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Prayer Matters

Primghar Church of Christ

United Methodist Church - People of Haiti A Publication of the Church of Christ— Alta, IA

“Ministry in the Crosswinds of Life”

College Students - Government Leaders February 28, 2010
Alta, IA 51002

Service Men -
505 W. Hwy 7

John Dalbey - (Mary E. son-in-law) Iraq

Ryan Hartwig—(Eryn’s brother) - in Philippines
Ben Allard - (Hatlelid’s grandson) in Afghanistan Staff
Gary Adams - (Cassie’s step-brother) in Afghanistan Kevin Lewis
Cancer - Minister
Casey Bishop - (cousin of Cassie & John H.) - leukemia - chemo
Lyle Wiley - (Cassie’s uncle) - terminal cancer - few weeks
Lorray Jepp - (Dori’s step dad) prostate cancer - radiation Traci Sliefert
Marcella Ehlers - (Valerie’s aunt) stage 4 lung cancer - radiation Wee Care Preschool
Heather Strandburg - (Larry & JoAnn P. friend) - lung cancer
Tom Schnirring - (Loraine C. nephew) - rare cancer
Robin Koster - stage 3 breast cancer Dianne Sliefert
Doug Simons - cancer & health problems Secretary
JoAnn Carlson - (Ed B. sister) - lung cancer stage 4
Duane Haglund - (Jan R. brother) prostate cancer & Parkinson’s
Health Issues- Don Sliefert
Lester Carnine - @Methodist Manor - recovering from hip surgery
Dyanna Butcher - upcoming foot surgery
Melanie (Poulson) Harmon - home - limited activity
Elliott Zadow - (Valerie & Violett’s nephew) - recovering from surgery Worship Times
Trish Curtis - (JoAnn F. co-worker) - unknown rash
Jerry VanHooser - (Dori’s cousin) now in nursing home Sunday:
9 a.m Worship
Judy Ferrin—(friend of Kirkholm’s) - doing much better 10 a.m. Coffee Time
Linda Rickers - (Lory K. sister) health issues & depression 10:30 Sunday School
Zailin Linke—(2 year old Alta child with inoperable brain tumor) chemo
Ann Krummen-Gonzales - (Krummen’s daughter) personal issues
Jeff Krummen’s mom - home recovering
Contact Us
Kaylee Alt—(Harris B. great-niece) waiting for second heart transplant Bring hot dish and salad or dessert to share.
Dave Nielson - (Tom L. neighbor) - depression
John Huskamp - (Tom L. friend) - chronic pain
P.O. Box 85 Drink will be furnished!
Alta, IA 51002
Harris Bishop - congestive heart failure
Mark Halverson - (Diane V. friend) - job search Office (712) 200-2321 Bring your ideas and thoughts for an
Barb Nelson - job search - applying for Social Security Fax (712) 200-2321
Luke Pyle - (Virgil P. grandson) - job search Outreach for the fall!
Melva Bainbridge—(Opal’s daughter) job search
Nursing Homes -
Art Kraemer - Danny Hendricks - Methodist Manor
Mary Schachtner - Fonda Elsie Chapman - (Stephanie L. great-
Secretary — 2010 Theme
grandmother) Cherokee - Mary Goetsch - (Judy B. mom) Sioux City Love the Lord Your God With All Your Soul
Missions We Support - “All I Am”
C.E.M. - Nebraska Christian College - Beyond Imagination - A.R.M.S.
Good News Productions, Int. - Camp Nebowa - Lord’s Cupboard
From Kevin…..Top Banana
Thank You Coming Up….
How do you get to the top?
Dear Church Family, March 7 - Potluck Dinner - Will be
In most businesses and careers you have to start at the bottom and work your way up the Thank you so much for the goodie having a ―Dream Session‖ following
corporate ladder. I worked at OfficeMax for years and started at the cash register. After that I Basket and blanket for Cora and the dinner to discuss ideas for our Fall
became in charge of more and more and eventually became the Operations Supervisor. I Beanie Baby for Addison. We appreci- Outreach
worked my way up out of more simple tasks to be in charge of more things and more people.
ate you making us feel at home and
loved. March 7 - 30 Pieces of Silver bags
Jesus goes all over the region of Israel (with short trips outside) with his followers. The twelve will be given out - they will be
hold a special place with him. He uses them to pass out food (feeding the 5000 and 4000) collected on Easter Sunday and the
and pick up leftovers. He uses them to bring people to him (Blind Bartimaeus). He uses Shannon, Katie, Addy & Cora
proceeds will go to Camp Nebowa
them to spread his message of the Kingdom of God that has come near.

For the twelve, their understanding is that Jesus is working them up to the great jobs. Even March 9 - 6:30 p.m. Deacons Mtg.
to the point where James and John come to Jesus and ask if they can sit at his right hand Thank you so much to everyone who 7:00 p.m. Joint Board Meeting
and his left hand in the new Kingdom he will establish (Mark 10.35-45). But their ideas are helped out at the Lord’s Cupboard this
corporate ideas, Donald Trump ideas, Hollywood ideas, HUMAN ideas. Jesus has to explain past month. There has been a great March 14 - Daylight Saving Time
himself over and over again…. need for the Cupboard this year and begins
But Jesus called them to Himself and said to them, "You know that those who are considered
you are each so appreciated for work-
rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. March 18 - Women’s Outreach
"Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be ing and also to all of you who have
your servant. "And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all. "For even the Son donated food or other items to the
cupboard. March 21 - Movie Night - time and
of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
movie to be announced later
Mark 10:42-45 NKJV

To be top banana you have to be the lowest. That’s God’s way! It’s not about working your
way out of lesser jobs but finding God in the lesser jobs. It’s about being selfless not selfish, Meals Needed VITA
servant not boss, low not elevated. That’s the way Jesus leads us. He himself didn’t come to
be treated as King but to be the greatest servant ever. That makes you great! That makes We are going to be doing another The VITA (Volunteer Income Tax
you impressive in God’s eyes. round of meals for JoAnn Carlson & Assistance) program, basic tax filing,
family. JoAnn is the sister of Ed Bren- will continue through the month of
Don’t get caught up in the emphasis of the world. It isn’t looking impressive that matters but ner and mother to 3 sons. She is in the March on Sunday’s from 1-4 p.m. in
being humble and serving that holds any value. That’s what lasts. And when Jesus returns midst of going through chemo treat- Classroom 1. This is a free service
everyone will know just how humble you have been. Don’t worry about if people see you ments for stage 4 lung cancer. During sponsored by the Horizons Program
serving or being humble now, God sees and he’ll point it out to all later. of Alta. Call the church office for an
this time we want to help out the family
by supplying meals for them. If you appointment or if you have any
On that day, God flips the tables. Everyone who’s great in the world will be brought low and
want to help by furnishing food please questions.
everyone who’s humble in the world will be lifted up – Just like Jesus was after his resurrec-
tion. He sits at God’s right hand. see Dori Brenner, she will be make
"But many who are first will be last, and the last first." Mark 10:31 NKJV arrangements to get the meals to the
family. Thank you so much for helping January Stats
So embrace and pursue humble and low positions and tasks. Serve with all your heart not in this ministry to the family. Attendance Offering Budget Needs
looking for recognition from anyone but God. He sees! And he will honor you in due time. 75 $2,017.09 $1,605.76

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