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There is a way I found after many hours (I did not find a decent

procedure or answer in almost all the important tech forums) to

successfully import my Mac Outlook 2011 (O11) mails to Windows
Outlook 2010 (O10). After trying to check olm to pst converters and so
on, which are costly and with no guarantee that they will work, I
started to think in other possibilities. The one I liked the most was to
take all my mails from O11 which are in .elm format and to transfer
them to .msg in order to fit them in O10. At first glance and according
to many forums I checked, it also was a complicated task, yet I found
a simple way to do it, which depending on the number of mails, that
can take as low as 10 minutes and as long as 2h (which was my case
considering that I had almost 24000 mails in around 8Gb).
The procedure is:
1) Open your O11 inbox on your Mac and create a folder in the Finder
(call it for example Inbox 011) to copy and paste or to drag-and-drop
all the mails from your inbox to the aforementioned folder.
2) Copy this Inbox O11 folder to a flash memory drive or any memory
device (USB pen drive, SD card, external HD, etc.) to move it from
your Mac to your Windows PC.
3) If you have Windows 7 o 8, install Windows Mail (or Outlook
Express if your Windows is XP) in your Windows PC (if you do not have
it already). After installing it, open Windows Mail. Windows mail,
contrary to Outlook 2010, accepts .elm format.
4) Create a provisional E-mail account on Windows Mail
4) Connect your flash memory containing Inbox O11 folder containing
all your mails from your Mac (see step 2) in your Windows PC, open
the folder and drag-and-drop all the mails in the folder in the Inbox of
your recently created account in Windows Mail (if you have many
mails, I recommend you to do this task in stages, for example in lots
of 2.000 or 3.000 mails per transfer).
5) Once you checked that all the mails are in the Inbox of your
recently created Windows Mail account, you can perform the
6) Leave opened Windows Mail and open also Outlook 2010. Create

your mails account you will use in Outlook 2010. In Windows Mail go
to File -> Export Mail -> Email messages -> Select Microsoft
Exchange format, it will pop-up a message
7)Select the folder you want to export, in this case will be the Inbox
one from the account created
8) Now go to Outlook 2010, click on File -> Open -> Import -> Import
Internet Mail and Addresses -> Select Outlook Express or Windows
Mail and THATS IT
You can go to you Inbox in O10 and you will see you have all your mail
from your old Macs O11. You can perform the same task for your Sent
Items folder (or both Inbox and Sent Items at the same time)

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