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Market Research will be done for a local company The Easy UC Way

Seminars. The Easy UC Way Seminars is a local based company who offers
personal development seminars. These seminars are public programs and are
based on the concept of understanding the subconscious mind.
Industry Background
The training industry in Malaysia has become extremely competitive with the
participation of various foreign consultancy firms and even local organizations
providing training services for both organizations and individuals in Malaysia.
Foreign organizations have always been the preference in the Malaysian market
for training services. However, their high fees allow only multinational and large
organizations to acquire their services. This has created an opportunity for local
firms to thrive.
The training industry can be divided into two sectors; the corporate sector and
the public sector. The corporate sector is much more mature than the public
sector as it grew quickly with Malaysias economic spurt. The public sector on the
other hand is in its growth stage with personal development gurus such as
Anthony Robbins and Steven Covey paving the way. Today there are numerous
local companies providing training for individuals in the public sector and
competition is just as tight as it is in the corporate sector.

Company Background
The Easy UC Way Seminars has been operations for the past 4 years. It started
under another consultancy firm known as CB Consultancy but due to the success
of The Easy UC Way Seminars and also due to administration purposes The
Easy UC Way Seminars was formed into a separate company.
The Easy UC Way Seminars offers a variety of programs. The common factor
about these programs is that they are all based on the concept of the
subconscious mind.
The founder, Dr. Muruga plays an extremely important role in the company. Dr.
Muruga is the trainer for all the seminars organized by The Easy UC Way
Seminars. He has personally created new concepts on personal development
through his own research and builds new personal development programs based
on his knowledge. Dr. Muruga and his personal development concepts are the
companys greatest unique selling proposition.

The Easy UC Way Seminars conducts on an average about 7 seminars a year. It

plans to increase this number and to also conduct seminars in India and the U.K.

Problem Definition
The Easy UC Way wishes to target the correct market and increase their market

Research Objective
1. To determine the demographic profile of the people who will attend the
programs conducted by The Easy UC Way Seminars.
2. To determine the purchasing behaviour of the target market when it comes
to selection of seminars.

Research Design
1. Exploratory research
a. In Depth interviews
There will be six in-depth interviews. It will mainly consists of
speaking to the principal consultant and senior managers from the
competitors firms. This is to obtain a general idea of the customer
profile who will attend the seminar.
b. Online Research
Online Research will be conducted on Malaysian websites to gather
information on the competitors.

2. Descriptive Research
a. Survey
i. Personal Interviewing
A structured questionnaire will be used to interview a random
sample which would consists of people who are both male
and female, Indian, Chinese and Malay as well as those
working adults and people falling under middle to upper
income group. The mode of the interview would be person
administrated which will be in the form of office interview.
Sample Size
Total of 100 individuals

Data Analysis
A multivariate statistical technique will be used to analyze the data. A multivariate
technique will be able to analyze the co-relation among 2 or more variables in the
data. For example, they will be able to show the price affordability of a particular
demographic profile or the preferred seminar of a particular category of people.

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