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-->Topic : Prophet Jesus in the Quran






Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahhiwabarakatuh to my Islamic studies lecturer, Uztazah

Masyitah Binti Sabdin. Alhamdulillah for giving us an opportunity for our group to perform this
task entitled 'Islamic Speech Review'. Our group consists of Mohamed Janshir Bin Gulam
Mohamed as the group leader as well as Nur Hanif Bin Awang Da and Wan Hasrul Hishmur Bin
Wan Hisham Balkiah as group members to complete our group. The task that we were given
was Islamic Speech Review which carries 10% of our coarse work. The objective of this task is
to create a transcript based on a video of our favored speaker and suggest comments either
positive or negative after watching and writing the transcript.
In order to fulfill this task, we had to chose a topic and the topic we chose was entitled
'Prophet Jesus in the Quran' and the speaker of this speech was Imam Suhaib Webb. We took
his speech from a website called '' - a webstie that aims to provide accurate
information about Islam. He gave his speech on a programme that was held on 26th May 2012
(Saturday) at Marriott Ballroom. The theme of Prophethood was from 2.00 - 4.00 pm for the first
session. He took roughly about 25 minutes for his speech after Nouman Ali Khan's speech on
Prophet Moses in the Quran.
Last but not least, we would to give our greatest gratitude towards Allah SWT for helping
and showing us guidance to complete this task. Alhamdulillah.

Suhaib Webb

Suhaib Webb is a contemporary American-Muslim

educator, activist, scholar, and lecturer.He is currently
the imam of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural
Center (ISBCC), the largest mosque in
the New

England area.

He was born William Webb in 1973 in Oklahoma to a Christian Baptist family, including a
grandfather who served as a preacher. At age 14, he lost interest in religion going through a
self-described spiritual crisis. He also began engaging in delinquency by joining a local gang,
was involved in a drive by shooting, and became a successful local Hip-Hop DJ and producer,
making records with various artists.
After converting to Islam in 1992, Webb left his career as a DJ and studied at the
University of Central Oklahoma, where he graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Education. He
also studied privately under a Senegalese Sheikh, learning enough Islam and Arabic to become
a community leader in Oklahoma City, where he was hired as Imam at The Islamic Society of
Greater Oklahoma City.He simultaneously started teaching at Mercy School, an Islamic K-12
school in Oklahoma City. From 2004-2010, Suhaib Webb studied at the worlds preeminent
Islamic institution of learning, Al-Azhar University, in the College of Shari`ah, in Cairo. During
this time, after several years of studying the Arabic Language and the Islamic legal tradition,
including Maliki Fiqh, he also served as the head of the English Translation Department at Dar
al-Ifta al-Misriyyah.

Prophet Jesus in the Quran
By: Imam Suhaib Webb

In the name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful, Assalamualaikum to
everyone. You know, you saw me talking to Esam during your speech, I apologise. it was a
great speech by the way. But that should because I had a lot of love for Esam whos a very
close brother as well as Nukmen but I think this is the first time we actually rocked it together,
which is incredible. And its wonderful to see both of this incredibly articulate intelligent young
men doing it, you know. And may Allah increase their dunia in this life and the
Secondly, I just came from Boston. So, Im going to be finishing before eight. My talk will
finish before eight oclock, thats for sure. And those of you from Phili, dont even give me
salaam today, alright?
Im actually from Oklahoma, U.S.A. yes, and I became Muslim in 1992.And I was talking
to Wesam about really honestly the topic is not given enough time. You didnt take the time you
needed actually to talk about three heavyweights. You know, three incredible Prophets in fifteen
minutes. And I think also there would be a little bit of information overload.

But one thing that did initially surprise me about Islam at the age of eighteen. My first
imam was Raqim. And through that, being directed towards getting a copy of the Quran and
thinking that when I read the Quran it was going to be almost like a dialtry against Christ. And
that was really it was something I was so scared I put the Quran in the restroom because I was
worried that if my mother found the Quran, I would be like Gulab Jamal or something, like she
would take me out.
So, I actually in Oklahoma, okay, used the Oklahoma, right? I kept the Quran in the
restroom and I open the Quran for the first time and I found a chapter called Mary, the
nineteenth chapter of the Quran. And I was expecting again to be, you know, a kind of a dialtry
against Christ, family, Christians, Jews, you name it. But in fact, it was really one of the most
beautiful chapter in the Quran that when I read it to my mother, who to this day is a non-Muslim,
goes to church every Sunday and Wednesday, when I read the first forty verses of Suratul
Maryam to her in English she begin to cry. And she said This is from God. So, that really
sparked my interest and that ultimately kind of have lead me to become Muslim.
And now, the topic there were giving is about, giving about the Prophets and the the
backdrop of this conviction is about shariah. And in this attempt to shariah America, right, we
need to become educated and literated as Muslims in speaking about shariah. And when were
given this opportunity to talk about the prophets, three of the greatest prophets. What is their
relationship to shariah? Its a tempt to sharerise America.
Number one, we believe that all of the prophets from Adam to Muhammad, peace be
upon them, had the same creed. ., the hadits in Bukhari says that the
prophets were brothers and the fundamentals of their creed were the same.
Second, we believe that as a source of shariah, all of the prophets agreed on that
source. Secondly, we agree that they all agreed upon the maqasid of shariah, the objectives of
shariah. And this is the discussion that we need to having here at this conference because the
topic is about shariah. And people are sharerised

