Deliberate Misapplication of The U.S. Constitution Is The Crux of American Enslavement: Part I

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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Mrs. Tamah Jada Clark: Revolutionary Intellectualism

Sophisticated Language Publishing Co.: Words More Powerful Than Warfare

6901-A N. 9 Ave. #429 Pensacola, Florida

United States of America

In tribal times, there were the medicine men. In the

Middle Ages, there were the priests. Today, there are the
lawyers. For every age, a group of bright boys, learned in
their trades and jealous of their learning, who blend
technical competence with plain and fancy hocus-pocus
to make themselves masters of their fellow men. For
every age, a pseudo-intellectual autocracy, guarding the
tricks of the trade from the uninitiated, and running,
after its own pattern, the civilization of its day.

(-Prof. Fred Rodell, [LL.D.,] Yale Law School)

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A Word from the Author

The power of illusion is an effective and well-known concept of which most are
cognizant; but the illusion of power is even more effective, yet seldom considered.

In fact, the illusion of power is and has been used as a weapon of mass destruction
against the American People, made possible by their own ignorance. What exactly do I

The U.S. Constitution is not at all what Americans have been taught to believe it to be.
And it does not grant or even authorize the exercise of the large majority of the U.S.
Governments current activities.

The Countrys very Founders said that the People are the source of power and
sovereignty in the United States of America, and that government is to serve their
interests. Yet, one cannot help but notice that the federal and state governments are not
working for the people; they are working for themselves.

In April of 2015, my husband (Mr. Jason Joseph Clark) and I submitted a legal document
in our federal lawsuit titled Notice to F*ck This Court and Everything That It Stands
For., in response to the extensive corruptive practices and lies U.S. Courts knowingly
and intentionally use to violate unalienable rights.

There were absolutely no repercussions for what is the most vicious legal document in
American history. Why is this? Because Jason and I know the truth concerning the
illusion of power that is being used to trick Americans into allowing the U.S.
Government to exercise more control over them than it lawfully has. Remember: lawful
government is by the consent of the governed, not by force, coercion, and fear tactics.

In recognizing that many Americans are aware that something ugly is amidst in
government and would like a way to counteract the corruption, we have founded The
United Sovereigns of America.

Legal Notices

This publication (Publication) is the exclusive intellectual property of Mrs.
Tamah Jada Clark and may only be used in accordance with the Terms of Access
available at By proceeding to interact with
Publication, you indicate that you have read, understood, and agreed to observe
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The fundamental theory of our systems of government is local

government, self-government. The great doctrine of the right and
capacity of man to govern himself was the corner-stone, rejected before
in the old world, but which in the new is the chief stone of the corner.
It can no longer be rejected. It is planted deep down in the adamant of
our political structure. He is no longer a subject, he is a sovereign,
crowned with the regal power to govern, and this local, self-governing
freeman admits the right or power of no Federal officer to interfere in
his local, domestic affairs, except through the delegated powers
conferred by the Constitutions of his State and of the Federal Union.
A Federal Union, Not a Nation. An Examination into Our Systems of Government
by Edward Hamilton. Boston: Lee and Shepard, Publishers (1880).

The United Sovereigns of America

Freedom You Can Feel

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Table of Contents
The U.S. Constitution is Not the Origin of The United States of
America..................................................................................................... 5
Thirteen Original Sovereignties .................................................................................... 5
Articles of Confederation .............................................................................................. 6

The United States of America Vs. the United States Federal

Government: Separate and Not Equal .................................................. 7
America is Not a Nation .......................................................................... 8
U.S. Nationality Deception ........................................................................................... 8
FEDERAL, Not National Constitution ......................................................................... 9

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The U.S. Constitution-1787 is a federal 1 document that outlines the legal
personality of a Public Person2, formed by the same, whose purpose is to serve as
the Administrator of the delineated interests of the perpetual UnionThe United
States of America3, created by and through the Articles of Confederation-1777.


