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CHAPTER 1 General Requirements

Table of Contents
101.1 Title......................................................................3
101.2 Purpose................................................................3
101.3 Scope...................................................................3
101.4 Alternative Systems.............................................3
SECTION 102 - DEFINITIONS....................................3
103.1 Nature of Occupancy...........................................4
104.1 Strength Requirement..........................................5
104.2 Serviceability Requirement.................................5
104.2.1 General.........................................................5
104.3 Analysis...............................................................5
104.3.1 Stability Against Overturning.......................6
104.3.2 Self-Straining Forces....................................6
104.3.3 Anchorage.....................................................6
104.4 Foundation Investigation.....................................6
104.5 Design Review....................................................6
104. 6 Erection of Structural Framing...........................6

105.1 Posting of Live Loads.........................................7

105.2 Earthquake Recording Instrumentation...............7
105.2.1 General.........................................................7
105.2.2 Location........................................................7
105.2.3 Maintenance.................................................7
105.2.4 Instrumentation of Selected Buildings.........7
106.1 General................................................................7
106.2 Specifications......................................................7
106.3 Design Drawings.................................................7
106.3.1 General.........................................................7
106.3.2 Required Information...................................7 General Information..................................7 Structural Concrete....................................8 Structural Steel..........................................8
106.4 Calculations.........................................................8
106.4.1 General.........................................................8
106.4.2 Basis of Design Summary............................8
106.4.3 Computer Programs......................................8
106.4.4 Model Analysis.............................................9
106.5 As-built Drawings...........................................9
107.1 General................................................................9
107.2 Definitions...........................................................9
107.3 Inspection Program...........................................10
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6th Edition Volume 1



CHAPTER 1 General Requirements

107.4 Structural Inspector...........................................10

107.4.1 Qualifications.............................................10
107.4.2 Duties and Responsibilities........................10
107.5 Types of Work for Inspection............................10
107.5.1 Concrete.....................................................10
107.5.2 Bolts Installed in Concrete.........................10
107.5.3 Special Moment-Resisting Concrete Frames.10
107.5.4 Reinforcing Steel and Prestressing Steel Tendons.10 General....................................................10 General....................................................10
107.5.5 Structural Welding......................................11 General....................................................11 Special Moment-Resisting Steel Frames.11 Welding of Reinforcing Steel..................11
107.5.6 High-strength Bolting.................................11
107.5.7 Structural Masonry.....................................11 General....................................................11 General....................................................11
107.5.8 Reinforced Gypsum Concrete....................11
107.5.9 Insulating Concrete Fill..............................11
107.5.10 Spray-Applied Fire-Resistive Materials...12
107.5.11 Piling, Drilled Piers and Caissons............12
107.5.12 Shotcrete...................................................12
107.5.13 Special Grading, Excavation and Filling..12
107.5.14 Special Cases............................................12
107.5.15 Non-Destructive Testing...........................12
107.6 Approved Fabricators........................................12
107.7 Prefabricated Construction................................12
107.7.1 General.......................................................12 Purpose....................................................12 Scope.......................................................12 Definition................................................12
107.7.2 Tests of Materials.......................................12
107.7.3 Tests of Assemblies....................................12
107.7.4 Connections................................................13
107.7.5 Pipes and Conduits.....................................13
107.7.6 Certificate and Inspection...........................13 Materials..................................................13 Certificate................................................13 Certifying Agency...................................13 Field Erection..........................................13 Continuous Inspection.............................13
107.8 Non-destructive Testing....................................13
107.8.1 General.......................................................13
107.8.2 Testing Program.........................................13 General....................................................13 General....................................................14 General....................................................14
107.8.3 Others........................................................14
107.9 Structural Observation.......................................14
107.9.1 General.......................................................14
107.9.2 Structural Observer.....................................14
107.9.3 Construction Stages for Observations........14
108.1 General..............................................................14
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 1 General Requirements


108.2 Maintenance.....................................................14
108.3 Additions, Alterations or Repairs......................14
108.3.1 General.......................................................14
108.3.2 When Allowed by the Building Official.....14
108.3.3 Nonstructural..............................................15
108.3.4 Historic Buildings......................................15
108.4 Change in Use...................................................15
109.1 General..............................................................15
109.1.1 Scope..........................................................15
109.2 Definitions.........................................................15
109.3 Permits Required..............................................16
109.3.1 Permits Required........................................16
109.3.2 Exempted Work..........................................16
109.4 Hazards..............................................................17
109.5 Grading Permit Requirements...........................17
109.5.1 General.......................................................17
109.5.2 Grading Designation..................................17
109.5.3 Engineered Grading Requirements............17
109.5.4 Geotechnical Engineering Report..............18
109.5.5 Engineering Geology Report......................18
109.5.6 Regular Grading Requirements..................18
109.6 Grading Inspection............................................18
109.6.1 General.......................................................18
109.6.2 Civil Engineer.............................................18
109.6.3 Geotechnical Engineer................................18
109.6.4 Engineering Geologist................................18
109.6.5 Permittee.....................................................19
109.6.6 Building Official.........................................19
109.6.7 Notification of Noncompliance..................19
109.6.8 Transfer of Responsibility..........................19
109.7 Completion of Work..........................................19
109.7.1 Final Reports..............................................19
109.7.2 Notification of Completion........................19

101.1 Title
These regulations shall be known as the National
Structural Code of the Philippines 6th Edition 2010,
may be cited as such and will be referred to herein as this
101.2 Purpose
The purpose of this code is to provide minimum load
requirements for the design of buildings and other
National Structural Code of the Philippines 6th Edition Volume 1


CHAPTER 1 General Requirements

structures and minimum standards and guidelines to

safeguard life or limb, property and public welfare by
regulating and controlling the design, construction,
quality of materials pertaining to the structural aspects of
all buildings and structures within this jurisdiction.
101.3 Scope
The provisions of this code shall apply to the
construction, alteration, moving, demolition, repair,
maintenance and use of any building or structure within
this jurisdiction, except transmission towers and poles,
hydraulic flood control structures, and indigeneous family

examiners appointed by the building official. This board

shall be composed of competent structural engineers and
shall have authority to investigate the data so submitted,
to require tests, and to formulate rules governing design
and construction of such systems to meet the intent of this
code. These rules, when approved and promulgated by
the building official, shall be of the same force and effect
as the provisions of this code.


Special structures such as but not limited to storage silos

and liquid product tanks should be referred to special
state of practice literature but shall refer to provisions of
this code as a minimum wherever applicable.

For the purpose of this code, certain terms, phrases, words

and their derivatives shall be construed as specified in this
chapter and elsewhere in this code where specific
definitions are provided. Terms, phrases and words used
in the singular include the plural and vice versa. Terms,
phrases and words used in the masculine gender include
the feminine and vice versa.

Following are the different volumes of this code:

The following terms are defined for use in this chapter:

Volume I

ADDITION is an extension or increase in floor area or

height of a building or structure.

