Ebook FB Ads

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wishpond EBOOK

Guide to
Facebook Ads

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Building your Facebook Ad with Wishponds easy-to-use
Ad Tool

Chapter 5
How to A/B Split Test your Facebook Ad



Chapter 2
Part 1: Targeting your Ad to Maximize Participation and


Chapter 6
How to Combat Facebook Ad Fatigue


Chapter 2
Part 2: Targeting by Custom List


Chapter 7
Avoiding the 9 Facebook Ad Mistakes that are Hurting
your Click-Through-Rate



Chapter 8
5 Awesome Facebook Ad Case Studies



Chapter 9
5 Facebook Ad Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter 3
Optimizing your Facebook Ad Image for Engagement
Chapter 4
Integrating your Facebook Ad with your Landing Page

wishpond social
marketing suite
... is the easiest way to run great marketing campaigns on
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Facebook Ads are quickly becoming the go-to online advertising avenue for businesses.


Unheard-of targeting abilities

The ability to socially endorse your advertisements
Complete mobile and cross-platform integration
A 35% lower cost per conversion than the online average
In an analysis of over 60 ad campaigns, 70% of companies experienced a return of 300% or more on their ad spend

Weve created the Complete Guide to Facebook Advertising to help you get the best ROI possible, generate new leads and
customers, and maximize the potential of Facebook Ads. What you will learn from this comprehensive guide:

How to target your ad to maximize involvement and conversions

Optimizing your ad image for engagement
Integrating your Facebook Ad with your landing page
How to A/B Split test your Facebook Ad
How to combat Facebook Ad fatigue
Avoiding the nine Facebook Ad mistakes that are hurting your Click-through-Rate
How to build your ad with Wishponds easy-to-use Ad Tool
The answers to five of the most frequently asked Facebook Ad questions
and more!

If youve been wanting to maximize the potential of Facebook, and are ready for the best online conversion rates
available, download the free ebook now.

chapter 1

Building your
Facebook Ad with
Wishponds easyto-use Ad Tool

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This chapter will give you a straightforward tutorial of the tool. Well break down why Facebook Ads work, help you
optimize your Ad creative, discuss targeting, and delve into Ad performance.

Why should I use Wishponds Ads tool?

Facebook Ads can yield great results, but sometimes it seems like you need an army of advertising experts to get them
running smoothly and converting. The Wishpond Ad Tool is built to make it as easy as possible for small businesses.
Our tool:
Connects your Facebook Ad with your landing page in one easy step
Makes Facebook Ad creation a straightforward, two step process
Does the work for you, by having Wishponds proprietary targeting software automatically optimize your ad for
Gives you an estimated click-through-rate based on Audience and your budget even before your ad is live
Drive even more traffic to your contest or landing page on a pay per click basis. Lets see how it works.

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4 Simple Steps of Facebook Ad Creation, Targeting and Performance Tracking:

#1. Creating your Ad

If you havent created a contest with Wishpond yet, youll have to do that before you can advertise it. To advertise your
existing website landing page, simply supply the URL in the box provided.

#2. Setting your Creative

The appearance of your Facebook Ad is hugely influential on your click-through-rates. Headline, body copy, and the image
you choose can make or break your whole ad campaign. So lets make sure you get it right.
Choosing your Ad Headline and Body Copy:
Your Ad Headline and and Body Copy are what increase your
Facebook Ads click-through-rate. Its where you use a great Value
Proposition and encourage people to find out more.

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Ideas for Ad Text:

Calls-to-Action like Enter to Win or Lose 20 Pounds!
Dollar amounts
The word Free
Your brand name (if its recognizable to your audience)
A Value Proposition like Win a Free Getaway! or Learn A/B Test Secrets
For more on value propositions, read 7 Value Proposition Formulas to Boost Conversion on Ads and Landing Pages.

#3: Choosing your Ad Image:

If your Facebook Ad headline and body copy are what increase your click-through-rates, your image is what catches the
Facebook users eye in the first place.

Ad image best practices will be covered comprehensively in Chapter 3

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How our Proprietary Targeting Software works:

A dedicated team of Facebook ad experts tap into the Facebook Ads API. We are constantly sifting through your ads data
and Facebook user demographic details to optimize your ads over time. See case studies below to see if its working.

#4. Targeting
If you choose to target your own Facebook Ad (instead of letting Wishponds proprietary targeting software do it for you),
theres six ways to target:
1. Targeting by Location:

2. Targeting by Age and Gender

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3. Targeting by Precise Interest

4. Targeting by Broad Category

5. Targeting by Custom Audience

6. Lookalike Audience
Facebook Ad Targeting will be covered comprehensively in Chapter 2
Guide to Facebook Ads I 10

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#5. How to Decide your Daily Spend

The daily spend youve budgeted for your Facebook Ad will depend entirely on your business.
Helpfully, Wishpond has provided an estimated daily Clicks metric to give you some idea of what youre going to get with
the Reach youve set (based on targeting) and the money youve allocated.

What youre seeing above is the approximated number of ad clicks per day youll get with a 5 dollar daily spend - provided
youre targeting all of the United States.

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If you were to increase the daily spend of your ad per day to, say, 20 dollars, your clicks would jump up to 20-45. 50
dollars? Youre looking at more than 100 clicks per day.
Oh, and remember youre not spending anything with Wishpond that you dont use. If you put a daily spend of $20 but only
use 10 that day youll only be charged 10. Cool huh?
In order to get the most out your money, do some research and optimize your Facebook Ads with the best practices of
targeting, tracking, choosing your ad image and combating ad fatigue as well as understanding your ad performance.

#6. Understanding your Ads Performance

Wishponds Ad tool has simplified Facebook advertising - giving you only the metrics you need, and none of the metrics
you dont.
Ads Summary:
Below is a hypothetical Ads Summary. Its the aggregate results from all the ads youve run.

This summary makes sense for a single ad with solid performance - something you can achieve provided youre targeting
well, optimizing your images and copy, and providing a likeable prize.

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Performance per Ad:

Once your ad is running, you can view its performance based on the things you care about:
Views: How many times your Facebook Ad showed on a users News Feed
Clicks: How many times your Ad was interacted with - a click-through to your website or contest landing page
Conversions: Only available if youre driving traffic to your Wishpond contest landing page, this gives you a great idea of
how your ad and landing page are working together
Spent: Viewing how much you actually spent per day allows you to increase, or decrease, your maximum daily ad

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#7. Viewing your Ads performance as a Campaign

Below your Ads Summary and graph youll see all the Facebook Ads youve created with their individual performances - as
well as their status (Draft, Live, or Complete). The ability to see them as a group makes it quick and easy to compare and
run A/B or Split tests.

A/B testing is far more simple than youd ever thought, and more powerful than youve ever imagined.
A/B Testing will be discussed in Chapter 4

Guide to Facebook Ads I 14

chapter 2
part 1

Targeting your
Ad to Maximize
Participation and

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Is your business struggling with Facebook advertising?

