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In Chens Taichi, the basic training principles are:

apply the theory not the strength; focus on

foundation not the presentation; train the body not
the techniques.
(I) Apply the Theory Not the Strength
Theory explains the very basic principles of Taichi.
Practicing Taichi is to work on the ultimate general
Dao that is the basic theory of how yin emerges
from yang and how yang emerges from yin in the
process of change. During practice, it requires to
have softness imbedded in hardness and hardness
implied in softness with softness and hardness inter
dependent and supportive to each other. When
hollowness reduces to its extreme, solidness forms;
and when solidness grows to its extreme, hollowness
appears. This is how hollowness and solidness
morph from one another. With high level of
concentration, the mind guides the qi and the qi
move the body. Practice while focusing on getting the
qi and movements to follow the mind. When in
motions, every part moves, the whole body follows
and the internal and external coordinate. Control the
postures and mover according to the requirements
and follow the natural motions of the body. Progress
patiently. Strength training refers to the training
for physical strength. Such training will increase the
power in certain specific body parts. However, in
most cases, this type of training will lead to clumsy
strength and stiff strength. Its lack of flexibility and
control. Therefore, it is not preferred my achieved

Taichi practitioners.
(II) Focus on the Foundation Not the
Foundation refers to the root and base, i.e. the
kidney qi and lower body kungfu. The kidneys hold
the fundamental yin and yang. It is the prenatal base
and the source for vital qi. When the kidney qi is
strong, all organs are well nourished. The heart,
liver, spleen, lung and the kidney will function
properly. As a result, the person is good spirits, quick
in response and coordinated in motion. Internal qi is
one of the important aspects of good foundation. The
other aspect of good foundation is the kungfu of the
lower body. Under the condition when whole body is
relaxed and, the qi settles in dantian and charges to
yongquan, the body can be rooted solidly on the feet
so as to achieve the state of livened upper section,
flexible middle section and rooted lower section.
Presentation refers to the shown intension,
strength and hardness of certain specific parts of the
body. Training methods focusing only on the
presentation do not agree with Taichi principles.
Taichi is an internal system. It training both the
internal qi and external skills with the main focus on
solidify the internal foundation. Hence there are
sayings like: Nourish the root and enrich the
source, Nourish the roots and the branches and
leaves will flourish; enrich the source and the stream
will flow afar.
(III) Train the Body Not the Techniques
Train the body means to train the capability of the

body as a whole. Train the techniques means to

work on special defensive and offensive techniques of
an application. At the beginning stage, most people
are interested in understanding the applications of
each move. However, such training in focusing on
explaining and understanding of the applications of
Taichi defensive and offensive techniques will not
lead one to the essence of Taichi. The correct process
of learning Taichi must involve learning the forms
and routines, correct postures and moves, reduce
stiffness, achieve softness so as to reach the level
when the whole body is coordinated, the internal and
external are coordinated and the internal qi is full
and solid. Let the skill be part of the body. Taichi
training is for the complete ability of the body.
According to specific situations in application, Taichi
principle is to lose the self to follow the opponent
and adapt when situation changes. It never resorts to
the specific application of specific techniques. When
the internal qi is full and solid, the body is like a well
inflated balloon. It responds to any sensation of
external impact. It enables the Taichi practitioner to
strike with the part wherever is being attacked, such
as described in On Boxing: When achieved, one can
counterattack according to the attack without
thinking. The application will come naturally and

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