Volume II
Volume III
Volume IV
Volume V

- Buildings, Towers and Other Vertical

- Bridges
- Housing
- Railways
- Ports and Harbors

For additions, alterations, maintenance, and change in use

of buildings and structures, see Section 108.
Where, in any specific case, different sections of this code
specify different materials, methods of construction or
other requirements, the most restrictive provisions shall
govern except in the case of single family dwellings.
Where there is a conflict between a general requirement
and a specific requirement, the specific requirement shall
be applicable. Wherever in this code reference is made to
an appendix, the provisions in the appendix shall not
apply unless specifically adopted.
101.4 Alternative Systems
The provisions of this code are not intended to prevent the
use of any material, alternate design or method of
construction not specifically prescribed by this code,
provided any alternate has been permitted and its use
authorized by the building official.
Sponsors of any system of design or construction within
the scope of this code, the adequacy of which had been
shown by successful use and by analysis and test, but
which does not conform to or is not covered by this code,
shall have the right to present the data on which their
design is based to the building official or to a board of


proportioning structural members such that elastically
computed stresses produced in the members by nominal
loads do not exceed specified allowable stresses (also
ALTER or ALTERATION is any change, addition or
modification in construction or occupancy.
APPROVED as to materials and types of construction,
refers to approval by the building official as the result of
investigation and tests conducted by the building official,
or by reason of accepted principles or tests by recognized
authorities, technical or scientific organizations.
organization, political subdivision, office or individual
charged with the responsibility of administering and
enforcing the provisions of this code.
BUILDING is any structure usually enclosed by walls
and a roof, constructed to provide support or shelter for an
intended use or occupancy.
BUILDING, EXISTING, is a building erected prior to
the adoption of this code, or one for which a legal
building permit has been issued.
BUILDING OFFICIAL is the officer or other designated
authority charged with the administration and

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 1 General Requirements

enforcement of this code, or the building official's duly

authorized representative.
(LRFD) METHOD is a method of proportioning
structural elements using load and resistance factors such
that no applicable limit state is reached when the structure
is subjected to all appropriate load combinations. The
term "LRFD" is used in the design of steel
OCCUPANCY is the purpose for which a building or
other structures or part thereof, is used or intended to be
STRENGTH DESIGN is a method of proportioning
structural members such that the computed forces
produced in the members by the factored load do not
exceed the member design strength.
STRUCTURE is that which is built or constructed, an
edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work
artificially built up or composed of parts joined together
in some definite manner.
STRUCTURAL ENGINEER is a registered Civil
Engineer with special qualification in the practice of
Structural Engineering as recognized by the Board of
Civil Engineering of the Professional Regulation
Commission as endorsed by the Philippine Institute of
Civil Engineers through the Association of Structural
Engineers of the Philippines, or Specialist Members of
the Structural Engineering Specialty Division of the
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers.



103.1 Nature of Occupancy
Buildings and other structures shall be classified, based
on the nature of occupancy, according to Table 103-1 for
purposes of applying wind and earthquake in Chapter 2.
Each building or other structures shall be assigned to the
highest applicable occupancy category or categories.
Assignment of the same structure to multiple occupancy
categories based on use and the type of loading condition
being evaluated (e.g. wind or seismic) shall be
When buildings or other structures have multiple uses
(occupancies), the relationship between the uses of
various parts of the building or other structure and the
independence of the structural system for those various
parts shall be examined. The classification for each
independent structural system of a multiple-use building
or other structure shall be that of the highest usage group
in any part of the building or other structure that is
dependent on that basic structural system.
Table 103-1 - Occupancy Category


Occupancies having surgery and emergency
treatment areas,
Fire and police stations,
Garages and shelters for emergency
vehicles and emergency aircraft,
Structures and shelters in
emergency preparedness centers,
Aviation control towers,
Structures and equipment in communication
centers and other facilities required for
emergency response,
Standby power-generating equipment for
Category I facilities,
Tanks or other structures containing
housing or supporting water or other
fire-suppression material or equipment
required for the protection of Category I,
II or III structures.
School buildings of more than one storey.
Hospitals and designated evacuation centers

National Structural Code of the Philippines 6th Edition Volume 1


CHAPTER 1 General Requirements

Table 103-1 (continued) - Occupancy Category


II Hazardous

III Special

Occupancies and structures therein housing
or supporting toxic or explosive
chemicals or substances,
Non-building structures storing, supporting
or containing quantities of toxic or
explosive substances.
Single storey school buildings
Buildings with an assembly room with an
occupant capacity of 1,000 or more,
Educational buildings such as museums
libraries, auditorium etc with a capacity
of 300 or more students,
Buildings used for college or adult
education with a capacity of 500 or more
Institutional buildings with 50 or more
incapacitated patients, but not included
in Category I,
Mental hospitals, sanitariums, jails, prison
and other buildings where personal liberties
of inmates are similarly restrained,
All structures with an occupancy 5,000 or
more persons,
Structures and equipment in powergenerating stations, and other public
utility facilities not included in Category
I or Category II above, and required for
continued operation.

IV Standard

All structures housing occupancies or

having functions not listed in Category I,
II or III above and Category V below.

V Miscellaneous

Private garages, carports, shed, , and fences

over 1.8 meters high.


104.1 Strength Requirement
Buildings and other structures and all portions thereof
shall be designed and constructed to sustain, within the
limitations specified in this code, all loads set forth in
Chapter 2 and elsewhere in this code, combined in
accordance with Section 203.
Design shall be in accordance with Strength Design, Load
and Resistance Factor Design, or Allowable Stress Design
methods, as permitted by the applicable materials
Unless otherwise required by the building official,
buildings or portions thereof that are constructed in
accordance with the conventional light-framing
requirements specified in Chapter 6 and the NSCP
Volume III on Housing shall be deemed to meet the
requirements of this section.
104.2 Serviceability Requirement
104.2.1 General.
Structural systems and members thereof shall be designed
to have adequate stiffness to limit deflections, lateral
drifts, vibration, or any other deformations that adversely
affect the intended use and performance of buildings and
other structures. The design shall also consider durability,
resistance to exposure to weather or aggressive
environment, crack control, and other conditions that
affect the intended use and performance of buildings,
towers and other vertical structures.
104.3 Analysis
Any system or method of construction to be used shall be
based on a rational analysis in accordance with wellestablished principles of mechanics that take into account
equilibrium, general stability, geometric compatibility and
both short- and long-term material properties. Members
that tend to accumulate residual deformations under
repeated service loads shall have included in their analysis
the added eccentricities expected to occur during their
service life. Such analysis shall result in a system that
provides a complete load path capable of transferring all
loads and forces from their point of origin to the loadresisting elements. The analysis shall include, but not be

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 1 General Requirements


limited to, the provisions of Sections 104.3.1 through


Detailed requirements for foundation investigations shall

be in accordance with Section 303 of this code.

104.3.1 Stability Against Overturning.

Every structure shall be designed to resist the overturning
effects caused by the lateral forces specified. See Section
206.6 for retaining walls, Section 207 for wind loading
and Section 208 for earthquake loading.