Are you disappointed with your cost per action metric and at a loss as to what to do?
This chapter will take a look at five targeting best practice strategies within Facebook Power Editor and how to test your
advertisements to ensure youre getting the most for your money.
You can target your Facebook Ad by:
Country (and by city within one country), Age and Gender
Specific Interests
Broad categories
Fans who are within your existing CMS
A lookalike audience

Ad Examples
Throughout this chapter well be using two advertisement hypotheticals: a romantic weekend getaway contest for two and
an ebook on A/B testing. These will illustrate the differences between Facebook targeting for business to consumer (B2C)
companies and Facebook targeting for business to business (B2B) companies.

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Targeting by Location
The three basic demographics, they are still the most important. They allow you to make sweeping targeting assertions,
cutting out whole sections of the Facebook audience.
The ebook advertisement can and should be marketed to any english-speaking country (Ive chosen the four main markets
in the example below). As a SaaS company, Wishponds target market is international.

The spa weekend getaway advertisement, however, can only be run in the area of the spa (see below). Spending money
marketing to Australia if your business is in New York, for instance, is a clear waste of resources.

Remember Facebook wont let you target two specific cities within two different countries (both New York and London for
instance). Youll have to create two different advertisements or campaigns to do so.

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Targeting by Age:
Ebooks are a product for which there is no targeted age group. You could possibly eliminate 18 and below, as ebook
readership is bound to be low with high-schoolers, but as youre targeting more specifically later (see Precise Interest
targeting below) theres no real point.
Targeting based on age for the spa getaway is more interesting. I would advise a number of different advertisements
targeted at different age groups (see Testing below).
Neither product (ebook or spa getaway) is obviously gender specific.
You could, however, test targeting the spa getaway by gender and change the image or text:
Target women and change the copy to: Do you and your husband need a weekend away? Win a weekend at the spa
worth $500!
Target men and change the copy to: Does your wife deserve a weekend away? Get a weekend for two at the spa worth

Interest Targeting
Specific Interest targeting allows you to define your advertisement target by what they are interested in. Facebook
identifies interests from:
Listed interests
Education and job titles
Pages they Like
Apps they use
Groups to which they belong

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Broad Category targeting allows you to target your audience based on what theyve included in their Facebook timelines
(relationship status, political leanings, travel, birthdays, new job, recently moved, etc)
Targeting by Specific Interests (Ebook):
I would target the ebook based on Specific Interests as I dont care about the age, gender, location, relationship status or
education of my audience - only that theyre interested in my product.

Targeting by Broad Categories (Spa Getaway):

I would target the weekend spa getaway with Broad Category targeting because Im not selling based on the users
hobbies. With Broad Categories I can hone in on people in a relationship (and exclude people in long-distance
relationships, which in this ads case is convenient).
Watch that youre not targeting too specifically. For instance, if I were to target based on Facebook users interest in Spas I
would reduce my advertisement Reach from 480,000 to 26,000

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Top Tip #1: Wishpond provides an idea of the number of Facebook users who will see your targeted ad (Estimated Reach)
throughout the targeting process. Keep an eye on this number to determine if youve gone too specific or could focus yet
Remember Ad targeting is about limiting your audience to people who may be interested while including a large enough
audience for the advertisement to succeed (whatever success is defined by for your business).

Targeting from your own CRM

Wishpond allows you to target your ads audience based on your existing customer relationship management system.
This means you can target current customers, lapsed or inactive customers, recent contest participants, etc. Basically any
existing contact you have that you want to reach with highly targeted content.
Custom list Targeting will be covered comprehensively in Part 2 of this Chapter

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Targeting to a lookalike audience

The lookalike audience tool is great for businesses of all kinds as it targets people based on the characteristics of an
audience you know are interested (your own email list)

Lookalike Audience
The Audience Lookalike tool matches your existing contact list with similar Facebook users - giving you a list of people
with the same demographics and interests, optimized for conversions.
A great way to use this function is for lead generation:
Run a Wishpond contest
Generate a great email list of the contests participants

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Run another contest with a similar prize and format using a Lookalike Audience
Exclude the first contests participants entirely
Generate a whole new set of similar leads!
Lookalike Audiences also ensure youre optimizing your ad for click-through (as youre only targeting people like those who
have already participated) and youre not wasting your time with Facebook users whose email addresses you already have.

Guide to Facebook Ads I 22

chapter 2
Part 2

Targeting by
Custom List

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This chapter will examine targeting your Facebook Ad to an existing email or phone number list.
Ill dive into why its awesome, how it works, and how youll need to change your ads based on your new targeted
Im going to assume your business already has an existing contact list of emails and phone numbers. Im going to assume
youre already engaging in email marketing. If you arent, you should know that for every $1 spent, the average return on an
email marketing investment is $44.25 (so get with it).
If you dont have a contact list youre happy with, your best option to build one is a social media sweepstakes contest.

Create incentivised engagement with a chance to win a prize youve set (like a gift card or product).
Generate large numbers of emails and phone numbers with optimized entry forms.
Give you demographic information to target your email lists even more specifically
Generate leads who you know are genuinely interested in your product

Why is List Targeting Awesome?

Targeting your Facebook Ad to existing contacts allows you the most specific focus available.
No longer are you targeting by age group, gender or specific interest and hoping youre right. Now youre targeting by
name, literally. Youre targeting people who have already engaged with your brand and encouraging them to do so again.
The numbers (thanks to TechCrunch.com):
An ecommerce company who targeted their email list found a 43% conversion rate increase among sign-ups and a 30%
decrease in cost-per-lead.
OpenSky targeted members who had either never purchased or not purchased within 30 days. They saw a 30%
conversion rate increase.

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SocialCode found that one campaign with a custom audience found a 15 percent lower cost per fan.
Another got three times as many engagements/post as standard ads and received two times as many viral
engagements such as Facebook Likes, Shares and comments.

Four Steps of List-Targeting:

Both Facebook Power Editor and Wishponds own easy-to-use Facebook Ad tool give you the option of targeting by your
existing email or phone number contact list. For the below steps Ill be using screenshots from the Wishpond ads interface.

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Importing your email lists:

Facebook Ad tools should allow you to import your email list from your own CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
tool. Simply tick the target by Email Addresses box within the targeting page of your Facebook Ads tool, copy your email
list and paste it into the ad tool.

Phone number list targeting:

You should also have the option of targeting by phone number. Like emails, this information can be generated from a
Facebook contest or from your own existing customer database.

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Your ads tool should work with Facebook to automatically track down and target those Facebook users who correspond to
the phone numbers youve provided. Cool, huh?

Importing from your CRM or Email Service:

Does your business use popular services like MailChimp and SalesForce for your contact management? Heres how to
integrate them with Wishponds Facebook Ads tool:
In the Contact Database tab of your Wishpond account you can connect your account with your external email service
or CRM with a single click.
You can important contacts from any list or group into Wishpond.
From within your Wishpond Contact Database you can then select exactly which contacts to target with your Facebook
Launch it!
Your ads manager will also allow you to save this imported contact list within its own CRM. This means you can come back
and target to that list again and again with different ads, contests, and emails.

