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Internet Addiction Essay

Since the advent of the internet it has been used as one of the most universal tool for
communication between parties in widespread geographical locations; people have used the internet to
access information in websites, to chat, to send emails, to do shopping, to gamble, play games, watch
videos, download files and music, et cetra. The internet has therefore become a crucial enabler in the
lives of many people throughout the world, such that some people even believe they cannot do without it.
Internet addiction may be said to arise from excessive use of internet that may lead to compulsive
behavior by the internet user, or what is called pathological internet use. People addicted by the
internet are known not to be able to resist the lure of the cyberspace (Griffiths, 2000).
Nature of Internet Addiction
According to the Centre for Internet Addiction (2011) research on internet addiction originated in the
US by Dr. Kimberly Young in 1996. Since then, studies have documented Internet addiction in a growing
number of countries such as Italy, Pakistan, Iran, Germany, and the Czech Republic. Reports also
indicate that Internet addiction has become a serious public health concern in China, Korea, and Taiwan.
Some of the notable signs from the addicts are: heightened sense of euphoria while involved in computer
and Internet activities; neglecting friends and family; neglecting sleep to stay online; being dishonest
with others; feeling guilty, ashamed, anxious, or depressed as a result of online behavior; physical
changes such as weight gain or loss, backaches, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome; withdrawing from
other pleasurable activities, and other such behaviour. Some people have even been known to prefer
cyber friends than actual friends, and have cyber affairs, and cyber sex. This has led to such people
getting antisocial and getting themselves in anti social behaviors including drug abuse, depressions and
lack of self confidence as they are unable to face the real world. 20072011. All Rights Reserved
Internet addiction has been viewed as a disorder by some psychologists and clinicians in as much
as some practioners are unaware of its existence. (Young, 1998 and Young, 1999). Supporters of
disorder classification have often divided internet addiction disorder into subtypes by activity, such as
excessive, overwhelming, or inappropriate pornography use, gaming, online social networking, blogging,
email, or Internet shopping (Think Quest, 2011). Opponents note that compulsive behaviors may not
themselves be addictive (Psych Central, 2011).
Causes of Internet Addiction
Some of the known reasons that cause internet addictions include: behavioral reinforcement
where internet seem to offer many rewards, emotional and material ; other anxiety related disorders
for example depression; the anonymity offered by the internet; formation of cyber relationships with
other internet users for instance as a result of frequent gaming and chatting; information richness of
the internet that causes people to search continuously for information; the convenience and availability
of the internet; other addictions for instance internet pornography, internet gambling and cyber sex.
Additionally, some people have attributed internet addiction to genetical factors that dispose some
people to addiction (Think Quest, 2011).
Treatment for Internet Addiction
Internet addiction and especially internet addiction disorder could be treated in various methods
some described here that could be used in isolation or in combination. First internet addiction can be
prevented by being conscious of any overuse of the internet as well as addressing issues that may lead
to someone taking refuge in the internet. Other therapies for internet addiction include the addict
appreciating that he has become addicted and then practice an alternate use of time spent on the
internet, setting goals on how to reduce time spent on the internet, using external stoppers for instance
timers to limit his time on the internet. The addict can also abstain from using particular addictive
internet applications, use reminder cards to remind him to stop the use of the internet, join a support

group and engage in family therapies where the addicts family is empowered to help the addict stop the
Internet addiction is real and can affect any person who overuses the internet for whichever
purpose. Addicts can however be helped when they accept their condition and seek solutions to their
problems from qualified professionals. Further research however is needed in this area especially on how
this can be detected prevented and treated. Similarly further research need to be done of factors that
dispose some people to this kind of addiction more than others.
The Internet is a social technology, but the effect it has on face to face relationships can
potentially be very detrimental. Like any activity, the Internet takes up a person's time; the amount of
time varies depending on the person's level of addiction. Often this time usage could be spent bettering
face to face relationships.
It is not uncommon for an Internet user to begin to replace their face to face relationships with those
formed on the Internet. By doing this they often negatively affect their lives. The Internet has become
one of the most universal methods for communication with over 100 million users worldwide. From e-mail
to the possibly billions of web pages, there is an infinite amount of information flowing. And another
enticing aspect of the Internet is the opportunity to interact with other people. Chat Rooms and MUD
(Multi-User Dimensional) games offer the person the ability to talk and mingle with others online.
But with this newfound freedom, also comes the possibility of abuse and addiction. It is also known
in developed countries as internet addiction. Internet addiction, also known as Pathological Internet use,
has emerged as a very destructive force in today's society. An estimated 6 percent of the web user's
100 million people are thought to be online addicts and that number is growing every day. But what
causes Internet Addiction? There are many different causes, but one of the most essential, is thought
to be a personality disorder.
The lone, bored, depress, introverted, lacking self-esteem, or have a history of addictions are most
vulnerable. This group of people seems to be the most susceptible to all mental disorders,
psychologically or physical. These people need to fill the void that has been created by not having any
real life relationships, so they turn to the Internet, just as if someone would turn to drugs. More than
90 percent of addicts became addicted to two-way communications functions: chat rooms, MUDs (MultiUser Dungeons), news groups, and e-mail.
Pathological Internet Use or Internet Addiction is a type of impulsecontrol disorder. Psychologists put
it under this category because the effects of chemicals produced in the brain during Internet use
haven't been properly documented. The addiction is similar to an obsessive compulsive disorder and is
also often compared to alcoholism.
This clearly shows that internet addiction is not a thing to just laugh about or pass away as a ridiculous
joke. It has to be combated worldwide. This can be done by making more friends in your active lifeor by
hooking onto an active sport. Proper parental guidance and having a good friend circle are few ways of
beating this new disorder. So come on-"let us leave the monitor screens and lead a more healthy life and
make a healthy society.

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