Im from Oklahoma it was the first state to try to attempt to pass the anti- shariah bill.
This creeping shariah, its like a TLC song and I creep right, youre creeping with shariah.
So, how do you respond to ally the three of the most important figures for all of us, is that we
believe that they brought five major objectives, that can be touch-talked, that make up the core
of shariah. And you learn this by the way in the fourth year in Azhar in culity shariah and you
practice it in two years in Doctor Iftar, as someone whos training.
Number one, we believe that the shariah came to preserve faith, to look after faith. And
thats why we believe . And thats why we believe that Christ was
not crucified or killed, he was protected, because if your point man dies that means that theres
a weakness in your call.
Secondly, we believe that they came to preserve the intellect, the intellect of the people.
Thats why he said , I came to teach you,-Isa-. And our Prophet Muhammad says
. And the only thing that a Muslim is asked to ask for an increase in the Quran as
mentioned by Imam Ibnu Hajar is an increase in knowledge.
Number three is the preservation of life. People should not be killed and thats why in all
three of this incredible prophets messages we have, basically from the thinking mammoth
, that we shall not kill.
The fourth is the preservation of lineage and family. And thats why you know Try it
before you buy it doesnt work. You have to marry it if you like it. If you like it, put a ring on it,
right. And we know who said that and dont ask me how I know. Its a long story. I got kids, man.
If you like it put a ring on it. And vice versa sis If you like it, put a ring on it. According to the
Malikis, its fine. And thats where we find the mother of Christ saying
. And the nineteenth chapter of the Quran, when Mary was apriase with the fact that when
she goes back to her people with this child, they may accuse her of fornication. And she said I
would rather die than be accused of that. Her sense of hayah, her sense of dignity, her sense of
iffah, let me translate that and I apologise, her sense of fidelity and integrity was such, that

And you can compare that to Kim Kardashian now or J-Lo, 45-year-old woman on a
cover magazine without their clothes on. Come on, man. No, I mean its a trip because its
inverted. Al-Imam Ibnu Qoyyim said that When people see the permissible as forbidden and the
forbidden as permissible, this is the sign of a spiritual psychosis. They have forgotten their very
nature. So, she said I wish I was dead before they will accuse me of something like that.
Now, how do we care ourselves at the conviction, sis? A bra? Do we have that iffah?
Syaitan comes and says you are never going to get married. Come on, man. Put a little
foundation here. Your foundation is here(heart),girl, it aint here(eye). Come on, bro. Why I put a
little swag? He made a mistake. We say imaan swag, alright? Care yourself, man. Come on,
you wear some bracelets, man. Its cute, man. No, wear a little necklace here, Allah, Mr. T. Girls
will like you, right? Wheres the iffah?
Young sister from Boston told me I love a brother who lowers his gaze and the brother
has the nur of zikr is the one who appears to me and vice versa. So the sense of dignity (the
sense of ikhfa) and we see that Islam encourages us no try before you buy it and unfortunately
in our community the hardest thing to do is to get married and the easiest thing in any book of
fiqh of Islam is marriage and that is a curse. That we have polluted the syariah. We make it so
difficult that now we see fasadh in our community because we make it easier to climb Mount
Everest in some sandals and get married in our community and lets not even talk about the
The other thing they came to protect was the honor of people. It should be in co-policy in
Islam. There should be no one should be look down upon. There should be humility. Thats why
when Christ came from his mother as a baby , he talked. Now all of us have accomplished
things. All of us have done incredible things in our life that causes at times to become selfinebriated. We forget who we are and that leads to oppressions and wrong doing the firaunic
personality and when he came from his mother , can you imagine if you walked up a hospital
and this baby was like spitting. I say like Cornial West saying , like nefarious instead of bad.Just
you know dropping it. Now only that he knew the tura, the up and down, and he was a hafiz .
He has his gall ads thingy, beban thingy, shimadi hada with him walking and he said baby , and
you would say this baby has the right to have a little pride but what did he say when he came
out of his mothers loins and the people start to accuse his mother of an evil crime , he said
Inni Abdullah.