Targeting a Lookalike Audience:

A lookalike audience is exactly what it sounds like, an audience of users generated by Facebook that best-matches your
imported contact list.
Facebook examines demographic similarities like age segment, gender and location as well as precise interests and broad
categories. An algorithm within Facebook matches those demographic details with existing Facebook users and finds the
best possible match for your next ad.
How to do it:
Tick the Target similar people box within your ads tool. The tool will work with Facebook itself to generate a similar
audience to the one youve already imported.

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How Does custom list targeting Affect your Ad Creatives?

Youve been designing Facebook ads to be massively appealing. Theyre colorful, have great Calls-to-Action and great
images. Dont stop now.
The only difference with targeting to an existing contact list is that youre sure your audience is familiar with your brand (as
theyve engaged with you at least once before).
If youre a mid-sized or large business, this means you can refrain from having your brand name as your ads headline.
Instead, you can take advantage of that space for a great CTA or value proposition:
Win $500! // Enter to win
Need a Break? // AcmeSpas is now offering half off...
Enter Here! // Well do your taxes for you
A/B Testing Works! // Companies like yours have...

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If youre a small business, however, this means that your Facebook audience is aware of your logo, and including it in your
advertisement (instead of an image or CTA), will increase your brands recognition.
Remember though, if youre targeting a lookalike audience it is, by definition, an audience likely unfamiliar with your brand.
For the more advanced small business: Id be tempted to run two ads to the same lookalike audience. Run a long-term ad
with your logo as the image (to help with brand recognition) and another, shorter-term ad, with a more engaging CTA or

Create an Exclusive Contest or Offer

Targeting based on an existing email list allows you to make offers exclusive - thereby increasing your likely engagement
You can target recently-active customers, lapsed customers, customers who have recently wrapped up a contest or who
have recently purchased a particular product. The image below is an example of an exclusively targeted Facebook Ad.

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How you can do it:

Create an ad for entrants after a contest is over: Consolation Prize! // Enter here for $10 free credit toward your next
purchase with AcmeShades.
Give one more opportunity: Doing it again! // Invite your friends for one more chance to win a $500 gift card to
AcmeShades this Christmas.
After purchasing: Thanks for buying! // Your purchase entitles you to a 50% discount on the AcmeHardRockCase. Enter
Exclusive to recent/frequent purchasers: Thank you! // Were rewarding our most loyal customers with a chance at

Guide to Facebook Ads I 30

chapter 3

your Facebook
Ad Image for

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Are your Facebook ads targeted well?

Do you have great content but are still struggling to increase your Click-through-Rate?
In this article Ill explain six best practices for selecting Facebook Ad images. Ill take a look at six examples where these
best practices have been utilized, and one where theyve been ignored entirely. This will give you a clear idea of what
works and what you should avoid at all costs.

Facebooks Own Ad Image Best Practices

Below are Facebooks three ad image best practices. See what you think:
Choose an image that is directly relevant to your product or service
Use an image that is bright and eye-catching, even when viewed at a small size
Avoid images that have many small details or text and opt for something simple instead
To be perfectly frank I only agree with one of Facebooks ad image best practices.
As you well know (and Ill debunk in the Children and Pets section below), it is in no way essential for Facebook
advertisers to choose an image directly relevant to their product or service. A picture of a completely unrelated tiger is just
as eye-catching (if not more so) as a picture of the mobile phone youre selling.
And while I agree your images should most definitely avoid small details, text can be a great eye-catcher. For instance,
the word FREE emblazoned in orange across a blue background will definitely catch a Facebook users eye. Value
Propositions (see below) also work well.
Bright and eye-catching? Now that is absolutely 100% essential.

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Before we take a look at some image examples, make sure your image is the right size and shape. For all ads, Facebook
recommends your image be 1200 pixels wide, and no smaller than 600.
However, as most businesses are running right-column ads Id like to say Facebooks best practices here are again a bit
ridiculous. A 144 x 72 pixel-wide image (below on the right) looks exactly the same as a 1200 x 600 image (below on the
left) when you shrink it down 800%.

In case you were wondering, Facebook now allows the same image to be used in both desktop and mobile advertising.

As Im sure youll notice with Healing Paws Veterinary Care below, your image also needs to be in landscape (and far less
detailed as well).

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Happy People
The image that has proved to convert best in Facebook ads is of a happy woman looking directly at the camera. FortisBC
uses this strategy below, simply by showing a woman (and her baby) enjoying their companys product.

How you can do it:

Retailers can have a happy woman modeling their product
Service-based businesses can show a happy woman who has benefitted from their service (like FortisBCs image above)

It will come as no surprise that Facebooks color scheme is blue and white. If you employ the same colors your ad will blend
into the News Feed and peoples already tired eyes will skip over it.
Toys R Us and Koodo below do a great job of making their images stand out with bright orange and pink backgrounds.

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How you can do it:

If your product image, logo or mascot is blue take a page from Koodos book above and make a bright background or
Ensure the background or border you choose contrasts with the image itself
Attract the eye with a bright color and encourage a conversion with a great CTA in the title or copy

An easily-recognizable logo may not attract the eye as well as a woman, a lot of color, a baby or a pet, but over time theyll
encourage conversion as Facebook users see it consistently and often.
TD Bank has been running the advertisement below off and on for almost two months now. Prominently featuring their
logo increases brand recognition, and, as theyve only targeted it within the area they have branches, its valuable brand
recognition as well.

How you can do it:

Id recommend using Wishponds Ad Tool, creating a campaign, and having one of three Facebook advertisements be
your business logo
This allows you to combat a low CTR with ad rotation while still increasing brand recognition of your logo
If your logo is naturally blue or colorless, be sure to use a colorful background or border
Only use your business logo if you are confident that your audience will recognize it. Otherwise Facebook users will
skip over something they dont think is related to them.

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Value Proposition
A clear and solid value proposition is a great way to attract the eye. This could be the word free highlighted within your
image, or, like Marin Softwares image below, a feature of the product youre promoting.

How you can do it:

Run a contest and put the prize within the image: Win a $250 gift card
Give a valuable takeaway from an eBook or guide: Convert with A/B Testing
Be sure to still include color within your image. A great value proposition will increase click-through, but wont attract the
eye without color.

Children and Pets

As two of the top five most-shared images on social media, pets and children are always a safe bet for your Facebook ad
Telus and AdRoll have chosen a cute cheetah and child below. Both images really bring home the fact that your image by
no means has to be clearly associated with your product or service.
The goal of your image is to attract the eye, leave the message to your title and ad copy.

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How you can do it:

Find an image of a baby or pet with your product
Come up with an image which works with the title
For instance, if your product is an A/B testing ebook, how about a picture of twins in different hats?

Funny or Odd
Depending on your business audience, employing a funny or odd image can seriously increase your conversion rates. Not
only do they attract the eye, they encourage your reputation as a fun, casual brand. If this is what youre going for as your
Facebook brand persona, go with it. If not, steer clear.
BarkBox has found a great image below. Its eye-catching and also promotes their product (as the dog seems pretty happy
with his BarkBox).

