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Doron Ben-Atar, "Alexander Hamilton's Alternative" (1995).

1. What is thesis of this article? That is, historian Doron Ben-Atar has put together
evidence and has shaped his history in a particular way. A thesis is not a statement
of fact, like "Alexander Hamilton supported technology piracy." It might help to
start your sentence like this: Historian Doron Ben-Atar argues that...
(It may or may not help some of you identify Ben-Atar's thesis by paying attention
to what he says about other historians and their theses.)
Historian Doron Ben-Atar argues that American and British leaders believed
that technological competition and advancement played a crucial role in the
international balance of power and that Hamiltons initiatives in the battle over
manufacturing expertise threatened the perceived source of Britains economic
power its industrial technology. Hamilton is accused of being an anglophile
by a number of historians. Ben-Atar argues that Hamiltons actions contradicted
this accusation.
2. In the 1700s and early 1800s, what was British law and policy on artisans and
machines? Why?
Prohibitions on the emigration of artisans and the export of machinery from the
British Empire had been in effect throughout the eighteenth century. In the
period following American Independence, growing anxiety in Britain over
industrial piracy prompted stronger legislation and stricter enforcement. Under
new laws, illegal emigrant artisans forfeited their nationality and property and
could be convicted of treason. Ship captains were required to submit lists
detailing passenger occupations to customs officials at British ports before
departing. These strict impositions and laws were a result of Americas
continued efforts to pirate British technology.
3. Who was Alexander Hamilton? What does it mean to call Hamilton an
Anglophile? Was he an Anglophile, according to Ben-Atar? What policies did
Hamilton favor in his 1) "commercial and (2) industrial programs"? Why?
During the late 1700s, Alexander Hamilton was the Treasury Secretary of the
United States. Historians often depict Hamilton as something between a traitor
and an obsessive anglophile i.e. pro-British.
4. Describe the Report on Manufactures. When was it written? by whom? What
was its purpose? What impact did it have?

5. Who was Tench Coxe? what was a "manufacturing society"? Did Coxe agree
or disagree with Hamilton?
6. What is technology piracy? How did it occur? What kinds of plans did
people make (successful or not) to pirate technology?
7. In the early United States, what were the arguments for the United States 1)
to industrialize? and 2) not to industrialize? How did different Americans in
this article characterize the American workforce? According to the proponents
of industrialization, who should/would work in industry?
8. What role do patents play in this story? What is the purpose of a patent?

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