The first thing that Christ said when he was born and he spoke as a child is I am the
servant of God. Why? To maintain humility because a humble person would not oppress others.
A humble person would not dishonor others.So we learn how to engage success and finally
property, the property should be preserve. Now we dont have much time now . I think my 15
minutes are over to be real. But I want to touch on a few points quickly about the story. But I
thought it was important to show how syariah. This incredible syariah that we are talking about
how that doesnt bleed back through but norse back through all of the other prophets and you
find syariah in their life so for Christian to say I want to band syariah you want to band Christ
and for a Jew to say to band syariah you want to band the tura because we could find many of
these similar objectives in the same text.
But the story starts with a woman and thats what incredible about the story of Musa.
That if you look the story of Moses, the entire story is about incredible woman.His mom , his
sister , his wife and the wife of the pharaoh. The wife of pharaoh is so in trends with God and
now we get married and the first thing we hear is I want a house. I can relate , I want a house
too. But she just said oh my lord close to you I want a house in paradise because as one of
our sheikh , for her to be in paradise and be far away from Allah would be hell so to be near to
god is more important than her even her own pleasures. So she sacrifice in this life and she
sacrifice in the next .
But that take us to the life of Christ and this incredible example of woman. I mean the
prophet when he make hijr he never talk about how woman allow him climb on her back to go
over the city of Mecca. This reach to us by sanad which is shahih from Imam Buhaikhi, the
prophet , he could not get out of Mecca after he left his house . He is in a cave and he could not
get out. The walls are there and the woman with her horse and said climb on my back Ya
Rasulullah. But this story is also about incredible women and men and one of them is mother
of Mary who supplicate herself to God for a child .That the family of Isa because as a muslim ,
we learn a quick lesson nothing happen in the vacuum.The Mahdi syndrome does not work. I
am not going to say Im just waiting Mahdi to come.Get out of here .I want to be righteous when
Imam Mahadi comes.On of our scholars said if you have that attitude when Imam Mahdi
comes , you better to run because he will be looking for you.

So first and foremost , it did not happen out of the vacuum. This were righteous
people.These are righteous group of people and that is why important for us even before we are
married to be righteous. A Taqwa have a jannal to it , has a nur to it. Thats why the prophet
constantly thought ahead and says ,,.Not only my karib , my close family but my
distant relatives as well. Yesterday , a woman from Uzbekistan became a muslim in Rocksberry
and she said my ancestors were muslims but we left Islam and I say that their supplication is
back to you.So that outward concept of having ufuq so Christ does not come out of vacuum.
Christ comes out , means they were as we understand it helpers
of each other or co-operative towards righteousness and we believe that corporation towards of
righteousness is one of fundamentals principle of syariah , no matter who is with. That is why
Allah said Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each
other to truth and advised each other to patience and at last Allah says help all of you ,
muslim or non-muslim , wherever you are towards goodness and not towards evil and this is the
same advice that Luqman gave to his sons as found in surah Asr : O my son, establish prayer,
enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and be patient over what befalls you. Indeed, [all] that
is of the matters [requiring] determination. .So he finally continued.
So the family of Christ did not just popped out one day like Harry Potter style. PING!
Righteous people. That was work. Based on an al-Quran verse, Allah says goodness brings
goodness; you will know the tree by its fruit. So his grandmother was praying for a son, she was
granted a daughter and Allah says: and when the mother of Mary realizes she had this
daughter- She's oh! I had a daughter.
And here we have two qirat. Qirat one, this is qirat of America now. And if you read it that
way then its Allah who speaking and Allah knows best what she gave birth to but the qirat of
sha'bah and ausim, another reading of Quran which also authentic which means God knows
best what I gave birth to. And we understand from that qirat that it is the mother of Mary who's
talking. And here the scholar said, "This is the adab that the believer should have with Allah
when things when things don't necessarily go how you plan, you say you know what, Allah
knows best." And the next part of the verse, means men and women are not the same. Some
people held that- Oh this means that Islam like says like girl you know what I'm saying.

