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_____________ It was lost during orbit injection during

its first attempt to place a geosynchronous satellite into

20._____________ It states that the square of the periodic

time (Pmean solar earth days) of orbit is proportional to the

2._____________ It is the actual user information

conveyed through the system.

between the primary and the satellite.

3._____________ Satellites that orbits in a circular pattern

with an angular velocity equal to that of the Earth, an
orbital time of 24 hours, same as the Earth.
4._____________ One rotation of Earth. It is the time
taken for the Earth to make a complete revolution on its
axis, measured with respect to the Sun.
5._____________ These are satellites that are located 480
miles above the Earths surface.
6._____________ It was the first domestic satellite
launched by the Soviet Union. Also known as the
7._____________ Geosynchronous satellites have a
___degree latitude.
8._____________ An orbital pattern that occurs when the
satellite rotates in an orbit directly above the equator,
usually in a circular path.
9._____________ An active satellite launched by the
Americans that transmitted telemetry for nearly 5 months
in 1957.
10._____________ He was the first one to suggest the
existence of geosynchronous orbit in 1945 and proposed
its use for communications satellite.
11._____________ It states that a satellite (secondary)
will orbit the Earth (primary body) in an elliptical path.
12._____________ Radiated patterns of earth coverage
antennas have a beamwidth of approximately 17, which
is the maximum view of a geosynchronous satellite which
is about 42% of the Earths surface.
13._____________ The body remains fixed relative to the
Earths surface, while an internal subsystem provides roll
and yaw stabilization.
14._____________ It is a medium earth orbit that is used
for GPS with a constellation of 21 satellites with 6 spares
at 9,500 miles above the Earth.
15._____________ It was the first transponder type
satellite transmitted about 3 watts of power and lasted
only 17 days.
16._____________ Launched by NASA and was the first
artificial satellite used for relaying terrestrial
17._____________ He discovered the laws that govern
satellite motion. The laws of planetary motion describes
the shape of the orbit, the velocities of the planet, and the
distance a planet is with respect to the sun.
18._____________ In the early 1800s, this 20,700-foot
mountain in Ecuador was erroneously thought to have the
highest point on the planet. However, because of the
equatorial bulge, it proved to be the farthest point from the
center of the Earth.
19._____________ A fleet
communications satellites operating in the C band which
were launched by Western Union from 1974 to 1984.

cube of the mean distance (semi-major axis

akm )

21._____________ are a series of geostationary

communications satellites launched by Telesat Canada for
television in Canada, from 1972 through 2013.
22._____________ (2 answers) Launched on 1963 and 1964,
both demonstrated the feasibility of geosynchronous
23._____________ It is a celestial body that orbits around
a planet such as the moon is a satellite to the Earth.
24._____________ The line joining the ascending and
descending nodes through the center of the Earth.
25._____________ The term used to describe the type of
Earth orbit when the satellite is orbiting in the same
direction as Earths rotation at an angular velocity greater
than that of the Earth.
26._____________ Occurs when nonsynchronous circular
orbit satellites travel at an altitude between 19,000 miles
to 25,000 miles above the Earth.
27._____________ It is the horizontal angular distance
from a reference direction, either the southern or northern
most point of the horizon. It is also the horizontal pointing
angle of a earth station antenna referenced to the True
28._____________ The term used to describe the type of
Earth orbit when the satellite is orbiting in the opposite
direction of Earths Rotation or even in the same direction
with an angular velocity less than that of the Earth.
29._____________ Satellite classification that uses the
angular momentum of its spinning body to provide roll
and yaw stabilization.
30._____________ It includes control mechanisms that
support the payload operation in a satellite system.
31._____________ Relating to the stars, especially
measured with the reference to the apparent motion of the
32._____________ It passively reflected radio signals it
received from large earth station antennas and
accomplished the first transatlantic transmission.
33._____________ It is the larger beam, next to spot beam
which is radiated towards the Earth.
34._____________ The point in an obit that is located
farthest from the Earth.
35._____________ The point where a polar or inclined
orbit crosses the equatorial plane traveling from south to
36._____________ It was the first commercial
telecommunications satellite and used 2 transponders and
25-MHz bandwidth to carry television signal and 480
voice channels. Also known as Early Bird.
37._____________ It is the line joining the perigee and
apogee through the center of the Earth.

38. _____________ It is the term used to describe when

ground controllers must periodically adjust the satellite
positions to counteract these forces, if not; these excursion
would build a rate between 0.6 and 0.9 per year.
39._____________ The point in an orbit that is located
closest to the Earth.
40._____________ These are satellites that are located
22,300 miles above the Earth and operates in the 2 GHz to
18 GHz frequency spectrum.
41._____________ The geographical representation of a
satellite antennas radiation pattern.
42._____________ It was the first passive satellite used
by the U.S. Navy to successfully transmit the first
message in 1954.
43._____________ A geosynchronous orbit is sometimes
referred to as _______.
44._____________ It is the line perpendicular to the major
axis and halfway between the perigee and apogee.
45._____________ It is the smallest beam radiated
towards the Earth. They concentrate their power on a very
small geographical area thus they have higher EIRPS.
46._____________ It is a low earth orbiting satellites that
utilizes a system of 66-satellite constellation.
47._____________ It is an orbital pattern where in
satellite rotates in a path that takes over the North and
South poles in an orbit perpendicular to the equatorial
48._____________ It is the horizontal angular distance
from a reference direction, either the southern or northern
most point of the horizon. It is also the horizontal pointing
angle of a earth station antenna referenced to the True
49._____________ In Inuktitut, one of the principal Inuit
language of Canada, Anik means_________.

