University of The Philippines College of Science

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University of the Philippines

College of Science

Physics 71
Set A
First Long Exam
Second Semester, AY 20142015



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First Long Exam

Second Semester, AY 20142015

Physics 71

Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer to each of the following questions. To
change your answer, cross (X) out the shaded letter and supply your new answer with your
signature beside the item. Any form of cheating in examinations or any act of dishonesty in
relation to studies, such as plagiarism, shall be subject to disciplinary action. The acceleration
due to gravity is g = 9.81 m/s2 . Air resistance is assumed to be negligible and the ropes are
assumed to be massless and inextensible unless otherwise stated.
1. Puppy. A dog in an open field runs 12.0 m east and then 28.0 m in a direction 30.0 east
of north. How far is the dog from the starting point?
A. 24.3 m

B. 28.1 m

C. 34.8 m

D. 35.6 m

2. Dapat Consistent! If has a unit of kg/m3 , v has a unit of [m/s], D has a unit of [m]
and R is unitless, what is the unit of in the equation R = vD/?
A. unitless


m s


kg m


kg s

3. Edi Wow. In a foreign land, 1 edi = 13.67 m and 1 wow = 28.41 s. What is 5.00 m/s2 in
units of edi/wow2 ?
A. 10.4 edi/wow2
B. 295 edi/wow2
C. 8.47 102 edi/wow2
D. 2.41 edi/wow2
4. Vector pa. If the +x- and +y-axes point to East and North respectively, what are the

components of A = 500. N, 65.0 E of N?

A. Ax = 453 N and Ay = 211 N
B. Ax = 211 N and Ay = 453 N
C. Ax = 250. N and Ay = 250. N
D. Ax = 125 N and Ay = 375 N
5. Batuhan. One rock is thrown upward with a speed of 8.0 m/s from the ground while
another rock is dropped simultaneously from a height of 8.0 m from the ground. How long
will it take for the rocks to collide?
A. 0.50 s

B. 1.0 s

C. 2.0 s


D. 1.3 s

First Long Exam

Second Semester, AY 20142015

Physics 71

6. Whatchasay. During a 3.0- s time interval, the velocity of an object was changed from

vi = 2.0 m/s to
vf = 1.0 m/s . Which of the following is true about the motion of
the object?
A. It has a negative acceleration and is slowing down.
B. It has a negative acceleration and is speeding up.
C. It has a positive acceleration and is slowing down.
D. It has a positive acceleration and is speeding up.
7. S.B. A truck loaded with steel bars accelerates from rest at 2.50 m/s2 for 25.0 s, after which
its speed is held constant for the next 25.0 s. How far did the truck travel during the entire
A. 781 m

B. 1560 m

C. 2340 m

D. 62.5 m

8. Up and Down. A car travels up a hill at a constant speed of 10.0 m/s and goes down
through the same path at a constant speed of 15.0 m/s, covering the same distance. What
is the average speed of the car during the entire trip?
A. 0.00 m/s

B. 12.5 m/s

C. 12.0 m/s

D. 25.0 m/s

9. #1DAnalysis #algebraic. The position as a function of time of a particle moving along

the x-axis is described by the equation x(t) = 5.00[m] 3.00[m/s] t + 2.00[m/s2 ] t2 .
What is the particles velocity at t = 5.00 s?
A. 17.0 m/s

B. 40.0 m/s

C. 7.00 m/s

D. 3.00 m/s

10. 2D. A motorcycle is located at x- and y-coordinates (3.00 m, 2.50 m) at time t = 0 and
(25.6 m, 13.0 m) at time t = 3.00 s, what is the magnitude of the motorcycles average
A. 27.4 m/s

B. 8.27 m/s

C. 9.13 m/s

D. 11.6 m/s

11. Condition to fall. A ball is thrown upward and is in free fall before it hits the ground.
Which of the following best describes the speed?
A. decreases
B. increases then decreases
C. decreases then increases
D. remains the same

First Long Exam

Second Semester, AY 20142015

Physics 71

12. Boy Maximum. In performing his favorite workout routine, Boy Maximum throws a ball
with an initial velocity of 8.5 m/s upward. How long does it take for it to go back to its
original position?
A. 1.7 s