104.5 Design Review

104.3.2 Self-Straining Forces.

Provisions shall be made for anticipated self-straining
forces arising from differential settlement of foundations
and from restrained dimensional changes due to
temperature, moisture, shrinkage, heave, creep and similar
104.3.3 Anchorage.
Anchorage of the roof to walls and columns, and of walls
and columns to foundations shall be provided and
adequately detailed to resist the uplift and sliding forces
that result from the application of the prescribed forces.

The design calculations, drawings, specifications, and

other design related documents for buildings, towers and
other vertical structures with irregular configuration in
Occupancy Categories I, II or III within Seismic Zone 4
shall be subject to a review by an independent recognized
structural engineer to be employed by the owner. The
structural engineer performing the review shall have
comparable qualifications and experience as the structural
engineer responsible for the design. The reviewer shall
obtain a professional waiver from the engineer-of-record
who shall be expected to grant such waiver in keeping
with ethical standards of the profession, as adopted in the
ASEP Guidelines for Peer Review.
The design review shall, as a minimum, verify the general
compliance with this code which shall include, but not be
limited to, the review of the design load criteria, the
design concept, mathematical model and techniques.

Concrete and masonry walls shall be anchored to all

floors, roofs and other structural elements that provide
lateral support for the wall. Such anchorage shall provide
a positive direct connection capable of resisting the
horizontal forces specified in Chapter 2 but not less than
the minimum forces in Section 206.4. In addition, in
Seismic Zone 4, diaphragm to wall anchorage using
embedded straps shall have the straps attached to or
hooked around the reinforcing steel or otherwise
terminated so as to effectively transfer forces to the
reinforcing steel. Walls shall be designed to resist bending
between anchors where the anchor spacing exceeds 1.2
meters. Required anchors in masonry walls of hollow
units or cavity walls shall be embedded in a reinforced
grouted structural element of the wall. See Sections 208.7, and for earthquake design
requirements. Stiffener beams and columns adequately
anchord to the main frames, shall be considered as
necessary to ensure proper basket effect on the masonry
blocks to prevent collapse provided its contribution to the
overall stiffness of the structure is recognized.

The following may also be verified, that there are no

major errors in pertinent calculations, drawings and
specifications and may also ensure that the structure as
reviewed, meet minimum standards for safety, adequacy
and acceptable standard design practice.

104.4 Foundation Investigation

Soil explorations shall be required for buildings, towers
and other vertical structures, falling under Categories I, II
and III in accordance with Table 103-1 or as required by
the building official or if the site- specific conditions
make the foundation investigation necessary.

104. 6 Erection of Structural Framing

Walls and structural framing shall be erected true and
plumb in accordance with the design.

The engineer-of-record shall submit the plans and

specifications, a signed and sealed statement by the
structural engineer doing the review that the above review
has been performed and that minimum standards have
been met.
See Section for design review requirements
when nonlinear time-history analysis is used for
earthquake design.
The design review shall not in any way transfer or
diminish the responsibility of the engineer-of-record.

National Structural Code of the Philippines 6th Edition Volume 1


CHAPTER 1 General Requirements


105.1 Posting of Live Loads
The live loads for which each floor or portion thereof of a
commercial or industrial building has been designed shall
have such design live loads conspicuously posted by the
owner in that part of each story in which they apply, using
durable metal signs. It shall be unlawful to remove or
deface such notices. The occupant of the building shall be
responsible for keeping the actual load below the
allowable limits.
105.2 Earthquake Recording Instrumentation
105.2.1 General.
Unless waived by the building official, every building in
Seismic Zone 4 over thirty (30) storeys in height shall be
provided with not less than three approved recording
The accelerographs shall be
interconnected for common start and common timing.
105.2.2 Location.
The instruments shall be located in the basement,
midportion, and near the top of the building. Each
instrument shall be located so that access is maintained at
all times and is unobstructed by room contents. A sign
INSTRUMENT shall be posted in a conspicuous
105.2.3 Maintenance.
Maintenance and service of the instruments shall be
provided by the owner of the building, subject to the
monitoring of the building official. Data produced by the
instruments shall be made available to the building
official or the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
Seismology on request.
105.2.4 Instrumentation of Selected Buildings.
All owners of existing structures selected by the
authorities having jurisdiction shall provide accessible
space for the installation of appropriate earthquakerecording instruments. Location of said instruments shall
be determined by the authorities having jurisdiction.

The authorities having jurisdiction shall make

arrangements to provide, maintain and service the
instruments. Data shall be the property of the authorities
having jurisdiction, but copies of individual records shall
be made available to the owner of the building and to the
public on request and after the payment of an appropriate


106.1 General
Copies of design calculations, reports, plans,
specifications and inspection program for all
constructions shall bear signature and seal of the
106.2 Specifications
The specifications shall contain information covering the
material and construction requirements. The materials and
construction requirements shall conform to the
specifications referred to in Chapters 3 to 7 of this code.
106.3 Design Drawings
106.3.1 General.
The design drawings shall be drawn to scale upon
substantial paper or cloth and shall be of sufficient clarity
to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work
proposed. The drawings shall show a complete design
with sizes, sections, relative locations and connection
details of the various members. Floor levels, column
centers and offsets shall be dimensioned. Where available
and feasible, archive copies shall be maintained in durable
medium such as compact disc (CD) and digital versatile
disc (DVD).
106.3.2 Required Information.
The design drawings shall contain, but not be limited to,
the general information listed in Section and
material specific information listed in Sections
and, as applicable. General Information.

Name and date of issue of building code and

supplements, if any, to which the design conforms.

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 1 General Requirements



Strengths or designations of materials to be used.



Design strengths of underlying soil or rock. The soil

or rock profile, when available, shall be provided.

The type of connection for joints using high-strength



Stiffener and bracing requirements.


Live loads and other loads used in design and clearly

indicated in the floor plans.


Description or explanation of welding and inspection

symbols used on the design and shop drawings.


Seismic design basis including the total base shear

coefficient; a description of the lateral load resisting
system; and the fundamental natural period in the
design in each direction under consideration.


Notes for joints in which welding sequence and

technique of welding are required to be carefully
controlled to minimize distortion.


Provisions for dimensional changes resulting from

creep, shrinkage, heave and temperature.

106.4 Calculations


Camber of trusses, beams and girders, if required.


Explanation or definition of
abbreviations used in the drawings.


Engineer's professional license number and

expiration date of the current Professional Regulation
Commission registration.

106.4.1 General.
Calculations pertinent to the structural design of
structures and its component members shall be filed with
the design drawings.


and Structural Concrete


Specified compressive strength of concrete at stated

ages or stages of construction for which each part of
structure is designed. The 28-day compressive
strength shall be the basis of design in service.

106.4.2 Basis of Design Summary.

The calculations shall include a summary of the criteria
and methodologies used in the design. This summary
shall include, but need not be limited to, the following:

Name and date of issue of building code and

supplements, if any, to which the design conforms.


Anchorage embedment lengths or cutoff points of

steel reinforcement; and location and length of lap

Strengths or designations of materials to be used for

each component of the structure.


