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Simple Things Blog (Diego Nieva)

Simple Health Check in Celerra

Posted by Diego Nievas in Simple Things Blog (Diego Nieva) on Jan 21, 2011 9:06:10 AM


from the normal GUI check we always perform, there are some other tools you can use (most of them
via CLI) to perform quite detailed health check for, say, a daily report.


you are commited to have you equipment check every day, or week, or even month; you may encounter not only errors but

also warnings in the GUI that can be tricky to decypher with only "at a glance" view in Celerra Manager page.
First of all, you need to make sure you have access via SSH (as a default feature in every NS/NX box). Below you'll find some
usefull commands you can run once you are in.
I always like to start by running some routine check of normal components:

With this command we will list the main attibutes of our box and make sure they are all ok:

[nasadmin@Cxxxxxxxxx ~]$ /nas/tools/nas_summary

nas_summary v2.1
Collecting Replication info...Please Wait
System type: NS40G (Gateway)
Version: 5.6.46-4
Number of data movers: 2 VDMs: 0
server_2: NS40 State:5 Primary
server_3: NS40 State:5 (Standby)
Number of arrays: 1
APM000806XXXXX: Clariion CX3-40f
SPA: Flare 26 Read Cache: 1421 Write Cache: 1595 OPERATIONAL
SPB: Flare 26 Read Cache: 1421 Write Cache: 1595 OPERATIONAL
Filesystems: UXFS:0 Checkpoint:0 Total:22
Number of disk vols (LUNs): 8
Replication mode: RepV2 Replication license not enabled
# of Interconnects: 1 Remote Celerras: 0
Features in use: CIFS: False iSCSI: False NFS: False
Rep: False SRDF: False DHSM: False
DBCHK State: No errors found

Now, to see how failover is working:

[nasadmin@xxxxxxxxx ~]$ /nas/sbin/getreason

10 - slot_0 primary control station
5 - slot_2 contacted
5 - slot_3 contacted

This tell us that all movers are working properly and that the control station is up and running.
Now, to have an overall status check, we should run a nas_checkup to make sure everything on the NAS perspective is going ok,
so we do:

[nasadmin@Cxxxxxxxxx ~]$ nas_checkup

Check Version:
Check Command: /nas/bin/nas_checkup
Check Log : /nas/log/checkup-run.110121-132854.log
-------------------------------------Checks------------------------------------Control Station: Checking if file system usage is under limit.............. Pass
Control Station: Checking if NAS Storage API is installed correctly........ Pass
Control Station: Checking if NBS clients are started....................... Pass
Control Station: Checking if NBS configuration exists...................... Pass
Control Station: Checking if NBS devices are accessible.................... Pass
Control Station: Checking if NBS service is started........................ Pass
Control Station: Checking if standby is up................................. N/A
Control Station: Checking if NAS Storage APIs match........................ N/A
Control Station: Checking if Symapi data is present........................ Pass
Control Station: Checking if Symapi is synced with Storage System.......... Pass
Control Station: Checking integrity of NASDB............................... Pass
Control Station: Checking if primary is active............................. Pass
Control Station: Checking all callhome files delivered..................... Pass
Control Station: Checking resolv conf...................................... Pass
Control Station: Checking if NAS partitions are mounted.................... Pass
Control Station: Checking ipmi connection.................................. Pass
Control Station: Checking nas site eventlog configuration.................. Pass
Control Station: Checking nas sys mcd configuration........................ Pass
Control Station: Checking nas sys eventlog configuration................... Pass
Control Station: Checking logical volume status............................ Pass
Control Station: Checking valid nasdb backup files......................... Pass
Control Station: Checking root disk reserved region........................ Pass
Control Station: Checking if RDF configuration is valid.................... N/A
Control Station: Checking if fstab contains duplicate entries.............. Pass
Control Station: Checking if sufficient swap memory available.............. Pass
Data Movers : Checking boot files....................................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking if primary is active............................. Pass
Data Movers : Checking if root filesystem is too large.................. Pass
Data Movers : Checking if root filesystem has enough free space......... Pass
Data Movers : Checking if using standard DART image..................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking network connectivity............................. Pass
Data Movers : Checking status........................................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking dart release compatibility....................... Info
Data Movers : Checking dart version compatibility....................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking server name...................................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking unique id........................................ Pass
Data Movers : Checking CIFS file server configuration................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking domain controller connectivity and configuration. Pass
Data Movers : Checking DNS connectivity and configuration............... Warn
Data Movers : Checking connectivity to WINS servers..................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking connectivity to NTP servers...................... Warn
Data Movers : Checking connectivity to NIS servers...................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking virus checker server configuration............... Pass
Data Movers : Checking if workpart is OK................................ Pass
Data Movers : Checking if free full dump is available................... Pass
Data Movers : Checking if each primary data mover has standby........... Pass
Data Movers : Checking if Data Mover parameters use EMC default values.. Info
Data Movers : Checking VDM root filesystem space usage.................. N/A
Data Movers : Checking if file system usage is under limit.............. Pass
Data Movers : Checking the integrity of Data Mover XLT files............ Pass
Storage System : Checking disk emulation type.............................. Pass
Storage System : Checking disk high availability access.................... Pass
Storage System : Checking disks read cache enabled......................... Pass
Storage System : Checking disks and storage processors write cache enabled. Pass
Storage System : Checking if access logix is enabled....................... Pass
Storage System : Checking if FLARE is committed............................ Pass
Storage System : Checking if FLARE is supported............................ Pass
Storage System : Checking array model...................................... Pass
Storage System : Checking if microcode is supported........................ N/A
Storage System : Checking no disks or storage processors are failed over... Pass