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How you can do it:

Use a fun image, like a cute pet or baby with your product
Use an image that looks slightly off or exaggerated to cause Facebook users to do a double-take and engage
Asking your Facebook Fans for user-generated content (through a photo or Pinterest contest for instance) is great for
uncovering funny, interesting, or inspiring images.

Testing your ad images

Knowing the top six image categories for Facebook is extremely valuable, but you should still test your individual images to
be sure youre getting the best response rate.
BlueNile is split testing the advertisement below - changing only the image to see which people respond best to.

How you can do it:

Use the Wishpond Ad Tool to create a campaign and, within it, create two advertisements
Run the first advertisement for a set period of time, taking careful note of its metric performance - this advertisement is
your Control
After a set period of time, publish the next advertisement, changing the image, title, copy or Call-to-Action
Watch its metric performance for the same period of time to determine which variation performed the best
If you feel an advertisement should be performing well, but isnt, try changing its targeted demographic before throwing
it out.

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chapter 4

Integrating your
Facebook Ad with
your Landing Page

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In this chapter well take a look at four Facebook advertisements and their corresponding landing pages.
Well tell you how you can be sure the two are optimized and working together to convert.
Well examine product promotion through a discount, promoting a white-paper or E-Book, retargeting your promotion, and
promoting your contest. This will give you the full range of advertisement and landing page integration.

Product Promotion with Discount

I recommend advertising on Facebook with a discount or coupon as it sets you apart from other ads. Remember
users arent on Facebook to shop, nor are they searching for your products. Discounts give users an incentive to click.
ClearlyContacts has used a discount with their FREE Designer Glasses advertisement below.

What I like:
Offering a discount to first-time customers: Discounts and coupons are useful when advertising on Facebook. They
set your advertisement apart and increase your Click-Through-Rate
Using the word Free: Its no surprise that words like free increase engagement. I also like that they highlighted it
What Id Change or Test:
A model: I would definitely recommend putting a face behind the glasses. In my article 4 Ways to Combat Facebook Ad
Fatigue I discussed the importance of an image, and how recent studies have found the face of a happy woman to be
the best picture for ad engagement.

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The landing page:

What I Like:
The design: Black and white create a very clean, professional landing page. The layout is great with the main image and
title slightly off-center, the three CTAs below, and the sidebar on the left.
The Refine By sidebar: The Refine By drop-down options on the sidebar increase will increase their conversion rate.
It shows they have more to offer than just free glasses.
Three clear CTAs: Step 1, 2 and 3 are all great CTAs that not only encourage conversion, but also tell people how to get
the discount.

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What Id change or test:

Removing the top navigation bar: Landing pages should be focused. You dont want to give visitors the easy option of
doing anything but the main action youve provided.
Why theyre good together:
The same image: Creating congruity between your advertisement and your landing page is key to conversion. There
should be no confusion that your ad link has sent a potential customer to the wrong place.
The same text: Repeating get the first pair free continues the congruity and integration of the advertisement and
landing page

Promoting a White-paper or E-Book

Facebook is a great place to promote E-Books, Guides and White-Papers. With Facebook Power Editor you can target
your audience by interests, profession, location, age and gender. This gives you fantastic control over who sees your
advertisement, which works well for B2B and Facebook marketing to professionals. Heres an example from Marin

What I like:
A clear value proposition: This advertisement offers top tips to drive ROI, awareness and revenue - creating a clear
value proposition tempting to its target audience of marketing professionals.

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What Id Change or test:

Changing the image to a person or image: Including text in your advertisements image goes directly against Facebook
advertising best practice, which is to keep your image eye-catching, simple, and without text.
A CTA as the title: Id definitely test Get the ROI Guide instead of their business name as the header. This would draw
attention far more than Marin Software does.
Their business name in the text: Id recommend Marin Software gives you top tips in the ad write-up rather than the
Free: Like we saw above with ClearlyContacts, using the word Free could increase engagement. If you are offering a
free guide, service, or a discount, definitely let people know.

The landing page:

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What I like:
The simple layout: This is a very simple and effective landing page format. The entry form clear and large on the right
side, a great CTA, and an obvious title leave nothing to the imagination. I also like the lack of unnecessary distractions.
They know their target audience is marketing professionals and they design for that demographic.
The clear CTA: Orange is one of the best colors for landing page CTAs: it contrasts with almost everything and catches
the eye fantastically.
The entry form: Knowing information like phone numbers, job title and (especially) monthly search marketing spend is
extremely valuable for Marin Softwares email marketing and lead nurturing.
The bullet-point Download to Learn breakdown: Giving business-people a quick and easy breakdown of what your
E-book offers is vital to encouraging them to download.
What Id change or Test:
The colors: Id test a different color font, as the dark grey on light grey is difficult to read.
The Header: Id test matching the Get the white paper header at the top of the entry form to the same orange as the
CTA button below. Once again, its difficult to read and you want it to stand out.
The CTA: Id A/B test different wording for the CTA, as Submit doesnt jump out at me.
Why theyre good together:
Cohesion: The color scheme, font, and language (Top Tips for Building Awareness and Driving Revenue) match creating a cohesive feel to the campaign.
The value proposition: The advertisement communicates a value proposition well which, despite a somewhat lackluster
appearance, does the job of encouraging click-through to the landing page.
The landing page: The landing page is good: its simple, designed for marketing professionals, with a great entry form
and a clear CTA.

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Re-Targeting a Lead
What is Re-Targeting?
Re-targeting is the ability to automatically advertise to a specific Facebook user after they have completed a set action.
Heres an example of how it could work:
You run an advertisement driving people to download your E-Book or white paper (see above)
A Facebook user clicks your advertisement and trafficks to your landing page but doesnt download.
Because youve placed a Conversion Pixel on your landing page, Facebook (and you) can specifically retarget the same
user on their News Feed, prompting them to convert.
The action youve set could be anything, from clicking on a product or viewing an online webinar to placing something in an
online shopping cart. For more information about Conversion Pixels (theyre seriously awesome) check out my article How
to Use the Facebook Ad Conversion Pixel to Track ECommerce Checkouts.
One of the main providers of automated Retargeting is Adroll, a website I visited several weeks ago. As I triggered one of
their own conversion pixels, I have since been receiving advertisements like the below on my Facebook News Feed.

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What I like:
Including an impressive business statistic: Statistics like our average customer earns $10 for every $1 spent are a
great use of ad space. Remember this works just as well for white-papers, press releases and E-Books.
What Id change or test:
Different colors: Id test a different colored border for the image. Facebooks own color scheme is light blue and white,
and testing a more eye-catching (red or green) border might improve engagement.
The image text: Once again Id recommend taking the text out of the main image. While the logo is great Id definitely
test rotating this advertisement with a picture to really grab the eye.

