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Abdullah Siddiqi

Choice of Characters in Act 1 of top Girls

The reason behind the choice of characters in Act 1 is the display the idea of a
shared struggle and empowering behavior that occurs throughout different historical
eras. This collective issue is one that relates to female oppression throughout the
centuries. As the guests arrive to the restaurant and begin to talk about their lives, they
begin to differentiate from each other when it comes to upbringings, period of time and
different religious values. Despite that, all these different stories depict the strife that
each women went throughout their lives in a world reigned upon by men. What makes
them more special is the fact that they all found different ways to lead independent lives
while living in an oppression-filled world. Whether they were controlled by a husband,
an emperor or by family values, each woman, in some way, refused to fulfill her
expected role quietly and they strived to gain individuality. Isabella Bird, for example, is
a feisty and well-known travel writer from the 19th century who endeavors all over the
world despite her being physically frail. Her character is conflicted as she feels obligated
to her family values but she hates the idea of responsibility, shouting out Why should I?
Why should I? (page 27). Yet she ends up travelling anyways and tried to live as
independently as possible. Lady Niho, a Japanese courtesan, was raised to follow the
orders of the emperor and live just for his bidding. However, eventually she couldnt
bear the harassment any longer and this led her to defiance. She eventually feels proud
of her pro-feminist actions against her lord as that led her to be free and live an
attempted spiritual life as nun. There was also Pope Joan who had to switch her identity
just because she wanted to gain knowledge in a world where females werent allowed to
follow ones desires. Dull Gret was a lady who led the females against the Spanish
soldier who were oppressing them. Finally, Griselda was a women who was always
getting loyalty tested by her husband and she had to find the strength to keep bearing
with it. These common experiences bind these women together as they have opposed
female oppression. To depict the idea of shared struggle and empowering behavior is
relevant because the main character, Marlene, now considers herself as one who has
opposed female injustice and won- We've all come a long way. To our courage and the
way we changed our lives and our extraordinary achievements (page 13). This is
because she has broken the glass ceiling for women in a workplace and now holds a
managerial position in a company with men involved. As she now considers herself an
equal to all these historical women, she has created this fantasy like scenario where
they all share there triumphs over a common issue. By choosing all these characters in
such a manner, the author foreshadows the theme that will be eventually talked about
throughout the book. She sets up the audience for a pro feministic narrative that will be
about how females face oppression from a male dominated society. Thus, for those
reason, the author chose to portray these specific, different characters.

Abdullah Siddiqi

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