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Trujillo is a city on the northern coast of Peru, is the capital of La Libertad. This city is not as populated as Lima
in Per. Trujillo is a great destination for the people who are looking for experiences in archaeological and
historical area. This city have rich colonial architecture and very important archaeological sites of pre-Inca
The cultural manifestations most representative of the city are Festival Internacional de la Primavera, Feria
Internacional del Libro and Festival Nacional de la Marinera.
The typical dance of Trujillo is the Marinera, here is carried out the Festival Nacional de la Marinera, where
national and international partners are presented to get the first place in the different categories of the
competition. In the city there are dance academies where this traditional dance is learned.
The Festival Internacional de la Primavera is considered the representative festival of the city, its main
attraction is a traditional parade of allegorical cars.
One of the oldest and most representative traditions of Trujillo, is the care and breeding of caballos de paso.
The traditional riders of caballos de paso are called chalanes.
One of the most beautiful places in Trujillo is Huanchaco, here is possible to appreciate the caballitos de
totora, these pre-inca boats are made of totora and fishermen put into practice ancestral fishing techniques.
The most representative typical foods are: Ceviche, Frejoles a la trujillana, Pescado a la trujillana.
On the outskirts of the city is Chan Chan, This one is the most wonderful construction of the Chimu culture. It
is the biggest city built in adobe of America and the second in the world. It is as important as the ancient cities
of Egypt, Mesopotamia or China.
Also here we can find the Huaca del Sol and the Huaca de la luna, these ones are as wonferful as Chan Chan,
and made of adobe too. It pertains to the Moche culture, in this culture were made many ceramics of ancient
Per and was made the caballito de totora.
And if we like the ecology, we can go to the Humedales de Huanchaco. It is an ecological park. This park
contains mainly reserves of totora, this one is a place where there are the raw material for the manufacture of
caballito de totora.
And in the city we can enjoy for the Centro Histrico de Trujillo, where there are buildings of the republican
period, these buildings give charm and appeal to Trujillo but are not as interesting as Chan Chan or the Huaca
del Sol or the Huaca de la Luna.
In Trujillo recently was made the Juegos Bolivarianos in 2013. Was the third time that a Peruvian city
organize this event. This one is not as important as Juegos Panamericanos.

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