The landing page:

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What I like:
Multiple CTAs: Including Try it Out and Start your Free Trial (as well as another within the video player) is a great way
to decrease your CPA.
If you are going to include multiple CTAs make sure theyre differently worded and far apart like AdRolls above.
The image of Adam Berke (AdRolls president): Putting a face to the company is a good marketing move. AdRoll is a
big company and this personalizes it.
What Id Change or Test:
More information before I click the video: If Id come organically from Facebook (rather than being retargeted) I
wouldnt know much about what AdRoll does. Id like to see some more statistics or a few bullet-points about how they
can work for my business before I have to click the video.
Removing the top navigation options: Again, this distracts from the point of the landing page. Everything about your
landing page should be focused on a single action (in this case starting a free trial).
Why theyre good together:
Cohesion: Once again were seeing great color scheme and logo matching
Lack of repetition: Im actually glad they havent repeated the 10 dollars for every 1 dollar statistic within the landing
page. It served its purpose catching my eye in the ad and repeating it would feel like its all they have to brag about.
Instead theyve referred to the 8,000 brands whove chosen AdRoll (peer pressure is a great motivator in advertising)

Contest Promotion
Facebook is the best place to run a contest online. Like-Gating (which London Drugs has done below) is a great way to
increase your Facebook Reach and Edgerank. London Drugs has increased their Facebook Fanbase from 5,000 to 80,000
since they began running contests in November 2012.

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What I like:
The image: London Drugs has taken advantage of the happy woman image which tests so well (in fact, they have four).
Smiling groups are a great option for a News Feed advertisement. A sidebar ad (this is in the News Feed) would cut it
down to the main woman on the right, and be very effective as well.
The Like-Gate: Running a contest with a Like Gate is simply the easiest way (within Facebooks promotional guidelines)
to increase Likes for your Facebook page.
The CTA: Like us for your chance to win is one of the best CTAs out there. It gets immediately to the value proposition,
and tells people exactly what they need to do.
Product placement: Six random smiling models wouldnt create the same effect as six models illustrating some of
London Drugs main selling points: photography, make up, pharmacy, kitchen utensils and school supplies.

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The landing page:

What I like:
Recurring contests: This contest is number three of three - giving Facebook users three chances to win. And although
the prize is the same ($250 gift card), the themes are different: in this case Fall for Fashion, Fall for Home, and Fall for
Tech. This keeps people interested and also illustrates the products London Drugs has on offer.
The Prize: Gift cards are my favorite prize for Facebook contests. Remember that contests are about boosting
engagement with your brand, both during and after the contest has ended. Using a brand-related prize (like a gift card

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or product) ensures people who engage are actually interested in your services.
Theme-based contests: Capitalizing on what people are thinking about (holidays, seasons, back-to-school, sporting
events) is a great way to increase participation
The orange Call-to-Action (CTA) button: Using a contrasting color for your button really works to pop it out and catch
the eye. The last thing you want to do is blend your CTA into the background
Showing whos Entered: A little bit of peer-pressure never hurt in a contest. Including the number of people who have
already entered encourages others to engage as well.
Making it easy to share: Including Send, Recommend, +1, Tweet and Pin-it buttons increase the virality of your
content by 700%.

Why theyre good together:

Running an ad for a contest is similar to an E-Book, but it has the added element of a chance to win.
Both your advertisement and landing page copy can utilize chance to win to drive conversions
Theres really no better value proposition than you can win this awesome prize.
And as an added benefit, the chance to win a prize also drives more sharing between friends than an E-Book or sale.

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chapter 5

How to A/B
Split Test your
Facebook Ad

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Are you looking for a silver bullet to maximize your Facebook Ads ROI? Have you heard of A/B Testing but think its
just for corporations with an entire marketing department and huge ad budget?
You heard wrong. A/B Testing is easier than you ever thought. And its more important and impactful than you ever
imagined. Im talking doubling, even tripling your Facebook Ads click-through-rate.
This chapter will break it down for you. Well give you the five variables you need to be testing, and how to interpret
your ads performance with Wishponds ad tool (though the rules apply for any ad tool).
Well be talking landing page conversions because (hopefully) we all know what I mean. The partnership of an ad and a
landing page works for Saas companies, B2C and E-Commerce businesses, as well as anyone running contests, for those
Wishpond customers out there.

What is A/B Testing?

A/B testing is a strategy in marketing in which two versions, A and B, (the Control and the Treatment) are tested against
each other. The goal is to identify changes that increase the chance of the what you want to occur, occurring.
Its used commonly for webpages, landing pages, marketing emails, and advertising. The best practices remain essentially
the same across the board though:
Change the placement and formatting of objects on a page to get a users eye to where you want it
Change colors to ensure primary objects stand out
Change images to be eye-catching or elicit emotion: encourage engagement
Change text to be appealing to the reader, and encourage a desired outcome
With advertisements, we get to add one more, changing your target audience.

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Statistical Significance:
I wont get into this too much, but need to mention it, as a statistically insignificant change can be seen as incredibly
exciting, and we wouldnt want you wasting your ad budget on a mistake.
Before you invest your hard-earned ad budget on your better-performing ad, run the results through this free A/B Test
Calculator to be sure.
Unless youre seeing a confidence level of 95% or more, youre going to need to run the ad again.
A lack of statistical confidence can be caused by a small sample size (too few people viewed your ad)
Or not enough of a difference between the two ads performances (conversions or click-through-rates) to see a
statistically significant result.
Our Hypothetical Facebook Ad
For this article, my A, or Control, advertisement will be for a spa weekend sweepstakes for two. This hypothetical ad would
drive traffic to a contest landing page. This kind of full-service interaction, between your Facebook Ad and any kind of
landing page (E-Commerce, SaaS, whatever), is in beta at the moment, and Wishpond will be releasing it in the next couple
weeks. Needless to say were excited.
Anyway, heres the hypothetical ad - our Control for the following A/B tests:

Below Ill give four examples of how to create different versions of this ad and discuss targeting strategies as well as how to
meaningfully interpret your Facebook Ad testing performance. Lets optimize your ads.

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A/B Testing your Image

Images are the most important part of our Facebook Ad because they are what catch the eye of users.
Facebook Ad Rule-of-Thumb: Engage with an image, convert with a value proposition.
Facebook Ads compete with users friends and family on the News Feed. Your image has to be more eye-catching than a
picture of a users nephew covered in spaghetti sauce.
So lets say we ran the control advertisement above for two days, werent getting a lot of clicks, but did see solid
conversion. This could mean people were liking our title, offer, and landing page, but few were being attracted to our ad in
the first place. So lets make the image a bit more eye-catching:

A little more red, a little more skin - lets see how it does. To A/B Test this image we run it for the same amount of time as
our Control with the same other variables (landing page, copy, title, etc). We check its performance after two days and
determine if weve seen an increase in our CTR.

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A/B Testing your Title

After your image, your title is the most important factor in catching the eye of your audience.
In our Control advertisement weve gone with the value proposition title. Value propositions are one of the chief ways
marketing professionals convince someone their ad, marketing email, or landing page is worth engaging with.
Many companies will use their logo for their title, which is fine if your logo is recognizable - otherwise it wont grab the eye
like you want it to.
Another title option would be a great CTA like Enter to Win! or Lose 20 pounds.

