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50 minutes
Name: __________________(
Class: 4( )

Date:___ /___ / 2015
Parents Signature:

Each question in this paper is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the
best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your
answer sheet blacken the answer that you have chosen.
Questions 1-4
Choose the best word to fill in the blanks below.
Edwin is a healthy boy. He always washes his ___ (1) ____


soap and water before he eats. After eating, he ___ (2) ____


teeth. The weather in Malaysia is hot, so he ___ (3) ____

a day. He also wears clean ___ (4) ___

at least once

and cuts his nails regularly.

1. A. hair

B. body

C. hands

2. A. washes

B. brushes

C. rinses

3. A. wet

B. clean

C. bathes

D. wipe

4. A. shirt

B. skirt

C. shorts

D. clothes

Yeap Choo Bin / Bahasa Inggeris K1/ Tahun 4 / Mac/ Muka Surat 1

D. feet

Questions 5 7
Choose the best phrase to complete the sentence below.
5. The boy buys ____________ bread from the bakery.
A. a loaf of

B. a pair of

C. a can of

D. a bar of

6. We must ___________ when we are in the library.

A. talk softly

B. shout loudly

C. cry sadly

D. sleep soundly

7. The man is _________ an ox. He can carry the heavy rock .

A. as busy as
B. as clever as

C. as sweet as
D. as strong as

Questions 8 10
Choose the best sentence that describes each picture.

A. The boys are running in the field.

B. Those boys are playing football.
C. The children are flying their kites.
D. The boys are resting under a tree.


A. The girls are skipping in the park.

B. Sue and Mary are playing hopscotch.
C. The students are playing on the swings.
D. The two girls are walking around the park.


A. My mother is listening to the music.

B. She fell asleep while watching television.
C. Mrs Lee watched television at 8 oclock last night.
D. Mimi watches television at 8 oclock in the morning.

Yeap Choo Bin / Bahasa Inggeris K1/ Tahun 4 / Mac/ Muka Surat 2

Questions 11 15
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown
in the picture.

A. I feel very healthy.

B. I am not feeling well.
C. Thank you very much.
D. You are welcome ,my friend.


A. This car is mine.

B. That bicycle is mine.
C. I dont like cycling.
D. I am riding a bicycle.


A. What is this?
B. Why are they dirty?
C. Are these your socks?
D. Are these your shoes?


Nice to meet you.

A. This is my brother.
B. This is my baby sister.
C. That is my best friend.
D. This is my sister, Helen.


A. I like dancing.
B. She likes music.
C. Listening to music.
D. Do you like listening to music?

Yeap Choo Bin / Bahasa Inggeris K1/ Tahun 4 / Mac/ Muka Surat 3

Questions 16-20
Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.
16. The boy bought a cake. The cake is ___________.
A. he
B. his
C. him
17. Those toy cars belong to the boys. They are_______________.
A. his
B. her
C. ours

D. theirs

18. Milk and cheese are rich ________ calcium and protein.
A. in
B. at
C. on

D. of

19. My mother _________ me a story last night .

A. tell
B. told
C. is telling

D. are telling

20. Peter : What did you do yesterday?

Mark : I __________ computer games yesterday.
A. play
B. plays
C. played

D. playing

Question 21
Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.
21. Fiona wakes up early in the morning.
A. late
B. bad

C. dirty

Questions 22 23
Choose the answer with the correct spelling.

A. baby
B. babys
C. babies
D. babyes


A. tooffpaste
B. teethpaste
C. tuuthpaste
D. toothpaste

Yeap Choo Bin / Bahasa Inggeris K1/ Tahun 4 / Mac/ Muka Surat 4

D. lazy

Questions 24 25
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
24. A. The old man thanked Wen Mings mother for her help.
B. The old man thanked Wen mings Mother for her help.
C. The old man thanked Wen mings mother for her help
D. The old man thanked Wen Mings mother for her help.
25. A. Raymonds father took him to the muhibah orphanage .
B. Raymonds father took him to the Muhibah Orphanage .
C. Raymonds father took him to the Muhibah orphanage .
D. Raymonds father, took him to the Muhibah Orphanage .
Questions 26-30
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follow.

Mei Mei and her family members like to keep fit. They _____ (26) ______ in the park.
Last Friday, Mei Meis parents _____ (27) _______ jogging around the park. They wore
their _____ (28) ______ to jog. Mei Mei played badminton with her sister. They used their
racquets to ______(29)______ the shuttlecock. There were some boys playing football
on a field _______ (30) ______ the badminton court.
26. A. sing

B. swim

C. dance

D. exercise

27. A. go

B goes

C. went

D. gone

28. A. tracksuit

B. blouses

C. jackets

D. pyjamas

29. A. hit

B. beat

C. push

D. throw

30. A. at

B. over

C next to

D. between

Yeap Choo Bin / Bahasa Inggeris K1/ Tahun 4 / Mac/ Muka Surat 5

Questions 31 35
Study the timetable and answer the questions that follow.
Ming Kit is a busy person. He has a timetable to help him keep track of his activities
after school.
Day / Time


2.00 p.m.

Scouts Meeting


English Tuition

Piano Lesson


Scouts Meeting

Tennis Practice
Science Tuition


English Tuition
Art Lesson

Football Practice
Football Practice



5.30 p.m.

Football Practice

Violin Lesson

31. Which activity does Ming Kit attend straight after school ?
A. Violin Lesson

C. English Tuition

B. Scouts Meeting

D. Football Practice

32. How often does Ming Kit attend tuition classes?

A. Once a week

C. Three times a week

B. Twice a week

D. Everyday

33. Ming Kit always has his football practice at________________.

A. two oclock

C. a quarter past three


D. a quarter to three

half past five

34. Ming Kit has ________________ at a quarter past three every Monday.
A. English tuition

C. art Lesson

B. Science tuition

D. piano lesson

35. Which of the following statement is NOT true ?

A. Ming Kit likes music.

C. Ming Kit is a tuition teacher.

B. Ming Kit is a scout.

D. Ming Kit exercises regularly.

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Questions 36 40
Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follow.
Sarah : John, what are you doing?
John : Im collecting donations for my friend, Ben. His father is in hospital. He is
down with dengue fever. The doctor said that he had to be warded for
at least two weeks.
Sarah : What about his mother ?

: Ben has no mother. His mother had cancer and passed away last year.
He and his sister have not enough money to buy food. They need help.

Sarah : Poor Ben ! Heres my lunch money. Ben needs it more than I do.

: Thanks, Sarah. Ill collect more donations for Ben.


: Lets do it together.

36. Who is collecting donations ?

A. Ben

B. John

C. Sarah

D. Bens father

it together.
37.Why: isLets
in hospital ? He has _______________ .
A. cancer

B. malaria

C. high fever

D. dengue fever

38. Ben comes from a _____________ family.

A. big

B. complete

C. rich

D. poor

39. From the dialogue, we know that

A. Bens mother had died.

C. Ben, John and Sarah are classmates.

B. Bens father had died.

D. Sarah did not donate money to Ben.

40. At the end of the dialogue, Sarah____________.

A. feels happy about Ben.

C. collects donations for Ben too.

B. still has money for lunch.

D. goes to visit Bens father.

Set by
: Mdm. Yeap Choo Bin
Vetted by : Mr. Loo Gim Ming
Yeap Choo Bin / Bahasa Inggeris K1/ Tahun 4 / Mac/ Muka Surat 7

Yeap Choo Bin / Bahasa Inggeris K1/ Tahun 4 / Mac/ Muka Surat 8

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