Bocatomas Construidas en El Perú Ingles

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In Peru there is in operation a large number of semi-permanent and permanent rustic

intakes. Its design is almost always difficult and should be used both analytical methods as
research using hydraulic models. Observation and analysis of the behavior of the
catchment facilities in operation is very important. The problems that arise in an intake are
much more difficult when water is taken from a river when done from an artificial channel
(channel). It is in this area where we will develop more widely.


Headworks or inlet pipes hydraulic structures are built on a river or canal in order to
capture, ie removing a part or the entire flow of the mainstream. The intakes are often
characterized mainly by the flow of recruitment, which is defined as the maximum
expenditure that an intake can support. For example, the rate of uptake of Los Ejidos
intake on the river Piura, Chira-Piura Project is 60 m3 / s.
The theme of the intakes is always current. In Peru there is in operation a large number of
intake works for hydraulic use. The design of these structures is often difficult and should
be used both as analytical methods for research in hydraulic models. Observation and
analysis of the behavior of the works making operation is very important.
It should be remembered that the intake is very important for the success of a project
structure. If for one reason or another a major fault occurs in the intake, this would mean
the possibility of failure of the entire hydraulic exploitation project. Consequently, both the
design and the construction, operation and maintenance of an intake must provide
maximum security.
The design of an intake can be a very difficult problem, to be introduced in the structurenature interaction. The intake, whatever its type, is a foreign element in contact with water.
That is, the structure will inevitably alter the surrounding environment and, at the same
time, nature will react to the work. This interaction is presented to construct the work, and
in the future to operate, should be foreseen and counteracted timely and properly. The
stability and life of an intake are associated with the concept of design flood. Traditionally
we have used the concept of design flood to designate the maximum river flow that an




intake can pass without damage that affect structurally. Later this definition according to
the experience of recent decades will be extended.


From the point of view of its purpose the intake works are classified according to the
project characteristics they serve. Thus we have:
a) Works for making public procurement
b) Irrigation headworks
c) Works takes to hydro
d) Works making for industry and mining
e) Making works for other purposes
f) Making works for multiple use

The above classification refers to the dominant use of water. While there are intakes that
have a specific purpose, so it is almost always the intakes have, albeit to a small extent,
some other use. In Peru there are numerous intakes to meet the purposes mentioned
above. The water supply to the population is the first need for water to be covered. The
use of surface waters, especially those of a river, is one of the oldest forms of water use.
The headworks to supply population may be very small, with a rate of uptake of only a few
liters per second, or very large like La Atarjea, which supplies several million inhabitants of
Greater Lima. This intake, whose dominant feature is the population supply, also serves to
satisfy some industrial needs located in the urban area. Whatever its size making these
works are of great importance and enormous social content, as the water supply
population is irreplaceable.
If we were talking about the traditional priorities in water use we would have to then supply
the population is irrigation. In Peru, where there are significant arid and semi-arid zones
dependence on irrigation is very large. With no useful rain, surface water use has been
since essential for the life and development of human activities ancient times. The
Peruvian coast with its 800 000 hectares cultivated is a huge irrigation project, which could
not exist without the presence of hundreds of intakes.
Headworks also has the function of which is to capture surface water for driving a
hydroelectric plant. Thus, in the Mantaro river you have a collection of 90 m 3 / s for power




generation. Many industries and mines have their own water intakes. As Peru advantage
from a small percentage of its huge hydroelectric potential, it is expected that in the future
the respective waterworks are increased for greater achievement.
There are also the intakes associated with a multi-purpose project, such as the
CHAVIMOCHIC project on the Santa River, whose aims are irrigation, power generation
and supply population.


In large hydroelectric facilities the cost of the intake represents only a very small
percentage of the total project cost. The practical consequence of this is that you should
not spare any effort or attempt to obtain an "economic structure", but must seek the
maximum safety. For the study of a water intake it is necessary to note that a river carries
the following:
a) Water from precipitation that occurs in the basin
b) Solid, also called sediment from erosion of the watershed
c) Ice, in places there, and
d) Foreign bodies such as trees, plants, trash and debris.
The first three mentioned aspects are the natural functions of a river. The transport of
foreign bodies is an unnatural function, but which unfortunately is very common among us.
Overall, the design and operation of a water intake in many of the rivers in the Peruvian
coast presents special problems due to, among others, the following four circumstances:
a) instability and erratic river discharges
b) Insufficient water information
c) Large solid foreign bodies and transport
d) Eventual emergence of the phenomenon of El Nio (FEN).
The following comments on these four issues is offered. For a work to be structurally
stable bypass prerequisite it is that the river section in which it is located is. From here the
frequent need for channeling works associated with the intake. During the great avenues
often it happens that the rivers overflow, no change of course, the appearance of arms and
other signs of instability own young river rivers. Sometimes occur that one of the
phenomena marked the intake remains "dry" occurs, it is mocked and certainly out of