Top Tip: Use Pinterest to find images. They are already socially tested. The images with higher re-pins tend to get great
CTR on Facebook ads.

A/B Testing the Details

One of the amazing things with A/B Testing (and sometimes the most surprising) is how effective a small change can be.
A border around your image, a slight shadow, the word now within your body copy, or the subtlest nuance a graphic
designer throws at an image and suddenly youre seeing a 100% increase in click-through-rate.

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You dont need a graphic designer either. Microsoft Paint, or free online photo editor tools like PicMonkey.com work well
Details you can test:
A colorful red, green, or orange border (something that stands out against the blue and white of the Facebook News
A subtle shadow around your image
A colorful background around your logo
Increasing the yellow/green gamma on your image

A/B Testing your Ad Body Copy

The Image engages, and the title and copy convert
What does that mean?
It means without good copy all youve got is someone to pay attention (which is a feat in itself on Facebook, but 100%
immaterial if theyre not clicking through). The body copy of your ad is where you communicate the why.
The copy for our Control advertisement is already pretty good. But what if we tried a whole different approach and tone?
What if we targeted parents and sold them on a weekend away from the kids?

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In the image above youre technically seeing a multivariate test as weve changed more than one variable within the
Facebook ad. A true A/B test would be to change only the copy and keep the image of two people getting a massage. But
Wishponds Ad Tool makes it so straightforward to change the text and image, as well as create multiple advertisements,
that we might as well test multiple variables if we think itll improve performance.

A/B Testing your Target Audience

Keeping your Facebook Ad exactly the same but changing who sees it is a fantastic way to increase your conversions
with little effort. Wishponds Ad Tool allows you to target by the basic demographics (age, gender and location) but also by
precise interest, broad category interests and connections. Let alone enabling you to target by existing contact list.
Lets look at a couple ways we can test changing the target audience of our Facebook Ad:
Version 1 (age):
A/B Testing an image of a middle-aged couple (instead of the young couple in our Control ad) would be worth trying, even
before we test targeting two different age demographics.
But a lot of A/B Testing is common sense. It makes sense that an ad targeted at 35-65 with an image of a middle-aged
couple would perform better than an ad with an image of a young, mid-twenties couple.

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Version 2 (Broad Category):

Wishponds Ad tool allows you to target based on Broad Interest. Broad Interest targeting allows you to target your
audience based on what theyve included in their timelines (relationship status, political leanings, travel, birthdays, new job,
recently moved, etc).
This is great for our spa ad in the need a break? version above. With broad category targeting we can show our ad to only
parents - ensuring were not wasting any of our ad budget. We can do the same by targeting only people in relationships
(because a romantic spa day for two is useless if its targeted at a 64 year old widower).

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Other Targeting Strategies:

Limit the spa ad to married men and change the copy to Give her a break! // Does your wife need a weekend off?
Surprise her with a 500$ spa weekend. Enter now to win.
Limit the spa ad by Connection and make it exclusive to your Facebook pages fans or friends of fans.
Target by custom audience and target recent customers, lapsed customers, or users who have entered your contests in
the past
Top Tip: A/B Testing your target audience is one of the primary reasons why this is for small businesses as well as huge
corporations. You want to get the most out of your ad budget, and targeting the best possible audience is how you ensure
youre not wasting a cent of your hard-earned money.

Interpreting your A/B Tests Performance

Unless you know which of your advertisement versions is performing best youre wasting your time. A good analytics page
is important, and knowing what youre looking at is essential.

As you can see Ive created three hypothetical advertisements to test. Advertisement A is our Control. Advertisement B is
our ad with the change of image. Advertisement C is an ad targeted at the 35-65 year old demographic segment.

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To find our Click-through-Rate we divide Clicks by Views. For Conversion Rate, we divide Conversions by Clicks.
All the results you see below are statistically significant with at least a 95% confidence level.
Ad A: Our Control ad had a click-through-rate of about .05% - very respectable for most ads, but not fantastic with contest
advertisements. Our conversion rates were about 29%.
Ad B: The change in image has increased our Clicks substantially, giving us a click-through-rate of almost .09%. Awesome!
Our conversion rate stayed about the same at 28%.
Ad C: As you can see, our ad views have dropped off with the change in audience (targeting only 35-65s). This is because
weve essentially cut our reach in half. Did it pay off?
Our click-through-rate was .07%. So yes, it did pay off - but not as substantially as Id like. So maybe we go on to test the
same demographic target with a middle-aged couple in the image and see what we get.
Our conversion rate was 35%.
What does this mean?
It means A/B Testing works. It means a simple change of image increased our click-through-rate by 80%, and another
change of image and target audience doubled it.
It also means if I ramped up my Reach metric (to 10,000 views, for instance) I could be getting almost 300 conversions from
one ad.
As far as conversion rates go, I like seeing this kind of consistency (around 30%). However, if Ive worked this hard to attain
a Facebook Ad click-through-rate of .1%, I would definitely take a look at A/B testing my landing page. Youll have to wait a
bit for that article, though.

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chapter 6

How to Combat
Facebook Ad

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Do you see the performance of your Facebook Ads start to drop after a few days?
If so, then your ads are falling victim to Ad Fatigue.
In this chapter well discuss the danger of Ad Fatigue and how you can use Ad Rotation to combat it.
Well give you a breakdown of how Facebook Ad Manager can help with Ad Rotation and identify the 4 most effective Ad
Rotation strategy to ensure you know how, when, and why to act to optimize all your Facebook ads.

What is Ad Fatigue?
Facebook Ad Fatigue occurs when your ads target audience is shown your ad too many times and your Click-Through-Rate
drops as your Frequency rate (how many times its seen) increases.
Why this happens:
1. Users are shown your advertisement frequently (every time they sign into Facebook - on average 13.8 times/day
according to recent data)
2. Your ad is competing against photos and statuses on Facebook users News Feeds
3. People become inured to your advertisement and your Click-Through-Rate (CTR) drops

Rotate your Ads to Combat Ad Fatigue

Rotating the variables within your ads (Ad Rotation) stops Facebook users from becoming Ad Fatigued. Ideally, as soon as
your ad starts losing efficacy it gets rotated out and replaced with a different version.
How often should I rotate?
Some experts say to rotate your ads weekly or every two weeks, others suggest every three days. Others say to have two
or three ads revolving constantly. Personally, Im a big believer in the fact that your business is unique; your marketing

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strategy is unique, and so are your Followers.

Ignore the rules-of-thumb and instead keep a close eye on your Facebook Ads metrics in your ads tool.

Change up the colors to make sure you stand out

Its no great revelation that Facebooks color scheme is blue and white. If you employ the same colors your ad will blend
into the News Feed and peoples already tired eyes will skip over it. If your product image is blue (perhaps its unavoidable)
try putting it on a colored background.
BCHydros advertisement below is a great example of a bad mistake.

Even if your title, text, CTA and offer are solid (which in this case they are) nobodys going to see them if your colors dont
grab the eye. Remember, youre competing on the News Feed with pictures of babies covered in spaghetti sauce.

