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An innovative, proprietary, mobilebased application to effectively manage

and mitigate weather related risks

during the life-cycle of the crop. An
interactive platform, Farmneed not
only helps in dissemination of high
resolution weather data and customdesigned value added services to the
key stakeholders in the agricultural
value chain, but also creates forward
linkages with the downstream

key features of the Farmneed platform

Enables geo-tagging of farmers and their plots
allowing crop and location specific highly accurate
observed and forecasted weather data, disease
incidence prediction and alerts
Dissemination of bespoke agro-meteorological
advisories at plot level resolution
Interactive nature of platform allowing farmers to
remotely connect with multiple stakeholders
including research institutes, Input companies,
Commodity traders etc. on a near-real time basis,
Comprehensive repository of individual plot-level
primary data tracking, crop-lifecycle stages, input
applications, disease infestations making this a
veritable CRM tool for the downstream

Farmers Journey to FarmneedTM

EW eld agent
supports farmer
to enroll for
EW collects
following data
Farmers name,
mob no
Geo coordinate
Land area
Plot details

Farmneed pushed to
Farmers phone

Intelligent system
auto register a
farmer in virtual
weather grid

EW server stores
farmers data

Farmers gets expert

opinion on plant
protec2on, fer2ga2on,
irriga2on etc.

Farmer receives
weather data of his
loca2on for next 7
days in advance

For more insight,

farmer takes crop
photo using FN &
sends it to experts

Farmer gets plot

wise disease

He gets quick
advisory on plant

Establishing linkages with the value chain adjacencies

FarmneedTM paves the way for farmers to potentially access knowledge,
technology, finance and markets thereby reducing bottlenecks in
establishing an integrated supply chain.
The platforms modular architecture delivers tangible benefits to the
immediate upstream and downstream stakeholders of the agricultural
value chain.

Facilities & Benefits

Input Companies

Allows proliferation of its Package of Practice among its

customer base
Track efficacy of its products/solutions on a continuous
basis as part of feedback loop


Localized weather information at plot-level resolution

Crop-specific disease incidence alert correlated with the
local weather information
Tailored agro-met advisories including quick remedies
across crop life-cycle stages
Assess plot-level crop health to input usage/ production cost
Opportunity to realise better price for the produce


Provides unfettered access to farmers and insights like

tentative yield, quality, variety, even crop photo of various
Disintermediates the farmer-market chain allowing efficient ,
high-quality procurement

Crop protection

Benefits & Peoples voice

Mitigates adverse-weather related

shocks during life-cycle
Mitigates post-harvest losses,
especially for perishable produce

Improved quality of yield

Quality management
Higher quality yield
Lower pesticide residue
Improved Farm Practice
Need-based application of pesticides lowering input
Lowers environmental contamination
Slows growth of pesticide resistance
Efficient water usage through Irrigation scheduling
Promotes overall sustainable agricultural practices
Advisory on demand
Availability of near real-time Expert
Advice over bespoke channels
Creation of a p2p information sharing
network - platform for crowdsourcing
of ideas

Lowered Input (Pesticide) Costs

Improved general knowledge about crop,
cultivation best practices
Better equipped to manage weather related
production risks
Improved awareness of weather-borne
disease for my crops
Improved Awareness of local weather
No Benefit experienced

Total sample size of 1010 farmers drawn from14 villages in Maharashtra
Survey conducted in July Sep 2013
Quotations are translated from Marathi

Agriculture &
livelihood solution

Global Headquarters
Eco Space Block 3B 2nd Floor
New Town Rajarhat Kolkata 700156 India
T + 91 33 6605 9090
F + 91 33 6605 9000
APAC Operations
16 Raffles Quay 33-03 Hong Leong Building
Singapore 048581

Disclaimer: 2014 Express Atmospheric Science and Research Private Limited. Any unauthorized use, duplica2on or disclosure is strictly prohibited. Express Atmospheric Science and Research Private
Limited is incorporated with limited liability under the Indian Companies Act 1956 and has its head oce in Kolkata, India and has a fully owned subsidiary in Singapore at 16 Raes Quay under
registra2on number 201327024N

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