector clean water like construction of water pipe processing
installation and complement building of covering operational building, reservoir, broncaptering, pipe bridge ( sypon)
and also house connection. Supervise execution for IPAL
Water Supply & Sanitation Engineer
January - July 2001
For Second Sulawesi Urban Development Project (Sulawesi II UDP) IBRD Loan No. 4105 IND, Central Sulawesi
Contract by : PCI (Philipine) and PPIS Consultant
Supervise execution of construction physical of sector clean water like construction of water pipe processing
installation and complement building of covering operational building, reservoir, broncaptering, pipe bridge ( sypon)
and also house connection. Supervise execution for IPA
Assistant Municipal Engineer
Dec 1998 - Dec 2000
For Second Sulawesi Urban Development Project (Sulawesi II UDP) IBRD Loan No. 4105 IND, All Sulawesi ( South
Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, North Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi).
Contract by : GKW Consult (Germany) and PCO Consultant
1. Conduct site visit for the agenda of test for Quality Control, supervision to ensure that the work is follow the
standard of technical specification.
2. Making report evaluate performance each;every Local government pursuant to support progress of execution to
his region.
3. Making report evaluate elegibility of executed project pursuant to requirement of local society.
4. Performing a contract evaluation work some natural work projects of change order, good of addition and
reduction of work pursuant to request / forwarding of from consultant supervise and planning.
5. Performing a evaluation affect to improvement of level live and also the make-up of service of adequate
environment with existence of SSUDP
Assistant Water Supply Engineer
Dec 1996 - October 1998
For Ujung Pandang Water Supply Development Project (Stage I). OECF Loan IP 415. South Sulawesi
Contract by : Nihon Suido Consultants Co, Ltd (Japan)
1. Supervise the construction work to ensure that contractor execute the work compliance to the contract and
2. Making weekly and monthly progress and quality of work to senior engineer.
3. Check and approve shop drawings / As Build drawing for site construction.
4. Check and approve material used base on standard specification.
5. Witness any test to ensure the installation is accepted by the client.
Quality Control
July 1994 March 1996
For Building and Drainage Development, South Sulawesi
Contract by : Asbarindo Utama, PT (Contractor)
Controling the quality of work and also estimate usage of materials to be used according to needed materials quality.


Institution :
Moeslim University of Indonesia

Bachelor (S1)




Public Work Department

Investment Depelopment Program of

Enableness of Community Development
BOT Syariah Pattern


World Bank & SUDP II

Road Operation Urban and

Maintenance for Urban Infrastructur
Development Program (P3KT)



Nihon Suido Consultants Co. Ltd

Ductile Iron Pipe Installation



Hasanuddin Universiry

Role of Techinic Civil in Town

Perspectif of Free Floods



East Regional of PSL

Training for Computer Accountancy




Mother Tongue
Other Languages

Institution :
Cardno Acil. Pty (JSEP)

Civil Engineer


Recognition of Society Participation
Program to the Project of Extension
and Improvement of Quality

: Indonesia
: English

Group proces fasilitation
Interactive even design
Training/Instructional material development

All Sulawesi province, Aceh, West Sumatera, Jakarta, East Kalimantan,

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