Vary your wording

Vary your headline: Use your brand name, a call-to-action, and (my personal favorite) a question. Remember, your headline
can be no more than 25 characters.

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Vary the main text: For the main text (90 character maximum), use language that speaks directly to your specific target
Men like entertainment and humor. If youre marketing mens body wash try:
How do your smell? Try new Acme Shower Gel and youll be smelling like this guy. with a picture of a rose in a top-hat
and monocle.
Womens lotion? Try a more subtle approach:
Mini-skirt weather? AcmeSheaButter gives you silky smooth skin for summer.
Oh, and check your copy

Keep your images simple to ensure immediate understanding

Recent studies are saying that the best image for a Facebook ad is of a happy woman (who knew?)
My main recommendation is to keep it simple:
Choose eye-catching images that look great when big, up close, and small.
Dont include text in your image.
Avoid images with a lot of details.

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And always remember, youre testing your images. See what works for you.
Apart from about 300 characters too much text, Lifetime Eyecares advertisement below is a great example.

The image is appealing both in its full-sized version and also the thumbnail. Theres not too much going on and the model
makes the glasses look appealing. Different iterations of this advertisement could include:
A male model in the same pose (for either gender demographic, depending on testing)
An image focused on the eyes and glasses with an eyebrow raised
A pair of broken glasses with a witty question in the text or headline

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Include a clear Call-to-Action to ensure youre getting something out of your ad:
Your Facebook ad is useless without a strong and clear CTA. With Ad Rotation you should test out five or six different CTAs
for the same product.
5 CTAs equivalent to: Sign up for our 6-week SEO accreditation course now
1. Spots for our SEO Accreditation course are disappearing fast. Enter now!
2. Need a resume boost? Earn SEO Accreditation with AcmeCert!
3. Now until September 31st - save 50% on our SEO Accreditation course
4. Optimize your companys internet presence with SEO Accreditation. Apply now!
5. Boss breathing down your neck about ROI? Sign up for our 6-week SEO Accreditatio

Bonus Tip: Demographic rotation

If you think your advertisement should be successful, but it has a decreasing CTR and increasing Frequency metric
nonetheless, try changing the targeted demographic before tossing it out the window. Rotating your target demographics
will keep Ad Fatigue low while still maintaining a steady stream of clicks.
Ive found demographic rotation to be extremely useful for advertisements that promote a contest. Contests are usually
universally appealing so demographic rotation will maintain activity with the contest without causing Ad Fatigue or a
decrease in CTR.

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chapter 7

Avoiding the 9
Facebook Ad
Mistakes that are
Hurting your ClickThrough-Rate

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Are you not getting the click-through-rates you were hoping for with your Facebook Ads?
Are you wondering what you might be doing wrong?
This chapter will dive into the nitty gritty details that could be affecting your Facebook Ads performance.
Well give you the nine mistakes you could be making. Well provide examples of exactly what these mistakes look like,
explain why this could be hurting your ad campaign, and what you can do to fix these oh-so-painful Facebook Ad errors.

1. Wrong Shape
It should be well-known by now that Facebook Ads display in landscape, so your image should be landscape as well. This
ensures youre making the best use of the available space. The Facebook Ad below has fallen into the trap of well, this is
the picture we have I guess we better use it.

How to Fix your Mistake:

If you really cant find another image that could possibly work for your Facebook Ad, I recommend using a photo editor tool
to enlarge your image. If youre finding that the image becomes too distorted, simply add a rectangular box beneath it. I did
the below ad in Microsoft Paint in about three seconds.

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2. Wrong Color
It should be no surprise to you by now that Facebooks News Feed color scheme is white and blue. If your image is the
same colors itll get lost and your engagement will suffer.
I recommend using reds, oranges and greens in your ads, as these have proven to be the most eye-catching.
Remember the purpose of your Facebook image is to capture a users eye. The copy encourages them to click.
The image below disappears next to bright, engaging Facebook Ads. Let alone when competing with the images, albums
and status updates of a Facebook users Friends.

How to Fix your Mistake:

If your product or the image youve chosen cant be changed, I recommend a orange, red or green border be put around it.
Again, this is incredibly simple to do in any photo editing tool (you dont need to be a Paintshop Pro).

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Youd be surprised at how the smallest details can have huge repercussions for your Facebook Ads performance.
Try A/B Testing your Facebook Ad images. If you want to learn more read my article How to A/B Split Test your Facebook
Ads to Maximize ROI.

3. Too Much Text in the Image

I would recommend you dont include text in your image, with two notable exceptions: the word Free and a dollar amount.
Both these work fantastically as value propositions.
You want your image to catch the eye and draw attention to a great headline, which in turn directs attention to a value
proposition and call-to-action. Smooth out your miniature sales funnel and youll see ad engagement increase.
The Facebook Ad below has a couple issues, but the tiny lettering is my main problem. How difficult would it have been for
this vet to find a simple picture of a dog? Pets are one of the best and most-shared images on social-media.

How to Fix your Mistake:

Keep your image simple
Keep it colorful and attractive
Dont be a lazy Facebook advertiser (the change in image I did below took me less than a minute)
Be sure to check the preview of your ad before you go live!

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4. Too Much Detail

Like too much text, too much detail can ruin the chance of a Facebook Ads success as your Facebook audience isnt
entirely sure what theyre seeing.
Remember, when choosing your picture, that it will likely be downsized significantly (especially if youre running a side-bar
ad, as most of us are). Be sure the details you do want to draw attention to stand out. And dont include anything you dont
absolutely need.
The Facebook Ad Ive included below, from the Guatemalan tourist board, has good copy but an image with far too much
detail. I can imagine that its been taken from their websites landing page and simply downsized 1000%. In this case, it
would have been far better had they chosen a simpler, smaller image.

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How to Fix your Mistake:

I mentioned in #3 that your image serves the purpose of grabbing a Facebook users attention. The Guatemalan tourist
board would have been served far better with a basic image of a tropical island standing by itself amid blue waters:

SImple, enticing, and Ive kept the Guatemala across the entire image.
Another rule of thumb to keep in mind is to have a single focus for your Facebook Ad. If your headline, image and body
copy work together to encourage a single outcome (click-through) youre doing fine. If there is more than one thing going
on in your ad you need to reassess.

5. Bad Image Choice

Be sure your image makes clicking desirable, or at least doesnt hurt your chances.
The image Ive included below, for a career as a social worker, makes the job look terrible. Always put your product, no
matter what it is, in the best possible light.

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How to Fix your Mistake:

If your product is stereotypically boring, find the best result ( just talk to your sales team, Im sure theyll have something)
and use it as a value proposition. And remember your image doesnt have to be 100% related to your product.
All Ive done to transform this social worker Facebook Ad is taken the other side of social work, the success stories, and
highlighted them.

Want to be sure youre optimizing your Facebook Ad images for click-through-rates and conversions? Read my article 6
Facebook Ad Image Best Practices that will Send your Click-Through-Rates to the Moon.

