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Urban Missionary Update


The streets
were cold,
but hearts
were warmed.
The Galloways are a missionary family working
MINISTRY with The Relief Bus, an outreach to the poor and
homeless in the NYC metro area.


Here I am in New York City with

The Relief Bus. Warren (above)
is a Jamaican man living in the
Bronx. He was viciously attacked
and mugged. His face was
slashed up badly and he has
large scars. His green card and
social security card were stolen. Tyrone (above left) was
We got him an appointment to bipolar, homeless and
get a new passport and he was addicted to drugs in
overjoyed! Harlem. We connected
him to a detox and he
is now entering a rehab
program. He sat in the
bus and cried as he
poured out his heart.
Bill (left) was homeless,
but has his own place
now. He wants to
volunteer on the bus
and give back. We gave
him a connection to
a potential job and
We had some big snowstorms in New
York and New Jersey this year! River and
Hailey spent their snow day off from
school with Dad helping to serve hungry
people on a very cold day
in the bronx.

My buddy Anthony had to

shovel over a foot of snow
off the top of The Relief Bus
before we could drive it into
the city.

Check out a wild video of Juan

ministering to a man named Luis
on the streets of the Bronx at :
Over the month of January we participated in a O tellio is an immigrant and a homeless man who used
to have a great job until he was laid off. He became an
alcoholic and lost hope. Through a relationship with Christ
massive outreach to the homeless with the NYC he has now been sober for 5 years. He sleeps in a church at
Rescue Alliance called Don’t Walk By. Here is night and needs a job. His attitude and joy is unbelievable.
what we accomplished: We can all learn a lot about faith from this guy.
1,419 Volunteers served
1,134 Homeless people were engaged on
376 Returned to anchor churches for dinner
and ministry
116 Entered shelters & given opportunity to
enter rehab/ discipleship programs
19 Medically assesed
4 People hospitalized
4 People sent to detox

M ike was jumped on the street by three guys and hit in

the back of the head with a baseball bat. As a result,
he now has brain seizures and cannot hold a job. We had a
great time talking for a long time while he enjoyed dinner.
He was happy to get out of the cold that night and he
received some new warm clothes. So much of our work with
the homeless is building relationship and trust.

O ver 5 weeks Juan got to train 1,400 volunteers

on how to engage and minister to the
homeless. They walked every block in Manhattan
on their search and rescue mission! It was
incredible. See great video and more photos at
the Facebook Don’t Walk By Group page.
Dad and the kids
built a punk rock
snowman with a

River (8) duels
(14) in
at the fencin
Y g
Garde MCA. En

Corban loved
pajamas day at
school and wore his
newspaper hat to
o celebrate
ent t
e f a m w ster
Th on
or M
indo olf.

River was honored

as Student OfCoThe nnor is
Month her firstfor the going
month at herbonew on p
unces! ogo
racy has her own internet show high school!
now where
she gives great marriage and family tips at
Check it out!
As you may have heard, I have taken a new position as Executive Director of
The Relief Bus/New York City Relief. It is humbling and exciting to take on the
challenge of steering this 20 year organization into the future to help more
people on the streets. See the new website I designed at!

Tracy and I are still in need of support to keep doing this work and
appreciate your partnership in this endeavor. By joining with us financially,
you allow us to continue the work of helping the poor and changing
people’s lives for the better. For those who already support us- THANK YOU!

Become a monthly partner for $25, $50, $100 or any amount so that
together we can make a difference in the lives of the hurting. Your gifts are

To donate, simply make a check out to “The Relief Bus” and mail to 295
Walnut Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07201. Put a note in the envelope with the
words “Juan and Tracy” on it.


Just go to
Click on “GIVE”. Just write “Juan
and Tracy Galloway” in the
designation field so that it will go
to the right place. Thanks!

Juan and Tracy (log in first)

ill ple in and you

“ There w b o r p e o
e po ore I comm ur
a l wa y s ref
e l a n d. T h e
e d tow ard yo and
e o p e n hand rd the poor
to b rs and towa
brothe in your land”

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