Storage System : Checking that no disks or storage processors are faulted.. Pass
Storage System : Checking that no hot spares are in use.................... Pass
Storage System : Checking that no hot spares are rebuilding................ Pass
Storage System : Checking minimum control lun size......................... Pass
Storage System : Checking maximum control lun size......................... Pass
Storage System : Checking system lun configuration......................... Pass
Storage System : Checking if storage processors are read cache enabled..... Pass
Storage System : Checking if auto assign are disabled for all luns......... Pass
Storage System : Checking if auto trespass are disabled for all luns....... Pass
Storage System : Checking storage processor connectivity................... Pass
Storage System : Checking control lun ownership............................ Pass
Storage System : Checking for unsupported storage profile.................. Pass
Storage System : Checking if Fibre Channel zone checker is set up.......... Info
Storage System : Checking if Fibre Channel zoning is OK.................... N/A
Storage System : Checking if proxy arp is setup............................ N/A
Storage System : Checking SPA SPB communication............................ N/A
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------One or more warnings are shown below. It is recommended that you follow the
instructions below to correct the problem then try again.
-----------------------------------Information---------------------------------Data Movers: Check dart release compatibility
Symptom: The Data Movers are running an official patch (server_2:
release =, server_3: release = for this release
(Control Station release = 5.6.46-4). This is for your information
only and no action needs to be taken.
Data Movers: Check if Data Mover parameters use EMC default values
Symptom: The following parameters do not use the EMC default values:
* Mover_name Facility_name Parameter_name Current_value Default_value
* server_2 ufs cgHighWaterMark 0x00010000 0x00000000
* This check is for your information only. It is OK to use parameter
values other than the EMC default values.
* EMC provides guidelines for setting parameter values in the "Celerra
Network Server Parameters Guide" (P/N 300-002-691) that can be found
* If you need to change the parameter back to the default, run the
following command: "/nas/bin/server_param <mover_name> -facility
<facility_name> -modify <parameter_name> -value <default_value>"
* To display the current value and default value of a parameter, run
the following command: "/nas/bin/server_param <mover_name> -facility
<facility_name> -info <parameter_name>"
Storage System: Check if Fibre Channel zone checker is set up
Symptom: You have not set up the Fibre Channel switch information
for this check, and therefore zoning cannot be checked. To learn
how to set up this information, search the Knowledgebase on
Powerlink as follows:
1. Log in to and go to Support >
Knowledgebase Search > Support Solutions Search.
2. Use ID emc195237 to search.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Warnings-----------------------------------Data Movers: Check DNS connectivity and configuration
* server_2: The DNS service is currently stopped and does not contact
any DNS server. The CIFS clients may not be able to access the Data
Mover on the network.
Action : Start the DNS service on the Data Mover, using the
'server_dns' command.
Data Movers: Check connectivity to NTP servers
* server_2: The Network Time Protocol subsystem (NTP) has been stopped
or is not connected to its server. It may cause potential errors
during Kerberos authentication (timeskew).
Action : If the NTP service is not running, start it using the
server_date command. If it is not connected, check the IP address of
the NTP server and make sure the NTP service is up and running on the
server. If needed, add another NTP server in the configuration of the
Data Mover. Use the server_date command to manage the NTP service and
the parameters on the Data Mover.