B. 2.5 s

C. 0.34 s

D. 0.87 s

13. #DongYan. Dingdong and Marian moves with constant speed while riding a merry-goround with a radius of 6.00 m radius, making a complete circle in 5.00 s. What is their
A. 9.47 m/s2

B. 47.4 m/s2

C. 3.02 m/s2

D. 4.74 m/s2

14. Drag. Which of the following statements are FALSE?

I.) Drag force does not depend on the shape of the object.
II.) Drag force decreases as speed of the object increases.
III.) The larger the drag coefficient b, the larger the terminal speed.
A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. I and III only
D. I, II and III
15. Like a pro. A physics student whirls a yoyo with mass 0.1 kg in a horizontal circle with
a radius of 1 m. If the linear speed was quartered and the length of the string was halved,
what is the ratio of the resulting acceleration to the original acceleration?








16. Book. A book slides off a horizontal tabletop with a constant speed of 2.25 m/s. It strikes
the floor in 0.750 s. What is the speed of the book just before it reaches the floor?
A. 9.94 m/s

B. 2.25 m/s

C. 3.56 m/s

D. 7.69 m/s

17. Whats Up? A ball is launched from level ground with an initial velocity of 26 m/s at an
angle of 20. above the horizontal. How high above the ground is the ball after 1.4 s?
A. 25 m

B. 5.6 m

C. 4.0 m


D. 2.8 m

First Long Exam

Second Semester, AY 20142015

Physics 71

18. NPS. A cart moves along the curved path from point N
to S with constant speed. What is the direction of the
carts acceleration at point P ?
A. it is zero
B. it is directed to the right
C. it is directed to the left
D. it is directed upward
19. Free. A cart initially at rest, is pulled to the right along a rough horizontal surface. Which is
the correct free-body diagram of the cart?

20. Graph-it-all analysis. The following are a y-t plot, two v-t plots, and an a-t plot. Which
of them best describes an object in free fall?

21. Palayuan. A cannonball is launched at an angle such that its range is maximized. If this
maximum range is 100.0 m, what is the cannonballs speed just before it hits the ground?
A. 31.32 m/s

B. 22.14 m/s


C. 17.57 m/s

D. 9.807 m/s

First Long Exam

Second Semester, AY 20142015

Physics 71

22. Magnetos balls. A steel ball and a plastic ball are thrown upward with the same initial velocity. Magneto unleashes a magnetic wave that gives the steel ball an additional horizontal
velocity v while leaving the plastic ball unaffected. Which is most likely to happen?
A. The steel ball will reach the ground first.
B. The plastic ball will reach the ground first.
C. Both balls will reach the ground at the same time.
D. The time of flight depends on the balls masses.
23. Throw away your Pride. You throw a detergent bar up with a velocity (7 m/s) relative
to you while running forward with a velocity (3 m/s) . At the same time, a friend runs
toward you with velocity (3 m/s) . At this moment, what is the detergent bars velocity
relative to your friend?
A. (3 m/s) + (7 m/s)
B. (3 m/s) (7 m/s)
C. (7 m/s)
D. (6 m/s) + (7 m/s)
24. Itigil na natin to! A 2.0- kg box is moving at constant speed of 2.0 m/s on a frictionless
horizontal floor. You apply a horizontal force with a magnitude of 4.0 N to make it stop.
How long should you apply this force?
A. 0.50 s

B. 1.0 s

C. 2.0 s

D. 4.0 s

25. The box. A force F is applied on box 1 such that box 2 does not fall. Let f1on2 and n1on2
be the frictional and normal force of box 1 on box 2 respectively. Which of the following
is the correct free body diagram for box 2 if all surfaces are rough?


First Long Exam

Second Semester, AY 20142015

Physics 71

26. Dual Force. Two forces act on a 16- kg object. The first force has a magnitude of 68 N
and is directed 24 north of east. The second force is 32 N, 48 north of west. What is the
magnitude of the resulting acceleration of the object?
A. 4.1 m/s2

B. 5.2 m/s2

C. 6.3 m/s2

D. 2.3 m/s2

27. Sabet. If the tension on the horizontal string is 35.0 N, what is the
mass of the hanging object as shown in the figure?
A. 6.18 kg
B. 60.6 kg
C. 20.2 kg
D. 2.06 kg

28. Constantly. You constantly pushed a 50.-kg crate with a force F parallel to a frictionless ramp that is inclined at an angle of 25 with respect to the horizontal. What is the

magnitude of F so that the crate moves at a constant velocity?

