Role Play tm-1

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Good morning everybody!

My name is Hermie Terrence I. Reodava. I am an accredited

competency assessor for Security Services NCII.
I would like to acknowledge the presence of Mrs. Richie B. De Mateo, our AC
manager and Mr. Ely Arensol our representative from TESDA provincial
You do not have to worry about their presence. They are here to oversee the
conduct of competency assessment and to check if the conduct is in
accordance with the prescribed COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY
AND PROCEDURES. They will not assess you.
Before I start, let me first check the attendance. Please present to me the
admission slip once your name is called. (let the candidates sign on the
attendance sheet, compare signature of candidates on admission slip against
the signature of the attendance sheet)
1. Dela Cruz, Cherry Gay
2. Cometa, Iris
3. Barrios, Lerence
4. Espino, Westley
I have here with me your accomplished application form and self-assessment
guide. This is an indication that you know and can perform all the units of
competency enumerated in Security Services NCII.
Welcome to our assessment center for Security Services NCII. The
purpose of this assessment is to determine the level of competency.
Today, I am going to administer competency assessment for Security
Services NCII. It is the qualification level with 5 core competencies namely:
1. Monitor the activities within the area of responsibility
2. Enforce access control and identification system
3. Secure the territorial jurisdiction of the company
4. Enforce emergency response procedures
5. Prepare security reports
The task to be performed in Security services NCII are the following:
1. Perform procedures in applying first aid on injured victims
2. Transfer and coordination with ambulances and hospitals for injured
3. Checking and verifying the injured victims personal identification and

We will collect evidences through demonstration/observation with oral

questioning method. To determine your knowledge and skill for Security
Services NCII, the assessment method we will use are written test and
demonstration with oral questioning. This assessment method will measure
your underpinning knowledge and skills.
In case of unsafe practices during the assessment, which will put to risk life
and property, the assessment will be terminated.
After the assessment, you will be given feedbacks regarding the outcome of
your performance. You are obliged to sign the summary of Assessment
Results. Non-signing of this document without submission of a valid appeal
will disallow you from taking future assessments in any assessment center in
the country.
All the assessment documents should be returned without missing pages to
me. Stealing or tearing off of any assessment document is prohibited and
punishable by law.
If you have some questions regarding the assessment process, do not
hesitate to ask. If there are some parts of the assessment tool which you
cannot understand, I am very willing to translate those things in the
vernacular language. For those who cannot read, let me know and I will help
But before I forget, if in case you have any questions regarding the
assessment result you have the right to appeal to the Tesda Provincial office
that the assessment center and the assessor are accredited.
After the assessment and you are found to be not competent, dont worry
about it. You can be reassess anytime you feel ready. But in case of
reassessment is in full qualification, you have to undergo the whole
assessment process. If you are found to be competent in some unit of
competency, the reassessment shall focus on unit of competencies where
you found to be not yet competent. Also if you failed 2 consecutive
assessment you will be advises to undergo a refresher course before
applying for reassessment.
And be confident that the result of our assessment will be confidential.
So, do you have any questions? If there is none then we will proceed.
I will now distribute the competency assessment agreement sheets. Please
read the instructions carefully and answer all the questions outlined in the

document. We will agree on the schedule of the evidence gathering process

and the requirements for assessment.
I think everyone is now ready then I am going to distribute the specific
instruction. Please read them carefully and do not hesitate to ask questions
right now. I may be able to translate if from English to your local dialect.
You now sign a number to candidates (candidate #1, candidate #2, and
candidate #3). And give instruction that candidate #1 will be the first to
enter the assessment room. The other candidates will have to wait at the
waiting area.
Administer the assessment
You now instruct candidate #1 to enter the assessment room. (To be
followed by candidate #2, #3 etc)
Provide the candidate with all the materials, tools and equipment
required to complete the task.
At this point, you give the specific instructions to the candidate clearly
and slowly.
Specific Instructions:
1. Given the necessary materials you need to perform the all the stated
procedures in 30 minutes. I will be observing you while you are performing
the tasks. You will be rated using the demonstration checklist.
2. After your demonstration, I will ask you some questions related to your
demonstration and give a written test.
3. You may call me when there is a need for me to translate or explain items
for clarification
4. After the questioning portion, I will give feedback regarding your
5. Any questions/clarifications? If there are no more questions you may start
Note: While the candidate performs the activity you must
-remind the candidate to observe the safety precautions
-stop candidate if accident is imminent
-keep notes of unusual conditions during the assessment
Miss Dela Cruz, your time is up. I have these questions for you.
1. What safety precautionary measures will you take in applying first aid to
an injured victim?
2. What would you do if the chest of the injured victim does not rise in
applying CPR?

Provide Feedback on the assessment

Miss Dela Cruz, you were excellent. You performed very well in rendering
service to injured victim. You followed the correct procedure in applying first
aid. As well as the transfer of the victim was correct.
Therefore, you have performed the task within the standard requirement of
the qualification.
This is your rating sheet. Sign on the candidates signature portion. At the
same time, your competency assessment result summary, please signs on
the candidates signature portion and I will affix my signature thereafter. You
can get your national certificate as the TESDA provincial office after 5
working days in the releasing section. Congratulations!

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