So, as you can see it's a pretty detailed view of what kind of things you may encounter in your way to a fully health box.

N/A values are normal in some cases, (i.e. if your box does not have RDF configured, much probably you'll see that value under
"Checking if RDF configuration is valid"
Warn Values are the ones you need to pay attention to. In this example case, we can see two of them, one for DNS connectivity
and other for NTP servers; NTP warnings can come not only when the time differs from the box and the NTP server, but also
when only one NTP server is configured; EMC best practices recomend for at least two of them to be configured and, of course
that timeskew needs to be less than 5 minutes for kerberos. Same thing can happen with DNS, even though in this case the
service is stopped and that's why we see that error.

Now that NAS perspective has been checked; we need to see how is the server (data movers) side of the story; then, we run:

[nasadmin@xxxxxxxx ~]$ server_checkup ALL

server_2 :

------------------------------------Checks-------------------------------------Component REPV2 :
F_RDE_CHEC: Checking the F-RDE compatibility of Repv2 sessions............. Pass
Component HTTPS :
HTTP : Checking the configuration of HTTP applications................ Pass
SSL : Checking the configuration of SSL applications................. Pass
Component CIFS :
ACL : Checking the number of ACLs per file system....................*Pass
Connection: Checking the load of CIFS TCP connections...................... Pass
Credential: Checking the validity of credentials........................... Pass
DC : Checking the connectivity and configuration of Domain Controlle*Fail
DFS : Checking the DFS configuration files and DFS registry.......... Pass
DNS : Checking the DNS configuration and connectivity to DNS servers. Fail
EventLog : Checking the configuration of Windows Event Logs............... Fail
FS_Type : Checking if all file systems are in the DIR3 format............ Pass
GPO : Checking the GPO configuration................................. Fail
HomeDir : Checking the configuration of home directory shares............ Fail
I18N : Checking the I18N mode and the Unicode/UTF8 translation tables. Pass
Kerberos : Checking password updates for Kerberos......................... Pass
LDAP : Checking the LDAP configuration................................ Pass
LocalGrp : Checking the database configuration of local groups............ Pass
NIS : Checking the connectivity to the NIS servers................... Pass
NS : Checking the naming services configuration..................... Pass
NTP : Checking the connectivity to the NTP servers................... Fail
Ntxmap : Checking the ntxmap configuration file......................... Pass
Secmap : Checking the SECMAP database................................... Pass
Security : Checking the CIFS security settings............................ Pass
Server : Checking the CIFS file servers configuration................... Pass
Share : Checking the network shares database........................... Pass
SmbList : Checking the range availability of SMB IDs.....................*Pass
Threads : Checking for CIFS blocked threads.............................. Pass
UM_Client : Checking the connectivity to usermapper servers................ Pass
UM_Server : Checking the usermapper server database........................*Pass
UnsupOS : Checking for unsupported client network operating systems...... Pass
UnsupProto: Checking for unsupported client network protocols.............. Pass
VC : Checking the configuration of Virus Checker servers............ Pass
WINS : Checking the connectivity to WINS servers...................... Pass
Component FTPDS :
FS_Type : Checking if all file systems are in the DIR3 format............ Pass
FTPD : Checking the configuration of FTPD............................. Fail
NIS : Checking the connectivity to the NIS servers................... Pass
NS : Checking the naming services configuration..................... Pass
NTP : Checking the connectivity to the NTP servers................... Fail
SSL : Checking the configuration of SSL applications................. Pass

NB: a result with a '*' means that some tests were not executed. use -full to run them

