Reflection Paper About "King of Ore: Despite Nickel Asia'S Raids, Zamora Did Not Retreat"

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Kristienne Mae S.


2012- 43785

Our country, Philippines, is one of the most interesting places in the entire world because of its
hidden treasures. These hidden treasures may be in the form of tourist spots such as beaches, mountains,
rivers, falls, etc.; but, this treasures can be interpreted literally because Philippines is so much blessed
with minerals such as gold and nickel.
Science, as defined in class, is the dynamic, cumulative system of verifiable facts, concepts,
theories, laws and principle that aims to describe, explain and predict natural phenomena. According to
the article by Forbes Staff, it can be concluded that the science is the accidental discovery of deposits of
nickel in the Philippines particularly near the Rio Tuba River in Palawan. This discovery however may
lead to the discovery of other minerals. On the other hand, technology is defined as the dynamic,
cumulative system of reproducible products, tools, methods and process derived from empirical knowhow and scientific knowledge that aims to provide the basic needs of human societies. Taganito High
Pressure Acid Leach Plant (THPAL), the single largest investment in mineral processing in the country
today according to NEDA- CARAGA (N.D), uses the high- pressure acid leaching (HPAL) technology to
process mining wastes and low- grade nickel ore into high- value nickel compounds. Due to the discovery
of nickel and with the help of technology, Philippines became one of the worlds leading sources of nickel
placing 13th in 1998, 3rd in 2011 and finally, 1st in 2014.
In the previous discussions, society is a group of people inhabiting a given place, at a given time,
interacting in characteristic relationships, with shared institutions and a common culture for survival,
well- being and solidarity. Being on the top spot however has an effect on the society, the country itself,
the Philippines. Mining sites were usually in the mountains or near the mountains and usually the camp
sites of New Peoples Army (NPAs) were also near the mountain. According to Zamora, the refinery is
said to be attacked by NPAs as a manifestation of the collapse of the peace talks between the government
and the rebel leadership though it is possible that the attack of NPAs express their love for their country
and its resources because as the mining goes through, there will be a chance that mountains or mining
sites will collapse thus destroys the nature. However, Zamora didnt give up but insisted that the project
should still go. Through years, the sales from nickel ores ramped up therefore our country caught the eyes
of nickel- demanding countries like China. This may sound good but it may also sound threatening due to
the fact that China is continuously getting all that we have (the Spratly Islands and the Scarborough
All in all, our country has proven us all (not only the Filipinos but others as well) that it is a
country with many things to offer and that it can keep up with other countries in terms of resources and
technology. Though this is good news, it also has its bad sides as we, Filipinos, are affected by it. Sad to
say, if we abuse our nature, we will also be the ones who will suffer the consequences so we must learn
how to not exhaust it. Instead, we must take care of it for the main reason that we have science and we
have technology to solve societys problems and not to worsen it. The discovery of nickel and other
minerals may not only make the rich people richer but it must make the whole Philippines richer for these
resources are for all Filipinos.
NEDA- Caraga (N.D). Data retrieved from on September 20,

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