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Between Spessart und Karwendel

Passau on the Donau River - bishop's see and cultural centre. I was on the way i
n the pedestrian area because of a question I wanted to ask people.
"Hello, may I ask you something? Do you know what an ocarina is?"
"Please, what?"
"An ocarina."
"No, I don't".
"Don't talk with your mouth full!"
"Yes, haha, exactly! Do you know what an ocarina is?"
"Did you ever hear the word?"
"I don't know, really not."
"What's it?"
"I don't know how to explain, but it looks like a shell, it has less holes than
a flute, and you have to turn it to get the tones out of it."
These are the looks of an ocarina and this is what it sounds like.
And Vera Unfried aus Wildenranna in the Bavarian Forest masters it perfectly.
Together with guitarist Juergen Schwenkglenks she charms latin sounds out of the
small wind instrument made of clay.
"Wonderful! Bravo, it sounds brilliant!"
"Thank you."
"Vera, it's unbelievable what a pitch range can be provided by this little instr
"Yes, that's amazing. This is a very special ocarina, called triple ocarina. It'
s because there are three resonating chambers and three mouthpieces which produc
e tones. For the low notes I blow into the first mouthpiece and put my fingers o
n these holes. When all fingers are lifted I continue with the next chamber."
"Does it mean that you can play three octaves with this instrument?"
"Exactly! I can play whithin three octaves on this one. But I have other ocarina
s, that's not my single one. Do you want to see them?"
"Yes, of course!"
"Follow me."
"Traudi, I show you some of my ocarinas I have at home. There are different size
s - tiny ones ..."
"A piccolo."
"Yes, of course it's very screaming and very loud."
"Play something."
"Okay ..."
"You can annoy people with it."
"The bigger they are the lower they sound."
"What about this? Is it a bass ocarina?"
"Yes, it's called bass ocarina."
"A warm, mellow sound."
"The big ones sound warmer."
"I know this one from folk music."
"Exactly. It's the standard size, tuned in G, that our folk musicians prefer."
"Every instrument has a different timbre."
"Recently I went to a festival in South corea, an ocarina festival.
There they also played folk music, but of a totally different kind. Asian folk m
usic and many other styles. I can show it to you on my computer if you like."
"Of course!"
"Unbelievable ... so many ocarina players, and they are carrying signs like our

local costume groups."

"Yes, like our groups display their band's name, they displayed their school cla
ss or whoever was playing. There were little children, teenagers, some wearing u
niforms, laymen, professionals ..."
"So many!"
"The parade consisted of 5000 people. They all were playing ocarina."
From asia back to Bavaria. Vera is playing at the show "Die Wirtshausmusikanten"
with the folk group "Familienmusik Hoffmann".
Ocarina is the Italian word for little goose or little bird, and I think this ca
n be heard.
You can hardly believe it, but Vera who has studied recorder and piano began to
play ocarina only a couple of years ago.
"I got down to playing ocarina in 2007, when I met Johann
call him, Ocarinahans. Before that I didn't know anything
what is possible on it.
He showed me what kinds of ocarinas there are, music that
n 2008 he took me to a festival. There I met many players
over the world. This led to a network, I was fascinated,
capable of."

Rotter, or how we all

about the ocarina and
is played on it, and i
from Italy, Japan, all
what the instrument is

And that Vera is so enthousiastic with the instrument is very much due to Johann
Rotter from Oberkappel.
Ocarinahans now owns an ocarina museum and instruments from all over the world.
"So, come in. There is our little ocarina museum."
"Incredible! How many pieces do you have?"
"I think, more than 1000 pieces."
"And you collected them all?"
"The result of about 20 years of collecting."
"Which one is the oldest?"
"This Donati, built by the very first ocarina maker. It's an original that is 15
0 years old."
"There I see frog ocarinas, how fancy!"
"Formerly we produced many animals, frogs and pigs. Our workshop is not yet in t
his building, but soon we'll produce here."
"What's the differnce between the vessel flute and the ocarina?"
"The ocarina belongs to the family of the vessel flutes. We have vessel flutes f
rom all over the world, and these are the oldest, the xuns. Their origin is in c
hina, 7000 years ago."
"I see! And how do you play them ... not from the side?"
"No, from the top, like blowing into a bottle. Vera ... do you want ...?"
"Yes, I'll try. It does'nt have a mouthpiece, I must blow against the edge."
"Difficult to blow!"
"They are very difficult to play, no comparison to the ocarina."
"But this was the beginning."
"It was the beginnig of the vessel flute which developed into the ocarina.
There was a development all over the world: South America, China, the Celts, the
y all were involved, and 160 years ago Donati invented the modern form of it."
Johann Rotter from Oberkappel has genuine curiosities in his museum, made of met
al or of Meissen (Dresden) china. Painted ocarinas of all shapes and with differ
ent holes.
"Fiehn ocarinas are very valuable because they are a models for our instruments.
They were built from 1876 to 1939, the war stopped their production. Fiehn was
one of the biggest producer in the world with 28 different models, with keys, tu
ning slides ...
I have one of the biggest existing collections.

These bakelite ocarinas were built for the "men in service". During the Vietnam
war, in Europe, they took them to any place. The company Gretsch in America made
complete sets, with arrangements for quartet. The soldiers got whole packages f
or making music in their leisure."
Johann Rotter doesn't sell only ceramic ocarinas in different sizes but also oca
rinas made of plastic, that are very suitable for children and sound very good.
Vera buys a bunch of them for a project at primary school in Obernzell, where ch
ildren can learn to play ocarina for ten weeks.
"I'm happy to see you in your class today. How are you? Well? Pleased to hear th
at. I have brought a special instrument to you, it's named ocarina. I've got pin
k ones ...
I play a tune for you, can you guess it?
Super! Who wants to learn this instrument? Great!"
They all raise their hands and perhaps Veras's wish could come true: that the oc
arina is played more often in our country.
But first the children have to try if they really like it.
Eva, Luisa and Helena sound already quite good, and you can hear how concentrate
d they play together. Practising pays off, keep it up!
Back to Passau. At the local university Vera teaches musical education and music
al didactics. For two terms she has also been teaching ocarina and has founded t
wo ensembles with her 12 students. Accurately she works on intonation, breathing
and embouchure, so that the ocarinas harmonize. At Bavarian universities such a
n ensemble is unique.
Working on so many different projects, it's important for Vera to take a breath
"Besides playing ocarina I like to regain my strength by walking in nature. For
this my homeland in Wildenranna is very conveniant: beautiful rolling hills, nat
ure, silence. I need this to regenerate from the hectic pace."
And of course this has an effect on Vera's ocarina playing. Like in the concert
she gives in Wegscheid for the musical family Kaulmann. Everybody is listening f
ascinatedly, an exclusive concert on an uncommon instrument - played by a young
exceptional musician.

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