Eng 17 Manuscript Speech

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Aguilar, Casey Jane P.

English 17 EC

BSChE -2

18 February 2013
Manuscript Speech

Opening Remarks
Good morning and a warm welcome to everyone here. Today, we host the farewell party,
an event in which we host a farewell to Thomas who is leaving to work abroad. A lot of years
have passed by. A lot of years of fun, adventure and experience. And now it is farewell. It is with
nostalgic memories that we meet Thomas. Hence to suit the occasion, we are pleased to host
this farewell function.
I know that some of you have travelled from quite a distance and Id like to acknowledge
our chief guests: Mr. Rico Salem, Mr. Joey Nasara, and Engr. Bryan Dano who have made this
long trip to participate this occasion.
The program prepared today includes tribute messages from our chief guests for
Thomas and Thomas farewell message.
I am Casey Aguilar and I will be your emcee this morning and I hope you all have a
wonderful time.
Closing Remarks
Thank you to each and every one of you for gracing this special occasion for without you
all, this event would not be successful. Thank you to our chief guests: Mr. Rico Salem, Mr. Joey
Nasara and Engr. Bryan Dano for giving out their tribute messages for Thomas. And lastly thank
you Thomas for being with us up until now.
Thomas, as you embark upon a new path, let us wish you many moments of happiness,
success and achievements. May in each moment you live your dreams and we wish this
farewell is temporary and takes you a step closer to a new beginning.
We hope to see you fulfilled and living your dreams.
Once again, thank you and Good Morning.

(Opening Remarks)
MC: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome again to Thomas Farewell party. To start the occasion,
our next speaker is an engineer and Thomas coworker at Del Monte Philippines Inc. Please
help me welcome Engr. Bryan Dano. Lets give him a round of applause.
(Bryans Message)
MC: Thank you for that heart-warming message Engr. Dano. Lets move on to our next speaker
is also an engineer and also has the same field of expertise just like Thomas which is Electrical
Engineering and they are classmates from Grade School to college. Lets clap our hands for his
best friend, Engr. /Mr. Joey Nasara.
(Joeys Message)
MC: Thank you Engr/Mr. Nasara for that pleasant tribute for Thomas. Our next speaker is really
a close person to Thomas. He is with Thomas since the day he was born to the person Thomas
has become now. Lets give a round of applause to Mr. Rico Salem, his father.
(Ricos Message)
MC: Thank you Mr. Salem for that wonderful and inspiring message. Lastly, Thomas would like
to give his farewell message to all of us. Lets give him a round of applause.
(Thomas Message)
MC: Thank you Thomas for that lovely message. Again, lets give them a round of applause.
And I would like to say. (Closing Remarks)

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