------------------------------CIFS : DC Warnings-------------------------------Warning 17455906883: server_2 : The compname 'hotxpmdat01' received a status error ('There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request') concerning the
trusted domain '' from DC 'PRVPHOTDC01'. Users from this domain might not be able to logon the CIFS server.
--> Try to access DC using a user from the faulted trusted domain, then run the 'server_cifssupport -pingdc' command to see if DC still reports the same problem. Check DC is a valid
Microsoft Domain Controller. Check domain or Domain Controller access policies.
Warning 17455906883: server_2 : The compname 'hotimgpdat01' received a status error ('There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request') concerning the
trusted domain '' from DC 'PRVPHOTDC02'. Users from this domain might not be able to logon the CIFS server.
--> Try to access DC using a user from the faulted trusted domain, then run the 'server_cifssupport -pingdc' command to see if DC still reports the same problem. Check DC is a valid
Microsoft Domain Controller. Check domain or Domain Controller access policies.
Warning 17455906883: server_2 : The compname 'rf_test_src' received a status error ('There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request') concerning the trusted
domain '' from DC 'PRVPHOTDC01'. Users from this domain might not be able to logon the CIFS server.
--> Try to access DC using a user from the faulted trusted domain, then run the 'server_cifssupport -pingdc' command to see if DC still reports the same problem. Check DC is a valid
Microsoft Domain Controller. Check domain or Domain Controller access policies.
-----------------------------CIFS : DNS Warnings-------------------------------Warning 17456037931: server_2 : The DNS domain '' is defined with only one DNS server. High availability is compromised.
--> Add another DNS server using the 'server_dns' command. The recommendation is to configure DNS with DNS servers accessible from different subnets.
Warning 17456037931: server_2 : The DNS domain '' is defined with only one DNS server. High availability is compromised.
--> Add another DNS server using the 'server_dns' command. The recommendation is to configure DNS with DNS servers accessible from different subnets.
---------------------------CIFS : EventLog Warnings----------------------------Warning 17456169069: server_2 : Hotxpm: The application event log file of the Data Mover (or VDM) is located on the root File System and its new maximun size is greater than 512 KB,
which is not allowed for safety reasons. The maximum size value can be defined by the GPO settings of the domain.
--> Option 1:
1. On the Windows domain controller, run the GPO manager (Domain Security Policy) and open the settings of the event logs. Reduce the maximum log size to less than 512 KB.
2. On the Control Station, run the server_security command to update the GPO settings of the Data Mover.
3. Start the Microsoft event viewer from a Windows host. Connect to a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM) and clear the logs to accept the new value.
Option 2:
1. On the Windows host, start 'regedit.exe', connect to the registry of a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM), and open the key
2. Update the file name of this event log by using another user File System.
Your service provider recommends the second option.
Warning 17456169069: server_2 : Hotxpm: The security event log file of the Data Mover (or VDM) is located on the root File System and its new maximun size is greater than 512 KB,
which is not allowed for safety reasons. The maximum size value can be defined by the GPO settings of the domain.
--> Option 1:
1. On the Windows domain controller, run the GPO manager (Domain Security Policy) and open the settings of the event logs. Reduce the maximum log size to less than 512 KB.
2. On the Control Station, run the server_security command to update the GPO settings of the Data Mover.
3. Start the Microsoft event viewer from a Windows host. Connect to a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM) and clear the logs to accept the new value.
Option 2:
1. On the Windows host, start 'regedit.exe', connect to the registry of a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM), and open the key
2. Update the file name of this event log by using another user File System.
Your service provider recommends the second option.
Warning 17456169069: server_2 : Hotxpm: The system event log file of the Data Mover (or VDM) is located on the root File System and its new maximun size is greater than 512 KB,
which is not allowed for safety reasons. The maximum size value can be defined by the GPO settings of the domain.
--> Option 1:
1. On the Windows domain controller, run the GPO manager (Domain Security Policy) and open the settings of the event logs. Reduce the maximum log size to less than 512 KB.
2. On the Control Station, run the server_security command to update the GPO settings of the Data Mover.
3. Start the Microsoft event viewer from a Windows host. Connect to a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM) and clear the logs to accept the new value.
Option 2:
1. On the Windows host, start 'regedit.exe', connect to the registry of a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM), and open the key
2. Update the file name of this event log by using another user File System.
Your service provider recommends the second option.
Warning 17456169069: server_2 : Hotimgp: The application event log file of the Data Mover (or VDM) is located on the root File System and its new maximun size is greater than 512 KB,
which is not allowed for safety reasons. The maximum size value can be defined by the GPO settings of the domain.
--> Option 1:
1. On the Windows domain controller, run the GPO manager (Domain Security Policy) and open the settings of the event logs. Reduce the maximum log size to less than 512 KB.
2. On the Control Station, run the server_security command to update the GPO settings of the Data Mover.