A. 210 N

B. 440 N

C. 490 N

D. 230 N

29. I, Can. A can is resting on a table. What is the reaction force to the weight of the can?
A. the normal force exerted by the table on the can
B. the gravitational force exerted by the Earth on the table
C. the gravitational force exerted by the can on Earth
D. the force exerted by the can on the table
30. Tilting in the name of. A box is at rest on top of a table. In the name of physics, you
slowly tilt the table to make the box slide. The coefficient of static friction between the box
and the table is 0.20. At what angle from the horizontal should the table be tilted for the
box to start to slide?
A. 0.19

B. 11

C. 12


D. 78

First Long Exam

Second Semester, AY 20142015

Physics 71

31. Tinimbang ka ngunit kulang. The weight of a computer on earth is 20.0 N. What is
the weight of the same computer if it is placed at the surface of Jupiters moon Io? The
acceleration due to gravity in Io is 1.81 m/s2 .
A. 3.69 N

B. 11.0 N

C. 36.2 N

D. 4.90 N

32. Hila! A massive block was pulled at an angle of 30

in a horizontal rough surface by a force of magnitude F
enough for the block to move. If we set the +x axis at
the right, which of the following statements is true about
the forces acting on the block?
A. The direction of the frictional force experienced by the block is to the left.
B. The normal forces direction is 30 above the
C. The block will not experience friction since F
is just enough to move the block.
D. The direction of the weight of the block is
about 210 from the x-axis.
33. Kris Flies to the Moon. Kris is inside a 1.25 106 - kg rocket that is about to blast off
toward the moon. If the rocket is to have an acceleration of 39.2 m/s2 , what must be the
engines thrust during take-off?
A. 6.13 107 N
B. 4.90 107 N
C. 1.22 107 N
D. 3.06 106 N
34. I-push mo yan! You exerted a horizontal 5.00- N push to a 2.50- kg object initially at rest
on a frictionless horizontal surface. What is the velocity of the object when it has traversed
a distance of 3.00 m?
A. 2.45 m/s

B. 6.00 m/s


C. 12.0 m/s

D. 3.46 m/s

First Long Exam

Second Semester, AY 20142015

Physics 71

35. Mental Block. Two blocks A and B slides freely on the same inclined plane. The coefficient of kinetic friction of A is greater than that of B. What is the relationship between the
magnitudes of their accelerations?
A. aA > aB
B. aA < aB
C. aA = aB
D. It depends on the mass.
36. Break Time. The wheels of an automobile are locked as it slides to a stop from an initial
speed of 30.0 m/s. If the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.200 and the road is horizontal,
how long does it take the car to stop?
A. 6.00 s

B. 7.57 s

C. 15.3 s

D. 22.5 s

37. Always. An object is acted upon by an applied force F and a normal force N due to a
surface with coefficients of static and kinetic friction s and k , respectively. Which of the
following statements is ALWAYS TRUE?
A. The frictional force is opposite in direction to F .
B. The static frictional force is equal to s N .
C. The kinetic frictional force is proportional to N .
D. The kinetic frictional force is greater than the static frictional force.
38. Pusher. Box B is on top of box A, as shown in the figure. A force F is
exerted on box A, causing the entire system to move to the right. What will
be the direction of the frictional force on B?
A. to the right
B. to the left
C. upward
D. downward


First Long Exam

Second Semester, AY 20142015

Physics 71

39. Puller. A ball attached to a string moves in a circle on a frictionless surface. If the string
is pulled tighter, quadrupling its tension without changing the radius of the circular path,
what will happen to the balls velocity?
A. It will double
B. It will reduce by half
C. It will quadruple
D. It will remain the same
40. The Persistence of Memory. A 3.00 106 - kg ant rides the second hand of an enormous
vertical wall clock. The ant smoothly sweeps a circle of radius 50.0 m. What is the magnitude of the upward force felt by the ant due to the second hand when it is exactly at 6
A. 3.11 105 N
B. 2.78 105 N
C. 2.94 105 N
D. 1.64 106 N

A 10

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