But according to strong riwayah of the Quran is the statement of Allah as if to say, this girl
that you given birth to, is it incredible- This girl you that you have been blessed with is
something else, something special. And that's why later on it says it means nabt is like seed that
grows so Allah describes the growth of Marianne as though God took it upon Himself to raise
her and nurture her just like you see that the vegetation grow right and perfect and win the blue
ribbon, this is how Allah took care of Marianne. And that's why the Prophet said: That Allah
thought me how to be as person. And then we know she gave birth to this young boy later on
going to be her son Isa ( Chirst ).
But before that, one of the themes of this story if you pay attention is supplication. So it
begins with the supplication, she makes doa for her children and for Mary and then Zakariyah
comes to her, the father of John the Baptist, and sees that Marianne in Palestine- she was
rocking mangoes and like watermelons, pineapples and stuffs in full of steam and the weather.
Even Cassilas says that every fruit Marian had won like the blue ribbon. So he was shocked and
said,"where did you get that from?" and she said from Allah. And immediately when he sees that
he has a Iman boost and immediately he makes doa. This is really good and that is that we
know Zakariyah and his wife was parent. She couldn't give birth to children. So when he saw
that Marianne, God had given her fruits out of season, he realise if God has the power to give
my niece of mine fruits out of season, He can give my wife a child out of season and he made
doa. And he is blessed with John the Baptist.
She gave birth to an important child. His name is Isa. There is fundamental bodies I will
share to you. Number 1, as we believe that he had no father. That his creation with God was like
creation of Adam. Number 2, we believe he is the greatest Prophet in Islam. Number 3, we
believe that he gave glad tidings about Muhammad as mention in the Quran. Number 4, we
believe that he taught absolute tauhid. We believe also that he wasn't killed but it was his
lightness as mention in the Quran. The last, we believe that he will return; Allah says in the
Quran: Jesus is the sign of the last hour.
The idea of Jesus returning somehow not supported by strong text. The Syeikh of haddith
rahimullah, he has a book where he took all the assanid of the haddith, those tradition of
Prophet side, the returning of Isa. Out of them, 13 reached the status where its impossible to
entertain the idea that is was fabrication as mention by Imam.


As I finish, there is quick lesson I touch on and I'm done, number 1, the relationships of the
Prophets in syariah. Number 2 is that the Prophets was brothers. They're fundamental beliefs in
God, in the hiraft, the angels, the books and the Messengers is the same although they might
have uncertain premisable on their time. Number 3 we said the story starts with incredible
women and this is the pattern we find often in the Quran that women and men are involved at all
levels. We find the Prophets in their early days involves a slave, a youth, a woman and a rich
man because that represented the different sociorealities of his society. And we talked about the
incredible beauty behind the Quranic expression how we can keep on extracting lessons after
lessons as Abu Hanafiah said, "The story of the righteous are more beloved to me that Fiqh
because the story of the righteous is the reality of Fiqh, the reality of Islamic law". And finally
about Saidina Isa a.s. and the 5 believes about him.



After watching Imam Suhaib Webb talk on Prophet Jesus in the Quran, we can conclude
that there are positive comments and negative comments as well as new ideas gain from the
The positive side from his speech was,firstly we have noticed Imam Suhaib Webb had
open his speech with great enthusiasms and carried it to the very end. He also have discussed
many histories and stories of Prophet Jesus (Isa A.S) that we have not heard of before this. He
did a good job in giving analogy of how our behavior affect the syariah and his capability in
giving examples and theories is understandable.
However, the speech sometimes have a mix with other issues that does not correlate
the main topic. In addition, we were also aware that he talk too fast in his American accent.
Subsequently, it was hard for us to understand some parts of his speech and digest the
knowledge he was giving.
A new idea that we gained from his speech is, communication skills. The way Imam
Suhaib Webb approaches his topic and contents was interesting. In other words, the audience
would not get bored as there were many ways of entertainment and also he declined the formal
way of delivering a speech. In short, effective communication will result in effective genuine
knowledge gain.
Lastly, we recommend that he should give some more clear brief statement of how other
issues can actually relate with the main topic in a medium speed manner for people to catch up
with his speech. The sound quality of the video should be improved. Overall, the content of the
speech is brilliant and the topic is very interesting indeed.



All in all, the speech that was delivered by Imam Suhaib Webb contains high level of
knowledge to increase the iman as a muslim. The topic, Prophet Jesus in the Quran, exposes
us to the real Christianity which is also a religion from Allah SWT. After watching and listening to
his speech as close as possible, we managed to understand a part from the origin of
Christianity. Apart from that, it is clearly shown that Allah SWT is the most powerful and we as
muslims, is a must for us to obey His commands and do not do what He prohibits.

Last but not least, we would thank Uztazah Masyitah once again for giving this glorious
task that comes along with many benefits and knowledge that ups the intellectual of every
member of our group.


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