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j ust i n@ t hek fa k t or . com

w ww. t hek f a kt or . c om


Celebrity Event Concepts

• Golf Days
• Fishing Charters
• Cricket Days
• Testimonials
• Cricket and Football Tours—local and o/seas
• Celebrity Coach
• Trivia Master
• Tennis Days
• Lawn Bowls – 100 bowl challenge
• Send a Celeb
• Sporting Teams Calcutta – NRL, AFL, A-League, Super 14
• Bar and Auction Girl hire – put that icing on the cake for the ultimate
sportsmen’s luncheon or dinner!

Ask us how to put together any one of the celebrity concepts above that will not
only entertain your clients/guests/members but assist in your fundraising events.

Pre-packaged Shows
Taking into account the memorabilia, raffle items, ticket selling tips etc you will receive
with the promotion kit you should pay no more than $1000 net for any one of these
entertainment filled packages.

The Whole 9 Yards

Includes - MC/Comedian, Celebrity Speaker, and a band/musician
The ultimate function package and what every Sporting Club, Pub or Hotel
needs to put on a great show, add value to its ticket sales and look after its
patrons, members and guests. A great way for a Pub or Hotel that sponsors a
local sporting club to put on an end of season presentation night.
Wild Colonial Boys
- The K Faktor has put together a gang that would keep Ned Kelly
honest. We have brought together the bad boys of Australian
Football, Cricket, Racing and Boxing to ensure you’ll never forget
their infamous moments that live long in our minds and stories.
Choose 2 Wild Boys of Aussie Sport from our wild boys stable and The K Faktor’s own
international musician, Sasha Karcher, will come out and sing our version of ‘Wild Colonial
Boys’ with acoustic guitar accompaniment. Apart from the 3 entertainers you will also be
provided with a Wild Boys quiz including prizes guaranteed to help make a great show for all
your patrons. See separate flyer for more details.

Birth of Origin – RAUDONIKIS (BNE) and BEETSON (BNE)

A very popular duo and both born entertainers. Hear
some very funny stories from two Kangaroo and Origin
Skippers. The first two Origin Captains, one an Immortal
and the other voted one of the Twelve Toughest in Rugby
League over the past 50 years. The boys bring some very special
and unique memorabilia*.

Happy Punters Tour – Malcolm JOHNSTON (SYD) and Dougie

A hilarious duet that will keep you in stitches and make you wish you left
your political correctness back in the 70’s! Voted one of the best 2-man
shows in Australia.

Harrigan vs. Tallis or Blocker or Siro! –

Referee Bill HARRIGAN (SYD) vs. Gorden TALLIS (BNE) or Blocker
We’ve seen these guys argue on TV during international, origin and
club games. Let’s see how tough Billy is without the protection of his

Champion Heavyweights – Arthur BEETSON (BNE) and Aussie


Both gents are larger than life and their stories of being
two of the greatest Australian sportsmen in the past 50
years are something not to be missed. Who could have
thought 2 blokes that love a fight could command an
audience and the English language as well as Big Artie
and Aussie Joe!
Battle of the Football Codes – Elton
(SYD), Paul SIRONEN (SYD) and many more…
The footy codes take each other on. Which is the best footy code
and why? Lets leave it up to these legends to present their arguments as to which footy code
is the best in Oz. Choose a footy legend from two opposing codes to entertain your members
and guests with their tongue in cheek (and sometimes serious!) comments on why their code is
the best.

Lets hear it from both ends of the Wicket!

(BNE), Carl RACKEMAN (BNE), David BOON (TAS), Merv Hughes
(VIC), Kerry O’Keeffe (SYD)

Anyone who has ever played cricket will have had this debate.
Is it the batsmen or the bowlers that win matches? Who is
more important to the side and why? Only 2 speakers attend
based upon availability.

State of Origin, AFL style - Doug HAWKINS

Gary BAKER (TAS) and many others

1977 was the start of a great rivalry between WA, SA and VIC. The
K Faktor can’t wait for the AFL to resurrect this bitter rivalry and
has started its own war between the states.
Which state produces the best footballers? Has the selection
criteria ever been fair?
Only 2 speakers attend base upon availability

Your Choice!
Choose 2 speakers and let us package a show to suit your club.
What you get……………….

PROMOTION KIT SAVINGS and $$$ making ideas

Includes the following –
- Advertising and marketing pack; a CD with event poster templates and speakers
- Money making ideas, savings, auction and raffle items worth over $3000
- Ticket sales and marketing tips
- The K Faktor support via website advertising, speakers pictures and bio’s, and over the
phone enquiry support

When you book one of The K Faktor entertainment packages we keep the
show price low by allowing the two celebrities to bring along 4 pieces (2
each) of their own memorabilia. 5 pieces are brought to the show with the
full proceeds of the first item going back to the booking venue – you! Auction
value of this first piece is $500-$800, thereby effectively reducing the package
price by $500-$800 already. In addition, the 4 pieces brought by the speakers have
very obtainable reserves. Anything made over the reserve price goes back to the booking
venue – hence more savings!

▪3 gatwick street stafford heights Qld 4053 ▪ph/fx 07 3861 5098 ▪ abn 17 994 373 155

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