Design strengths and other design parameters of the

underlying soil or rock.


Type and location of welded splices and mechanical

connections of reinforcement.


Live loads and other loads used in design.


Magnitude and location of prestressing forces.


The basis of the seismic and wind design forces.


Minimum concrete compressive strength at time of




Stressing sequence for post-tensioned tendons.

A description of the structure's gravity and lateral

load resisting systems. A description of the roof,
floor, foundation and other component systems shall
also be provided.


Details and location of all contraction or isolation

joints specified for plain concrete in Section 422.



Statement if concrete slab is designed as a structural

diaphragm, as specified in Section 421.8.3 and

A description procedures used in the structural

analysis. This shall include the section and material
properties used, loading combinations considered,
second-order effects considerations, and any
simplifying assumptions made.

2. Structural Steel


Type or types of construction as defined in Section



Loads and design requirements necessary for

preparation of shop drawings including shears,
moments, and axial forces to be resisted by all
members and their connections.

106.4.3 Computer Programs.

Calculations may include the results from an electronic
digital computer analysis. The following requirements
apply to calculations which include such computer output.

A drawing of the complete mathematical model used

to represent the structure in the computer-generated
analysis shall be provided. Design assumptions shall
be clearly described.

National Structural Code of the Philippines 6th Edition Volume 1


CHAPTER 1 General Requirements


A program description giving the program name, the

version number, and the company which developed
the program and its address shall be provided as part
of the computation documentation. A program User's
Guide shall also be made available, upon request, and
shall contain the information to determine the nature
and extent of the analysis, verify the input data,
interpret the result, and determine whether the
computations comply with the requirements of this


Data provided, as computer input shall be clearly

distinguished from those computed in the program.
The information required in the output shall include
date of processing, program identification, and
identification of structures being analyzed, all input
data, units and final results. An archived copy of all
computer runs shall be stored in CD or DVD.


The first sheet of each computer run shall be signed

of the engineer-of-record.

Copies of the as-built drawings shall be provided to the

owner, constructor, engineer-of-record and the building

106.4.4 Model Analysis.

Results from model analysis and experimental studies
shall be permitted to supplement calculations. The results
shall be accompanied by a description of the rational
basis, set-up, methodology and other information required
for the evaluation of the results.
106.5 As-built Drawings
As-built drawings shall be prepared by the permit holder
or a person retained to provide such services to document
the work as actually constructed. The as-built drawings
shall be drawn to scale upon substantial paper or cloth and
shall indicate the sizes, sections, relative locations, and
connection details of the various structural members as
actually constructed. Strengths of materials, based on
required tests, shall also be indicated.
Work items which requires modifications of or are
otherwise different from those shown in the design
drawings filed with the building official shall be
accordingly marked in the as-built drawings and provided
with notes indicating the basis of such modifications or
changes. The basis of modification or change shall
include reference to supplemental design drawings,
construction bulletins, or instructions from the owner,
owner's representative or structural engineer authorizing
such modifications or changes.
The signature, seal, name and professional license number
of the structural inspector shall be included in the as-built

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 1 General Requirements


107.1 General
All construction or work for which a permit is required
shall be subject to inspection throughout the various work
stages. One or more structural inspectors who are
registered civil engineers with experience in structural
construction, who shall undertake competent inspection
during construction on the types of work listed under
Section 107.5, shall be employed by the owner or the
engineer-of- record acting as the owner's agent.


observation does not include or waive the responsibility

for the structural inspections required by section 107.1 or
other sections of this code.
107.3 Inspection Program
The structural engineer-of-record shall prepare an
appropriate testing and inspection program that shall be
submitted to the building official.
The inspection
program shall designate the portions of the work that
require structural inspections and indicate the duties of the
structural inspectors.
When structural observation is required by Section 107.9,
the inspection program shall describe the stages of
construction at which structural observation is to occur.

The building official may waive the requirement for the

employment of a structural inspector if the construction is
of a minor nature.

The inspection program shall include samples of

inspection reports and provide time limits for submission
of reports.

In addition to structural inspections, structural

observations shall be performed when required by Section

107.4 Structural Inspector

107.2 Definitions
The following terms are defined for use in this section:
structural inspection where the structural inspector is on
the site at all times observing the work requiring
structural inspection.
structural inspection where the inspections are made on a
periodic basis and satisfy the requirements of continuous
inspection, provided this periodic scheduled inspection is
performed as outlined in the inspection program prepared
by the structural engineer.
STRUCTURAL INSPECTION is the visual observation
by a structural engineer of a particular type of
construction work or operation for the purpose of
ensuring its general compliance to the approved plans and
specifications and the applicable workmanship provisions
of this code as well as overall construction safety at
various stages of construction.
observation of the structural system by the structural
engineer responsible for the design (see Section 107.9.2),
for its general conformance to the approved plans and
specifications, at significant construction stages and at
completion of the structural system.

107.4.1 Qualifications.
The structural inspector shall be a registered civil
engineer or a qualified person under the supervision of a
registered civil engineer who shall demonstrate
competence, to the satisfaction of the structural engineer,
for inspection of the particular type of construction or
operation requiring structural inspection.
107.4.2 Duties and Responsibilities.
The structural inspector shall observe the work assigned
for conformance to the approved design drawings and
The structural inspector shall also verify that the as-built
drawings (see Section 106.5) pertaining to the work
assigned reflect the condition as constructed.
The structural inspector shall furnish inspection reports to
the building official, the structural engineer, and other
designated persons. All discrepancies shall be brought to
the immediate attention of the contractor for correction,
then, if uncorrected, to the proper design authority and to
the building official.
The structural inspector shall submit a final report duly
signed and sealed stating whether the work requiring
structural inspection was, to the best of the inspector's
knowledge, in conformance to the approved plans and
specifications and the applicable workmanship provisions
of this code.

National Structural Code of the Philippines 6th Edition Volume 1


CHAPTER 1 General Requirements

107.5 Types of Work for Inspection

Except as provided in Section 107.1, the types of work
listed below shall be inspected by a structural inspector.
107.5.1 Concrete.
During the taking of test specimens and placing of
reinforced concrete. See Section 107.5.12 for shotcrete.

The structural inspector need not be present continuously
during placing of reinforcing steel and prestressing
tendons, provided the structural inspector has inspected
for conformance to the approved plans prior to the
closing of forms or the delivery of concrete to the jobsite.
107.5.5 Structural Welding.

Concrete for foundations of residential buildings

accommodating 10 or fewer persons, or buildings
falling under Category V of Table 103-1, provided
the building official finds that a structural hazard
does not exist. General.
During the welding of any member or connection that is
designed to resist loads and forces required by this code.


For foundation concrete, other than cast-in-place

drilled piles or caissons, where the structural design
is based on an f c not greater than 17 MPa.


Welding done in an approved fabricator's shop in

accordance with Section 107.6.


Non-structural slabs on grade, including prestressed

slabs on grade when effective prestress in concrete is
less than 1.0 MPa.