service but without damage. Consequently, as part of an intake study is usually done a
careful study of river hydraulics on the compromised section.
Another serious problem that occurs frequently in the design of an intake originates in the
presence of extreme hydrological events: sometimes wide avenues and sometimes severe
shortage of water. Large avenues create a series of hydraulic and structural problems that
need to be properly evaluated. Some basins have particular phenomena that can not be
ignored. A good example of this is the Santa River basin where the occurrence of floods
and the special characteristics of the basin geodynamics determine that a society built on
the river bed structure is very vulnerable to events whose frequency and magnitude can
not be calculated. In these cases the worst for the intake event is not necessarily
calculated with a return period of large avenue.
The water shortage also creates problems, because in these opportunities should capture
much, or all, of the water present in the main course, which can be inconvenient. On the
other hand, we know that to make a design with high probability of success should be
taken, among other information, a comprehensive and reliable data recording field. Too
often in our projects hydrologic information is scarce and of poor reliability. It usually has a
very short time series, giving uncertainty in the calculation of the great avenues and,
therefore, in calculating the return period of the design flood.
Usually rivers carry large quantities of solid, either as background or suspension. During
floods these amounts are increased greatly and constitute a series difficulty for the design
and operation of water intakes in the water to be captured with the least possible amount
of solids. The study of sediment transport and ways of removing solids uptake are
important aspects of the design of an intake. There are also many projects in which the
presence of foreign bodies such as trash and debris, causing a large damage deposits.
The management of solid is important in designing a matter intake. In general, the intake
should be designed so that the system does not enter the larger solids. Will inevitably
enter the fine. For disposal is provided below of a sand intake. That's why the intake
system-desarenador sedimentolgicamente should study as a unit.
The El Nio Phenomenon (FEN) is a natural phenomenon that is for the engineering,
economics and human activities in general, eventually strong, transient modification and
sometimes disastrous, the prevailing climate in a major part of the planet. The intakes of
the Peruvian coast have suffered in greater or lesser degree the impact of El Nio. Some
were destroyed, others have suffered heavy damage and have left service, and many of
them have needed major repairs. The result of the failure of an intake affects the whole
project dependent on it, with the attendant costs of reconstruction or rehabilitation of the
structure and caused by the outage. Often the outage has not only economic but social
consequences, as the lack of water is deadly to living things. Therefore, the relationship
between El Nio and the intakes is a real problem of civil engineering that requires special
attention. After more knowledge you now have about the FEN is clear that its effects can
not be disregarded in the design of a piece of important diversion. The very rapid mention




of the above four points gives an idea of the wealth and diversity of problems to address
and resolve to design an intake.


Numerous problems encountered in the planning of the headworks, mainly due to the
structure and nature interaction. Planning is the step prior to the design. Proper planning is
critical to project success. It is difficult to establish a methodology of planning; however, it
presents a number of issues that need to be considered. The issues must be addressed
through a process of successive approximations. The order in which they are presented
below is determined only by exposure own reasons. Their number may be significantly
higher. As a way of introduction to the theme of planning an intake is considered the seven
themes of these tests:
a) Hydrological behavior
b) Aspects of river hydraulics
c) Solid Transportation
d) Select the type of jack
e) Micro localization of the intake
f) The intake geometry, and
g) Special conditions for operation and maintenance

Hydrology is the indispensable basis of information for the project. Hydrological study
objectives are:
a) To know that in the river will have the required amount of water is required to
ensure the service.
b) Know the major avenues for calculating the design flood and thereby ensure the
stability of the structure.
Fluvial hydraulics study offers insight into the characteristics of the river, which are varied,
its stability, and the works that are necessary to maintain it. Solid Transportation study
serves to meet the quantity and quality of the sediment carried by the current, as well as
background material and suspension. It should be recalled that the river transport is a solid
demonstration and depends on the characteristics of the river basin. Without a clear
understanding of the behavior and solid fluvial transport it is not possible to design a water




inlet. Knowledge of solid transport variability of the quantities involved and the grain size
are valuable tools for design. The selection of the type of work has to be taken from the
fact that there are different types of intakes. Each of them has been developed for certain
characteristics rivers. In this issue consideration of the theoretical foundations and local
experience they prove to be irreplaceable. After determining the height of derivation in
which the intake, depending on the needs of the service, we proceed to the
microlocalization be built. Is this a problem in the Fluvial Hydraulics playing an outstanding
experience and theoretical knowledge of the design engineer role. Two nearby river
sections can lead to making structures very different sedimentological behavior. For
example, in a section in the outer margin curve it is generally an area prone to erosion.
There should be sought more convenient to locate takes place.
The geometry of the work, that is, the arrangement of the elements is the design itself. You
must determine the height of the diversion dam, the lengths of the vertedoras and fixed
parts, the pickup angle, the guide walls and all the constituent elements of the work. In all
this plays a very important role in hydraulic model study, which has the huge advantage of
being a three-dimensional representation of the structures and phenomena. Each intake
has particular operating conditions and maintenance must be taken into account in the
design. The concept of operation is inseparable design. Each intake has a set of operating
rules which can be reached through a process of successive approximations.