3. Start the Microsoft event viewer from a Windows host. Connect to a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM) and clear the logs to accept the new value.
Option 2:
1. On the Windows host, start 'regedit.exe', connect to the registry of a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM), and open the key
2. Update the file name of this event log by using another user File System.
Your service provider recommends the second option.
Warning 17456169069: server_2 : Hotimgp: The security event log file of the Data Mover (or VDM) is located on the root File System and its new maximun size is greater than 512 KB,
which is not allowed for safety reasons. The maximum size value can be defined by the GPO settings of the domain.
--> Option 1:
1. On the Windows domain controller, run the GPO manager (Domain Security Policy) and open the settings of the event logs. Reduce the maximum log size to less than 512 KB.
2. On the Control Station, run the server_security command to update the GPO settings of the Data Mover.
3. Start the Microsoft event viewer from a Windows host. Connect to a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM) and clear the logs to accept the new value.
Option 2:
1. On the Windows host, start 'regedit.exe', connect to the registry of a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM), and open the key
2. Update the file name of this event log by using another user File System.
Your service provider recommends the second option.
Warning 17456169069: server_2 : Hotimgp: The system event log file of the Data Mover (or VDM) is located on the root File System and its new maximun size is greater than 512 KB,
which is not allowed for safety reasons. The maximum size value can be defined by the GPO settings of the domain.
--> Option 1:
1. On the Windows domain controller, run the GPO manager (Domain Security Policy) and open the settings of the event logs. Reduce the maximum log size to less than 512 KB.
2. On the Control Station, run the server_security command to update the GPO settings of the Data Mover.
3. Start the Microsoft event viewer from a Windows host. Connect to a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM) and clear the logs to accept the new value.
Option 2:
1. On the Windows host, start 'regedit.exe', connect to the registry of a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM), and open the key
2. Update the file name of this event log by using another user File System.
Your service provider recommends the second option.
Warning 17456169069: server_2 : rf_test: The application event log file of the Data Mover (or VDM) is located on the root File System and its new maximun size is greater than 512 KB,
which is not allowed for safety reasons. The maximum size value can be defined by the GPO settings of the domain.
--> Option 1:
1. On the Windows domain controller, run the GPO manager (Domain Security Policy) and open the settings of the event logs. Reduce the maximum log size to less than 512 KB.
2. On the Control Station, run the server_security command to update the GPO settings of the Data Mover.
3. Start the Microsoft event viewer from a Windows host. Connect to a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM) and clear the logs to accept the new value.
Option 2:
1. On the Windows host, start 'regedit.exe', connect to the registry of a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM), and open the key
2. Update the file name of this event log by using another user File System.
Your service provider recommends the second option.
Warning 17456169069: server_2 : rf_test: The security event log file of the Data Mover (or VDM) is located on the root File System and its new maximun size is greater than 512 KB, which
is not allowed for safety reasons. The maximum size value can be defined by the GPO settings of the domain.
--> Option 1:
1. On the Windows domain controller, run the GPO manager (Domain Security Policy) and open the settings of the event logs. Reduce the maximum log size to less than 512 KB.
2. On the Control Station, run the server_security command to update the GPO settings of the Data Mover.
3. Start the Microsoft event viewer from a Windows host. Connect to a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM) and clear the logs to accept the new value.
Option 2:
1. On the Windows host, start 'regedit.exe', connect to the registry of a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM), and open the key
2. Update the file name of this event log by using another user File System.
Your service provider recommends the second option.
Warning 17456169069: server_2 : rf_test: The system event log file of the Data Mover (or VDM) is located on the root File System and its new maximun size is greater than 512 KB, which
is not allowed for safety reasons. The maximum size value can be defined by the GPO settings of the domain.
--> Option 1:
1. On the Windows domain controller, run the GPO manager (Domain Security Policy) and open the settings of the event logs. Reduce the maximum log size to less than 512 KB.
2. On the Control Station, run the server_security command to update the GPO settings of the Data Mover.
3. Start the Microsoft event viewer from a Windows host. Connect to a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM) and clear the logs to accept the new value.
Option 2:
1. On the Windows host, start 'regedit.exe', connect to the registry of a CIFS server of this Data Mover (or VDM), and open the key
2. Update the file name of this event log by using another user File System.
Your service provider recommends the second option.
-----------------------------CIFS : GPO Warnings-------------------------------Warning 17456169033: server_2 : The GPO parameters of server 'HOTIMGPDAT01' have not been updated. The update period is not applied. This is important as you run the risk of
missing important security settings applied at OU or Domain level by your administrator.
--> If necessary, run the server_security command to manually update the GPO settings for the server, then look in the Data Mover logs to determine (based on error messages) why the
GPO updates fail.