Site work concrete fully supported on earth and

concrete where no special hazard exists.

The structural inspector need not be continuously

present during welding of the following items,
provided the materials, qualifications of welding
procedures and welders are verified prior to the start
of work; periodic inspections are made of work in
progress; and a visual inspection of all welds is made
prior to completion or prior to shipment of shop

107.5.2 Bolts Installed in Concrete.

Prior to and during the placement of concrete around bolts
when stress increases permitted by Footnote 5 of Section
423 are utilized.
107.5.3 Special Moment-Resisting Concrete Frames.
For moment frames resisting design seismic load in
structures within Seismic Zone 4, the structural inspector
shall provide reports to the engineer-of-record and shall
provide continuous inspection of the placement of the
reinforcement and concrete.
107.5.4 Reinforcing Steel and Prestressing Steel
Tendons. General.
During all stressing and grouting of tendons in prestressed
concrete. General.
During placing of reinforcing steel and prestressing
tendons for all concrete required to have structural
inspection by Section 107.5.1.


a) Single-pass fillet welds not exceeding 8 mm

in size.
b) Floor and roof deck welding.

Welded studs when used for structural

diaphragm or composite systems.

d) Welded sheet steel for cold-formed steel

framing members such as studs and joists.

Welding of stairs and railing systems. Special Moment-Resisting Steel Frames.

During the non-destructive testing (NDT) of welds
specified in Section 107.8 of this code. The use of
certified welders shall be required for welding structural
steel connections for this type of frame. Critical joint
connections shall be subjected to non-destructive testing
using certified NDT technicians. Welding of Reinforcing Steel.
During the non-destructive testing of welds.
107.5.6 High-strength Bolting.
The inspection of high-strength A325 and A490 bolts
shall be in accordance with approved nationally

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 1 General Requirements

recognized standards and the requirements of this section.

While the work is in progress, the structural inspector
shall determine that the requirements for bolts, nuts,
washers and paint; bolted parts; and installation and
tightening in such standards are met. Such inspections
may be performed on a periodic basis as defined in
Section 107.2. The structural inspector shall observe the
calibration procedures when such procedures are required
by the plans or specifications and shall monitor the
installation of bolts to determine that all plies of
connected materials have been drawn together and that
the selected procedure is properly used to tighten all bolts.
107.5.7 Structural Masonry. General.
For masonry, other than fully grouted open-end hollowunit masonry, during preparation and taking of any
required prisms or test specimens, placing of all masonry
units, placement of reinforcement, inspection of grout
space, immediately prior to closing of cleanouts, and
during all grouting operations.


The structural inspections may be limited to an initial
inspection to check the deck surface and placement of
reinforcing steel. The structural inspector shall monitor
the preparation of compression test specimens during this
initial inspection.
107.5.10 Spray-Applied Fire-Resistive Materials.
During the application of spray-applied fire-resistive
107.5.11 Piling, Drilled Piers and Caissons.
During driving and load testing of piles and construction
of cast-in-place drilled piles or caissons. See Sections
107.5.1 and 107.5.4 for concrete and reinforcing steel
107.5.12 Shotcrete.
During the taking of test specimens and placing of all



For hollow-unit masonry where the fm is no more than 10

MPa for concrete units or 18 MPa for clay units,
structural inspection may be performed as required for
fully grouted open-end hollow-unit masonry specified in

Shotcrete work fully supported on earth, minor repairs

and when, in the opinion of the building official, no
special hazard exists. General.
For fully grouted open-end hollow-unit masonry during
preparation and taking of any required prisms or test
specimens, at the start of laying units, after the placement
of reinforcing steel, grout space prior to each grouting
operation, and during all grouting operations.

107.5.13 Special Grading, Excavation and Filling.

During earthwork excavations, grading and filling
operations inspection to satisfy requirements of Chapter 3
and Section 109.5.
107.5.14 Special Cases.
Work that, in the opinion of the structural engineer,
involves unusual hazards or conditions.

Structural inspection as required in Sections
and need not be provided when design stresses
have been adjusted as specified in Chapter 7 to permit
noncontinuous inspection.
107.5.8 Reinforced Gypsum Concrete.
When cast-in-place Class B gypsum concrete is being
mixed and placed.
107.5.9 Insulating Concrete Fill.
During the application of insulating concrete fill when
used as part of a structural system.

107.5.15 Non-Destructive Testing.

In-situ non-destructive testing program, in addition to the
requirements of Section 107.8 that in the opinion of the
structural engineer may supplement or replace
conventional tests on concrete or other materials and
107.6 Approved Fabricators
Structural inspections required by this section and
elsewhere in this code are not required where the work is
done on the premises of a fabricator approved by the
structural engineer to perform such work without
structural inspection. The approved fabricator shall submit
a certificate of compliance that the work was performed

National Structural Code of the Philippines 6th Edition Volume 1


CHAPTER 1 General Requirements

in accordance with the approved plans and specifications

to the building official and to the engineer or architect of
record. The approved fabricator's qualifications shall be
contingent on compliance with the following:

107.7.4 Connections.
Every device used to connect prefabricated assemblies
shall be designed as required by this code and shall be
capable of developing the strength of the largest member
connected, except in the case of members forming part of
a structural frame designed as specified in Chapter 2.
Connections shall be capable of withstanding uplift forces
as specified in Chapter 2.


The fabricator has developed and submitted a

detailed fabrication procedural manual reflecting key
quality control procedures that will provide a basis
for inspection control of workmanship and the
fabricator plant.


Verification of the fabricator's quality control

capabilities, plant and personnel as outlined in the
fabrication procedural manual shall be by an
approved inspection or quality control agency.

107.7.5 Pipes and Conduits.

In structural design, due allowance shall be made for any
material to be removed for the installation of pipes,
conduits or other equipment.


Periodic plant inspections shall be conducted by an

approved inspection or quality control agency to
monitor the effectiveness of the quality control

107.7.6 Certificate and Inspection.

107.7 Prefabricated Construction

107.7.1 General. Purpose.
The purpose of this section is to regulate materials and
establish methods of safe construction where any
structure or portion thereof is wholly or partially
prefabricated. Scope.
Unless otherwise specifically stated in this section, all
prefabricated construction and all materials used therein
shall conform to all the requirements of Section 101.4. Definition. Materials.
Materials and the assembly thereof shall be inspected to
determine compliance with this code. Every material shall
be graded, marked or labeled where required elsewhere in
this code. Certificate.
A certificate of acceptance shall be furnished with every
prefabricated assembly, except where the assembly is
readily accessible to inspection at the site. The certificate
of acceptance shall certify that the assembly in question
has been inspected and meets all the requirements of this
code. Certifying Agency.
To be acceptable under this code, every certificate of
approval shall be made by a recognized certifying body or

PREFABRICATED ASSEMBLY is a structural unit, the

integral parts of which have been built up or assembled
prior to incorporation in the building. Field Erection.

Placement of prefabricated assemblies at the building site
shall be inspected to determine compliance with this code.