Several general design conditions to be met by an intake, whatever their type or

characteristics. Among the main ones are the following:
a) Ensure the permanent shunt design flow and lower flow rates that are required.
In some cases a temporary interruption of service is supported.
b) Provide a system to let the Avenue of Design, which has high solids and floating
material. In areas subject to the phenomenon of El Nio is best to use a design
c) To receive the minimum solid and appropriate facilities for disposal. Often this is
the key to efficient design.
d) Be located in a place that present favorable conditions from the point of view of
structural and constructive.
e) Keep sufficient downstream transmission capacity to prevent sedimentation.
f) Have a reasonable cost





In the design of an intake it is required to use full knowledge of the civil engineer. The five
phases corresponding to an intake are:

a) Planning

d) Operation

b) Design

e) Maintenance.

c) Construction

They use almost every aspect of civil engineering is required, as is demonstrated below.
There are several sources of knowledge we have to design an intake. First are the
theoretical considerations presented in textbooks, specialized articles and various
publications and research. All this material is obtained fundamental theoretical basis,
which should be complemented with the other two points outlined below. Research on
hydraulic modeling is a valuable tool for improving designs and is the second source of
knowledge. In Peru are being carried out in model studies at the National Hydraulics
Laboratory since 1964. The third source is given by experience and observation of the
functioning of structures in operation in various parts and circumstances. Within this
source of knowledge is the failure analysis, which is a valuable learning method.
Numerous aspects of general engineering and civil engineering in particular involved in the
design of an intake. Virtually it should be used to the fullest almost all fields of civil
engineering. But also involves other aspects of engineering. Without intending to be limited
to the relationship shown below a list of the principal related to the design of an intake
issues. They are:

a) Study of the
b) Topography
c) Meteorology
d) Hydrology

e) Sediment Transport

j) Seismicity

f) Fluvial Hydraulics

k) Building Materials

g) Geology

l) Hydraulic Design

h) Geodynamics

m) Structural Design

i) Geotechnics




n) Design

p) Hydraulic Models
q) Costs and Budgets

o) Construction


r) Economic and
Financial Analysis
s) Environmental
Impact Study

Unresolved aspects of planning and design through to the construction. This is a typical
field of action and unique civil engineer. The construction of a major water intake is difficult
and requires a lot of experience not only in construction processes, but also in the
management of the river during construction. For the construction it is necessary to use
low water levels of the river. And downstream cofferdams upstream and diversion structure
is constructed to isolate the work area.


Of the many problems that have to face three intakes that are significantly exacerbated
during the El Nio, especially when you Meganio and features that are associated with:
a) The river precarious stability,
b) The extraordinary floods, and
c) Large solid shock.
In the last five centuries ten Meganios have occurred with a mean interval of 47 years
and in the last 112 years there have been four Meganios with an average interval of 36
years. This fully justifies today and regional and national importance of studying the impact
of El Nio and how to mitigate its negative effects. Discharges from coastal rivers are
highly variable in time. There is a very marked seasonal variation and variations, also very
strong and highly irregular from one year to another. As a result of climate change
characteristic of FEN and increased rainfall, unusually increase river discharges. The great
avenues are thus produced. This contrasts with what usually happens, especially in the
Peruvian coast, where the avenues are brief. Precisely one of the definitions of an avenue
is "fast and usually brief elevation river flow." An avenue can be measured by the
maximum level reached by water, by the maximum instantaneous discharge or
downloaded by volume. But floods that occur during El Nio is characterized by not being
short, ie, they have a long duration. Therefore, in addition to very high instantaneous
values achieved, it has an extremely important and damaging dispensed volume. Thus it
has been the need to consider a design hydrograph rather than a point value.
Extraordinary downloads are accompanied by large amounts of solids and
fluviomorphological frequently cause disturbances such as erosion and sedimentation, and
produce various manifestations of river dynamics, as forming arms or route changes.
During the FEN also occur unusual broken downloads wrongly considered dry and
eventually the formation of landslides and various external geodynamic phenomena that
may threaten the intake.
The persistence of high flow and insufficient consideration in the design often leads to the
failure of many hydraulic structures. During El Nio the intakes are subjected to the action
of strong and long-term avenues and also have a high solids content. At times it happens
that the large solid and liquid discharges cause significant damage to the structures of the
same erosion (abrasion). Although rivers steep and high volume solids significant size

structures protected with suitable coatings, there is always the possibility, as indeed
happened, wear structural, such as pillars, walls and flooring elements. Sometimes
erosion has been so intense that committed the foundation and stability of the entire
At other times it has happened that due to the great shock, especially because of its long
duration, widespread erosion (degradation) occurs in the waters under the mattress
riverbed energy sink diversion dam. This degradation results in that the water levels are
down lower than assumed in the design and, therefore, the hydraulic jump is not formed
inside of the pool as planned. The result is the destruction of the screed energy dissipating
pool, and the riverbed located immediately downstream, and the endangerment of the
entire structure.
Often it happens that the large number and size of solids, plus strangers in water bodies
as a result give the appearance of significant damage to doors, gates and other elements.
Finally, it may happen that the damage is so many, so important and so diverse origins
bring results in the total destruction of the structure or putting out of commission for quite a
long time. This rapid count failures occurring in diversion dams invites us to think about the
importance of design and the measures to be taken to prevent or reduce damage.

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