Warning 17456169033: server_2 : The GPO parameters of server 'HOTXPMDAT01' have not been updated. The update period is not applied. This is important as you run the risk of
missing important security settings applied at OU or Domain level by your administrator.
--> If necessary, run the server_security command to manually update the GPO settings for the server, then look in the Data Mover logs to determine (based on error messages) why the
GPO updates fail.
Warning 17456169033: server_2 : The GPO parameters of server 'RF_TEST_SRC' have not been updated. The update period is not applied. This is important as you run the risk of missing
important security settings applied at OU or Domain level by your administrator.
--> If necessary, run the server_security command to manually update the GPO settings for the server, then look in the Data Mover logs to determine (based on error messages) why the
GPO updates fail.
---------------------------CIFS : HomeDir Warnings-----------------------------Warning 17451974686: server_2 : Hotxpm: The home directory configuration file exists, but the feature is disabled. It means that the HOME shares are not accessible. Ensure that this
feature is no longer needed.
--> Enable the home directory by using the server_cifs command. Celerra Network Server Command Reference Manual provides more information.
-----------------------------CIFS : NTP Warnings-------------------------------Warning 17456169046: server_2 : Only one NTP server is configured. It is recommended to define at least two different NTP servers for a high availability. If the clock of the Data Mover
is not correct, potential errors during Kerberos authentication may happen (timeskew).
--> Use the server_date command to define another NTP server on the Data Mover. Read the man pages for details and examples.
-----------------------------FTPDS : NTP Warnings------------------------------Warning 17456169046: server_2 : Only one NTP server is configured. It is recommended to define at least two different NTP servers for a high availability. If the clock of the Data Mover
is not correct, potential errors during Kerberos authentication may happen (timeskew).
--> Use the server_date command to define another NTP server on the Data Mover. Read the man pages for details and examples.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CIFS : DNS Errors--------------------------------Error 13161070628: server_2 : The DNS server '' of the domain '' is not accessible on the network. The status is: no answer from The CIFS
clients may not be able to access the Data Mover. The list of Domain Controllers that Celerra can access could also not be completed. This could compromise the authentication process
in Celerra.
--> Check if the DNS server is online, the Data Mover routing tables are well configured (use the server_route command), the network is not down and all the network cables are plugged.
----------------------------CIFS : HomeDir Errors------------------------------Error 13157007583: server_2 : Hotxpm: The /.etc/homedir configuration file is empty. So the share cannot be mounted.
--> Make sure that the homedir file on the Data Mover contains valid directives. Use a text editor to update it and copy it to the Data Mover. Use the 'server_file' command or the Celerra
-----------------------------FTPDS : FTPD Errors-------------------------------Error 13156876314: server_2 : The persona 'default' contains nor certificate neither private keys sets. So, this persona can not be used by a SSL feature on the Data Mover.
--> Run the server_certificate command to generate a new key set and certificate for this persona.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total : 3 errors, 20 warnings
server_3 :
Error 4010: server_3 : tests can't be run, server_3 is a standby server

Remeber that, if you have only two heads in the datamover one of them will be standby, therefore you'll get a message stating
that server_checkup can't be ran in a standby server.
Many errors and warnings up there, take you time to take a look at them and, if any of them is strange for you can always create a
case with EMC Support for them to take a look at it, they'll always help you, very nicely

There's plenty of other commands to use and usefull tools to gather info in case of an outage/problem, but that's for a diff article.
I hope you find this helpful and suscribe to get more of my papers; next one, will be on how to delete volumes in a Celerra box.



Tags: celerra , health_check , nsx , ns480 , checkup , server_checkup , nas_checkup

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