As a result of The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of
America-1776 5 and triumph in the American War for Independence (1775-
1783) 6 associated therewith, the Thirteen Original Colonies became Free and
Independent States7, also then referred to as the united States of America 8 a
non-technical term meaning, States 9 located in America that were informally

Article 1st: His Brittanic Majesty acknowledges the said United States, viz., New
Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations,
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia,
North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, to be free sovereign and
Independent States; that he treats with them as such, and for himself his Heirs &
Successors, relinquishes all claims to the Government, Propriety, and Territorial
Rights of the same and every Part thereof.

1 Authors

Note: Special emphasis is pronounced as to the U.S. Constitutions federal

naturein contradistinction to that of state or nationalfor good reason and cause to
be shown in the following section.
2 Reference to the U.S. Federal Government
3 The stile of this confederacy shall be The United States of America.. Article I,
Articles of Confederation-1777.
4 Authors Note: Until such time as the former Thirteen Colonies mutually agreed to
perpetual confederacy, they remained absolute sovereigns with full Power to levy War,
conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and
Things which Independent States may of right do. See The unanimous Declaration of the
thirteen united States of America-1776.
5 More commonly known by the informal title: The Declaration of Independence-1776
6 Also known as the American Revolutionary War
7 Declaration of Independence-1776
8 The word united is being used as an adjective as opposed to a proper noun
9 Proper noun referencing the former Thirteen Colonies

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Treaty of Paris, 1783; International Treaties and Related Records, 1778-1974;

General Records of the United States Government, Record Group 11; National


It would not be until 1781through the enactment of the Articles of
Confederation, that The United States of America became a technical term,
referencing a perpetual Union created by the confederation of the former
Colonies, under said Articles; this was the actual birth of The United States of
America union.10 11 The U.S. Constitution and Federal Government created
thereby did not come into existence until 1787several years after The United
States of America was founded; thus, rendering it an impossibility that the
former is the origin of the latter.

Moreover, the U.S. Constitution-1787 did not dissolve the Articles of
Confederation, for to have done so would have also been to dissolve the
perpetual Union created under those Articles. To the contrary, as stated in its
preamble, the purpose of the U.S. Constitution was to form a more perfect
Union, not to revoke or destroy the perpetual Union theretofore established.
That is, the U.S. Constitution is not the Constitution of The United States of
America; it is the Constitution of those united States federated central
Administratormore commonly known as the U.S Federal Government.

10 The

stile of this confederacy shall be The United States of America.. Article I,

Articles of Confederation-1777.
11 Authors Note: Though written in 1777 and used for de facto government, the Articles
of Confederation were not properly ratified until 1781, at which time they became de

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As has been demonstrated, The United States of America and the U.S. Federal
Government exist separately and independently of one another. To reiterate,
The United States of America is the perpetual Union created by the former
Colonies under the Articles of Confederation-1777; whilst the Federal
Governmentalso known simply as the United Statesis the Administrator
for that Union charged to carry out the mutual and common interests of the
members of said Union.

For this reason, the U.S. Constitution-1787 is a Constitution for The United States
of America12, as opposed to a Constitution of The United States of Americamost
aptly described as the Constitution of the United States. This concept is more
feasibly understood by ascertaining the difference between The United States of
America and the United States, which are separate and certainly not equal.

Similar to the informal term united13 States of America previously discussed,
United States began as a non-technical term that dates back to the same
Revolutionary Era time period14 , that would later become the formal term

12 Authors Note: Upon observation of the original document, one realizes that there is

no actual title on the U.S. Constitution-1787, though it has been misleadingly given the
title Constitution of the United States of America-1787 in recent times. Furthermore,
all versions of said Constitution clearly state that it is a Constitution for the United
States of America: We the People of the United States [] do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America.
13 Used as an adjective as opposed to a proper noun
14 Authors Note: One must bear in mind that during the aforementioned Era, early
Americans had declared themselves free of colonial rule and had been enthralled in
combat with Great Britain since 1775, via the Battles of Lexington and Concord. There
was no time or resources available to erect new institutions of government in the midst
of battle. Instead, the Continental Congress served as a de facto central Administrator
amongst the former Colonies to help facilitate their mutual interests, such as the
common defense against Great Britains effort to re-subjugate them to colonial rule.
Thus, the terms united States of America and United States were loosely used in an
informal and non-technical manner until the Articles of Confederation-1777 and the U.S.
Constitution-1787, respectivelyat which times said terms were made into technical
terms by the same, and the U.S. Federal Government became the de jure central
Governor for the Union.

