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RiverMuse Core
The First Open Source Real-time Operations Console for the New IT

Introducing RiverMuse Core

RiverMuse Core represents a breakthrough innovation in Event and Fault Management specifically
geared to manage the dynamic, virtualized and cross-silo service oriented infrastructures of today. A
full featured, open source software platform - it delivers the flexibility and automated intelligence that
enterprise operations teams need to manage fast moving infrastructure changes across networks,
systems and critical business services. To achieve this it provides an array of both standard and
innovative event and fault management capabilities through an affordable, and easy to deploy and
maintain platform.

The Infrastructure Management Challenge

Over the past decade, Enterprises worldwide are embracing new infrastructure and application
architectures that are distributed, composite and increasingly dynamic. This includes the proliferation
of modular web services, flexible virtual system infrastructures, converged networks, and highly elastic
cloud computing platforms. Together, these changes are making IT more agile and adaptable enabling
it to keep in sync with the rapid pace of business change.

The accelerating complexity and dynamic shifts in infrastructure demands a transformation in the
architecture of event and fault management systems. Current management platforms are primarily built
to deal with a relatively static network
infrastructure with a finite set of fault
conditions. They are highly configured
for the infrastructure they manage and
require considerably high maintenance
and customization to accommodate any
change. In fact, these systems completely
fail when they are required to manage
dynamic infrastructure across networks,
systems and business services.

Standard Event and Fault Management Capabilities

RiverMuse Core will appear very familiar to operations personnel who work with today’s leading fault management systems.
It supports all of the standard event management capabilities that operations teams require for day to day management.

Alert Management Console

RiverMuse Core provides a powerful and intuitive alert management console with highly configurable views of real
time alerts, managed objects, severity, ownership, status and more. Advanced filtering rules enable quick modification
of the alert display to present the right information exactly as desired by the user. RiverMuse Core offers a web based
alert management console for easy and quick access from popular web browsers.

Event Capture
A flexible mediation layer and integration API based on Web 2.0 and XML/SOAP technology enables the collection of
event data from any service or network component using either passive event collection (e.g. SNMP, Syslog, WMI etc.)
or active polling (e.g. using ICMP/ping). The mediation layer also supports the RiverMuse principles of centralized
management by supporting configuration of agents through the API.

Event and Alert Processing

RiverMuse Core performs automated correlation and analysis across multiple events and alerts based on pre-configured or
customized business rules to dramatically lower the number of actionable items. Event analysis and processing includes
de-duplication, failure and resolved correlation and the application of temporal rules coupled with follow on external actions
like escalation or forwarding to a Service Desk platform.

Event Processing Rules Management

An easy to configure graphical rules wizard enables centralized management of business rules to process any kind of
external event; while execution of newly configured rules can be verified using a record and replay mechanism.

Event and Alert Storage

RiverMuse Core supports a scalable database architecture that stores both real time and historical alert and event data
and related configurations for simplified management. Since event and alert data are persistent, RiverMuse Core enables
advanced forensics and historical audits for regulatory compliance or analysis purposes. It also maintains an accurate audit
trail of actions and ownership around incoming events and alerts, and their progression through the operations workflow.

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Breakthrough Event and Fault Management Capabilities

Powered by the next generation event and fault management architecture, RiverMuse Core delivers a number of breakthrough
capabilities that are unmatched in the industry.

New Event and Alert Architecture

Overall Product Architecture The foundational RiverMuse platform
supports an innovative two-tier data
model that separates incoming events
‘data’ from processed alerts ‘information’
and preserves their original message
content through each stage. Alerts are
derived from events based on conditions
prescribed by simple business logic.
By separating events and alerts and allowing
only additive logic, RiverMuse Core ensures
that data integrity is always maintained. Current
fault management systems discard incoming
event data and modify message content –
severing the link between interdependent
business rules and alert information. This
results in high number of undetected ‘silent
failures’ – especially in multi-tier and
distributed infrastructure scenarios.

Dynamic Infrastructure Management

The RiverMuse architecture is built from the ground up to support dynamic infrastructure and service delivery
mechanisms. It uniquely supports the use of dynamic variables in business logic which enables it to automatically and
flexibly adapt to infrastructure changes and additions.
For example, when an alert from a new managed entity is encountered, RiverMuse Core automatically enriches the alert with locally
stored data, and processes the event with the most suitable business logic.

Centralized Management and Alert Conditioning

The RiverMuse platform is architected to consolidate all event and alert data, business rules and configuration
information in one centralized database. All business logic configurations including alert enrichment, correlation,
transposition and automations are carried out using a single language (ANSI standard SQL).
Centralized management ensures single source propagation of configuration information across multiple installations - fully preserving
business rule integrity. Using single, standards based configuration language simplifies the change management process and
eliminates specialized training requirements in proprietary scripting technologies.

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Federated Interaction with External Management Systems

Modern infrastructures can be provisioned, changed or moved so rapidly, that maintaining a real-time view of
infrastructure in one system is neither accurate nor affordable. The only way to tackle this phenomenon of rapid
change is to interact with other management systems that have ownership of a particular management object – be it
a network, system, application or service entity.
The RiverMuse platform offers industry leading innovation to build in federated interaction as part of the operational process. Designed
on an open architecture that accepts and seeks event and configuration information from other management systems, it breaks the
monolithic structures of current fault solutions that can use data available from only within their system.

RiverMuse Core Benefits

RiverMuse Core delivers outstanding benefits at affordable price levels for organizations of all sizes from small and
medium business to large enterprises.
Complete Visibility across Dynamic, Cross-Silo Infrastructures: RiverMuse Core offers complete visibility and control across
dynamic infrastructures spanning networks, systems and services in one single platform.
Dramatically Lower Total Cost of Ownership: With simplified rules configuration, centralized management and the ability to
automatically adapt to dynamic infrastructure changes – RiverMuse Core dramatically lowers the cost of ownership of an
event and fault management system.
Rapid Time to Value: RiverMuse Core is delivered pre-packaged with comprehensive business rules out of the box. The
continuous support and development of new business logic rules by the RiverMuse open source community further ensure that
management capabilities stay ahead of infrastructure evolution.
Eliminates Blind Spots and Ensures Higher Uptime: RiverMuse Core eliminates typical event management blind spots and
‘silent failures’ that result from business logic inconsistencies in traditional event management architectures. Operators have
accurate visibility over any infrastructure failure and can take steps to resolve them as they are identified.


• Dual core CPU The Foundry
• 4GB RAM 154-156 Blackfriars Road
• 250 GB Hard disk space to store the software London, SE1 8EN UK
+44 (0)870 141 4514
• 250 GB Hard disk space for DB storage
• AMD Opteron or Intel Xeon Processor with External Cache Silicon Valley Office
• 2 GB of dedicated swap space 805 Veterans Blvd., Suite 309
Redwood City, CA 94065 USA
+1 650 364 9324
• Fedora 11 and 12 Linux OS
• Red Hat 5/CentOS 5 Linux OS

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