107.7.2 Tests of Materials.

Every approval of a material not specifically mentioned in
this code shall incorporate as a proviso the kind and
number of tests to be made during prefabrication. Continuous Inspection.

If continuous inspection is required for certain materials
where construction takes place on the site, it shall also be
required where the same materials are used in
prefabricated construction.

107.7.3 Tests of Assemblies.

The building official may require special tests to be made
on assemblies to determine their structural adequacy,
durability and weather resistance.

Continuous inspection will not be required during
prefabrication if the approved agency certifies to the
construction and furnishes evidence of compliance.

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 1 General Requirements

107.8 Non-destructive Testing

107.8.1 General.
In Seismic Zone 4, welded, fully restrained connections
between the primary members of ordinary moment frames
and special moment-resisting frames shall be tested by
nondestructive methods performed by certified NDT
technicians for compliance with approved standards and
job specifications. This testing shall be a part of the
structural inspection requirements of Section 107.5. A
program for this testing shall be established by the person
responsible for structural design and as shown on plans
and specifications.
107.8.2 Testing Program.
As a minimum, the testing program shall include the
following: General.
All complete penetration groove welds contained in joints
and splices shall be tested 100 percent either by ultrasonic
testing or by radiography.

1-15 General.
Partial penetration groove welds when used in column
splices shall be tested either by ultrasonic testing or
radiography when required by the plans and
specifications. For partial penetration groove welds when
used in column splices, with an effective throat less than
20 mm thick, nondestructive testing is not required; for
this welding, continuous structural inspection is required. General.
Base metal thicker than 40 mm, when subjected to
through-thickness weld shrinkage strains, shall be
ultrasonically inspected for discontinuities directly behind
such welds after joint completion.
Any material discontinuities shall be accepted or rejected
on the basis of the defect rating in accordance with the
(larger reflector) criteria of approved national standards.
107.8.3 Others.
The structural engineer may accept or require in place
non-destructive testing of concrete or other materials and
assemblies to supplement or replace conventional tests.


When approved, the nondestructive testing rate for

an individual welder or welding operator may be
reduced to 25 percent, provided the reject rate is
demonstrated to be 5 percent or less of the welds
tested for the welder or welding operator. A sampling
of at least 40 completed welds for a job shall be
made for such reduction evaluation. Reject rate is
defined as the number of welds containing rejectable
defects divided by the number of welds completed.
For evaluating the reject rate of continuous welds
over 900 mm in length where the effective throat
thickness is 25 mm or less, each 300 mm increment
or fraction thereof shall be considered as one weld.
For evaluating the reject rate on continuous welds
over 900 mm in length where the effective throat
thickness is greater than 25 mm, each 150 mm of
length or fraction thereof shall be considered one

107.9 Structural Observation

107.9.1 General.
Structural observation shall be provided in Seismic Zone
4 when one of the following conditions exists:

The structure is defined in Table 103-1 as Occupancy

Category I, II or III;


The structure is in Seismic Zone 4, Na as set forth in

Table 208-4 is greater than 1.0, and a lateral design is
required for the entire structure;


When so designated by the structural engineer, or


When such observation is specifically required by the

building official.


For complete penetration groove welds on materials

less than 8-mm thick, nondestructive testing is not
required; for this welding, continuous inspection is

107.9.2 Structural Observer.

The owner shall employ the engineer responsible for the
structural design, or another engineer designated by the
engineer responsible for the structural design, to perform
structural observation as defined in Section 107.2.


When approved by the building official and outlined

in the project plans and specifications, this
nondestructive ultrasonic testing may be performed
in the shop of an approved fabricator utilizing
qualified test techniques in the employment of the

Observed deficiencies shall be reported in writing to the

owner's representative, structural inspector, contractor and
the building official. The structural observer shall submit
to the building official a written statement duly signed and
sealed, that the site visits have been made and identifying

National Structural Code of the Philippines 6th Edition Volume 1


CHAPTER 1 General Requirements

any reported deficiencies that, to the best of the structural

observer's knowledge, have not been resolved.
107.9.3 Construction Stages for Observations.
The structural observations shall be performed at the
construction stages prescribed by the inspection program
prepared as required by Section 107.3.
It shall be the duty of the person doing the work
authorized by the permit to notify the structural observer
that the described construction stages have been reached,
and to provide access to and means for observing the
components of the structural system.


108.1 General
Buildings in existence at the time of the adoption of this
code may have their existing use or occupancy continued,
if such use or occupancy was legal at the time of the
adoption of this code, provided such continued use is not
dangerous to life.
Any change in the use or occupancy of any existing
building or structure shall comply with the provisions of
Sections 108.4 of this code.
108.2 Maintenance
All buildings and structures, both existing and new, and
all parts thereof, shall be maintained in a safe condition.
The owner or the owner's designated agent shall be
responsible for the maintenance of buildings and
structures. To determine compliance with this subsection,
the building official may cause a structure to be
108.3 Additions, Alterations or Repairs
108.3.1 General.
Buildings and structures to which additions, alterations or
repairs are made shall comply with all the requirements of
this code for new facilities except as specifically provided
in this section.
108.3.2 When Allowed by the Building Official.
Additions, alterations or repairs may be made to any
building or structure without requiring the existing
building or structure to comply with all the requirements
of this code, provided the addition, alteration or repair

conforms to that required for a new building or structure

and provided further that such approval by the building
official is in writing.
Additions or alterations shall not be made to an existing
building or structure that will cause the existing building
or structure to become unsafe. An unsafe condition shall
be deemed to have been created if an addition or
alteration will cause any structural element of the existing
building or structure to resist loads in excess of their
capacity or cause a reduction of their load carrying
Additions or alterations shall not be made to an existing
building or structure when such existing building or
structure is not in full compliance with the provisions of
this code except when such addition or alteration will
result in the existing building or structure being no more
hazardous based on structural safety, than before such
additions or alterations are undertaken.
Alterations to existing structural elements or additions of
new structural elements, which are initiated for the
purpose of increasing the strength or stiffness of the
lateral-force-resisting system of an existing structure,
need not be designed for forces conforming to these
regulations provided that an engineering analysis is
submitted to show that:

The capacity of existing structural elements required

to resist forces is not reduced;


The lateral force to required existing structural

elements is not increased beyond their design


New structural elements are detailed and connected

to the existing structural elements as required by
these regulations; and


New or relocated non-structural elements are

detailed and connected to existing or new structural
elements as required by these regulations.

108.3.3 Nonstructural.
Nonstructural alterations or repairs to an existing building
or structure are permitted to be made of the same
materials of which the building or structure is constructed,
provided that they do not adversely affect any structural
member or the fire-resistance rating of any part of the
building or structure.
108.3.4 Historic Buildings.
Repairs, alterations and additions necessary for the
preservation, restoration, rehabilitation or continued use

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 1 General Requirements

of a building or structure may be made without

conformance to all the requirements of this code when
authorized by the building official, provided:

The building or structure has been designated by

official action of the legally constituted authority of
this jurisdiction as having special historical or
architectural significance.


Any structurally unsafe conditions are corrected.


