OSH Roles

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OSH Roles:

1) Set Standards The standards on safety, health, and welfare had to be reviewed,
drafted, and finalised from time to time. This ensured that the prepared standards were
relevant to the safety and health conditions of the workplace. a) Policy Study
Studies on existing OSH policies were conducted from time to time to assess the
extent to which these policies had achieved their original objectives. Changes would
be made, if necessary, to ensure that the goals and the practice of selfregulation
among employers and employees were achieved. b) Drafting Regulations, Guidelines,
and Industrial Codes of Practice The Department had and currently in the process of
amending the new industrial Regulations, Codes of Practice, and Guidelines. This was
intended to assist the industry in complying with and fulfilling its responsibilities as
an employer, as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994.
OSH Roles:
2) Enforcement The Department carries out enforcement activities aimed at ensuring
the safety, health, and welfare of workers and other persons from the hazards of work
activities, as required under the following Acts: Occupational Safety and Health Act
1994 (Act 514) Factories and Machinery Act 1967 (Act 139); and Petroleum
(Safety Measures) Act 1984 (Act 302). Enforcement activities that are carried out by
DOSH include: Approval and Authorisation Registration Certification
Inspection InvestigationLitigation
OSH Roles:
3) Factory Inspection Malaysia Factories and Machinery Act: Regulations for
boilers and pressure vessels are covered by the Factories and Machinery Act. the
Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) is authorized by HSB Global
Standards to perform design reviews and inspections per the ASME. Client
Industries: Chemical, Petrochemical, Pharmaceutical, Utility, Original Equipment
Manufacturers Services Provided: Design reviews and inspections per the ASME
Client Benefits: Single Source Inspection Service - HSB Global Standards can
inspect all of pressure equipment, hence eliminates duplicate inspections, manuals and
documentation. Local representation in Europe, Asia and the Americas so you can
strategize globally and act locally. Experience with ASME and other International
Codes and Standards helps to save time and money in navigating through the maze of
International Regulations.

Specific Legislations
Factories and Machinery Act 1967
Safety & Environmental Regulations for Chemical Plant
Identification, Handling and Disposal of Hazardous Substances
Purpose of the Act: To govern the safety, health and welfare of factory
workers and machinery operators, as well as the inspection and
registration of factory machinery
Historical events leading to the enactment of the Act:
1960s Malaysia began to industrialise
A rapid increase in industrial workers
Concerns about health and safety of these workers resulted in the Act
being enacted in 1967
The Act was revised in 1974.

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