58._____________ It is a satellite radio repeater of which

any satellite may have many.
59._____________ In Aerospace term, it is a space
vehicle launched by humans and orbits the Earth or other
Celestial Body.
60._____________ One revolution around the Sun. The
time it takes the Sun to make one revolution with
reference to a given star, equal to 365 days, 6 hours, 9
minutes, 9.5 seconds.
61._____________ Communication satellite originally
RCA American
62._____________ This are orbital satellites that rotate
around the Earth in an elliptical or circular pattern.
63._____________ Occurs when the near synchronous
orbit is slightly lower than 22,300 miles, the satellites
orbital time is lower than that of the Earths rotational
period, making the satellite move slower from west to
64._____________ An orbital pattern that virtually
encompasses all Earth orbits except those that travel
directly above the equator or directly over the North and
South poles.
65._____________ It was the first active earth satellite
which transmitted telemetry information for 21 days.
66._____________ It states that for equal intervals of
time, a satellite will sweep out equal areas in the orbital
plane, focused at the barycenter (center of mass) of a twobody system.
67._____________ Day calculated by using the stars


50._____________ A series of satellites having 80,000

voice channels.

1._______ Three satellites in a Clark orbit separated by

120 in longitude can provide communications over the
entire globe except the Polar Regions.

51._____________ The point where a polar or inclined

orbit crosses the equatorial plane traveling from north to

2._______ In aerospace terms, a satellite is a space vehicle

launched by humans and orbits the Earth or other celestial

52._____________ It was the first active satellite to

simultaneously receive and transmit radio signals but was
damaged by radiation from Van Allen belts.

3.______ The frequency band used by most satellites is in

the UHF range.

53._____________ The unbalance forces such as the

gravitational forces exerted by the moon and sun, solar
winds and equatorial bulge causes these satellites to drift
slowly away from their assigned locations in a figure-eight
excursion above and below the equatorial plane.
54._____________ These are satellites that are located
between 6,060 miles to 12,000 miles above the Earth and
operates in the 1.2 GHz to 1.66 GHz frequency band.
55._____________ Nonsynchronous satellites can only be
used when available in as little as ___minutes per orbit.
56._____________ It accomplished the first successful
transatlantic video transmission.
57._____________ The measure of the deviation of the
path of an orbiting body from a true circle.

4._______ In an elliptical orbit, the speed depends on the

height of the satellite is above the Earth. The speed is
grater when it is closer to the Earth.
5.______ 6 GHz is the downlink frequency in a C-band
6._______ The location of a satellite is expressed in terms
of longitude and latitude but is only identified by a point
on the surface of the Earth directly below it and must fall
on the equator; this is known as subsatellite point.
7._______ When the satellite is orbiting in the same
direction as the Earth with an angular velocity less than
that of the Earth, it is said to have retrograde orbit.
8.______ In a communications satellite, the equipment
which provides the connection link between satellites
transmit and receive antennas is referred to as the

8.______ A footprint is known as the geographical

representation of a satellite antennas radiation pattern.
10.______ GPS satellites are MEO satellites.
11._______ Geosynchronous satellites can provide
reliable communications to approximately 100% of the
Earths surface.
12._______ In a Geosynchronous satellite, there is a
delicate balance between acceleration, speed and distance
that will exactly balance the effects of centrifugal force
and the gravitational forces.
13.______ Geosynchronous satellites orbit the earth twice
every 24 hours.
14._______ 100% of the Earths surface can be covered
with a single satellite in an Inclined Orbit such that every
location on Earth lies within the radiation pattern of this
satellite twice each day.
15._______ In Keplers Law of Areas, the planet moves
slower near the Sun, so the same area is swept out in a
given time as at smaller distances, where the planet moves
more faster.

Problem Solving:

1. A satellite space vehicle operates with an EIRP OF 34

dbW. If there is free space loss of 196.4 dB and other link
losses of 2.6 dB, determine the RECEIVE SIGNAL
LEVEL at the earth station.


the satellite if an Earth station is transmitting 7W of power
using a parabolic antenna with a gain of 45 dBi, operating
at 4 GHz, the path length is 40,000 km and the satellite
receiver gain is 40 dBi.
3. It is often claimed that the Ku-band (12 GHz) is better
than the C- band (4 GHz) for TVRO reception because a
parabolic antenna of a given diameter has higher gain at
higher frequency. Through the gain is undoubtedly higher,
what is the DIFFERENCE IN PATH LOSS to find out if
there is really a net improvement in the signal strength
obtained for a give receiving antenna?
4. If the average distance of the Earth from the Sun is 150
million kilometers (1 A.U.), what is the RATIO OF THE
following Keplers 3rd law on planetary motion in

seconds 2 /meter 3 .
5. If the average distance of the Earth from the Sun is 1
Astronomical Unit, what is the ORBITAL PERIOD OF
PLANET MARS (IN YEARS) if its average distance from
the Sun is 1.52 A.U. following Keplers 3 rd Law on
planetary motion.
6. A map indicates that a certain spot on earth is in the 40
dBW contour of a satellite beam, that is, the EIRP from
the satellite is 40 dBW in that direction. What is the actual
SIGNAL STRENGTH at the earths surface, operating at
4 GHz, is 36, 000 km away?

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