The restored building or structure will be no more

hazardous based on life safety than the existing

108.4 Change in Use

No change shall be made in the character of occupancies
or use of any building unless the new or proposed use is
less hazardous, based on life safety than the existing use.
A change in use or occupancy of any building shall be
allowed only when the change in use or occupancy will
not cause any structural element of the existing building
to resist loads, determined on the basis on this code and
on the proposed use or occupancy, in excess of their
capacity. Alterations to the existing building shall be
permitted to satisfy this requirement.
No change in the character of occupancy of a building
shall be made without a new certificate of occupancy
regardless of whether any alterations to the building are


109.1 General


BEDROCK is in-place solid or altered rock.

BENCH is a relatively level step excavated into earth
material on which fill is to be placed.
BORROW is earth material acquired from an off-site
location for use in grading on a site.
CIVIL ENGINEER is a professional engineer licensed
to practice in the field of civil engineering.
CIVIL ENGINEERING is the application of the
knowledge of the forces of nature, principles of
mechanics and the properties of materials to the
evaluation, design and construction of civil works.
COMPACTION is the densification of a fill by
mechanical or chemical means.
EARTH MATERIAL is any rock, natural soil or fill or
any combination thereof.
ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST is a licensed geologist
experienced and knowledgeable in engineering geology.
ENGINEERING GEOLOGY is the application of
geologic knowledge and principles in the investigation
and evaluation of naturally occurring rock and soil for use
in the design of civil works.
EROSION is the wearing away of the ground surface as a
result of the movement of wind, water or ice.
EXCAVATION is the mechanical removal of earth
FILL is a deposit of earth material placed by artificial

109.1.1 Scope.
The provisions of this section apply to grading,
excavation and earthwork construction, including fills and


experienced and knowledgeable in the practice of soil and
rock mechanics and foundation engineering.

109.2 Definitions
The following terms are defined for use in this section:


of the principles of soil and rock mechanics in the
investigation, evaluation and design of civil works
involving the use of earth materials and foundations and
the inspection or testing of the construction thereof.

APPROVAL shall mean that the proposed work or

completed work conforms to this section in the opinion of
the building official.
AS GRADED is the extent of surface conditions on
completion of grading.

GRADE is the vertical location of the ground surface.

EXISTING GRADE is the grade prior to grading.
FINISH GRADE is the final grade of the site that
conforms to the approved plan.

National Structural Code of the Philippines 6th Edition Volume 1


CHAPTER 1 General Requirements

ROUGH GRADE is the stage at which the grade

approximately conforms to the approved plan.

unsupported height greater than 1.5 meters after the

completion of such structure;

Cemetery graves;


Refuse disposal sites controlled by other regulations;


Excavations for wells, or trenches for utilities;


Mining, quarrying, excavating, processing or

stockpiling of rock, sand, gravel, aggregate or clay
controlled by other regulations, provided such
operations do not affect the lateral support of, or
increase stresses in, soil on adjoining properties;


Exploratory excavations performed under the

direction of a registered geotechnical engineer or
engineering geologist;

SITE is any lot or parcel of land or contiguous

combination thereof, under the same ownership, where
grading is performed or permitted.


An excavation that (1) is less than 600 mm in depth

or (2) does not create a cut slope greater than 1.5 m in
height and steeper than 1 unit vertical in 1 units
horizontal (66.7% slope); and

SLOPE is an inclined ground surface the inclination of

which is expressed as a ratio of vertical distance to
horizontal distance.


A fill less than 300 mm in depth and placed on

natural terrain with a slope flatter than 1 unit vertical
in 5 units horizontal (20% slope), or less than 900
mm in depth, not intended to support structures, that
does not exceed 40 m3 on any one lot and does not
obstruct a drainage course.

GRADING is an excavator or fill or combination thereof.

KEY is a designed compacted fill placed in a trench
excavated in earth material beneath the toe of a slope.
required by this code to be performed by the civil
engineer, geotechnical engineer or engineering geologist.
Such inspections include that performed by persons
supervised by such engineers or geologists and shall be
sufficient to form an opinion relating to the conduct of the

SOIL is naturally occurring superficial deposits overlying

SOILS ENGINEER. See Geotechnical Engineer.
SOILS ENGINEERING. See Geotechnical Engineering.
TERRACE is a relatively level step constructed in the
face of a graded slope surface for drainage and
maintenance purposes.
109.3 Permits Required
109.3.1 Permits Required.
Except as specified in Section 109.3.2 of this section, no
person shall do any grading without first having obtained
a grading permit from the building official.
109.3.2 Exempted Work.
A grading permit shall not be required for the following:

Grading in an isolated, self-contained area if there is

no danger to private or public property.


An excavation below finished grade for basements

and footings of a building, retaining wall or other
structure authorized by a valid building permit. This
shall not exempt any fill made with the material from
such excavation or exempt any excavation having an

Exemption from the permit requirements of this section

shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to
be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of
this code or any other laws or ordinances of this
109.4 Hazards
Whenever the building official determines that any
existing excavation or embankment or fill on private
property has become a hazard to life and limb, or
endangers property, or adversely affects the safety, use or
stability of a public way or drainage channel, the owner of
the property upon which the excavation or fill is located,
or other person or agent in control of said property, upon
receipt of notice in writing from the building official,
shall within the period specified therein repair or
eliminate such excavation or embankment to eliminate the
hazard and to be in conformance with the requirements of
this code.
109.5 Grading Permit Requirements
109.5.1 General.
Except as exempted in Section 109.3.2 of this code, no
person shall do any grading without first obtaining a
grading permit from the building official. A separate

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 1 General Requirements

permit shall be obtained for each site, and may cover both
excavations and fills.
109.5.2 Grading Designation.
Grading in excess of 4,000 m3 shall be performed in
accordance with the approved grading plan prepared by a
civil engineer, and shall be designated as "engineered
grading." Grading involving less than 4,000 m3 shall be
designated "regular grading" unless the permittee chooses
to have the grading performed as engineered grading, or
the building official determines that special conditions or
unusual hazards exist, in which case grading shall
conform to the requirements for engineered grading.
109.5.3 Engineered Grading Requirements.
Application for a grading permit shall be accompanied by
two sets of plans and specifications, and supporting data
consisting of a geotechnical engineering report and
engineering geology report. Additionally, the application
shall state the estimated quantities of work involved. The
plans and specifications shall be prepared and signed by
the civil engineer licensed to prepare such plans or
specifications when required by the building official.
Specifications shall contain information covering
construction and material requirements. Plans shall be
drawn to scale upon substantial paper or cloth and shall be
of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the
work proposed and show in detail that they will conform
to the provisions of this code and all relevant laws,
ordinances, rules and regulations. The first sheet of each
set of plans shall give location of the work, the name and
address of the owner, and the person by whom they were
The plans shall include the following information:

General vicinity map of the proposed site.


Property limits and accurate contours of existing

ground and details of terrain and area drainage.


Limiting dimensions elevations or finish contours to

be achieved by the grading, and proposed drainage
channels and related construction.