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assigned to the Administrator15 first recognized by the Articles of Confederation-

1777, but later birthed into personhood by its charter of incorporationthe U.S.
Constitution-1787. In other words, United States is a Public Person created to
carry out the collective will of the members of The United States of America
union. The aforementioned are separate and non-equal entities; the former is a
servant and the latter, its master.


Per the incontestable facts of basic geography, America is neither a nation nor
a country, but a conglomerated reference to two continentsNorth and South
consisting of multiple nations and countries; any person native thereto can
properly refer to himself as American. In other words, American citizenship
and nationality are misconceptions, that, when employed, demonstrate logical,
geographical, and legal incompetence; as, strictly speaking, they do not exist.


U.S nationality and citizenship could not have existed prior to the existence of
the U.S. Government, created by the Constitution of 1787; nevertheless,
undoubtedlyas has been shown, the several States of the Union did exist, as
the undisputed Sovereignty over their respective State territory16, organized
into separate bodies politic composing distinct jural societies.

The preceding, by definition, is a nation-state; and in accordance with the Law of
Nations, as well as basic logic, all nations bear a nationality attached thereto. In
other words, each State composing The United States of America union has its
own nationality. U.S. (Federal) nationality and citizenship were not created until
the enactment of the 14th Article of Amendment to the U.S. Federal Constitution
in 1868.

To suggest that early Americans were without a nationality would be to infer
that the Founding Fathers were incompetent barbarians that did not understand
the basic principles of government well enough to have a nationality of their

15 Reference to what would later become the U.S. Federal Government
16 See Treaty of Paris, 1783

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own, yet competent and brilliant enough to lay the legal framework for what has
become one of the most celebrated systems of government in Modern History.


James Madisonan American statesman, political theorist, and Founding Father
specifically distinguished as the Father of the Constitution, responsible for
drafting what became the blueprint for the U.S. Constitution 17 , as well as
significantly contributing to its ratification by way of The Federalist18revealed
the following on the eve of the U.S. Constitutions birth:

The act, therefore, establishing the Constitution, will not be a national, but
a federal act. That it will be a federal and not a national act, as these terms are
understood by the objectors; the act of the people, as forming so many
independent States, not as forming one aggregate nation, is obvious from this
single consideration, that it is to result neither from the decision of a majority of
the people of the Union, nor from that of a majority of the States. It must result
from the unanimous assent of the several States that are parties to it [] Were
the people regarded in this transaction as forming one nation, the will of the
majority of the whole people of the United States would bind the minority []
by considering the will of the majority of the States as evidence of the will of a
majority of the people of the United States. Neither of these rules have been
adopted. Each State, in ratifying the Constitution, is considered as a sovereign
body, independent of all others, and only to be bound by its own voluntary act.
In this relation, then, the new Constitution will, if established, be a federal, and
not a national constitution.19

Befitting of a society rampant with political and economic corruption, there
exists an abundance of irreconcilable differences between the Framers Intent
concerning the purpose, rights, and powers of the U.S. Constitution; and the
present manner in which American institutions of government are being run, to
the detriment of the People. In fact, *Deliberate* Misapplication of the U.S.
Constitution is the Crux of American Enslavement.


17 See The Virginia Plan, 1787
18 Also known as The Federalist Papers

19 The Federalist, No. 39.: Conformity of the Plan to Republican Principles, by James

Madison. Independent Journal ,Wednesday, January 16, 1788.

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Freedom You Can Feel

Mrs. Tamah Jada Clark: Revolutionary Intellectualism
Sophisticated Language Publishing Co.: Words More Powerful Than Warfare


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