6. Copy Errors
Its been proven time and again that typos do matter in marketing. They reduce the trust your audience has in you, and can
be especially detrimental in advertising.
This is because a Facebook Ad is often your business first interaction with a possible lead. The last thing you want is an
easily-fixed copy error to be the thing they notice and remember.
The Facebook Ad below is even more disappointing, as its an ad for a universitys MBA program.

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How to Fix your Mistake:

Check your copy. Then check it again. This one isnt complicated, but youd be surprised how often I see it.

7. Bad Headline
Unless your brand name is very well known I dont recommend you use it for your Facebook Ad headline. And definitely
dont use your website url (see ad below).
I like questions, Calls-to-Action and value propositions for my Facebook Ad titles.
Here are five examples:
Are you ready?
Enter to Win!
Get Yours Free!
Tips to Succeed
Get $200 Off
The Facebook Ad below, for a humorous texts website in Quebec, has as many issues as any ad Ive seen yet. Not least of
which is the headline. Nothing in this ad grips you:

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The image doesnt catch your eye.

The headline doesnt offer value or a question
The body copy is simply the words Unusual Texts
Theres no call-to-action. Im not inspired or told to do anything at all

How to Fix your Mistake:

Heres what I would have done:

8. No Call-to-Action (CTA)
An easy thing to forget, but vital to the success of your Facebook Ad campaign, the CTA is what encourages a person to
act. The image hooks them, a value-proposition sells them, but a CTA gives them the final impetus they need to click.

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Ill ignore the other copy issues within the ad below for a training certificate (but really, potentially always?) and focus on
its lack of a CTA.

To be honest the image is fine, and the value proposition - always being on the right side of the market - is a good one. Yet
I dont feel the need to act.
Not including a CTA in your Facebook Ad is like poking holes in your social media marketing funnel. You grab a potential
lead but then dont direct them in any particular direction and they slip out the side.
How to Fix your Mistake:

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The simple addition of Start your course today gives the Facebook user that little extra nudge they need to click through.
Always check your Facebook Ad for a CTA. Heres some great examples:
Enter here to win
Click to find out more
Start succeeding today
Get a quote now
Do something about it

9. Poor Targeting
Poor targeting is one of the most unfortunate mistakes you can make, as it means youre wasting your money entirely.
Even with a poor image, bad headline and spelling errors, you will still get clicks on our Facebook Ad if its relevant to the
My seeing the ad below (not having children) means PediaSure has completely wasted a portion of their ad budget. And its
so easy to avoid!

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How to Fix your Mistake:

Your Facebook Ad tool should allow you to target your ad. And if you dont use a tool that targets for you (like Wishponds
does) be sure you put some time and energy into targeting your ad yourself.
For the ad above its straightforward with Facebook Ad targeting to simply focus your ad on parents. Other ads will have
different targeting tactics, but its a good rule of thumb to target as specifically as you can. Just watch that your Reach
metric stays large enough.

Guide to Facebook Ads I 78

chapter 8

5 Awesome
Facebook Ad
Case Studies

wishpond EBOOK

# 1. Happy Head Massage

Social Media Marketing company LocBox runs Happy Head Massages Facebook promotion. They used socially proven
Facebook posts to create Facebook Ads, and used the awesome targeting capabilities to focus on women aged 25-47 in
the San Diego area.
They advertise offers and discounts on Facebook in conjunction with a great landing page. They also use whisper offers giving a 5 dollar discount to customers who mention Facebook when they come in to get a massage.
Result of advertising on Facebook:
A 59x return on ad spend

#2. Tough Mudder

The digital marketing team at worldwide obstacle course company Tough Mudder used Facebook Ads to spread the word
about their regionally-based runs. They targeted their ads geographically, by age (25-45), and by Precise Interests like
extreme sports, and mma.
Result of advertising on Facebook:
24X increase in sales in just two years, with Facebook being the primary advertising and engagement channel.
5-10X return on advertising spend on Facebook
5-8X higher click-through rate (CTR) for Facebook ads vs. traditional ad displays

#3. Canvas People

Canvas print-maker used Facebook Ads to directly drive sales. They focused their ads on memorable life moments such
as getting engaged or having a child (targeting people who were recently engaged or with a newborn). They also targeted
people interested in photography, dancers, inspiration and family to attract the right people.
Result of advertising on Facebook:

Guide to Facebook Ads I 80

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3,959 transactions as a result of their campaign

A 1.5x return on investment in Facebook advertising

#4. Hubspot
All-in-one Online Marketing company Hubspot used Facebook Ads to drive web traffic and increase brand awareness.
Their ads featured strong calls to action like Like HubSpot for exclusive webinar invites, blog updates, free new ebooks
& more! They A/B Split tested their ads by targeting different age segments, as well as used precise targeting to focus
on people with job titles like marketing director, marketing manager, and social media manager. They optimized their ads
with eye-catching images to grab peoples attention along with information in the ad text about HubSpots marketing
Result of advertising on Facebook:
71% increase in total sales
39% increase in traffic to their website
A 15% increase in their marketing ROI

#5. PhotoBarn
Tennessee-based custom photo company PhotoBarn used Facebook Ads to drive online sales and increase brand
awareness. They created Facebook Contests around mothers day giving away $1700-worth of Photo-Barn products and
advertised in the week before and during the two week contest. They also used Connection targeting to focus on women
whose friends were already connected with the PhotoBarn Facebook Page.
Result of advertising on Facebook:
$100,000 in revenue generated solely from Facebook
A 18x increase in Page Likes from Facebook Ads
2-5x increase on ad investment from Promoted Page Likes

Guide to Facebook Ads I 81

chapter 9

5 Facebook Ad
Asked Questions

wishpond EBOOK

#1. Why isnt my Ad performing as well as I think it should be?

Make sure all the technical parts of your ad and landing page are working correctly
Make sure your image is eye-catching and simple. Avoid small lettering and use color
Ensure your ad is being seen by the right audience, either by having Wishpond target it, or targeting it yourself
Make sure your product or contest prize is desirable

#2. What are some copy-writing best practices?

Include your business name somewhere within the body or headline
Use a great Call-to-Action like Enter to Win or Click to learn more
Use a solid Value Proposition to get people to engage

#3. What are some ad image best practices?

Steer clear of blue and white images, to avoid blending in with the Facebook News Feed
Use bright colors (like red and orange) for your image
Use your logo only if its easily recognizable by Facebook fans likely to see it
The small details can have a big impact. Think about a red border, colorful background, or shadow

#4. Should I create more than one Facebook Ad for my contest or product?
Yes. You can never be 100% sure what your audience will respond to. Creating more than one advertisement (and splitting
your ad budget between them) allows you to observe what images, titles and copy your audience responds best to. This
helps you optimize your later campaigns as well as use your ad budget intelligently.

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#5. Why cant I see my webpage conversions in the Wishpond Ad Performance Dashboard?
Currently, Wishpond is only showing the conversion rates of Wishpond contest landing pages - your business website
landing page conversions wont appear. However, we do have a conversion tracking pixel in beta at the moment, and will
be releasing it momentarily. So watch out!

Guide to Facebook Ads I 84

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Written by:
James Scherer
Content Marketing Manager


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