Detailed plans of all surface and subsurface drainage

devices, walls, cribbing, dams and other protective
devices to be constructed with, or as a part of, the
proposed work, together with a map showing the
drainage area and the estimated runoff of the area
served by any drains.


Location of any buildings or structures on the

property where the work is to be performed and the
location of any buildings or structures on land of


adjacent owners that are within 4.5 m of the property

or that may be affected by the proposed grading

Recommendations included in the geotechnical

engineering report and the engineering geology
report shall be incorporated in the grading plans or
specifications. When approved by the building
official, specific recommendations contained in the
geotechnical engineering report and the engineering
geology report, which are applicable to grading, may
be included by reference.


The dates of the geotechnical engineering and

engineering geology reports together with the names,
addresses and phone numbers of the firms or
individuals who prepared the reports.

109.5.4 Geotechnical Engineering Report.

The geotechnical engineering report required by Section
109.5.3 shall include data regarding the nature,
distribution and strength of existing soil, conclusions and
recommendations for grading procedures and design
criteria for corrective measures, including buttress fills,
when necessary, and opinion on adequacy for the intended
use of sites to be developed by the proposed grading as
affected by geotechnical engineering factors, including
the stability of slopes.
Refer to Chapter 3 on Excavations and Foundations for
detailed requirements and guidelines.
109.5.5 Engineering Geology Report.
The engineering geology report required by Section
109.5.3 shall include an adequate description of the
geology of the site, conclusions and recommendations
regarding the effect of geologic conditions on the
proposed development, and opinion on the adequacy for
the intended use of sites to be developed by the proposed
grading, as affected by geologic factors or hazards.
109.5.6 Regular Grading Requirements.
Each application for a grading permit shall be
accompanied by a plan in sufficient clarity to indicate the
nature and extent of the work, and state the estimated
quantities of work involved. The plans shall give the
location of the work, the name of the owner and the name
of the person who prepared the plan. The plan shall
include the following information:

General vicinity map of the proposed site.


Limiting dimensions and depth of cut and fill.

National Structural Code of the Philippines 6th Edition Volume 1



CHAPTER 1 General Requirements

Location of any buildings or structures where work is

to be performed, and the location of any buildings or
structures within 4.5 m of the proposed grading.

109.6 Grading Inspection

109.6.1 General.
Grading operations for which a permit is required shall be
subject to inspection by the building official. Professional
inspection of grading operations shall be provided by the
civil engineer, geotechnical engineer and the engineering
geologist retained to provide such services in accordance
with Section 109.5.5 for engineered grading and as
required by the building official for regular grading.
109.6.2 Civil Engineer.
The civil engineer shall provide professional inspection
within such engineer's area of technical specialty, which
shall consist of observation and review as to the
establishment of line, grade and surface drainage of the
development area. If revised plans are required during the
course of the work, they shall be prepared by the civil
109.6.3 Geotechnical Engineer.
The geotechnical engineer shall provide professional
inspection within such engineer's area of technical
specialty, which shall include observation during grading
and testing for required compaction. The geotechnical
engineer shall provide sufficient observation during the
preparation of the natural ground and placement and
compaction of the fill to verify that such work is being
performed in accordance with the conditions of the
approved plan and the appropriate requirements of this
Revised recommendations relating to conditions differing
from the approved geotechnical engineering and
engineering geology reports shall be submitted to the
permittee, the building official and the civil engineer.
109.6.4 Engineering Geologist.
The engineering geologist shall provide professional
inspection within such geologist's area of technical
specialty, which shall include professional inspection of
the bedrock excavation to determine if conditions
encountered are in conformance with the approved report.
Revised recommendations relating to conditions differing
from the approved engineering geology report shall be
submitted to the geotechnical engineer.

109.6.5 Permittee.
The permittee shall be responsible for the work to be
performed in accordance with the approved plans and
specifications and in conformance with the provisions of
this code, and the permittee shall engage consultants, as
may be necessary, to provide professional inspection on a
timely basis. The permittee shall act as a coordinator
between the consultants, the contractor and the building
official. In the event of changed conditions, the permittee
shall be responsible for informing the building official of
such change and shall provide revised plans for approval.
109.6.6 Building Official.
The building official shall inspect the project at the
various stages of work requiring approval to determine
that adequate control is being exercised by the
professional consultants.
109.6.7 Notification of Noncompliance.
If, in the course of fulfilling their respective duties under
this chapter, the civil engineer, the geotechnical engineer
or the engineering geologist finds that the work is not
being done in conformance with this chapter or the
approved grading plans, the discrepancies shall be
reported immediately in writing to the permittee and to
the building official.
109.6.8 Transfer of Responsibility.
If the civil engineer, the geotechnical engineer, or the
engineering geologist of record is changed during
grading, the work shall be stopped until the replacement
has agreed in writing to accept their responsibility within
the area of technical competence for approval upon
completion of the work. It shall be the duty of the
permittee to notify the building official in writing of such
change prior to the recommencement of such grading.
109.7 Completion of Work
109.7.1 Final Reports.
Upon completion of the rough grading work and at the
final completion of the work, the following reports and
drawings and supplements thereto are required for
engineered grading or when professional inspection is
performed for regular grading, as applicable:

An as-built grading plan prepared by the civil

engineer retained to provide such services in
accordance with Section 109.6.5 showing original
ground surface elevations, as-graded ground surface
elevations, lot drainage patterns, and the locations
and elevations of surface drainage facilities and of

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 1 General Requirements

the outlets of subsurface drains. As-constructed

locations, elevations and details of subsurface drains
shall be shown as reported by the geotechnical
engineer. Civil engineers shall state that to the best
of their knowledge the work within their area of
responsibility was done in accordance with the final
approved grading plan.

A report prepared by the geotechnical engineer

retained to provide such services in accordance with
Section 109.6.3, including locations and elevations of
field density tests, summaries of field and laboratory
tests, other substantiating data, and comments on any
changes made during grading and their effect on the
recommendations made in the approved geotechnical
engineering investigation report. Geotechnical
engineers shall submit a statement that, to the best of
their knowledge, the work within their area of
responsibilities is in accordance with the approved
geotechnical engineering report and applicable
provisions of this section.


A report prepared by the engineering geologist

retained to provide such services in accordance with
Section 109.6.4, including a final description of the
geology of the site and any new information
disclosed during the grading and the effect of same
on recommendations incorporated in the approved
grading plan. Engineering geologists shall submit a
statement that, to the best of their knowledge, the
work within their area of responsibility is in
accordance with the approved engineering geologist
report and applicable provisions of this section.


The grading contractor shall submit in a form

prescribed by the building official a statement of
conformance to said as-built plan and the

109.7.2 Notification of Completion.

The permittee shall notify the building official when the
grading operation is ready for final inspection. Final
permission by the building official shall not be given until
all work, including installation of all drainage facilities
and their protective devices, and all erosion-control
measures have been completed in accordance with the
final approved grading plan, and the required reports have
been submitted by the engineer of record.

National Structural Code of the Philippines 6th Edition Volume 1


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